MTL - Rebirth and the Deadly Enemy HE-Chapter 10 photography

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After starting the machine, Yi Yi invited Ah M, an internationally famous female photographer. Ah M is the chief photographer of the fashion magazine "E.T.", the style of the photographer is very **** and hot, and it is hard to find an appointment.

Cheng Jinzhi and Rong Si stepped in. As soon as she entered the studio, Cheng Jinzhi felt enveloped by a sweltering heat, and she took DC's fan. Ah M has already arrived, wearing a patent leather pencil skirt with zippered slits. She is wearing a long-lens SLR camera behind her back, and she still has an unlit cigarette dangling from her mouth. Cheng Jinzhi fanned the fan, and then looked at the cabinet air conditioner beside him, but it was not turned on.

"Go, turn on the air conditioner." Cheng Jinzhi closed his fan and said to DC beside him.

"Wait a minute." Ah M said, "Today's filming requires your sweat."

...It's shiny, it must be greasy.

At this time, DC had already walked to the side of the air conditioner, Cheng Jinzhi glanced at him and told him not to turn it on. The studio is the main role of the photographer, and he can only listen to her.

DC nodded, understood. He withdrew from the air conditioner to Ah M, as if he wanted to chat with Ah M about today's shooting plan. Ah M wasn't in the mood to listen to what DC said, she squinted her eyes and picked up the DSLR, and took a picture of Rong Si who was a few steps away. Rong Si seemed to feel the capture, she turned her head and looked at Ah M who was not far away. Ah M picked up the SLR and quickly snapped another photo. The action was very decisive, and DC was taken aback for a while, which was quicker than paparazzi's reaction.

"Naked, clear the venue." Ah M took the cigarette from his lips.

"Huh? Naked before the shoot? Don't you need to show off?" DC asked hastily. He knew that this female photographer's shooting style had always been hot, and he had some objections at the beginning. After all, in the East, subtlety and euphemism are the main style.

"Why don't you come and shoot?" Ah M gave DC a sideways look.

"Don't dare, you shoot." After messing with Ah M, Yi Yi had to pick him up. Yi Yi also made an appointment with Ah M for a long time, and Ah M came here this time to sell Yi Yi's face and promote his magazine by the way.

DC slipped back to Cheng Jinzhi's side. "Miss M said she would be naked."

"I'm not deaf." Cheng Jinzhi glanced at DC. "Go out and clear the field."

"Okay, if you have any orders, call me when the time comes, and I'll wait for you at the door." DC said.

"Hold your eyes, don't look into them." Cheng Jinzhi tapped DC's eyelids with his fan before throwing the fan into his hand.

Cheng Jinzhi glanced at Rong Si, and Rong Si's expression was the same.

"Two big stars, take it off." Ah M held the DSLR in one hand and patted the bed with the other.

The bed is very classic, with the style of the Republic of China.

Cheng Jinzhi was not embarrassed to take off his clothes. He didn't wear much in summer, and the room was stuffy, so he took off his clothes within a minute. She turned her head to look at Rong Si, who was taking off her clothes with her back turned. Rong Si's skin was very fair before, almost pale, but after the military training, her skin looked a little healthier and a little red. Rong Si took off her pants first, her legs were straight and slender. Then she brushed her long hair to the back of her neck, revealing her fair neck. The clothes fell to the ground quickly, exposing her shoulders. She turned her hands backwards, and her slender fingers rested on the buttons of her underwear. As if feeling the gaze behind her, Rong Si tilted her head.

Rong Si looked back, Cheng Jinzhi quickly looked away, and climbed onto the bed as if nothing had happened.

Rong Si unbuttoned her underwear and slowly took off her panties. Rong Si's underwear is ivory, which complements her complexion perfectly.

After stripping off, Rong Si turned around, her expression remained unchanged. Under Ah M's gesture, she also climbed onto the bed.

As soon as the bed moved, Cheng Jinzhi's ears turned red.

"Miss Cheng, are you sleeping on it?" Ah M saw that Cheng Jinzhi was motionless, and seemed to be frozen.


"Sit up."

Cheng Jinzhi propped up his upper body, but was stopped by Ah M just as he did so. "Yes, that's it. Look up. Miss Rong, push Miss Cheng's hair back."

The ends of Cheng Jinzhi's long hair were a little curled inwards, and the studio was too stuffy, so her hair stuck to her chest. Rong Si raised her hand and lifted her long hair very lightly. Cheng Jinzhi felt a little awkward being teased by Rong Si, she could feel Rong Si's cool fingertips brushing over her shoulder.

"Miss Cheng, you have a good camera sense." After taking two pictures, Ah M said with satisfaction.

"Miss Rong, hold Miss Cheng's face with one hand." Ah M changed the camera, knelt down in front of Cheng Jinzhi and Rong Si, and looked up at the expressions of the two. "Miss Rong, come closer."

Rong Si was already lying on half of Cheng Jinzhi's body, and as soon as Rong Si got closer, Cheng Jinzhi's breath couldn't help but come up.

So hot.

The studio was too hot too.

"Miss Rong, bring out the emotion, the emotion." Ah M put down the camera, grabbed her chest with her hand, and made a gesture of digging out her heart.

