MTL - Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler-Chapter 273 : Calculation

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Xu You was really impatient to talk to Hu and Huang Cheng.

However, he couldn't refuse, just ah haha ​​casually responded.

Huhe Emperor Cheng is not a fool, naturally he can feel Xu You's absent-mindedness.

However, Huhe Huangcheng still did not leave, but he was still talking with Xu Youpan.

I don't know how long it has passed. Finally, Fang Shuoyang returned, Xu You's eyes brightened, and he quickly greeted him. "Shuo Yang, you are back."

Fang Shuoyang couldn't wait to see Xu You, as if he saw the appearance of the savior and couldn't help but feel funny.

"what happened?"

Xu You quickly said: "No, I'm waiting for you, right, he seems to be asking you something, and has been here for a long time."

Said, Xu You pointed the finger and the emperor Cheng.

Thanks to Hu Hehuang's cheeky enough, otherwise, Xu You would be embarrassed with such a finger.

However, Huhe Huang Chengyue Mo also practiced, so his face is really not red.

Not only is there no red, Huhe Huangcheng also said very innocently: "I was just worried that Xu Gongzi was bored here, and just because I was bored, I came to talk to Xu Gongzi. Did you bother?

Looking at Hu and Huang Cheng's innocent appearance, everyone looked at him and felt like a bad person.

When Xu You saw this, he rolled his eyes. Why didn't he find this person so shameless before?

Well, that's the answer. If you don't have a face, the world is invincible.

Fang Shuoyang smiled. "Brother Hoh, the grandson is a little bit angry, and Brother Hoh is more patient."

"No, no," Huhe Huangcheng said quickly. "Xu Gongzi's true temperament is quite appreciated."

Fang Shuoyang laughed. "Don't give him a compliment anymore, it's already a headache."

Hu He Huang Cheng heard a laugh and laughed. For a time, it gave people a good relationship and a very harmonious feeling.

Xu You looked at the quite happy scene there, and suddenly looked a little weird.

If it wasn't for sure that the two were enemies, who would think they were enemies? What a joke! Obviously so good!

Looking, watching, Xu You couldn't help sighing in his heart, sometimes this person and people were really weird.

Some obviously love each other, but they don't say anything.

Obviously two people are enemies, but they prefer to be like their best friends ...

How do you think this ancient interpersonal relationship is more complicated than the modern one?

Do not want to think too much, Xu You knocked on his head. Just don't want anything.

At night, Xu You and Fang Shuoyang lay on the steps.

"Is anyone here?" Xu You lowered his voice.

Fang Shuoyang shook his head. "There is some distance outside, you can say what you want to say, but don't be too loud."

Xu You nodded quickly, and said, "Well, what's the matter with Huhe and Huang Cheng?"

Fang Shuoyang looked at Xu You silently. "What can we do?"

Xu You rolled his eyes. "I think you look great too."

Fang Shuoyang: "..."

Xu You pushed each other with his hands. "Isn't it? Why do I think you seem to be dealing with him on purpose? Why?"

"No reason, but it's not time to tear your face."

"Huh?" Xu You looked at Fang Shuoyang and said gently, "Then you said, what plans do you have?"

Fang Shuoyang also lowered his voice. "Our plan, just look at it, mainly waiting for news from your brother Shi."

"Well? But didn't Brother Shi leave?"

"Well, he'll be back, just in these two days, I'm going to delay for a while now, and wait until your brother Shi comes back."

"Can it be delayed?" Xu You was a little worried.

"Of course you can." Fang Shuoyang smiled. "Huhe Cheng is only the Prince of the North Kingdom, and not the Prince of our Dongye Kingdom. We are a cooperative relationship, but there is no need to listen to him. In addition, there is no movement in the Yuelong Dynasty for the time being, so we only need to be quiet. Just wait a moment. If we took the lead, then what ’s the accident, or who failed, who is responsible? Anyway, Hu and Huang Cheng ca n’t be held responsible. On our side, at least me and Zhou Yanye do n’t want to bear this responsibility. Yes, so we will wait until a certain plan comes out. "

"So it is ..." Xu You blinked. "I don't quite understand."

