MTL - Rebirth – City Cultivation-Chapter 12 Chen Fan shot

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Sure enough, Zhou Tianhao laughed.

"Say me breaking the law, isn't it?"

He slammed his smile and said coldly: "Now I have changed my mind. Others can go. You and the two of them stayed with me for a drink."

In addition to Zhang Yumeng, he refers to Jiang Churan and Xu Rongzhen.

When the two little girls entered the box, he noticed that a light and pure, a tall and tall, very beautiful, more beautiful than the red head of the group of head cards, and white cheongsam women are not in the same position. The key is to be younger, he wants to find a chance to contact. It’s just an opportunity to make a mistake.

"Huo Ge, she is my girlfriend, I don't know anything, I will apologize to you. You should give me a daddy face." Yang Chao quickly accompanied the smile.

"Give your father a face? You ask him if he dares not want this face!"

Zhou Tianhao threw his hand to the glass and threw it on the floor. He said, "Let you roll and do so much nonsense."

"Don't roll everyone, don't think about it!"

He stunned the group of seventeen-year-old teenagers. When did you see this posture?

One of the delicate makeup Bai Fumei pulled the boyfriend's arm and whispered, "Well, let's go first."

Obviously many people are beginning to shake.

It doesn't matter if you usually drink and sing, but for the so-called friends and beautiful women to go to Zhouzhouhao, Chuzhou, it is a little overestimate their friendship. This circle seems to be a brother-in-law. In fact, it is not as good as ordinary children.

Moreover, Zhang Yumeng and others all have family backgrounds, and Zhou Tianhao does not dare to really think about them.

"Little sister, with Hao Ge drinking a glass of wine, we are so many people here, Hao Ge can eat you can not." Red sister elegantly poured a cup of Bordeaux 1961 Latour red wine, this wine was once in a box Hong Kong Island auctioned a price of 130,000 pounds.

She gave a slight indication to the aunt, and Auntie nodded and said that she went forward and prepared to pull the three women.

Zhang Yumeng's face was white at this time, and finally knew that she was afraid, and she was hiding behind her boyfriend.

Yang Chao accompanied his smiling face and desperately apologized, but did not dare to stop.

How terrible Zhou Tianhao is, he often listened to his father mentioned. Although his dad also opened a big hotel, he still has a small face in Chuzhou. But Zhou Tianhao’s backing is harder, and the leader in the city is really anxious. If he doesn’t sell his face, he won’t sell his face. His dad can still be here, he is just a child, people are light, how can hold Zhou Tianhao.

Jiang Churan was cold-faced next to him, knowing that today is not good.

But she is not afraid.

Jiang Haishan also has a face in Chuzhou, and is also a government person. Zhou Tianhao will not take her, but it seems inevitable that he will be humiliated.

She is preparing to take the initiative to leave, let Zhang Yumeng and others go first.

Suddenly, one hand stopped in front of the aunt.

Everyone was surprised to see.

I saw Chen Fan standing in front of Jiang Churan and Xu Rongzhen, inserting a bag in one hand, and blocking the person with one hand, and turned to Zhou Tianhao:

"Hello is it, they are my friends, give me a face, let them go."

"What are you doing, crazy?" Jiang Chuan poked him behind his back and whispered.

It was a very simple matter. If you have a drink and apologize, you can solve it. Chen Fan’s hand is inserted, and maybe he is in trouble.

"Oh? What are you? Want me to give you face?" Zhou Tianhao's haze.

His heart rose in anger, first a group of boys hit his guests in his field, and now there is a little boy jumping out to give him face? It seems that I am not using Zhou Tianhao to speak? A cat and a dog are bullied?

“Who am I?” Chen Fan slammed his head and thought for a while:

"I am the one you can't afford."

He answered this, and he was full of anger. Everyone looked at him with a look as if he was watching a madman.

"I am going to your sister, you are looking for death, don't drag us into the water, big brother."

Yang Chao wants to cry without tears. He knew that this guy is so second, he would not bring him to KTV.

