MTL - Rebirth – City Cultivation-v2 Chapter 1137 A glimpse of the sky (the fifth)

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Just a simple blow, the invincible **** **** of the invincible will Yin Hai fall? Ampang Tianjun, Zhang's ancestors, etc. are all on the spot, they certainly do not believe that Yin Hai is so simple to die. The monks of Yuan Yingfeng have a lot of magical methods, how can they be easily killed. But it still vibrates for Chen Fan's means.

"what is that?"

"I didn't see it clearly. I only saw a touch of golden light in the vagueness. It seems to have a long dragonfly."

"This guy is a sacred soul, does not carry a magic weapon, how to release the dragon's long scorpion, is it a unique **** attacking spell? But this spell is too horrible, even the gods will not be able to hold Yin Hai. ”

Many foreign babies whisper.

The Promise of the Promise and the disciples saw it, and it was even more indignant. Even the ‘easy to do’ eyes were half-smooth, and the little man looked toward Chen Fan.

"Do you really dare to kill me? Not afraid of my Promise anger, blood wash the entire North Qiong faction?"

Yin Hai stood in the domain of God.

He is divided into two parts of the body, shrouded by the gods, violently bursting out of the silver awns, and then like two halves of mercury, gradually merged together, the body gradually overlaps, returning to a state of intact, but the forehead to the bridge of the nose That faint red mark still exists, and it shines with Jin Jinmang. Obviously, his 'Star Gold Spirit' can not recover even if it is a peak.

Yin Hai looked at Chen Fan with a faint chill, and even a trace of suspicion in his eyes.

He can feel the killing of Chen Fan's glimpse. If he is not physically strong, he will cultivate to the level of reincarnation, and he may be killed by Chen Fanyi. In the end, the Promise must be angered, blood washed the entire North Qiong faction and even the Earth. This consequence is serious, Yin Hai does not believe that Chen Fan did not expect.

At this moment, not only many smart people on the earth have changed.

Many outside the Yuan Ying are more open.

"Chen Tianjun stopped, and must not hurt Yin Haishen."

"It's not bad. Tianjun is not a big disaster. Yin Shen will be born from the noble and respected Promise. It is a famous god. If you kill him, the whole Beiqiong and the earth will suffer a major disaster."

"This disaster is extremely fierce, and it is very likely that it will be implicated in me, and Tianjun thinks twice."

Whether Ampang Tianjun, Zhang's ancestors, or Yalong Tianjun, etc., all righteous words, a pair of good looks for Chen Fan, shot blocked. Although Chen Fan is strong, but after all, it is only a soul and soul, and Yin Hai is a real God, and there is a Xinghai University.

"Step aside."

Chen Fan’s indifference sweeps through these extraterrestrial monks.

"Tianjun please listen to me, Yin Shen will come here, just want to ask Tianjun to go to the third hall to see the next, why both of them hurt and anger, it is better to look at the face of the old man, turn it into a jade." The sleeves are fluttering, the white hair is white, and the wind is floating like a fairy, and the face is kind.

Regardless of Jiang Churan or Axiu, it is extremely angry to see Amber’s appearance.

Chen Fan returned only one word:


The dragon-shaped dragonfly, covered in golden light, suddenly emerged from his eyes and was held in the palm of his hand by Chen Fan. Xiaoyuan Yuanying manipulated the long golden dragonfly of Zhang Zhang, like the **** of war, with Chen Fan sweeping.


Three or four blocked the former Yuan Yuanying, and they were swept into two by Chen Fanyi.

This eternal **** is Chen Fan's eternal swordsman who has been tempered for years. It is comparable to the top Tianbao, sharp to the extreme, and Chen Fan is only sweeping away, no one can stop it.

"A group of ants, dare to stop me?"

The first, second, third...

Even if the Yuan Yingqiang is strong, he can’t help Chen Fan’s blow.


Yalong Tianjun drove the purple day to hammer, and was smashed by Chen Fanyi. The fire ancestors were shrouded in a flame, and they hesitated, but Chen Fan had already smashed his head and smashed his head. Zhang's ancestors, etc., face the fear of the color of anger, Chen Fan has not let go, a shocking hand, such as the poison dragon, drilled easily through its body, and its Yuan Ying with the soul of the soul.

"Stop!" Yin Hai burst, his eyes cold to the extreme.

"You are also dead!"

Chen Fan simply walked away, and people merged into one, and turned into a golden long rainbow, which swept through the air and slammed into the battle of dozens of babies. The wind and thunder rushed to Yin Hai.


Regardless of how Yin Hai blocked it, he even sacrificed a long silver knife. It was the 'Wanwu Star Knife' that he had tempered together when he was refining his body. He was known as the top quality Tianbao, but under the Wanhua God, he was almost one. It is broken into two pieces.

"What kind of **** is this?" Yin Hai really had a horror and shouted.

Chen Fan was just a long-handed scorpion, and the dragon-shaped scorpion was in his palm, and it suddenly turned into a golden light beam that passed through the sky, and instantly penetrated the body of Yin Hai. Next, Yin Hai was boiled several times, and the silver-like starlight was surrounded by his body, and the horror of the gods shrouded. Again and again, he recovered from the starlight.

However, Chen Fan is like a dragon, and once he recovers, he breaks it once.

In the end, Yin Hai almost did not dare to reorganize the flesh and shouted: "Chen Beixuan, who are you? In the Middle East, it is impossible to be a strong person like you! It is even more impossible for Jindan to have such a level of genius."

