MTL - Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler-Chapter 246 : It depends on what the queen does.

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The next development can be said that Long Xiaoyuan expected that there was no difference!

The death of the three princes made the emperor Long Yan angry.

Even some officials in the Ministry of Criminal Affairs and Dali Temple were dismissed and investigated!

The reason is naturally ineffective.

You know, the murderer who killed the second prince is still "hunting"!

Long Xiaoyuan guessed that Zhou should want to do something with the death of the second prince, so. The "murderer" has not been found until now.

Maybe it has something to do with Zhou Yeye.

But they would never have thought that in such a short period of time, the three princes were actually assassinated!

The two "guards" invited by the three princes were beaten to death.

The identities of the two men were ascertained. They were from rivers and lakes, or were relatively well-known masters.

However, under the "protection" of the two men, the three princes were assassinated, and neither of them could chase the murderer. Even though the two had already predicted that they were not good, they did not return at all. However, the emperor in rage Someone was immediately dispatched to pick them out.

Blame it, both of them are tired. Otherwise, masters are not so easy to find.

After the two were found out, they were killed directly by clubs.

Because the protector is weak.

The Ministry of Criminal Affairs and Dali Temple waited for King Zhou to give them an order to solve the case within a time limit. However, they did not wait, because the second early dynasty of the third prince's death, King Zhou brought a person, the man, named Zhou Xieye, was the prince who was left out!

And, the queen's mother is still the former queen!

When King Zhou became the emperor while he was the prince, it took some effort.

At that time, he had a beloved woman. It's his concubine.

However, while fighting for the throne, his concubine was assassinated and disappeared.

At that time, he always thought the other party was dead.

Until he inherited the throne, because he loved the woman he loved and had repeatedly defended himself against disasters, he sealed her spiritual position as the queen and allowed her tomb to enter the emperor's tomb.

The current queen is actually unwilling, but at that time, the king Zhou was already the emperor, and she did not dare to go too far. Plus, it was just a status, so there was no obstruction.

Zhou Yiye's mother became the former queen.

After that, the current prince, the second prince, and the third prince were born.

In the year Fang Shuoyang was born, Zhou Wang Weifu went on a tour, encountered a heavy rain, and also encountered a landslide. In this way, he fell to the bottom of a valley and was rescued by a woman.

And the woman turned out to be his beloved woman, the woman he thought was dead! That's Zhou Yanye's mother!

However, at that time, although Zhou Yeye's mother was in great danger and was saved, people lost her memory, and she did not remember who she was!

Zhou Wang wanted to take the woman back. The woman had no memory of Zhou Wang at first, and naturally she did not want to go back.

King Zhou stayed at the bottom of the valley for a whole month, and his sincere heart was finally moved by King Zhou. Moreover, King Zhou also found a lot of evidence to prove the identity of the woman.

The woman finally believed in her relationship with King Zhou.

However, the woman has lived in the valley for several years and has long been accustomed to the days of the valley and is unwilling to go back to the palace.

King Zhou loved her, so she couldn't bear to embarrass her, thinking, anyway, it wasn't far from the imperial city, he could sneak out.

After the woman was touched by Zhou Wang, Zhou Wang naturally would not let go the beloved person but not lower his mouth.

Therefore, Zhou Zhou returned to the palace two months before coming out, this woman has already been pregnant for two months.

Zhou Wang once again offered to take the woman back, but the woman still refused.

King Zhou thought again that if the woman were to be taken back now, her identity would be queen!

However, there is still a queen in the palace. This, the woman's belly has the crystallization of two love.

If you do n’t protect yourself ...

King Zhou loves this child very much, this is the child he most looks forward to!

Therefore, after conscientious thinking, Zhou Wang agreed with the woman to stay. However, he said that he must send a puppet to take care of her, and the woman finally agreed.

Next, until the woman gave birth, every week, Wang Zhou secretly went to the previous one or two times.

