MTL - Rebirth and the Deadly Enemy HE-Chapter 148 Sven scum

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Although the atmosphere was a little awkward, it did not take away Cheng Jinzhi's "handyness" in such matters. I don't remember when I am not sensible, but Cheng Jinzhi has faced such situations many times since he was sensible. She only missed once, and that was to Rong Si. Before Rong Si said anything, she took the initiative to hug the other party's neck. I am afraid that the other party will run away. Gao Yi? If you want to say it, it will be even worse. Gao Yi didn't confess, but she went to open a room with someone in a daze. Before I had time to regret it, I was pushed down on the bed by others. After all, I was just in college at that time, and I hadn't been in a relationship yet.

"Manager Ding, thank you for your confession..." Cheng Jinzhi said.

Manager Ding lowered his eyelids. "Mr. Cheng, don't worry. I understand what you mean."

"I didn't do anything, and I didn't do anything serious. Of course, I won't be ashamed to ask for your love." Manager Ding said.

"Manager Ding, I'm a little sorry for you saying that."

Manager Ding stopped talking and just raised her eyelids. She looked at Cheng Jinzhi with eager eyes.

Cheng Jinzhi flicked her long hair around her ears. She raised her hand to fiddle with the tea set, her plain fingers resting on the teacup. "Do you drink tea?"

Was the topic shifted noticeably? obvious. Manager Ding looked at Cheng Jinzhi, then lowered his head and smiled again. "it is good."

The two sat opposite each other, holding steaming cups of tea without saying a word. Manager Ding took a sip of his tea and looked at Cheng Jinzhi again. Before, her impression of Cheng Jinzhi was only the big star on the screen, the little boss of the group. The first time we met was at the meeting, when Manager Ding came to the headquarters to report on his work, she was a little surprised when she saw Cheng Jinzhi. Eighty percent of this surprise is surprise. Whether in terms of temperament or appearance, Cheng Jinzhi is impeccable. When communicating with her, Manager Ding held his breath, for fear of exhaling, which would make the whole person look cramped. When others bow their heads and smile, they are all restrained and reserved. Only her, her eyebrows and eyes are full of publicity. It's like hooking your eyes. "You can only look at me."

After drinking two cups of tea, Cheng Jinzhi sent Manager Ding out. Send Manager Ding down the mountain quickly, and don't let her parents see it. otherwise…

"Manager Ding?" Sometimes it's such a coincidence that you come to whatever you can't think of. Turning around, she just ran into her parents.

"Look at you." Her mother was quite satisfied with Manager Ding. "Manager Ding came over and didn't tell us."

"No, I'm taking her down the mountain."

"Going down the mountain? Isn't this just here?"

"Happy New Year, boss. I came here in a hurry this time, and I didn't prepare any gifts. It's too rude." Manager Ding looked a little apologetic.

"It's okay, we don't lack anything. What to give." Mother Cheng smiled. "Xiao Ding, since you have come up, stay overnight before leaving."

Manager Ding glanced at Cheng Jinzhi, but Cheng Jinzhi didn't respond. "it is good."

As a subordinate, it is not easy to win over the boss's kindness.

Cheng's parents and Cheng's mother are quite satisfied with Manager Ding. They probably don't know that Manager Ding has a child. After all, the child is stored in her brother's account book. If you check it, it was many years ago. Grandma Cheng was not dissatisfied with Manager Ding, she just glanced at Cheng Jinzhi. At the table, Cheng Jinzhi was a little absent-minded. The granddaughter didn't have any special feelings for Xiao Ding. Grandma watched Cheng Jinzhi fall in love. When she and Si'er were still together, she never took her eyes off Si'er. The granddaughter who has always been flamboyant, restrained her sharpness in front of Si'er, showing shyness. Time flies so fast, how many years have passed. As if it was just yesterday, the granddaughter and Si'er wished her a long life and a long life. She never thought of living for such a long time, and she would be bored after living for a long time, and her body would be full of problems. But don't worry.

