MTL - Rebirth and the Deadly Enemy HE-Chapter 6 Molesting and anti-molesting

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With Cheng Jinzhi's appearance, Rong Si also looked at his nakedness, and immediately felt a little strange. Cheng Jinzhi had been forcing her to do this kind of thing, but now she was forcing Cheng Jinzhi. Rong Si stood up, and she put on her bathrobe, her movements were a little big, and she seemed extremely upset.

"Ah hello..."

Just as Rong Si put her hand on the door rail, Cheng Jinzhi's extremely weak voice came from behind.

Rong Si turned her head, she looked at Cheng Jinzhi, did she regret it?

" wore my bathrobe..."

As soon as Cheng Jinzhi finished speaking, the door was slammed shut.

...That's what it is. Cheng Jinzhi was also very embarrassed. The innocence he showed just now was too pretentious. After going bankrupt, I have been "vegetarian" for too long, and I no longer have the feeling of "unscrupulous" before.

Cheng Jinzhi picked up Rong Si's bathrobe, which was already soaked. It looks a bit big, Rong Si must be taller than her. Really, a teenage girl doesn't know what to eat to grow up. Obviously the appetite is so small.

Before putting it on, a clean bathrobe was handed in at the door. "Put it on."

"...Okay." So...Rong Si went out to find her a bathrobe.

When she came out, Rong Si was sitting on the sofa, her slender legs were bent and slanted on the sofa, and there was a medicine box on the coffee table. There were some bruises on her calf. Could it be his pushing and shoving just now?

Rong Si's hair was still a little wet, and she raised her hand to tuck her hair behind her ears, revealing her little pink ears.

"Do you want me to help you serve medicinal wine?" Cheng Jinzhi walked over slowly.

Rong Si didn't speak, Cheng Jinzhi sat beside Rong Si and took Rong Si's medicinal wine. "Trust me, I guarantee you will get rid of your illness."

Getting rid of illnesses with hands... I feel a little dirty, especially in front of Rong Si. Cheng Jinzhi immediately tightened his words.

In the previous life, every time Cheng Jinzhi finished filming the rolling scenes, his body would be covered in bruises. Probably because she was too spoiled and spoiled in her early years, and her skin was especially delicate. In the end, I always asked the crew for a bottle of medicinal wine or a few plasters, and then went straight to the next scene after wiping off. At the beginning, I didn't know what to do, and the more I kneaded, the more swollen I was, and then slowly, I mastered the time and technique, and finally I was able to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

Cheng Jinzhi poured the medicinal wine into his palm and patted it again, the movement was very natural. She gently held Rong Si's calf, and saw that Rong Si's right leg was not only bruised, but also swollen around her left calf. "I just…"

"It's not you." Rong Si seemed to know what Cheng Jinzhi was thinking, she paused. "Two days ago, I took a stand-in role."

"Didn't I open an account for you?"

"I'm borrowing your money."

"Then you don't need to take over the stand-in role..."

Rong Si lowered her head. "I don't know anything, I need experience."

Cheng Jinzhi was stunned, Rong Si actually said that he didn't understand so frankly, shouldn't this age be the most competitive time?

"Be patient, it might hurt a little."

Rong Si's expression didn't change much, it took a while before she spoke. "Is there someone outside you?"




"Then why don't you touch me? Are you tired?" Rong Si's tone was very gentle, as if she was saying something very ordinary.

"Are you talking about your admission to the boarding school?" Cheng Jinzhi finally realized that all Rong Si's actions just now were just to "retain" her.

"It's very convenient to live on campus, and I have to open my voice in the morning." Cheng Jinzhi said: "It's too busy to go back and forth, so why not set aside this time to read books or something."

After saying a few more words, Cheng Jinzhi felt that he was about to become a "good mother who sends her daughter to study when her daughter is awkward". She quickly suppressed this illusion, she is only in her early twenties, okay?

"I'm not tired of you."

Only after Cheng Jinzhi said this did Rong Si relax, and she raised her eyelids. "it is good."

After rubbing the medicinal wine on Rong Si, Cheng Jinzhi went to wash his hands again. After washing her hands, Rong Si was still sitting on the sofa.

"Then you can sleep here, I'll door." As soon as he reached the door, Cheng Jinzhi felt something was wrong again. Shit! This is her home! Why does she sleep next door every day!

Cheng Jinzhi turned his head and walked back, yes, grasping this unwilling emotion. As soon as she rushed to Rong Si, Rong Si raised her head. Looking at Rong Si's indifferent expression, Cheng Jinzhi's emotions were like an inflated balloon, which was suddenly punctured.

" sleep next door." Facing Rong Si's calm gaze, Cheng Jinzhi stammered a little, as if he wanted to "occupy the magpie's nest".


Cheng Jinzhi honestly sent Rong Si to the door. "Good night."

"When will "Girls Rising" start?"

"You can turn it on when you're ready."

"I have no opinion."

"Okay, tomorrow I'll ask DC to contact Yi Dao."

"OK, good night."

"I wish you a sweet dream." Cheng Jinzhi said.

