MTL - Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler-Chapter 278 : The Cruelty of Combat

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Naturally, I was alone when I was having dinner.

Long Xiaoyuan was a bit sad when he ate and ate. When he was used to what he was doing next to him, the longer he separated, the more he missed him.

In particular, his boat is still in the enemy's territory.

Although I don't worry too much about the other person's comfort, people are not so comfortable under their eyes.

In this regard, Long Xiaoyuan really felt that he had no appetite.

When dinner was almost settled, over there, Liu Suifeng and Ouyang Chuan came over.

Ouyang Chuan came because of Long Xiaoyuan's order, otherwise he would be monitoring others over the barracks.

There are two deep-seated martial arts skills that are not bad. If Ouyang Chuan wasn't staring, there might be a problem when closing the net. "We haven't eaten yet."

Long Xiao slipped his lips. "Ouyang Chuan is busy, so why are you so busy?"

Liu Suifeng stared. "Why am I not busy? Don't forget that you pushed so much on me!"

Liu Suifeng was very angry. He was obviously a doctor, but now the emperor used him as a general.

Excuse me? Is he all hot?

Long Xiaoyuan only blinked at Liu Suifeng's anger, then calmly, "Oh" sounded calmly. "Tough work."

Liu Suifeng: "..."

Ouyang Chuan has n’t had dinner so far. He was a bit hungry, so he pulled a willow with the wind. "Well, don't talk nonsense to him, eat it first."

"Well, listen to Brother." Liu Suifeng said immediately.

Long Xiaoyuan shook his lips. "Wife slave."

"What did you say?" Liu Suifeng raised an eyebrow.

Ouyang Chuan also looked obliquely.

Long Xiaoyuan said suddenly: "I didn't say anything. If you heard something just now, then you must have heard it wrong!"

Liu Suifeng stared at Long Xiaoyuan fiercely, and then started a meal with his brother.

It is very uneconomical to delay one's tummy in order to mingle with others.

Besides, if you talk to Long Xiaoyuan, you will be conscious of being annoyed by the other side. Otherwise, don't say anything.

With the addition of Liu Suifeng and Ouyang Chuan, Long Xiaoyuan's appetite was so good.

As a result, Long Xiaoyuan also ate a little bit more. He had originally planned not to eat it.

After all three were used up, Long Xiao said, "Ouyang Chuan, I asked you to come and explain it again. When those two people closed the net, you took it directly. You must not let go of any of them. Search them carefully or where they live. "

"I understand." Ouyang Chuan nodded.

"Now those people are in our grasp and are waiting for Dong Yeguo to act?" Liu Suifeng asked.

Long Xiaoyuan nodded. "Well, they have been there for two days. Once the war begins, we will resolve all the rear troubles at the speed of Thunder."

Liu Suifeng exhaled a long breath. "Fortunately, we have developed an understanding medicine in advance, otherwise we will not know how many people will die in this battle."

Long Xiaoyuan smiled slightly. "War is always a cruel thing. Either you die or I live. This is not said."

Ouyangchuan Road. "Are there arrangements for Dong Ye Guo? Fang Shuoyang and Shi Qingzhou are all right?"

"With a light boat, I believe there will be no problems."

Liu Suifeng looked at Long Xiaoyuan. "Are you so confident in Shi Qingzhou?"

"This is natural." Long Xiaoyuan smiled slightly. "Qingzhou's brain is better than mine."

Liu Suifeng and Ouyang Chuan stared at each other, and then Liu Suifeng said, "Do you still think that someone else's brain is better than you?"

"It's natural, but it depends on who it is. To you ... hehe."

Those who heard "hehe" really want to slap people!

Long Xiaoyuan thought about his plan, rearranged the possible omissions, and asked for the opinions of two people before letting Ou Yangchuan go.

After Ouyang Chuan left, Liu Suifeng asked, "What are you going to do, Prince?"

"What else can I do? Naturally, I will shut it down first, and leave with us when we leave, but I think that when the two countries are at war, those in the Northland will definitely take the opportunity to come and save people. It depends on how good your medicine is. "

Liu Suifeng looked at each other, and said lightly, "You can rest assured, as long as they come, as long as they are close to that room, then don't even want to go back."