"That's just that you haven't seen it." Chen Fan replied, and as soon as he pulled out, he split the entire Qianzhang domain into two halves. Yin Hai almost fell on the spot.

Yin Hai can't believe it: "Chen Beixuan, do you dare to kill me? You are not afraid of my Promise to pursue the end? The three halls can lead the army to station outside the heavens. If he comes, it will be that your ten North Xuan factions will be turned into powder."

"Three Highnesses? The third **** of the Promise? Oh, I have killed you a Promise of a Promise. I want to come and take over the dead, and then kill a Son of God and a God. I can’t think of anything." Any replied faintly.

"You killed the four halls?" Yin Hai finally changed his color and looked at Chen Fan with wide eyes. He couldn't believe what he said.

It is the billions of people on the earth, including many cultivators from Beiqiong. They were shocked when they heard Chen Fan’s words. Son of God! That is the most respected existence of Xinghai University, even far higher than God.

Chen Fan actually killed the Promise God.

This is the big news!

"More than the Promise of the Son of God. The six gods of the sun, the sacred religion, the early sacred gods, etc., are all in the hands of Chen Tianjun." Ling Yundao smiled bitterly.

Hearing this sentence, Yin Hai was completely stupid, and he looked at Chen Fan with a look of idiot madman. No one in this world dares to kill the Son of God, let alone kill six in one breath. This is to sin the six great immortals. Just thinking of those names, the beginning of the gods, the hollowing out of the sun, the sun god... Yin Hai numb the scalp, even he did not dare to offend.

"Haha, Chen Beixuan, you are dead. Even if you cultivate to be stronger, rely on the mountain to harden, but this universe, no one can save you. You will die!" Yin Hai laughed.

"Yes? Before that, you have to die first!"

Chen Fan stepped out and directly put Yin Hai on his feet. Although he was light and fluttering, he cast a heavy statue of this silver casting and stepped on the top of the cloud. Yin Hai only felt that the body was pressed down by Taishan, pressed step by step, and the complexion swelled into blue and purple. The whole human body was covered with spirits and seemed to be crushed into meatloaf.

"The Son of God saved me!" Yin Hai finally could not help but ask for mercy.

But still not waiting for the easy-to-dry son to lower his mouth and say a word, Chen Fan has pressed one foot and will Yin Hai deeply step into a meat sauce. With a bang, the flesh and blood explode, and the earth is shining with a touch of starlight. The bones, flesh and blood, and internal organs that bloom in white and silver are all blurred, like a star.

"Be bold, you dare to kill my Promise God!" The Son of God easily took a handrail, slowly got up, and looked through the distant void to see Chen Fan. "You said how can I concoct you? Killing God, blaspheming the Son of God, offending the six gods. Looking at the entire Xinghai, no one is so arrogant. I have to deal with the four divisions, I must kill you and avenge the four divisions."

It’s easy to say that although he is separated from Chen Fan by tens of kilometers, his voice is as if he is coming from Chen Fan’s ear.

Not only Chen Fan.

Everyone heard the voice of the entire Beiqiong Party within a hundred miles. This is the horror of the **** of the peak. When people are outside the sky, the voice has already spread to the earth.

"I don't just dare to kill God, but dare to kill you!"

Chen Fan replied faintly.

Then, when he was shocked, the whole person was stunned in the eyes of countless people in the earth, and they went along and turned into an incredible golden long rainbow, slamming through dozens of hundreds of miles of space, penetrating layers. Layer atmosphere, instantly killing the battlefield outside the sky. He showed the true meaning of the nine-year-old baby, like a baby shrouded in golden light. Control the soldiers and violently kill the Wuji Starship.


Just one face.

The Promise Star Boat was a big hole by Chen Fan, hundreds of Jindan monks, three yuan elders, and fell on the spot under Chen Fan’s attack.

"Immediately open the defensive circle, use the ninety-nine starry sky array, and immediately tear him into pieces." The elders screamed and screamed. However, Chen Fanren went with him and turned into a golden rainbow. He is out of the limits of the physical body, only the existence of the Yuan Ying in the whole body, and the control of the soldiers is not physical.

This can be described as 'the gods send swords', the speed is far faster than the average Feijian magic weapon does not know how many times.

The Starry Sky Array could not lock Chen Fan at all, and even Chen Fan successively cut into the Promise Star Boat. Almost every golden light flashed, and took away one or two yuan. Finally, the Son of God couldn't help but stunned.


In the void, he was shaken by his horror to the shock of the galaxy. Countless waves of stars and waves surged in all directions, even destroying an asteroid dozens of miles away. Easy to do, like an invincible god, standing on the Promise Star Boat, unscrupulously spreading his own sorrowful weather around. At this moment, he is the center of the whole world, as if he is the **** of all things.

Yuan Ying Yu Feng.

Even more terrible than Yuan Yingfeng.

At this moment, Yi Gan showed the horrible part of a peerless power, telling the world what is the real Yuan Ying. The previous Yuan Ying had all kinds of defects just joking, but it was easy to do a mana, but it was real, even if it was dozens of kilometers apart, everyone on the earth could feel the horrible pressure from the sky.


And Chen Fan’s return to him is just a glimpse.

A glimpse of the sky.

PS: The five more broke out, and the monthly ticket is recommended.

Read The Duke's Passion