MTL - Rebirth and the Deadly Enemy HE-Chapter 182 Don't be a big deal

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Cheng Jinzhi left again.

Rong Si sat on the head of the bed, looking at her outstretched hands. A hug is always warm, and Cheng Jinzhi hugged her. That person is always like this, reckless, sometimes arrogant and unscrupulous. But he will be desperate for himself, and embrace himself again as if he will not be hurt.

When Rong Zhan came in, he saw Rong Si alone. His expression trembled, and he couldn't bear it. He turned his face away, and his heart was also uncomfortable. Rong Si retracted her arms, she was silent as if she was meditating on something. Her light embraced her.

"Ms. Cheng is gone?" He wanted to call Cheng Jinzhi's name directly, but he turned a corner.

"Well, she's gone."

"I thought she would stay." Rong Zhan muttered. He thought Cheng Jinzhi would stay. He came here to tell his sister that he went to the company. Find an appropriate time and give the two of them space to be alone. Unexpectedly, Cheng Jinzhi left first, and the air pressure on her sister was still a bit low. It seems that the two of them didn't have a good talk.

"Sister, will she still come?" Cheng Jinzhi seemed to be leaving in a hurry.

Rong Si raised his eyelids, the moment Rong Zhan saw his sister's expression, he regretted asking such a question. How long has it been since my sister showed such an expression? When was the last time? Such sadness and despair, the young sister never showed it when her parents passed away. His rational and restrained sister fell on a woman like Cheng Jinzhi. Before he knew that his sister had identified Cheng Jinzhi, so he found Cheng Jinzhi. Looking at it now, Cheng Jinzhi is not just someone his sister likes and can't ask for. It's life, it's my sister's half life. Their family is strict, their parents love themselves, and they never let themselves suffer too much wronged since they were young. Maybe it's talent, parents know that his talent is not as good as his sister's. His elder sister has been placed with high hopes since he was a child. As long as Rong Zhan can remember, his elder sister has shown a completely different temperament from her peers. Her heart is like a deep pool without waves. He admires such a rational and restrained elder sister, who can handle everything. Everything is in her hands with ease. Rong Zhan didn't think much of it, it was a skill that ordinary people would not envy. Ordinary people lack restraint and self-discipline. They always make a mess of things at hand, and they always panic about sudden changes. He is an ordinary person, so he envies and takes his sister as a role model. Until Cheng Jinzhi appeared, until my sister cried. "It's too much."

"I just hold on."

My sister has never cried like that in front of him, nor has she been so sad and desperate as she is now. Her whole body seemed to be floating on the edge of a cliff, as long as anyone pushed her lightly, she would fall into the abyss.

"Don't bother her." This time, my sister didn't sternly reprimand, only powerless and weak.

"Sister." When he spoke again, Rong Zhan heard a choking sound in his throat. "Don't do that."

Sister, I can't see you like this.

"You go out, I'm too tired." Rong Si lay on the bed, holding her hands over her heart. She was indeed a little tired, and she lay down according to the message sent by her brain.

Rong Zhan rubbed his eyes and nodded in a panic. "Sister, I'm right outside the door, call me if you need anything."

Sister, please don't worry, I only have you in this world.

Rong Si replied feebly, then closed her eyes. When Rong Zhan went out, she slowly opened her eyes. The room was a little dark, and my brother turned off the lights when he went out. This is good. These years have been turning day and night upside down, and she is used to working at night. Perhaps a dark place is good for her thinking. She has a lot of time to miss Cheng Jinzhi.

"I've been a little tired for the past half month. There are many things in the company." What Cheng Jinzhi said to her just now rang in her ears.

"I don't know what to talk to you about, so I just talk about trivial things. They are all unimportant things. You can sleep if you want."

Listening to her talk, how can I feel tired.

"How can I say hello, you used to be as strong as a cow, but in the past few years, you ruined it like this. You are relying on your youth, and if you don't take care of yourself, you will suffer when you get old." Broken thoughts. "The more I talk about you, the more energetic you are. What are you laughing at? It's annoying."

No matter how aggressive this person is, he will still soften his heart.

"I'm sick of you." The other party's voice gradually dropped.

After hugging, they left again.

"Rong Si, I must admit that I am still attracted to you until now."

"But, I don't dare to have you again."

"I don't dare to be with you. I don't know when, and I was thrown away by you inexplicably. When I was full of plans for the future, I became out of your plan again."

"Rong Si, we can't drag each other down. I can't be with you, my mind will unconsciously remind myself that you will leave me. I can't control this emotion, how can I be with you." Tears fell down like this. "Rong Si, let's stop doing this."

Cheng Jinzhi's tears probably fell into her heart. Rong Si tightened her heart, which was dull and painful. She had an operation two days ago, why didn't she ask the doctor to take it out. Otherwise, she wouldn't be in burning pain like tonight.

Rong Si folded her arms and hugged her familiarly, with the other's cheek pressed against her head. "I'm sick of you."

Cheng Jinzhi was probably the catastrophe she loved so much.