"Jinzhi." Grandma called Cheng Jinzhi.

Only then did Cheng Jinzhi regain his composure. "grandmother?"

Grandma smiled, and raised her hand to rub Cheng Jinzhi's head again. "It's been a long time since I slept with my precious granddaughter."

"Grandma, don't you think I kicked the quilt?" Cheng Jinzhi smiled and said coquettishly.

"Yeah, I really suspect you have ADHD."

As an old man in the family, sometimes I have to do the task of "referring to the younger generation" in order to achieve the purpose of "living for most of my life is still reasonable". "Jinzhi, you are already at this age..."

"Grandma, you don't want to introduce someone to me, do you?"

"I mean, you have to consider freezing your eggs." Grandma patted the back of Cheng Jinzhi's hand and said earnestly: "In two years, the quality of eggs will decline."

...This lethality feels the same as "In two years, your face will collapse and your waistline will become thicker".

"I'll think about it carefully."

"There is no delay."

"With no delay, I will freeze the eggs when I go down the mountain." Cheng Jinzhi said.

Cheng Jinzhi thought again. "Grandma, are you implying that you want to enjoy family happiness?"

"Huh? I'm not as obsessed with children's diapers as other old people." Grandma said, "I think your mother has this tendency. She looks at Manager Ding as if Manager Ding can give her a baby tomorrow." Like a granddaughter."

"Yeah, why is my mother like this?"

Grandma laughed and patted Cheng Jinzhi on the back. "Your mother's feelings are all pinned on you. Of course I hope you will be a flower."

If it weren't for the memories of his previous life, Cheng Jinzhi would have listened to these words heartlessly. Grandma knows about mom? In the last life, her mother and her father almost divorced, and it was her mother who proposed it. It wasn't that her dad was having a good time outside, but that she had found "true love". If so to speak.

And in this life, until now there has been no disturbance. Cheng Jinzhi was still faintly flustered, there was no mistress, nor was he bankrupt. She doesn't know the next trajectory. In fact, it has long been different. From the moment she took over the filming of "Girls Besieged City", from her falling in love with Rong Si, everything has been overturned again. After ten years of rebirth, she is no longer a "reborn person" in the strict sense, and she knows nothing about her subsequent development. In the last life, Rong Si was not with her, and in this life, she and Rong Si had no results. Was it God who corrected everything about her rebirth? If it is a correction, will everything go back to the original track? Things are always impossible to think about carefully, and you can get a lot of messy fantasies if you think about it carefully.

The next day, Cheng Jinzhi sent Manager Ding down the mountain. After getting out of the car, Manager Ding knocked on Cheng Jinzhi's window frame again. She held Cheng Jinzhi's hand. "In the new year, I hope Mr. Cheng will take his time."

"Hmm." Cheng Jinzhi smiled.

After descending the mountain, Cheng Jinzhi began to catch up with the intensive announcements. After filming "Watch" for half a year, there was a lot of delay in the schedule. Fortunately, Cheng Jinzhi has no shortage of exposure, and the title of Warner Bros. Movie Queen is too secure. "Jiangshan Beauty", "The Silver World" and "Benevolence" gave her a very broad national foundation. The young man who likes variety shows naturally brought out the nickname "Jin Miao" in "Crossing the Frontline". Cheng Jinzhi's Weibo fans had already exceeded 80 million. Eighty million, this number is a bit huge. She didn't update Weibo very much, it is estimated that DC bought a lot.

While putting on makeup, I don’t know who turned on the TV, the financial news. Soon, a familiar voice came from the TV. A financial reporter interviews Rong Si. "Hi, Ms. Rong, welcome to the 'Eye of the Storm'. Many market participants believe that there is a relatively obvious 'Nike Curve Effect' in the companies listed on the GEM. At present, many companies on the GEM have entered the performance release period. How do you What do you see?"