"Hehe." Fang Shuoyang smiled. "You don't need to understand. You can do it yourself. These things will be handled by me."

Xu You sniffed. "ok, I get it."

"Um." Fang Shuoyang nodded. Rubbed each other's head. "It's early, rest."

"What about you?" Xu You asked quickly.

"Of course I slept with you." Xu You's words made Fang Shuoyang laugh.

Xu You was relieved, murmured, and pinched Fang Shuoyang's neck ... fell asleep.

The next day, when Long Xiaoyuan woke up, Shi Qingzhou was no longer with him.

In this regard, Long Xiaoyuan felt deeply lost.

I don't think much when I'm by my side. When I don't have a familiar person around me, I think I miss it.

Humans, they all have a little inferiority.

He yawned, got up from the bed, and Long Xiaoyuan washed his face in cold water.

After leaving the room, Liu Suifeng and Ouyang Chuan came together.

"Um? Ouyangchuan? Are you there?" Long Xiaoyuan glanced at Ouyangchuan in confusion.

Ouyang Chuan nodded. "Well, come back and see."

"How about the barracks?" Long Xiaoyuan asked.

"Several have been found, and they are all staring now."

"Well? That's it ... that's right, we have a new plan right here. Wait to tell you, have you all had breakfast?"

"Not yet." Liu Suifeng said.

"That way, let's have breakfast first. It's not too late to talk about the plan."

Neither Liu Suifeng nor Ouyang Chuan had any opinions, so the three went to breakfast together.

After dinner, Long Xiaoyuan immediately explained the plan they had just decided.

Ouyang Chuan nodded. "Okay, I cooperate. But are you sure?"

"Naturally, we will not joke about the lives of soldiers." Long Xiaoyuan solemnly said.

In this way, Ouyangchuan was relieved.

After dinner, Ouyang Chuan stayed here for a while and left.

Long Xiaoyuan took Liu Suifeng out.

"Where?" Liu Suifeng asked.

Long Xiaoyuan said softly: "Baifeng Forest."

Liu Suifeng was puzzled. "What to do there?"

"Get a trap," Long Xiao said.

Liu Suifeng was puzzled. "Go get a trap there? Why?"

"If it's messy, it might be used there. Anyway, it's okay now, let's go there and see. Just in case"

Liu Suifeng reluctantly said, "I find that it is more and more I don't know what is in your mind now."

Long Xiaoyuan laughed. "What? I don't understand?"

Liu Suifeng nodded honestly. "Well, I don't understand."

Long Xiaoyuan laughed. "You don't need to understand, I'll use my brain anyway."

Liu Suifeng poked his lips and said, "Okay, let's go."

In addition to Liu Suifeng, Long Xiaoyuan also brought several shadow guards.

It didn't take much time for the group to get to Heifenglin.

However, after that, Long Xiaoyuan did not panic. "There are more than a hundred people in this black wind forest. We go ahead and say hello to the people inside."

Liu Suifeng said: "It's up to you."

Long Xiaoyuan smiled. "Here is Wang Qi's team. Now Wang Qi is on the side of Dong Ye Kingdom, these brothers under him should also be concerned about him.

Liu Suifeng nodded. Followed by Long Xiaoyuan.

In the Heifenglin, the director Fu Bo greeted him.

Long Xiaoyuan said a few words to the other party and asked, "What's abnormal here recently?"

The manager thought for a while and said, "There are really abnormal things to say. Someone came to inquire about the news of our masters."

"Oh?" Long Xiaoyuan blinked. "How many people?"

"According to my analysis, it is at least three people."

Long Xiaoyuan nodded calmly. "Okay, I see. Take care of yourself."

The governor immediately said, "I know. May I take the liberty to ask who those are?"

Long Xiaoyuan heard a meaningful look at the manager. "As long as you know those people are your few enemies, you wake up."

When the manager heard the words, he suddenly looked for a moment. "Yes, I see. It definitely shuts down the people below."

