MTL - Rebirth and the Deadly Enemy HE-Chapter 210 role play

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Children grow up by looking at them. Maybe the next time I go home, the child will grow up again. Cheng Jinzhi rested his chin on the side of the cradle, just looking at the baby like this, he could really watch it all night. When she turned her back before, her parents, two middle-aged and elderly people, just knelt on the ground and looked at it for a long time without putting anything on it. Especially her father, when her father stood up, he still screamed dizzy. Rong Si just hugged Cheng Jinzhi like this. "Otherwise, how many more days will you stay?"

"No. There are a lot of things to do." Cheng Jinzhi didn't get distracted, and just looked at Xiao Chengyi. "The group still has many projects."

Chubby. Cheng Jinzhi scraped Cheng Yi's face with his fingers, then leaned into the cradle, and pecked Cheng Yi's cheek.

During Cheng Jinzhi's stay at home this week, Cheng Huainan and Wen Qiyun looked at me and I looked at you. The two looked at Cheng Jinzhi who was teasing Cheng Yi. "Jinzhi."

"Ah?" Cheng Jinzhi sat cross-legged on the carpet without looking up. On the contrary, Rong Si, who was half kneeling, looked up, and she saw Cheng's father and Cheng's mother hesitated to speak. Rong Si stretched out her hand to take Cheng Yi. "It's time for Cheng Yi to drink milk."

"Snacks." Cheng Jinzhi shaved Cheng Yi's face before handing Cheng Yi to Rong Si.

After Rong Si took her out, Cheng's father and Cheng's mother also sat on the carpet. "Jinzhi, Mom and Dad have something to tell you."


Wen Qiyun paused for a moment before taking out a copy of the group's information from his bag. Cheng Jinzhi was in a good mood at first, but after flipping through a few pages of information, her relaxed expression froze. "Parents, you..."

"Jinzhi, Mom wanted to tell you later." Wen Qiyun seemed afraid of Cheng Jinzhi's anger. After all, before the divorce, I didn't discuss it with my daughter.

"I see." Cheng Jinzhi put the information on his lap.

She is not so resistant now, she just feels a little bit lost. Maybe God saw that she got too much. In the previous life, the parents did not divorce. "You should have done this long ago."

Cheng Jinzhi raised his face again and looked at his parents. Only after raising a child can you know the kindness of your parents. Her parents really spoiled her. Although she is still a little depressed, she is a relatively professional actor after all. Parents should be more cramped than themselves now, they are quite old, there is no need for them to still worry about themselves. "I used to be ignorant."

"Jinzhi, you don't have it." Wen Qiyun said: "Before, we also made plans for the group. Now that the group is on the right track, we have the opportunity to bring this matter up."

After his parents went out, Cheng Jinzhi twisted the corner of his clothes. Rong Si walked in and sat down in front of Cheng Jinzhi, as if to appease Cheng Jinzhi, imitating Cheng Jinzhi's sitting cross-legged. It is rare for someone like Rong Si to stand, sit, and sit like Rong Si.

"Why learn from me?" Cheng Jinzhi pulled Rong Si's cheek. "Where's Cheng Yi?"

"Drink and sleep."

"Huh—why is it like a little pig?"

"Aren't you going to bed when you're full?" Rong Si smiled, and just moved closer to Cheng Jinzhi's face.

"I'm not in the mood to joke with you right now."

Rong Si probably knew what was going on, she put her hand on Cheng Jinzhi's shoulder. Cheng Jinzhi buried his head in his knees for a while, then raised his head again. "Did you already know?"

"It didn't take long, I only guessed it in these two days." Some projects in the company have changed.

"You don't tell me."

"It's just a guess." Rong Si said, "My parents probably want to tell you personally."

"You tell me, I'm mentally prepared."

"Let them see your emotions?"

"No. I'm an actor, professionally." It was very easy for Cheng Jinzhi to play a sensible and considerate daughter. Neither requires a lot of acting skills.

"Although there is Xiao Cheng now, I still have a feeling of being abandoned." Cheng Jinzhi said: "Oh, I am really spoiled."

"I can't talk about myself." Rong Si laughed, her hand slipped from Cheng Jinzhi's shoulder to his back, and she just hugged Cheng Jinzhi lightly. "You are filial, always have been."

"Open your eyes and talk nonsense."

"Your emotions are only temporary, and you will recover after two days. You wish your parents well." Rong Si said.

Cheng Jinzhi stopped talking and just leaned on Rong Si's shoulder. The two of them just cling to each other like this, and maybe they will walk like this for many years. Cheng Jinzhi returned to work this time and shot some commercials, as well as an exclusive interview with "E.T." magazine. During the interview, the host asked about Cheng Jinzhi's marriage. "Now the people of the whole country are most concerned about our teacher Cheng's marriage. When will Teacher Cheng plan to fall in love? Have you found someone you like yet?"

Yes, we have talked for a long time, and you all know each other. Of course, this kind of thing cannot be said, only the answer prepared by DC, and there is no plan to fall in love yet. Over the years, DC has not been so full of prepared lines. According to his past, I probably have to add a sentence to her, if I fall in love, I will tell the fans as soon as possible. Such words are very full. Today, with the development of the Internet, it is simply a historical trace of face-slapping.