"Yes, I can rest assured that you have this sentence." Long Xiaoyuan laughed suddenly.

Liu Suifeng looked at each other and said. "But Northland can send so many people?"

"It ’s just to save people. It ’s not enough. The nails on the side ca n’t reach here, so it wo n’t affect your brother ’s actions. According to my guess, the masters who came secretly from Northland will come You must know that it has been a short time since the capture of Huhe Emperor Cheng. It is not possible for these people to rush here, but it was originally in the territory of our Yuelong dynasty. The place came here, so many days are almost there. "

Liu Suifeng heard the words suddenly look surprised. "Do you mean, not just the people here?"

"This is of course, but the masters are not so easy to find. The main thing is that they are not so sure where the Hehe Emperor is and there are too many places to hide people. We are the only two of us these days. No one else has touched him, so his exposure is still relatively small. There are too many places to hide people here. If there are not many masters, they are not enough. "

"They should be sure that people are not in the barracks?" Liu Suifeng said.

"This should be sure. But there are too many private houses besides the General House. So it is also possible to hide people in the private houses. These days, there are not many people who enter the General House. Right? We deliberately alternated tightly, and those people didn't find the hiding place of Huhe Emperor Cheng. It can be seen that this is not the only place to hide. "

Liu Suifeng understood the meaning of the other party. "There are many masters here, and it is impossible to concentrate."

"Yes, they want to save people in secret. It is impossible to concentrate when they are not sure."

"What if they can be sure?" Liu Suifeng narrowed his eyes.

Long Xiaoyuan laughed after hearing the words. "Can you be sure? It's better to be sure. When those people are all together, can we get a better shot?"

Long Xiaoyuan's words made Liu Suifeng really irrefutable.

Finally, Long Xiaoyuan stood up. "I originally planned to use Huhe Emperor to bring those people all over. If they come one by one, we will break them one by one. If they come in a group, we will kill them all. As long as your medicine is OK, then we will put a room It's the same as an iron bucket, and there is no problem at all. "

"Cheat." Liu Suifeng couldn't help it.

Long Xiaoyuan shook his head. "How can you say that? I have a strategy, okay? How can it be treacherous?"

Liu Suifeng shook his lips and ignored the other's left.

Long Xiao didn't leave much in sight, shaking his head out of the dining room.

After a while, there will be someone here to clean up, which has nothing to do with him ...

Two days later, the war started.

Long Xiaoyuan was in the front of his room. He asked someone to get a reclining chair, so he lay on it and listened to the news from the people below.

After the army was promoted, a clearing operation began in the barracks.

None of the spies of the northern kingdom was in the army for various reasons, so they were all left behind.

After the army set off, all of them were arrested.

The adulterers below were killed directly.

The top ones were controlled by Ouyang Chuan, and they planned to give them to Liu Suifeng, and let Liu Suifeng pry open their mouths and ask for something useful.

Yingweihui reported that Ouyang Chuan would arrive after two quarters, and Long Xiaoyuan waited patiently.

"People get dizzy when they arrive, and shut them first."

"Yes." The shadow guard obeyed.

The General's Mansion here is no longer calm, as he told Liu Suifeng two days ago.

When the army advances, there must be some action here!

However, none of those who came came to Long Xiaoyuan.

This yard of Long Xiaoyuan has been surrounded by layers, and a bird who wants to fly in will be shot into scum!

Huhe Huang Cheng, he is not here.

This is just where Long Xiaoyuan stayed.

To a certain extent, Long Xiaoyuan also regarded himself as a bait to attract those people to hook.

This day, from day to night, a dozen people have come around.

And these dozens of people, whether they are masters or slightly first-class, are now all ghosts.

Long Xiaoyuan was not reconciled to these people.

When the night came, Long Xiaoyuan, who had sat outside for a day, finally returned to the room ... to sleep.

And tonight, five top masters entered the general's house together.

These five top masters are much stronger than the previous ones. At least, they did not come here to Long Xiaoyuan, but instead lurked in.

Not to mention, they really let them find the room where Hoh Wong Cheng is.

However, Huhe Huangcheng had fallen asleep for a long time and did not know that someone had come to rescue him!

