MTL - Rebirth – City Cultivation-v2 Chapter 1122 The real end (second more)

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In the depths of the earth, in an unknowable space, an ancient and extremely large, vast expanse of earth in the endless fairy light, traversing the infinite space storm. It is entangled with the magical spirit above it, and it is like a Tai Chi totem.

Many foreign monks and monsters are in the middle of the earth, but they are like ants. It can only be seen that the fairy lands are blooming with a fairy light, and the endless fairy prints are bright, and from the fairy soil, many black mists emerge and become a demon.

Where these magic objects come from, many foreign monks rarely think of it. At most, this is the magic that the devil's head under the suppression of the earth has infiltrated, but who is the devil? What is your name? How long has it been suppressed? Why is it suppressed? Will you run out again later? But no one ever thought about it. They even spent the power of a sacred temple in the outermost part of the fairy tales. They also lost a power and expected them to think of it. It is impossible.

Chen Fan didn't think too much before, and at most he had some guesses.

But at this moment, he was attracted by the ancient wells, and the spirits followed the spirits of many devils, all the way down, through unimaginable space, crossed the layers of black fog and the squad, and finally saw the true face of the repressed people.


When the black fog dissipated, an unimaginable huge demon appeared in front of Chen Fan.

When Chen Fan looked at it, he saw the length of the demon god, beyond his own vision. Even the gods who spread thousands of miles were far from seeing the end of the demon. ‘It’ is lying under the fairy soil, covered with black scales, like the rolling mountains and rivers, completely unable to see the head and face. A finger has tens of thousands of miles of length, and a pair of eyes seem to have the size of a star, and it is covered in layers of rich magic. In the magical atmosphere, the sun, the moon and the stars are undulating in the ‘it’, and there are countless dozens of hundreds of miles of dragons roaring in the ‘it’, ‘it’ lying there quietly, as if it existed in ancient times.


Chen Fan even saw it.

A line of fairy tales fluttered from the top of the earth, turning into a chain that shines in the fairy light, locking it heavily. But even these fairy locks are not worth mentioning in front of the huge demon.

‘It’ is like a giant who sleeps here before the ancient times, lying in the void, not like a corpse, and the magic of the whole body is transformed into a huge magical tide with the ‘it’ breath. Even faintly can still see the ‘it’ has a undulating chest, it seems to be alive. ‘It’s sleeping in that or dying. But the faint pressure that enveloped the whole body, even if it was separated by hundreds of millions of years, and Chen Fan did not know how many kilometers away from this time, but still can let Chen Fan feel it.

How many thousands of years have this demon **** fallen here?

100,000 years? Millions of years? Millions of years? Even hundreds of millions of years?

Even Chen Fan can't count.

At this moment, Chen Fan also laments the existence and cultivation of ‘it’. It’s horrible that a demon corpse that has fallen for tens of millions of years or hundreds of millions of years can survive for so long. People say that Jin Dan’s innate body is not decaying for thousands of years. However, if it is placed in the years of billions of years, Lianhua Shenneng and the top Lingbao and Shenbao will rot.

Only those immortals who truly stand in the top of the universe can barely keep their bodies for so long.


Six demon gods jumped out from behind Chen Fan, and the six holy ancestors screamed in the sky, madly absorbing the horror of this corpse. The magical spirit above the fairy soil is finally filtered by the earthy soil. At this time, it bypasses the fairy soil and directly touches the body of the demon god. They are extremely happy and happy.


The illusion of the six ancestors has grown to almost the naked eye.

Every time they draw a magical gas, they all seem to have eaten a big tonic. The shadows are more and more concise, and the magic lines that are in the air of the ancient times are gradually appearing on them. When these magic lines appeared, Chen Fan felt that the bottleneck of his "Six Holy Spirits" was becoming more and more loose, and he was cultivated as if he had entered the unfathomable realm.

"I didn't expect that my bodywork method turned out to be the most difficult to practice "The Six Holy Spirits", the first opportunity to break through the bottleneck." Chen Fan laughed.

"Six Holy Spirits" is the top three practice in the devil world. In the nine kinds of magical works of Chen Fan, it should not be weaker than the ‘true martial arts 诀’ or even stronger.

Moreover, in the human universe, the place with magic is scarce, and Chen Fan originally did not report hope to practice this magical power to the peak.

But at the moment.

With the increase of the ancient magical power of the sputum, the skill of the Six sacred ancestors swelled at a horrible rate. Originally, Chen Fan was trained and has arrived at Jindan.

But now, there are signs of breakthrough.

'Go further! ’

"My last life, although it was not completed as a golden dragon, but in the realm of Yuan Ying, I have condensed the 'flower of the mana'. I heard that in some of the oldest ancient and ancestral gates, some geniuses can consolidate after the three flowers. Then take another step. That step is the real end of the world. It is called the 'Da Jindan' 'Da Yuan Ying' 'Dahua Shen'." Chen Fansi measured.

He practiced in the last life, but the early stage was just ordinary, but in the later stage, Chen Fan found an opportunity to replenish the foundation. The more you go, the more and the speed is deeper and deeper.

Especially after entering the robbery period.

Chen Fan is in the realm of robbing, and he is walking very deep, beyond the imagination of the world.

The original "robbery period" was only a realm before the ascent, but Chen Fan pressed against the sky and returned to the Tianmen and returned. He has been groping in this realm, and since he opened the road, he has stepped out of the "road" of the ancients. This is the real reason why he can be honored as the "Bei Xuan Xian Zun".

"I was able to smash nine days of sin in the middle of the robbery. I smashed the myth that the immortal is invincible. Then when I was in Jindan, I could not reach the realm of 'Da Jindan' and step into the real end. At the end of this world?" Chen Fan said, his eyes are getting more and more embarrassing. Originally, he wanted to stop here. After all, the abandonment of the starfield resources was too small, and it was not enough for Chen Fan to practice.

But at the moment.

The temple of the Yuan Dynasty and this unimaginable demon corpse were placed in front of Chen Fan, and he had to be tempted. The six ancestors circled around him, absorbing the magic and cheering.

"Ah? This... what is this?"

But at this time, suddenly a shocking voice came from Chen Fan.

When Chen Fan turned his head and saw it, he saw the soul of the sun god.

I don't know when he was drawn by ‘Yuanyuanjing’. At this moment, due to the effect of the small half of the gods, the soul of the Yuan Ying has been restored to the original. Only a few holes that shine with faint sensation are still proof that their people have been hit hard. But at this time, the sun **** is wide-eyed, as if to see something incredible.

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