Cheng Jinzhi turned his head and glanced at Rong Si on the TV. Rong Si who faced the camera looked very calm. He seemed to have just stood up, unaware of the sudden visit of reporters and cameras. With her slender fingers, she straightened the cuffs. There is still a polite smile on his face. "In the short term, the growth rate of the GEM is huge. If you enter the market with a simple buy-and-hold strategy now, the risk is greater. In the short term..."

"It's amazing." A Hua, the makeup artist, sighed with emotion. "The last time I chatted with Ms. Rong, Ms. Rong listed three financial plans for me. She came as soon as she opened her mouth, and she was very professional."

"It's not surprising, she is studying this as a graduate student."

"I'm really curious about Miss Rong's other half. How powerful you have to be to attract her attention." Ahua said.

Even in the entertainment industry where handsome men and beautiful women gather, there are still many people who yearn for Rong Si. Cheng Jinzhi looked at Rong Si on TV, with her exquisite face, cool demeanor, and the small earrings on her ears. Nothing is perfect.

Before shaking off the chill from his body, the door opened. Amid Rong Si's slight panting, Cheng Jinzhi bit Rong Si's ear. Cheng Jinzhi's nimble tongue licked Rong Si's delicate ears. She carelessly kissed Rong Si's cheek. Rong Si put her arms around Cheng Jinzhi, and let Cheng Jinzhi's impetuous kiss. In the darkness, the panting sounds of the two intertwined.

Since the last time Rong Si's phone number was deleted, Cheng Jinzhi never contacted Rong Si again. Until last night, last night, there was a press conference for Overwatch. She looked at Rong Si who was wearing a white dress. Rong Si came very early and was just sitting and reading documents. The fair and slender neck and the delicate and **** collarbone brought back Cheng Jinzhi's fond memories of Rong Si's body. Before coming, Cheng Jinzhi sent Rong Si a text message. They rolled onto the sofa, and when Cheng Jinzhi was about to kiss again, he smelled a wafting fragrance.

hungry. I haven't eaten well for two days.

"What did you stew?" Cheng Jinzhi, who had just pulled off the belt of Rong Si's bathrobe, let go.

"Porridge. You said you would come, so I cooked porridge for you."

Cheng Jinzhi was still tense when he took the first sip. When I took the second bite, I couldn't hold back a little. The hot porridge is a little warm. Cheng Jinzhi scooped it up, and there was **** silk in it. It is really cold. While Cheng Jinzhi was drinking the porridge, Rong Si brought some side dishes. She was full. It's just a bowl of porridge, but no one can make it taste like her.

After eating, Cheng Jinzhi hiccupped. Rong Si removed the dishes. Cheng Jinzhi scratched her face in embarrassment, and now she was a little embarrassed to bring up the matter of going to bed. Eat other people's food, drink other people's food, and **** them irresponsibly. "I'll do the dishes."

Cheng Jinzhi followed Rong Si to the kitchen. Rong Si didn't let her wash the dishes, but let her wash the dishes aside. She slowly put the bowls and chopsticks into the cupboard. It was obviously a hookup, but I vaguely felt that the rhythm was not right. It seems that she is the most failed hooker. There was a story of La Olivia scolding her ex before, but now she is even better, half-dressed and dragging her ex to eat together.

Heartbroken, but helpless.

After turning off the lights, Cheng Jinzhi turned sideways, and just as he turned around, Rong Si pressed against her back.

"Do you want to continue?"

When Cheng Jinzhi woke up, Rong Si was already at work. After washing up, Cheng Jinzhi took a bite of his toast, and then glanced at Rong Si who was sitting at the table. Rong Si looked at the laptop very seriously, and there was a pile of very thick documents beside the computer. She wears a pair of thin-rimmed glasses with gold wire, and the light from the notebook bounces off of her lenses. She was wearing the most suitable white shirt, raised one hand slightly, and the pad of her thumb rubbed against the knuckle of her index finger. The whole person looks very...

Sven scum. Forgive Cheng Jinzhi for such a word popping into his mind.

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