MTL - Rebirth and the Deadly Enemy HE-Chapter 165 dying

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When Cheng Jinzhi closed his eyes, Rong Si also turned off the lights in the car. Lying on the bed and still unable to fall asleep, now huddled in the car, Cheng Jinzhi closed his eyes and fell asleep. Probably due to professional habits, traveling is a rare time to rest, and I spend a lot of time in the car a year. She slept soundly, but Rong Si screamed when she woke up. Rong Si's hand fell on her shoulder. "Jinzhi."

Cheng Jinzhi's phone screen kept flashing, and she put the phone on the side of the seat when she was sleeping. When Rong Si saw it, she woke her up. Cheng Jinzhi sat up slightly and picked up his phone.

"Hey, Dad...what's the matter?" Cheng Jinzhi rubbed his sleepy eyes. "I didn't run away from home. I ran away from home when I was old."

Cheng Jinzhi held up his mobile phone and moved his arm again. She felt a little numb when she woke up, why did she go to sleep in Rong Si's car? Rong Si is also good at it, she can sleep for so long in such a narrow place. Cheng Jinzhi glanced sideways at Rong Si, Rong Si was so much taller than her, she probably slept curled up. At this time, Rong Si also reached out her hand, and she helped Cheng Jinzhi press his shoulder. Rong Si massaged her, but she didn't do it by herself. Rong Si is professional.

"Well, I'll be right back, you don't have to worry." Cheng Jinzhi said a few words before hanging up the phone. Looking at the phone, there were several missed calls, not only from my father, but also from my mother. Mother made a lot of phone calls. Cheng Jinzhi dialed and saw DC's phone number. At this point, DC should be catching up on sleep, probably because her parents called her up. Cheng Jinzhi texted DC back.

"I just saw your phone when I fell asleep." Rong Si said shyly.

"Did you sleep on the steering wheel?"

"En." Rong Si nodded. "I'm just going to sleep for a while."

Cheng Jinzhi handed the blanket to Rong Si. "You'd better lie down and sleep. I'm going home."

After getting off the car, she thought again why did she ask Rong Si to sleep in front of her house? Can you tell her to go home and sleep? At this time Rong Si lowered the window and winked at her. "Shall we have dinner together?"

"Let's talk about it later." How could she still be in the mood to have dinner at this hour? When I got home, my parents greeted me, and they were already fully dressed. If Cheng Jinzhi doesn't answer the phone, they will go outside to look for it.

"Jinzhi, are you going for a walk outside in your pajamas?" Cheng's father asked.

Just now my father called and asked her what she was doing. She said go for a walk outside. Cheng Jinzhi rubbed her messy long hair, and knew what she looked like without looking in the mirror. Could it be that after waking up, Rong Si kept looking at her and smiling. What's so funny, she should have bitten harder yesterday.

"Well... Dad, when did you come back?" She remembered that her father was still on a business trip.

"I called your dad back." Cheng's mother let out a sigh of relief after seeing Cheng Jin. After letting out a sigh of relief, Cheng's mother flinched a little. As a mother of a strong woman, she rarely shows such a timid side. "Mom is worried about you."

"If there's nothing else, I'll go upstairs." Cheng Jinzhi avoided his mother's gaze.

"Jinzhi." It was Cheng's father who grabbed Cheng Jinzhi's wrist. "Your mother is worried about you."

Father Cheng said it emphatically again. It can be seen that Cheng's father still has a protective feeling for Cheng's mother. From childhood to adulthood, they also doted on their only daughter very much, and never made her suffer. She likes acting, but doesn't like doing business, it's up to her. His wife's love has always been no less than his, otherwise she would not have maintained the marriage with him for Jinzhi.

"I'm worrying you, Mom." Cheng Jinzhi lowered his eyelids and didn't look at his mother. She didn't know how to face her mother, even in her last life, she never ran into the scene where her mother and mistress kissed. According to the development of the previous life, the mother would cut off the contact with the secretary, return to the family and reconcile with the father. But is this really what she wants?

"Why, as long as you're fine." Cheng's mother said, "Go to sleep. Do you want something for lunch? Mom will make it for you."

Now that her parents are here, she thinks she needs to talk to them. Rong Si also said that she needed to talk to her parents. They have always followed themselves, and they are what they say. But because of this, Cheng Jinzhi couldn't bear it again. Her parents don't owe her anything, on the contrary, they have always loved her very much. Such love is based on a complete family. Cheng Jinzhi admitted that he was spoiled. "No, you go to work. I'll sleep for a while, and I'm going to make an announcement."

"So soon? No more rest for a few days?"

"Well, I'm going to join the crew of "Fire of War 6" after the announcement for this period of time."

"Yeah, that's good, you go to rest." Cheng's father and Cheng's mother looked at each other, pretending that nothing happened, and let Cheng Jinzhi go to rest. At the end of the day, she told Cheng Jinzhi that she would go to the set to see her when she was free.

After his parents went out, Cheng Jinzhi also called DC. After sleeping, she saw Rong Si's car when she went out. Rong Si was still here. "DC, stop for a moment."

After the car stopped, Rong Si also got out of the car. He still has a thermos in his hand. She knocked on Cheng Jinzhi's window and handed the thermos to Cheng Jinzhi. "That counts as having dinner together."

Cheng Jinzhi opened his mouth, took the thermos and only remembered that Rong Si had told her about dinner in the morning. After falling asleep, she forgot to reply Rong Si's message. "Well, I'll treat you to dinner next time."