The time when women were about to give birth was even more frequent.

Such frequent abnormalities make the queen of today noticeable. This queen is invisible and cruel.

She managed to control the cricket with the cricket's family. When the woman gave birth, she would kill two lives!

Ye did so, but at the last minute, Zhou Yeye's mother seemed to feel something. At that time, King Zhou was outside and the woman screamed and introduced Zhou Wang.

嬷嬷 Because he was afraid, he immediately knelt and begged for mercy.

King Zhou is very angry, but there is only a shadow guard besides him, and no one will deliver it!

The woman finally gave birth to Zhou Yanye by herself, and did not let her child die, but she disappeared.

King Zhou found the queen, but at that time, the foreign relatives were strong. In addition, the cricket committed suicide after vomiting the queen's instructions. The exact evidence was gone.

However, he hated the queen ever since, and the Prince was very displeased.

However, due to the huge power of the Queen's family, coupled with the fact that the crown prince's status had already been set, the King Zhou could not do anything about it.

Looking at the children in Ling, Zhou Wang dealt with Ling and did not take Zhou Lingye back.

The woman he loves is not well protected, how can he not even protect his son?

Therefore, this child was kept secretly by the people. He sent people to teach the other emperor's way, and he taught others to do a lot of things.

To protect the safety of his son.

As for Fang Shuoyang's mother? It was a woman who looked a bit similar to Zhou Yiye's mother, and he only had a few breeze with the other side, letting Fang Shuoyang's mother become pregnant.

However, Fang Shuoyang also failed to keep it.

If it weren't for the maiden lotus fragrance, if it wasn't for the Qinghuo Tianzun's help, Fang Shuoyang would never have reached the Yuelong Dynasty.

Fang Shuoyang was just the son of a woman who looked like that woman. With a serious son, would the king of Zhou care about Fang Shuoyang? Definitely not!

In fact, today's queen knows the existence of Zhou Yeye.

That year, she also reached an "agreement" with Zhou Wang.

The content of the agreement is nothing more than that she no longer interferes with the existing prince.

However, the prince could not shake the status of the prince.

As for killing the former queen? This queen today will never admit it!

At that time, the former queen had the capital to negotiate with King Zhou.

However, after more than 20 years, the emperor Zhou has long captured the government of the DPRK, and the queen's foreign power is still strong, but it is not impossible to shake it.

So, this time, Zhou Wang pushed Zhou Yeye out.

And, in this capacity, but the former sister-in-law!

Of course, the prince who came out naturally would not say those "bad" pasts.

Therefore, outsiders only know that the former queen did not die, but when she found out that the former queen had converted to my Buddha, and Zhou Zhou could not bear to disturb the other's heart towards the Buddha.

However, the two still fell in love, so Zhou Yeye was born.

However, the former queen died of dystocia.

For Zhou Xieye, the former queen hoped that Zhou Xieye's life would be for him to choose after he grows up in the future, whether to enter the chapel or be a casual lord outside.

Because of the promise to the former queen, Zhou Yanye was raised in the folk, now, this is the true ancestor to the ancestor!

The appearance of Zhou Yanye uproared Manchu.

And Zhou Zhou, after launching Zhou Xieye, put people into the penalty department immediately, and tried hard to make a public opinion, so that the other party became the master of the arrest!

Afterwards, the queen furiously threw all the cups and plates in the palace.

In recent years, in fact, she has long thought that the slut's son of the former queen is a hidden danger, so many people have been sought to remove this child.

However, after learning the lesson of the former queen, King Zhou was very careful when protecting the son, so much that she couldn't find anyone!

Unexpectedly, I did not expect Zhou Wang to disregard the agreement of the year and actually launched Zhou Yanye!

Bitch! Bitch! I can kill you once! I can kill your son!

The queen was very angry.

By this time, Fang Shuoyang had returned to the Four Princes' Palace.

In the back room, Fang Shuoyang admired, "Big brother is really amazing, he was all expected."