Rong Si looked up at Cheng Jinzhi, who propped up his slender arms, biting his lip and making an innocent expression. This simple movement was repeated dozens of times, and Cheng Jinzhi almost couldn't support his upper body.

After a few movements, thin sweat broke out on both of their bodies.

"No." Ah M shook his head while looking at the DSLR. "Miss Rong, your expression is too dull."

Speaking, Ah M also looked at the clothes on the carpet. She tapped her chin with her fingers, as if thinking of something. She turned around and got into the backstage, and took out the costumes in "Girls Siege" from the backstage. "Miss Cheng, Miss Rong, please put on your clothes first."

Rong Si landed on both feet, took the clothes, and handed them to Cheng Jinzhi. Under Ah M's gesture, Cheng Jinzhi knelt on the bed to get dressed.

"Miss Rong, you don't need to treat this place as a studio, but as a set." Ah M said: "Just treat it as a play now, and you come in to see the besieged city."

Rong Si put on her clothes, she turned her back to the camera, brewing her emotions for a few seconds. Turning around, she is Miss Jia.

This scene was a bit familiar, when Rong Si walked over, Cheng Jinzhi had just put on his clothes. Rong Si reached out and grabbed Cheng Jinzhi's wrist. Cheng Jinzhi raised her eyelids in surprise, and she looked at Rong Si who was raging in front of her. Rong Si entered the scene, and she was able to take it in and out so quickly and freely.

Rong Si's hand ran up Cheng Jinzhi's wrist, touching Cheng Jinzhi's neck. Then gently hold Cheng Jinzhi's neck. After Cheng Jinzhi came back to his senses, he also followed the scene, sticking out the tip of his tongue and curling up the corners of his mouth, leaning in front of Rong Si's eyes, and licking Rong Si's lower lip. Both of their faces were a little wet with sweat, and their hair was sticking to Rong Si's delicate cheeks. Cheng Jinzhi raised his hand and brushed the hair on Rong Si's cheeks.

Rong Si grabbed the back of Cheng Jinzhi's neck, lowered her head and bit Cheng Jinzhi's lower lip, followed by a stormy kiss.

"Take off." Ah M's voice was also a little excited, and she shouted out.

Rong Si began to undo Cheng Jinzhi's clothes while kissing, and with a tear, the clothes were torn off Cheng Jinzhi's body. Cheng Jinzhi hugged Rong Si's nape, his face was fascinated, and his heart was full of slander, this scene didn't need to tear clothes at all. On the set, Rong Si had a lot of tricks that did not conform to the script, and Yi Yi didn't cry out. He was quite happy watching, saying that Rong Si was very talented and knew how to carve out characters. Why didn't Yi Yi boast about her on-the-spot reaction? Who can stand the other party not following the script?

Soon, Rong Si pressed Cheng Jinzhi on the pillow so that Ah M could take a mirror.

Rong Si's hand was a little cold. Cheng Jinzhi could feel Rong Si's hand, and although the studio was very hot, she shivered inwardly. Probably it was Rong Si's eyes. Rong Si's eyes did not have the calmness and self-control in the past, but only a sense of material desire. Cheng Jinzhi clamped his legs tightly.

no? This is a deadly enemy, huh? Why can't the other party take it when he touches him?

Hold on.

Cheng Jinzhi turned over and sat on Rong Si's waist. She interlocked fingers with Rong Si, and pressed Rong Si's hand on the pillow. "do not move."

With a smile in his eyes, he seemed to be possessed by a besieged city. She pinched the corner of her clothes, and slowly took off her clothes on Rong Si's body. Then he hugged the back of Rong Si's head.

"Stop here for a while." Ah M seemed to be mobilized, and the whole person was a little excited. "Very good, let's go."

After a shoot, both of them seemed to be lifted out of the water, and their whole bodies were soaked. And Ah M obviously had a lot of fun with the filming. The original one-hour filming plan took three to four hours, and he even took off his clothes in the middle of the filming.

"You guys go take a shower first, and then go out for supper later."

"it is good."

"Hmm..." According to the previous life, Cheng Jinzhi would probably say it. I won't come, I'm exhausted. It was not until later that Cheng Jinzhi realized that before the picture was completed, whether it was beautiful or ugly was still in the hands of the photographer who retouched the picture.

The bathroom in the backstage was a little crude, and Cheng Jinzhi would not have had the slightest desire to take a bath here if he hadn't been drenched all over. Turning on the shower, Cheng Jinzhi tried the water temperature and had to adjust the water temperature himself. Cheng Jinzhi felt that he had returned to his small rented house of twenty or thirty square meters.

As soon as the water temperature was adjusted, a person covered his back. The person who came was taller than her and was also naked, which made Cheng Jinzhi shiver. It's too bad, you shouldn't have the chrysanthemum facing the door. The other party's skin was very smooth, Cheng Jinzhi only felt the chrysanthemum tighten.

"Did you think about it?" the visitor whispered in her ear.

The voice is very clear, Rong Si's voice.

"No, no." Cheng Jinzhi stuttered.

"You're wet." Rong Si's voice was a little hoarse, and a seductive goblin came out of her throat, making Cheng Jinzhi's ears itchy.

She tightened her long legs, trying to break free from Rong Si's embrace, but hurriedly bumped into the shower, the water from the shower immediately increased, and Rong Si's face was covered with water.

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