He was really scared, if it was only a little contradiction before. That Chen Fan’s current sentence is to face Zhou Tianhao’s face in person. Can this Chuzhou Daxu be able to endure it?

Next to Ding Junfei is a pair of legs can not help but tremble, I can not imagine how horrible Zhou Tianhao will start to scream.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Zhou Tianhao was extremely angry. "I can't afford it? Is there a person in Chuzhou that Zhou Tianhao can't afford?"

"Kid, just rush to your sentence today, I can't let you go to the door of royal entertainment." He smiled and pointed at Chen Fan, one word at a time.

"It's over."

Ginger suddenly closed his eyes and knew that the situation had gone out of control.

"This **** guy, why do you like it so much? I didn't even see Yang Duo as dare to offend Zhou Tianhao. What did he jump out to do? Isn't it too fast to die?"

Xu Rongzhen was already scared and eclipsed by the side, screaming at Jiang’s clothes and saying, “Of course, what to do, you can save him.”

"How can I save him? My dad is just the deputy director of the city government office. Zhou Tianhao may not be too embarrassed to see me in my father's face. But Chen Fan has no background, and he is facing him in front. I am afraid that it will be delaminated." "Jiang Churan hate the iron is not a steel road. "Whoever is useless now."

Sure enough, Zhou Tianhao screamed: "Auntie, kill me."

The tiger-printed aunt, who was stopped by Chen Fan, squeaked in the fingers and fingers, while watching Chen Fan feel uncomfortable:

"Kid, this is what you are looking for."

He was wearing a black vest, all of which were bulging muscles, his arms were thick with his thighs, and his face was slashed with a knife. The little guy around saw that his face was white.

It is also true that Auntie is the number one general of Zhou Tianhao. Zhou Tianhao was fished out of the military prison. His temper burst and he was sentenced to death in the army. In the past ten years, he has made a great contribution to Zhou Tianhao. Once a person chased seventeen or eight people to cut.

He punched a fierce fist and shook his fists in the thicker arms of Chen Fan's thighs, and screamed at the wind of Chen Fan's stomach. This punch is to be solid, and it is less difficult to break a few ribs.

The face behind Chen Fan’s face has changed greatly and he has let it go, fearing that it will be affected.

Xu Rong said with a sigh: "Get away."

At this time, Chen Fan even turned back and gave her a smile: "Nothing, he made a piece of cake for me."

With one hand, he held the aunt's iron fist.

Auntie suddenly changed his face. He punched the wooden door with a punch. Was he blocked by a weak teenager?

He took back his fist and felt that he felt like a fist on the iron plate. His hand was shocked and he couldn’t help but be shocked.

"Learning the family? No wonder dare to jump like this."

Aunt went back two steps, looked up and down Chen Fan, and then pulled out a pointed tiger to wear it on his hand. He smiled and said: "I like to practice my family."

"Come, boy, brother and you play really."

He said that he punched again, this time he was three points more powerful than the punch, and pointed to Chen Fan’s temple.

Chen Fan slightly frowned, innocent and innocent to start so embarrassing, if this fist hit the ordinary people, I am afraid that life is dangerous.

‘Since you are so embarrassed, don’t blame me for not being merciless. ’

Chen Fanmeng slammed out of the foot and made a first-come-first-served flight.

In the incredible eyes of the people, the aunt's body panned seven or eight meters in the air, and slammed into the front of Zhou Tianhao and others, scared the Yan Yanyan sitting on the sofas on both sides of the sofa.

"Auntie, you are fine." Zhou Tianhao's face changed slightly.

This is his ace beater. Today he was defeated by a 16-year-old child?

Auntie felt like he was hit by a motorcycle and the five internal organs were moving.

With a bang, spit out a big mouthful of blood.

"Okay, very good." Zhou Tianhao's face muscles could not help but twitch, and his heart was so angry that he felt that his dignity was overwhelmed for more than a decade. At this time, he only wanted to retaliate back at all costs.

He rushed to the back of a group of people: "Don't give me up, hack him!"