Long Xiaoyuan smiled slightly. "It's not hard to guess."

Xu You said, "Brother, you are so amazing!"

Long Xiaoyuan patted Xu You's head. "Worshipful?"

Xu You rolled his eyes. "No! You think too much brother!"

Long Xiao slipped his lips.

Shi Qingzhou said: "It is not a few days before the Xishan Festival, and Zhou Yanye will surely catch the murderer by his fierce means before that."

"It is estimated that the killer's candidate Zhou Wang has already prepared for him."

"But ..." Long Xiaoyuan touched his nose. "I don't know if our five princes know that King Zhou prepared him so well ..."

Shi Qingzhou paused. "What do you want to do?"

"Since Zhou Zhou used Prince and Fang Shuoyang to sharpen Zhou Yanye, then before he feels that Zhou Yanye is qualified, he will definitely not talk to him too much. Otherwise, Zhou Yanye would not have to gather talents so hard these years, would he? "Long Xiaoyuan's treacherous smile Shi Qingzhou is the person who knows the other person best. The other person's smile immediately raised his brow.

"What do you want to do?"

"Yeah. Although King Zhou has prepared the killer for him, we can mislead him."

"How to say?" Xu You said immediately.

"If the real killer appears, you say, will our five princes do their best?"

Fang Shuo's eyes flashed and he understood. "Brother, you mean, Tianxiangzi ..."

"Yeah, Tianxiangzi martial arts is high, just let her appear, but let others not catch her, this is not difficult, right? Especially, she has so many good things."

"If Zhu Qingzi appears, Tian Xiangzi's strength will be reduced." Shi Qingzhou pointed out this hidden danger.

But Long Xiaoyuan was very relieved. "Zhu Qingzi? Haven't heard that she is working for the prince? For the five princes who most want to die, are the prince and the current queen?"

Fang Shuoyang heard and said: "The prince should not help the five princes."

Long Xiaoyuan patted his palm. "Then we haven't hurry up and invite the girl Tianxiangzi to have a good chat?"

Fang Shuoyang smiled and invited someone.

Long Xiaoyuan thought about it and added a sentence. "The appearance is to appear, but it depends on the timing, preferably when the murderer arranged by King Zhou is dispatched."

Shi Qingzhou's eyes brightened. "In this case, even if the killer arranged by King Zhou is killed, Tianxiangzi, the real killer, or the same party has run away. In this case, the arrangement of King Zhou can be said to have been abandoned."


"However, what if the person whom King Zhou arranged was not an assassin, but a family in Chaozhong?"

"It's all right." Long Xiaoyuan smiled slightly. "Although that family is the messenger, but the real killers have run away, even if the family is completely killed in anger, Zhou Yeye will still be ashamed? Or in other words, King Zhou will be ashamed!

Xu You laughed and laughed. "Brother, you are really too bad, but I like it!"

Fang Shuoyang smiled helplessly and pulled Xu You out.

After the two went out, Shi Qingzhou slowly said, "But this is so, to a certain extent, Fang Shuoyang was also exposed."

"No, it's not Fang Shuoyang exposed, but the prince." Long Xiaoyuan said with certainty.

"Isn't Zhou Zhou dumb? Is he Prince? Can he not know?"

"Then let him think it is good." Long Xiaoyuan said irresponsibly.

Shi Qingzhou raised an eyebrow. "Do you think this is simple?"

"Oh, that depends on what our queen does today?"

"Huh? What did you do?" Shi Qingzhou immediately realized what.

Long Xiaoyuan smiled mysteriously. "Qingzhou really want to know? Then kiss me."

Shi Qingzhou narrowed his eyes.

Long Xiaoyuan looked at each other persistently.

Shi Qingzhou said lightly, "I will always know." Then, he went outside ...

Long Xiaoyuan looked sadly at the back of Shi Qingzhou ... and hurriedly chased out ...

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