"Okay." Rong Si smiled. "Eat slowly, it's still early for your activities."

After hearing Rong Si's words, Cheng Jinzhi glanced at DC again. DC raised his hand innocently, as if he wanted to say that he didn't leak the secret.

"I read Weibo." Rong Si said.

DC also quickly blinked his eyes, the boss is famous now, many people point to the boss's itinerary to eat. Whenever there is any news, it spreads all over the Internet. Although the studio has also done some public relations, but with little success. We can only wait for the boss's heat to pass. On this premise, the personal safety of the boss is guaranteed.

"Well, thank you." After the car drove out, Cheng Jinzhi searched Weibo. Even she herself didn't know the schedule for the next week, so someone made an advance notice for her. "When am I going to cut the ribbon?"

"Boss, don't believe this. Half-truths and half-false, they are just lucky."

Cheng Jinzhi still had some lingering fears about the last attack. "DC, is the security okay?"

"No problem, I've stepped on a little bit of the current activities." While speaking, DC looked at the thermos in Cheng Jinzhi's hand again. "Boss, you and Miss Rong..."



Cheng Jinzhi rubbed the thermos in her hand, then raised her hand slightly, rubbing her fingertips. His fingertips smelled of Rong Si's perfume. The perfume on the other party's body was not heavy, it just lingered slightly on the tip of her nose. You can't even smell it carefully.

In mid-April, Cheng Jinzhi also joined the group. This was Cheng Jinzhi's first time joining such a big-name crew. Not only the actors are big names, but even the lighting teacher is also a leader in the industry. I heard that Teacher Lighting has a listed company in private. The week before joining the group, Cheng Jinzhi was still in a state of confusion. On the one hand, they need to be familiar with the language environment. They not only speak English, but sometimes some Spanish. On the other hand, it is to get used to the environment where they shoot. Although the shooting is similar with minor differences, after all, the film and television here has to develop a little longer, and it is also striving for perfection in many aspects. The director team was also more polite to her. In the first week, they said they wanted her to find a feeling, but they didn't let her shoot anything. It is also thanks to Beate that she got into the state, and Beate introduced a lot of things to her. After getting acquainted, Beate chatted with her about Rong Si. Cheng Jinzhi didn't expect that Beate would chat with her about Rong Si.

"Are you familiar with Rong?" Beata asked.

First of all, when he heard Rong Si's name, Cheng Jinzhi hadn't realized it yet. Now that she is influenced by the English environment, she thought that Beate was going to introduce some movie characters to her. "It's okay, what's the matter?"

Beat smiled. "She asked me to take care of you. She rarely asked me for help."

"Huh? Do you have a good relationship with her?"

"Last time she introduced you to me." Beat said. "The crew has considered several Asian stars. After she knew about it, she mentioned you to me. I also thought you were a suitable candidate. I told the director that the director just considered you. It took some time to discuss in the group. Your role is finalized. The crew doesn't want to neglect you, but they haven't tried Asian stars before, so they don't know what to do."

"Rong and I met at a concert, and I'm a fan of her brother's music," Beatt said.

That's how it turned out, I didn't expect Beata to be confused. It's not that it has a strong taste, it's just that Rong Zhan has always given her the impression of a brat.

Beat looked at the director team not far away, and then at Cheng Jinzhi. "Cheng, you really surprised us. Your performance exceeded our expectations."

Of course, Cheng Jinzhi knew that they were trying to encourage her. Compared with other people's performances, she felt that she couldn't let go. Not in a native language environment, I feel a bit restrained in the performance, maybe I want to see other people's feedback too much. When she performed, everyone else was expressionless, which is probably commonplace. No matter how good the performance was, it could no longer make waves in their hearts. The other is probably cultural reasons, many people take this as a job. Fulfill your obligations at work, and leave after get off work. Don't talk about cheering, it's good not to boo. Two weeks after joining the group, Cheng Jinzhi was finally able to plan the shooting with a normal mind. This is also very good, at least when eating, you don't have to worry about others taking pictures. You don't have to pay attention to your image all the time. Those who are bigger than her in the group, grab a lot of them.

Compared with the previous life, Cheng Jinzhi's biggest emotion is that a mountain is higher than a mountain. There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond the people. If you won the Magnolia Award in your previous life, you will be considered as the top of the sky. In this life, he was lucky enough to get nominated by Keith, and his acting career has just begun. "Fire of War 6" is expected to be released in the year after next year, filmed for a year, and then enters post-production in July next year. This is already the fastest time in the "Fire of War" series. "Fire of War 3" has been in production for five years, and it is also the best-selling one in the series. According to the memories of Cheng Jin's previous life, the results of "Force of War 6" were very average, and he was shortlisted for several Case Awards, and he didn't get a single Golden Man back. The box office results are also very mediocre, and the fans are even more arguing and scrambling to shirk. What was pushed to the leading actor was pushed to the post-production. Major websites also issued a draft of "The Upset of "Fire of War", the Rigidity and False Breakthrough of Hollywood-style Movies". It's just that the subsequent "Fire of War 7" has swept the global film and television market. "Fire of War 6" was brought up after "Fire of War 7", saying that it is the most philosophical thought in the "Fire of War" series. I don't know what kind of butterfly effect my participation will cause. Cheng Jinzhi has already thought of the possibility that movie fans around the world will blame her for the downturn in the box office.

At the end of July, when Cheng Jinzhi was getting better, a domestic phone call made her stumble back from the set.

"Jinzhi, come back soon. Grandma... Grandma is going to die."