The first top master successfully touched the door panel, but only had time to touch the door panel. The next moment, his entire hand was hot.

The top master knew immediately that he was poisoned, and it was definitely very poisonous!

This master was also decisive. He immediately cut off his entire injured arm with a dagger, and then rushed into the door to bring Huhe Emperor out.

However, the poison was very severe. The man Yiyi cut off the entire arm, but his other parts were still affected.

Suddenly, he just felt paralyzed.

This paralysis did not help him even with deep internal forces.

So the man fell to the ground.

The second top master then arrived, and everyone else came around after the first person found the location and issued a secret sign. The second person knew that the door was poisonous and did not dare to go, so he went through the window and he used a black robe Wrap yourself all over, trying to slam in directly.

Theoretically, the toxins stick to the clothes outside, but it should be fine for the human body.

However, imagination is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

The man wrapped his clothes and really smashed the window open, but when he got to the room, he couldn't move further.

The numbness swept across the body instantly, and the man fell down without a word.

The man fell into the room, and the third expert gritted his teeth: "Now the window is gone, I'll go."

The man flew in without letting himself touch anything on the edge of the window.

The man's goal was directly to the big bed, because Hu and Huang Cheng lay there and they could see everyone!

Just when the man's hand was about to hit Huhe Emperor Cheng, suddenly, an oblique sword flashed across.

If he wants to continue, then don't want his own hand, so he instinctively dodged.

Then, Liu Suifeng appeared, and he said lightly, "You can't take him away."

"Who are you!" The master yelled.

Liu Suifeng didn't answer at all, just shook his head.

At this time, both people outside came in.

They thought that two of them would besiege Liu Suifeng, and the other would take away Hu and Huang Cheng.

So, two people siege towards Liu Suifeng immediately.

Liu Suifeng was also unambiguous and naturally blocked. The three turned up.

The last remaining master rushed to take Hoh and Huang Cheng away, but when his hand touched Hoh and Huang Cheng, he suddenly screamed!

This scream frightened the two companions who were fighting Liu Suifeng.

The next moment, the scene that shocked the two happened.

The man who touched Hu He and Huang Cheng with his hands melted!

"What the **** are you!" Shouted a master, apparently afraid of Liu Suifeng's evil ways by two points.

Liu Suifeng said indifferently: "The demon? I don't dare to recognize it, but you can make such a poisonous man in the Northland want to harm the people. I am just treating his body with his own way. Why? "

The two were very scared. At this moment, the man who had touched Hu and Huang Cheng had died. They were left at the scene.

The two looked at each other, gritted their teeth and sieged away towards Liu Suifeng.

Liu Suifeng looked indifferent, but the speed under his hands was not slow at all.

After a few fights, several shadow guards came in. These shadow guards were all detoxified under the sight, so the toxins in the room did not affect them.

And the two who came to save people were just fighting for a while and realized that the room itself was wrong. They had realized that their internal force was a little difficult to mobilize.

Originally, it was difficult for them to deal with a Liu Suifeng. Now that the shadow guards have appeared, it is natural that they have no chance of winning.

So the two men thought of escaping at a glance.

But where have they been in this room, where can they escape if they want to escape?

This day and night, no matter how many rescuers and emperors came, all of them left their lives.

One day and one night, Dong Yeguo also suffered losses.

Originally, even the army's heart was not very stable here.

In addition, there are not as many people on Dong Ye Guo's side, so Dong Ye Guo has won successive battles.

Because of this, the people in Dongye Kingdom chased more and farther, and they came to the territory of the Yuelong Dynasty.

Among them, Zhou Junye's army is also very brave.

At the beginning of the Yuelong dynasty, there were even people who were struggling to release their power.

When working hard, it was obvious that Dong Yeguo's victory was all over.

The Yuelong dynasty often needs two people, or even three people, to fight with people on the east side.

So, after the success of Dong Yeguo's side, these people were red-eyed.

One of the 30,000 troops led by Zhou Xieye was not the first one.

This army was subscribed from the north side, and encountered a guard of 50,000 people on the side of the Yuelong Dynasty.

Because of the two of the Yuelong dynasty, three could win one of them.

Therefore, Zhou Yanye has absolute confidence. His 30,000 people won that 50,000 people is a trivial matter!