"Then what type does Teacher Cheng like?"

Hearing this question, Rong Si, who was watching TV, also raised her head. Cheng Yi, who was still holding a pacifier, seemed to see her mother on the screen, and waved her little arm, as if begging her to hug her. Cheng Jinzhi once said that Cheng Yi is the best at "liking hugs". You just reach out and the little arms open.

"Me, I like those who are a bit of a clean freak, and who are a bit stubborn and rigid."

"Ah?" The host didn't seem to react, what Mr. Cheng said didn't seem to be an advantage. "Teacher Cheng really likes it very much."

"Yes, it's quite special." At this moment, the camera zoomed in on Cheng Jinzhi, and Cheng Jinzhi blinked.

Goblin. Although separated by the screen and a long distance away, Rong Si with the child still smiled like a stone looking at his wife.

"Boss, you really scared me to death." When Cheng Jinzhi rushed to announce, DC said again: "You should know that it was a live broadcast just now, right? I thought you were going to come out in front of the national audience."


"Actually, it's not impossible."



DC clutched his heart with a look of shock. "More than that, my soul is about to go out of my body."

"Boss, you just went international now, don't you want your country to block you?" DC persuaded: "In Hong Kong, when you come to the mainland, you dare not say you are gay, you have to change it to 'same-sex close friend'."

"Boss, don't look at those people on the Internet who are coaxing you to be with Miss Rong. It's because you are 'not together'. If you are really together, they are not in a congratulatory tone. I guess there are still many fans of aunts and uncles jumping out." , report to your superiors that you are causing a bad social atmosphere." DC said a series of words. "In short, boss, you must think twice."

The word "Think twice" was a little trembling when DC pronounced it.

Cheng Jinzhi flipped through the phone's photo album, looking at the cute little Cheng Yi. "You set aside time for me next year."

"Ah? Boss, what are you going to do?"

"I have a plan."

"Boss, you are at a very good age now, don't even think about retiring."

"It's not about retiring, it's about stopping work."

Now that the boss has said that the union will be suspended, DC will naturally schedule a fuller schedule. He tuned up everything behind him. Cheng Jinzhi hasn't been home much in the past two months. Now the child can sleep in his arms, and this day the child sits on the bed and plays with his fingers. Rong Si took a bath and held the child in her arms. Holding the little goblin, thinking about the little goblin. Sure enough, it was a dream. The dream was so real that even Rong Si wondered if she was dreaming.

"Miss Cheng, I owe you this." She sat in front of Cheng Jinzhi. Cheng Jinzhi's face was a little swollen, but he was very young. It could be seen that Cheng Jinzhi played for two more nights. She didn't know how she could be so cold in her dream.

Rong Si spread out her hands in the dream, and she realized that there were two of herself. A self is watching this dream. She tried to walk a bit, and she was able to walk. She walked to Cheng Jinzhi's side and reached out to scrape the dark circles on Cheng Jinzhi's face. Pay no attention to rest. Compared with her, the other one is more "indifferent". After talking to Cheng Jinzhi, the other one left.

Soon, grandma passed away, the Cheng family went bankrupt, and Cheng Jinzhi was displaced. Parents were collecting debts, and Cheng Jinzhi was injured on the set, so he just lay on the hospital bed. Seeing her struggling to drink water, Rong Si felt very distressed. She stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to help Cheng Jinzhi up. Where is the other one?

"It hurts." Suddenly Cheng Jinzhi twisted his expression.

Rong Si quickly stood up. "Is it on you?"

However, how could she overwhelm Cheng Jinzhi? She couldn't even touch Cheng Jinzhi. Cheng Jinzhi's wounds just opened. The wound worsened, and Cheng Jinzhi couldn't sleep even more at night. Cheng Jinzhi seemed a little aggrieved, took a few breaths, but didn't shed any tears, just raised his hand and rubbed his eyes.

Rong Si's heart ached and she could only slightly hug Cheng Jinzhi's back. "It doesn't hurt anymore."

"Ah..." Rong Si was awakened by Xiao Cheng. The dream was very real, Rong Si woke up with thin sweat on her back. Looking at the little Cheng Jinzhi in his arms, Rong Si's heart did not feel so uncomfortable. Fortunately, there is this little Jinzhi by his side, otherwise this nightmare would not even know when it would end. Cheng Yi just kicked his legs, but did not wake up. Rong Si rubbed Cheng Yi, and then kissed Cheng Yi's forehead. Probably because I missed Jin Zhi too much.

Rong Si got out of bed and poured a glass of water. Taking a sip, he remembered the cosplay that Jinzhi asked her to play that day. That's what the screenplay is about. Cheng Jinzhi was really charming that day, and Rong Si couldn't help but follow the script's requirements, asking for the other party time and time again. Sure enough, he was in the drama, and he would have such a dream. Rong Si took out her mobile phone, the phone screen was still stuck on ten hours ago, Cheng Jinzhi said goodnight to her.

"Miss you." After saying these two words, Rong Si felt much more relaxed.