Rong Si took a look at Cheng Jin. "I wish."

After speaking, he left without looking back. Cheng Jinzhi looked at it for two seconds and then closed the door.

Rong Si didn't have anything to tidy up, the labels on the suitcase were not removed, and there were only a few clothes in it.

"How does Awei do things? I didn't even buy daily necessities." The suitcase is so empty, you have to bring some sunscreen when you travel, right? Not to mention another place to live.

"The school will send it out." Rong Si went to the school once in advance, mainly to get familiar with the school environment.

"The ones distributed by the school are wholesale cheap ones." Cheng Jinzhi closed Rong Si's suitcase. "If you feel that some things are inconvenient, I will accompany you to buy them."

"Don't you have to go to class?"

Cheng Jinzhi shrank his head. Yesterday Rong Si felt that there was someone outside her, but now she took the initiative to dislike her?

"I have classes in seven or eight periods. I can accompany you to buy some daily necessities and clothes in the morning." When it comes to clothes, Cheng Jinzhi is excited again. "Clothes make a person, and you are not going to an ordinary academic university. With such little clothes, how can you wear your own style? At least you will be a star when you go out."

Rong Si lowered her head, looked at her suitcase, and then at Cheng Jinzhi. "Well, whatever you say is what it is."

"I think your previous style was pretty good. What about your previous clothes?"


Cheng Jinzhi opened his mouth and even sold his clothes. "How much does your family owe?"

"It's not a specific number, it's making profits every day." Rong Si seemed to know that Cheng Jinzhi's brain was not good enough, so he didn't say anything too complicated. "I just pay off the interest every day every day."

"Then I told you to go to school, am I wasting your time?"

"From a long-term point of view, no." Rong Si's words were serious.

Now Rong Si is finally a little normal, she doesn't call her "Master", and doesn't cling to her. Such a distance is appropriate for the deadly enemy. "That's fine, your clothes were too plain before, young people must have the vitality of young people."

Like Cheng Jinzhi, who lived to be in his forties, still likes to wear bright red and green, with low chest and high cross. Of course, this is also what the audience complained about her, comparing her with Xia You, saying that she is a gaudy old woman who doesn't know how to wear intellectual and elegant clothes that match her age. Cheng Jinzhi has too many black fans, even if she does some public welfare, some people criticize her, saying that she is posing for a photo.

Listening to Cheng Jinzhi's eloquent talk, Rong Si focused on her attire. Cheng Jinzhi was wearing a low-cut red dress with gorgeous makeup, which matched her temperament quite well. The first time she met Cheng Jinzhi was when Cheng Jinzhi was still in girls' school. The girls' school is famous for its tradition that even skirts are below the knee. Cheng Jinzhi was taken to stand by her senior for punishment that day because she cut her school skirt short and removed the thread on her skirt, causing her to embarrass herself in public. In girls' schools like theirs, freshmen are led by seniors, one-on-one, and the school ethos is very strict. It took several decades to get out of Cheng Jinzhi's wonderful work, which was very troublesome. Rong Si had an exchange that day, and the instructor even showed her the finger of Cheng Jinzhi who was punished to stand. "Look, the 'landscape' of our school."

It's okay if the instructor doesn't say it, but when Cheng Jinzhi puts the book on his head, his back straightens up, and it seems that the more people look at her, the more shy she becomes.

"Your clothes don't suit me." Rong Si said.

Cheng Jinzhi sneered. "I know, you want to be an elegant goddess."

"Besides, you can't fit mine."

"Well, yes." Rong Si's expression did not change.

…At first, she wanted to molested Rong Si, but Cheng Jinzhi looked at Rong Si's appearance, and also looked down at her breasts. She felt that she was being molested by Rong Si. She looked up at Rong Si, and Rong Si happened to meet her eyes. Cheng Jinzhi covered his chest with his hands and blurted out. "Where are you looking?"

Rong Si turned her face away and zipped up the suitcase.

Rong Si was so calm, it seemed that Cheng Jinzhi was taken aback. "Ah, hello, I'm embarrassed if you don't say anything."

Rong Si held the handle of the suitcase, and took another look at Cheng Jinzhi. "Your breast shape is not bad."

"What does it mean?" Cheng Jinzhi immediately realized that it must be very beautiful. What does it mean? Cheng Jinzhi was still very confident about his breasts.

"not bad."

Cheng Jinzhi rolled his eyes and was about to faint. "Am I asking you to explain the literal meaning? Do I not understand Chinese?"

Rong Si didn't answer her, she lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking.

"Speak." Cheng Jinzhi was almost suffocated by Rong Si's reticence.

"Beautiful." Rong Si said after a pause, her tone seemed to be compromising, and at the same time she did not forget to add. "I haven't seen anyone else's, so it's not an exaggeration to say you're beautiful."

... dead boy.

The author has something to say:

Rong Si: When the benefactor woke up, he became shy and introverted. Should I call the police?

The author brought the full text, young and old, together to ask for collections, comments, and irrigation~~~

Read The Duke's Passion