Long Xiao nodded far away. "If there is some floating mind, close it first. If it still floats, kill it. In short, you can't mess around here, and you can't let them leave to disturb your heads, understand?"

There was a hint of coldness on the general manager's face. "Sir, rest assured, know now."

Long Xiaoyuan smiled slightly. "I naturally feel relieved about Fobo, otherwise, why would Wang Qi and them rest assured to leave the valley to you?"

"Haha, Your Excellency is ridiculous."

After the greetings, Long Xiaoyuan came to the inside of Heifeng Forest under the leadership of the director. Moreover, Long Xiaoyuan said his intention.

The director immediately said: "It's not difficult. It's not just the inside. This black wind forest is too big. If you want to ambush, there are many places to choose from."

The manager said, with a look of several places that could be ambush, and the land was in danger. If the enemy can be brought in, the engine off will definitely leave most of the enemy!

Even masters of martial arts can come in!

For this, Fober is still very confident!

After listening to this, Long Xiaoyuan couldn't help but be more satisfied, and said quickly: "Okay, I had only one idea, but I'm really unfamiliar with this place, and I rely on Fober."

"My Excellency, you're so kind. Don't use it. This is all I should do."

Long Xiaoyuan was very satisfied with this trip to the Black Wind Forest. Later, after watching Fu Bo arrange a trap for his subordinates, Long Xiaoyuan and Liu Suifeng left.

After returning to General's Mansion, Long Xiaoyuan and Liu Suifeng thought about having dinner.

While having dinner, Qin Yuechun came over and said that he had thought of the idea.

Long Xiaoyuan blinked his eyes and thought, did he ... forget to inform the general?

Keke, it seems like it really is!

Qin Yuechun looked at Liu Suifeng with a little sympathy, and he didn't feel good at all.

"Doctor Liu?"

Liu Suifeng smiled, pretending to be silly.

Long Xiao Yuan said: "Well, Ai Qing's idea is good, but I have a better one here. Ai Qing, wait and listen. The reason why you wait, that's because you want to eat now!

So Qin Yuechun had to wait.

It's not that Long Xiaoyuan is so stingy that he doesn't want Qin Yuechun to eat together.

The main reason is that people dare not!

Therefore, Long Xiaoyuan had to eat with Liu Suifeng.

Finally, the dinner was exhausted, Qin Yuechun was relieved, and Long Xiaoyuan finally said, "General Qin, I have another action plan, and I need the cooperation of the general."

When Long Xiaoyuan said, Qin Yuechun's look couldn't help but be a little complicated.

A plan is definitely a good plan, but with his upright temperament, he can't think of such a plan anyway.

In the end, when Qin Yuechun walked, her steps seemed a little heavy.

The guard at the border of Dongye Country couldn't help thinking, was he ... too stupid?

In the end, this answer is naturally unsolved.

Liu Suifeng glanced at the back of Qin Yuechun's departure and said, "How do I feel like he has been hit hard?"

Long Xiaoyuan heard the words and looked at each other. "is it?"

Liu Suifeng nodded. "Ok."

Long Xiaoyuan laughed. "Oh, that's it."

Liu Suifeng: "..."

Shi Qingzhou arrived late the next day, and he deliberately went to the back of Dong Yeguo side and appeared from the rear after a large circle. In this case, it seems that no one will doubt him even if he is found. A trip to the Yuelong Dynasty!

After Shi Qingzhou returned, he immediately met Fang Shuoyang.

The two talked secretly for two quarters.

Zhou Yanye who has been watching here knows that Fang Shuoyang has someone left and returns, but he doesn't know who actually left. Similarly, he doesn't know what Fang Shuoyang sent them out for!

After Shi Qingzhou left, he returned to his post.

At this moment, Yingfeng is on the other post.

Yingfeng didn't come with the team from the beginning. He came over after finishing some things in the imperial city on the east side of the country.

It was only arrived today.

The arrival of Yingfeng makes Shi Qingzhou feel that the plan is highly feasible.

So, this night, Shi Qingzhou and Yingfeng explained some matters to be noticed later, and explained what he would do if he and Huhe were together for a mission ...