As a result, Zhou Yeye took people directly.

I didn't think that the army of 50,000 people had just lost for a while, but then retreated to the edge of the Balinese Forest.

And then, actually launched a fierce counterattack!

It is still the 50,000 people, but everyone suddenly seems to have taken Dalibol!

In addition, about 5,000 people rushed out of the woods north of the Black Wind Forest.

Those people have bows and arrows in their hands.

Those people went around behind Zhou Yanye, but echoed the 50,000 people in front of them who wrapped dumplings!

When the number is not dominant and the local situation is not dominant, how will this war be fought?

Zhou Yiye was suddenly shocked. Why were these people suddenly so powerful? Aren't you all sick?

Zhou Yeye had felt wrong, but at this time it was hard to ride a tiger!

It was not just Zhou Yeye's side that encountered the same situation.

Several generals across Dong Yeguo encountered this situation.

However, among them, the army led by Zhou Xieye doesn't say the largest number, it is also the second most.

Moreover, his side is too far forward, and he has almost reached the edge of the Yuelong dynasty and penetrates the enemy, naturally it will have to pay a price!

"Five sons, let's retreat," said a general.

This general helped Zhou Mingye speak at the meeting.

This general has more vision than Zhou Yiye's old road. On the enemy's site, they have 30,000 to 50,000 people. In addition, there is a black wind forest, there is no chance of winning, leaving the brothers for nothing!

Zhou Yiye was a little reconciled, and his face was a little pale.

However, he was so important that he ordered a retreat.

But is it possible for them to withdraw now?

Another army ran from the west side of Heifenglin. This army is still five thousand people!

Thirty thousand, suddenly have to face sixty thousand!

"Why so many people! Are all of them here?" Zhou Yanye was astonished.

The general's face was also very unsightly. At this time, he could only bite his teeth and said, "Five princes, we are afraid of danger this time. The last general will be here. Surrounded by the back, there are few people behind, only more than 5,000 people, don't let them meet. "

Although Zhou Yanye was deep in thought, he was still a bit on the cruel battlefield. At this time, he was a little flustered. The general said that he felt dangerous. If he didn't leave, he would not be able to leave!

So he did it instinctively! "So, here is the general. Please go to the reinforcements."

Having said that, Zhou Yeye went back to break through directly under the **** of the army.

The general's eyes dimmed slightly. Although the suggestion was made by him, he could not let a prince be in trouble on the battlefield.

However, the prince immediately left him as a backup and escaped himself in danger, which still made people feel a little uncomfortable.

However, I can't think too much at this time. The general took a deep breath and began to kill the enemy ...

On this night, countless lives fell on the battlefield, and blood stained the earth around the black wind forest.

And Long Xiaoyuan, he did sleep well.

Those assassins did not touch him in the middle of the night, and they were guarded by shadow guards like iron barrels. Long Xiaoyuan did not hear any noise.

So he slept pretty well tonight.

Even Long Xiaoyuan had a dream.

This is a sweet dream.

In the dream, he and Shi Qingzhou took their son Long Huan to a very beautiful place.

The air here is good, the scenery is beautiful, and there are many small animals.

His son was running after two rabbits.

Shi Qingzhou fished on the shore, saying that they were going to make grilled fish for them.

And he looked aside. Lying on the green grass, watching the big and small, how warm and cozy ...

Xu Feng was blowing, Long Xiaoyuan felt very comfortable. Because of this comfort, in the dream, he all smiled lightly ...

Compared to the harsh battlefield outside, it is really his blessing that Long Xiaoyuan can sleep so comfortably ...

However, who makes him an emperor and others are creeps?

Not to mention those soldiers who need to fight, Liu Suifeng, he doesn't even want to sleep tonight ...

On the other side, why isn't Shi Qingzhou staying up all night?

This time the total offensive launched by Dong Yeguo, although it is said that the Yuelong Dynasty was not invaded by the poison, but he would still worry.

Especially Long Xiaoyuan ...

The people in the Northland will definitely be calling for rescue and the Emperor Cheng? That person, I do n’t know if it would be dangerous ...

Thinking of Long Xiaoyuan, Shi Qingzhou stayed up all night ...

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