The dozens of black and white brave men standing behind each other looked at each other and nodded. They each took out the machetes and steel pipes from behind and rushed up.

Can you play again? Can you beat a dozen or so?

When Yang Chao and others saw this posture, they were so scared that they hid in the corridor outside the door and shivered. Only Chen Fan alone stood alone in the bag, facing more than a dozen big men with a knife to cut people.

"court death."

Chen Fan snorted and suddenly changed his body shape, just like a phantom rush into the crowd.

He has a lot of strength on his body and his feet, and he is really dead. As for the chopper steel pipe, at the speed of his superman, even a piece of clothing can not touch.

In less than a minute, from the door of the Imperial Hall to the lobby, there was a man lying in the ground.

They held their hands or feet there loudly.

Chen Fan hates them for being too embarrassed, and almost everyone's hands or feet are discounted by him.

"He, he actually won?" Zhang Yumeng's eyes wide open, a look of a ghost.

This time she met for the first time, she felt that she would be ordinary again. She could only confuse her at the bottom of the society. She could only look up to their teenagers and turned out to be a big master who was hidden. How many people played dozens of swords and strong men?

This is like the story inside the TV!

Yang Chao also felt that he had a dog, and thought that he had wanted to retaliate against him, and suddenly he shuddered.

In the incredible eyes of all people, Chen Fan walked step by step and Shi Shiran sat in front of Zhou Tianhao:

"Oh, now you said that I can't mess with you?"

The whole scene is dead!

Zhou Tianhao looked at him with a pair of eyes, his face was blue, white and purple.

He really didn't think that he had more than a dozen effective men, and he couldn't even beat a single person. This kid's skill is so terrible, this kind of ability. He has not seen a few in Chuzhou for more than a decade.

But he is not a big man, but he can still hold back his anger and keep his voice:

"Little brother, you really can play. But can you fight again, do you shoot a gun? I have never seen a martial artist like you before. Finally, the guy was taken out of the cold gun and is still lying in bed. ""

"Why, what kind of society is there? You can't scare people by playing alone. Do you believe that I can throw you into jail now by a phone call?" The more he said, the more he said, and finally he leaned back and threatened. .

Zhou Tianhao can cross the Chuzhou, not only rely on the group of brothers who can fight, but the background on the official level is the key. Otherwise he was already engaged.


Sure enough, when he heard Zhou Tianhao threatening him with the influence of the official, Chen Fan could not help but frown.

"You let them leave first, I stay here, let's play slowly." He faintly said.

Chen Fan was prepared to let Jiang Churan and others leave, and then cast a spell, quietly killing Zhou Tianhao, and solved the trouble with one hundred.

Anyway, spells kill people, and modern criminal investigation methods can hardly be checked.

Zhou Tianhao looked at him and swept the children outside and thought about it:

"Yes. Xiaohong, let them get out of the way, I have to see how the little brother played with me tonight."

He has offended a very capable person, if you add a group of good-looking brothers outside. He is not afraid of a single one, but if you add two or two, you can play and have a background, it is very difficult to do.

Yang Chao and others have made a big splash.

Although Chen Fan hit a dozen or so, they were all shocked. However, Zhou Tianhao gave them more pressure. When the gods fight the pool fish, what time is it?

Xu Rongzhen did not want to go, was dragged by Zhang Yumeng and dragged away.

Jiang Churan fell to the end, and looked at Chen Fan deeply before going. She did not expect that this teenager would bring such a big surprise to her.

"It's no wonder that he has a look of fearlessness. But Zhou Tianhao can't solve it by hitting it."

She knows that she can only drag Chen Fan here, she can only suppress the worry in her heart and follow everyone away.

After everyone left, Chen Fan was completely relieved. He never worried about himself, mainly Jiang Churan and Xu Rongzhen. After all, one is Tang's daughter, and one last day was almost a lover.

He smiled and prepared to release the spell, killing Zhou Tianhao on the spot.

Suddenly a phone call sounded.

Read The Duke's Passion