The next day, Fang Shuoyang's upper-level defenders, including Hu He Huang Cheng, finally reached a conclusion on the poisoning issue.

However, to act, Hoh Wong Cheng must surrender the formula of antidote.

Under the eaves, the man had to bow his head and had decided to act.

After the failure of Tian Xiangzi's assassination, Huhe Huang Cheng knew that it was impossible to shake the rule of Dong Yeguo now, so he did not twist and handed over the antidote formula.

However, in the formula of the antidote he handed over, even if it was in Dongye Kingdom, it was difficult to find two herbs, and it was a bit difficult to mass-produce.

This is the same as the antidote developed by Liu Suifeng, but the material composition is not the same.

Long Xiaoyuan, they still took advantage of the king of gold!

If there is no Golden King, if there is no Long Xiaoyuan's blood, if there is no such a skilled doctor as Liu Suifeng, without any of them, it is impossible to deploy the antidote so quickly, and the fastest Speed ​​mass production!

It can be seen that fortune is also an extremely important part of war!

On this day, Fang Shuoyang was finally ready to act.

Long Xiaoyuan was relaxing in the house at this time. He estimated the time. There should be some movement in Dongye Kingdom.

Sure enough, a shadow guard came over to report, and early in the morning, Dong Yeguo's army started.

It seems that a war is inevitable.

But now, everyone knows that this is temptation.

Long Xiaoyuan touched his chin. "It seems to be covering. What about Liu Suifeng?"

"in the room."

"Well, go and see what he does? If it's okay, let him come to me."

"Yes." The shadow guard took orders and left immediately.

If the two countries are at war, if the open space is used for division, although the black wind forest is in the middle of the two, it is not a straight middle. Instead, sneak in from the side of Heifeng Forest, and then walk a small path here, you can touch the boundary of the Yuelong Dynasty without going through the gate. There is also a river there.

Although it is said that the water used by the border troops is not all from the river, it is also useful.

At least, there is a certain chance of poisoning.

Long Xiaoyuan speculated that the purpose of Dongye Kingdom would be that river.

But if they want to go there, Black Wind Forest, they have to go.

If you don't take the Heifenglin, there is actually a road, but the road to go is far away! And, there, the mountain is steep, if he were, he would not choose to go there!

So, Long Xiaoyuan touched his chin and guessed that the people who had been covered by war through Dong Yeguo would definitely walk through Heifenglin!

Not only convenient, but also the bottom of Wang Qi!

Why say Wang Qi? That's because several waves of people went there to inquire about Wang Qi. It can be seen that Wang Qi was exposed.

However, it may be a partner threatened by Wang Qi to probe him, or it may be ... Zhou Zhou!

However, if it is Zhou Zhou, the possibility should not be too high.

You know, Wang Qi has ripped Fang Shuoyang's skin.

If it is King Zhou, the other party should act, at least, will the other party beat and beat?

But Zhou Zhou didn't.

So, more likely, those "partners."

And since those "partners" can detect Wang Qi's nest at the court, it is not a big deal to reach out to the border.

Therefore, they will definitely choose to walk from the Black Wind Forest. It would be better if they could double Wang Qi's nest with homeopathy ...

When thinking about this, Liu Suifeng arrived.

Long Xiaoyuan looked at it immediately. "Huh? Are you here?"

Liu Suifeng looked at each other. "What do you want me to do?"

"I think we have to hurry to the Black Wind Forest."

"Huh?" Liu Suifeng heard an eyebrow and immediately raised an eyebrow. "Baifenglin, now?"

Long Xiaoyuan nodded. "Well, now."

Liu Suifeng heard the words without asking much. Directly: "That way, let's go."

So the two hurried away with a dozen shadow guards.

It is not difficult for them to rush to Heifenglin before Dongye Kingdom.

Because they are here a lot closer. In addition, the people in the Black Wind Forest are theirs! So don't worry ...

If you happen to be there, and you can just help, those people want to spend the Heifenglin in peace? Stop dreaming!

Even if they are successful in poisoning ... but it will definitely not make them easy!

Read The Duke's Passion