Cheng Jinzhi was sitting in the back seat of the car, she spread her hands and looked at her palms. She didn't want to hug Rong Si from the very beginning. How long has it been since she rubbed Rong Si's head? Maybe it's because the other party is still a patient.

sick. The other party is a patient. Cheng Jinzhi came to his senses again, she left in such a hurry, wouldn't it irritate Rong Si and let Rong Si go to the emergency room again? distressed. The opponent's body is now like a sister Lin. When getting out of the car, Cheng Jinzhi raised his hand slightly, and the hug just now got into his mind again.

"I'm sorry." There was still Rong Si's voice.

The wind is a bit strong tonight, and the hug between the two looks very warm. The hug for less than a minute just made Cheng Jinzhi survive the windy weather tonight. He returned to the villa with a messy hairstyle. She thought of the box of dried flowers that Rong Si concealed by her side, which was given to Rong Si by her. Rong Si also gave her many things. Cheng Jinzhi ignored his hairstyle, biting his nails and pacing back and forth in the living room. Where did the things that Rong Si gave her go? Yes, just ask her parents.

"Do you have these things? I don't remember." Her mother quickly answered her. This was many years ago.

"My mother gave you renovations before and lost a lot of things." Cheng Huainan replied to Cheng Jinzhi. "I remember that I collected some things for you. The list you made is so long. I probably didn't charge you so many things."

Cheng Jinzhi felt that she was full and had nothing to do, so she went to her father's utility room in the middle of the night.

She didn't know when she fell asleep, she felt like she had a long dream. Rong Si opened her eyes.

"Sister, you're awake. Are you hungry? Do you want a drink? Is there something wrong with your body? I'll call a doctor for you." Rong Zhan's mouth didn't stop, he kept talking.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"It's not long, it's only an hour. Do you want to sleep again? Or sleep after eating?"

"Eat something." Her body told her it needed something to eat.

Rong Zhan's movements were quick, and he brought all the dishes over in half an hour. "Sister, this is your favorite restaurant. Try it. Their restaurant has released several new dishes this year. It could have been faster, but their business is getting hotter and hotter, so they can't keep up."

"Hmm. Have you eaten?"

Rong Zhan nodded. "I ate, a lot."

Rong Zhan was as well-behaved as a child who just started elementary school.

"Yeah." Rong Si ate very little, she only started to eat solid food in the past two days, and she ate very slowly. Rice grains need to be chewed several times in the mouth.

"Soup, sister, you have some soup." Rong Zhan hurriedly filled Rong Si's soup. "I specially asked them to do this, and the doctor also said to nourish the body."

Rong Si took a sip slowly, the soup was steaming hot. Rong Zhan looked at his sister through the mist, and always felt that her sister was much better than yesterday.

That's good.

"You don't need to guard me here anymore. You need to deal with the company's affairs." After eating, Rong Si said to Rong Zhan again.

"Sister, I want to accompany you. You need to take care of your meals and so on."

"These secretaries will handle it, you need to go to the company to make decisions."

Rong Zhan silently packed the dinner plate, still hesitating. "But…"


"I'll come over after the meeting."

"Yeah." With my younger brother's ability, he couldn't get away for three or five days. Maybe let her have a quiet meeting by herself.

After her younger brother left, Rong Si went to the attending physician to find out about her situation. After her brother's mouth, it is inevitable that there is some exaggeration.

"Miss Rong, don't you still want to work?" The doctor said expressionlessly. He has seen this kind of patients a lot, and his heart will itch when he doesn't make money for a while, and he feels that he can return to work when he can get out of bed. Hearing Rong Si asked the limit of what he could bear, the doctor knew that the other party wanted to move the office to the ward.

"Miss Rong, I think you still need to rest for a while." Such patients are a headache for doctors. Although he doesn't make trouble, he always has his own ideas and doesn't follow the doctor's advice. Very inattentive to rest.

"Well, I see."

For the next two days, Cheng Jinzhi didn't come over. Rong Si put on her clothes slowly. As soon as he left the hospital, he was bumped into by Cheng Jinzhi who came over. Cheng Jinzhi took the helpless Rong Si back to the ward. "Rong Si, are you going to die?"

"Where are you going so neatly dressed? Going to work?"

"I want to see you.

"What do you think? You might as well make all the money in the world."

Rong Si stopped talking and shrank her neck.

"Miss Cheng, don't be so loud, Miss Rong, she..." The nurse couldn't help but stop her. Miss Rong Si was very quiet, and they usually came in cautiously. They were afraid that Miss Rong would not be able to bear Miss Cheng's loud voice.

Unexpectedly, Miss Rong not only did not show an uncomfortable expression, but also looked a little panicked. She held Cheng Jinzhi's hand. Carefully apologize: "I'm not going out."

... Is Miss Rong shaking M?

"Don't be so great." When there were only the two of them left in the room, Cheng Jinzhi took out the box of dried flowers from his bag, which Rong Si had given her back then. She put the box on Rong Si's belly. "I have that too."

Not only you have it, I have it too.