MTL - Raising Evil Spirits-Chapter 8179 : unexpected

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All the gods fled in the direction of God's Domain. After all, the further they go in, the stronger their strength grows, and the greater the power of the Dao Foundation that can be mobilized!

They feel that as long as they flee to the innermost point, no matter how many Taoist demons are, they will be nothing more than chickens and dogs!

So standing in the same place like an iron tower, holding two flower-gud hammers that destroy the sun and punish the gods, majestic and majestic.

Xuan Chi also saw me, his eyelids slowly sank from the initial curiosity.

There was a cruel smile on the corner of my mouth, and I rushed straight to Xuan Chi in an instant!

The other party also knew that I was a stubborn stubble, definitely not comparable to Dongxian just now, and the Zhenhai Magic Knife in his hand immediately gathered strength, and swung a sword suddenly!

In an instant, a knife pattern appeared on the surface of the sea, extending all the way to the rear, and even several Dao demons were almost hit, and they were shocked!

But when the impact came to my eyes, it was cut off by a beam of light, and a giant cross appeared in the sea, one red and one blue, very dazzling!

Seeing that I was able to block his attack, Xuan Chi frowned and said: "You are not the **** of the eternal sea, where did you come from?"

I didn't bother to answer him, because while the demon fairy was talking, the horns on his head had already released the silk thread closely following the red knife pattern, and he was just trying to delay time to design me!

My Huaguduo hammer is longer than a sword, and ends with two spheres, one red and one blue!

Once the enemy is hit, they will either suffer from the freezing attack, or they will be under the pressure of the power of Zhenhai!

The blow just now was blasted by the blue hammer.

Seeing that I was attacking him regardless of everything, Xuan Chi concluded that my strength was not weak, and immediately pulled the gold thread on the knife to forcefully pull back the demonic energy of the knife that was released earlier!

This offensive is like waving the sea like a cloak, but anyone who is touched will turn into a pool of blood!

But I didn't give him this chance, an icicle blasted towards Xuan Chi!

This Xuan Chi is also powerful, he resolutely gave up and continued to attack, he just avoided the icicle!

In the sea, the icicles stretched all the way like sharp swords, and I took the opportunity to step on the icicles, and the red sea-suppressing law blasted out a beam of light!

Xuan Chi easily avoided it again and laughed loudly: "I thought it was so powerful, but I didn't expect it to be just these two tricks! Haha! I'll let you know today..."

However, before he could finish speaking, he found a series of silk threads faintly appearing at the front of Huaguduo's hammer!

"Hey, you're not the only one who can release these silk threads!" In fact, I released countless sword threads in the two attacks. The two beams of light seemed random, but in fact they also concealed murderous intent!

Xuan Chi roared angrily, and immediately prepared to escape, but it was obviously a step too late, the sword threads all over the sky surrounded him from left to right, instantly entangled in all directions!

Under the forceful impact, Xuan Chi suddenly couldn't move, his eyes rolled sharply, but his body was controlled by my sword silk!

I flicked my finger, and the ice edge pierced out of his body, and his body instantly turned into a hornet's nest!

Under the black blood mist, Dao Ji began to disintegrate, and the Zhenhai magic knife also disappeared because it could not be solidified!

But innate luck exists, and I took it away easily.

There were quite a few immortals on the battlefield who were paying attention to the battle, and the Daoist Daoists all cheered, and the Daoist Daoist who rushed to the front also hurriedly retreated!

Xuan Chi's strength is higher than that of other Dao demons, but it doesn't mean that there are no other demons. Several demons who failed to rescue in time immediately rushed towards me, and various special Zhenhai laws appeared one by one!

Some Zhenhai laws carry terrifying coercion, making people immobilized for a moment, while others are so devilish that the sea becomes a blood-red sea!

There are even small needles that condense the demonic energy into cow hair, and they shoot towards me quickly, and all directions seem to be a Shura field where demons who prove Taoism wreak havoc!

"Why are you still standing there?! Do you want to watch this fairy be killed?!" I roared, and the nearby gods all reacted, either triggering the eternal Haidaoji to attack, or rushing to help!

The war brought the balance back again. I didn't use any moves that people noticed, and I attacked the enemy completely according to the similar rules of Tiantong Xianjun. Otherwise, if I release the sun-killing god, I don't think there will be even a magic fairy left here!

But after I killed Demon Lord Xuanchi, everyone's morale was like a rainbow, and they quickly repelled this wave of attacks!

"Tiantong Shenjun is truly mighty and invincible!"

"If it wasn't for you, our fairyland would be in danger!"

"Before I said that Tiantong Shenjun is powerful! Now it is true!"

Rainbow farts came all over the sky, I gave a big smile, and said happily: "Damn, that's not what you said just now! I almost thought you were joking now!"

"No way! Haha, Tiantong Shenjun is no worse than Ye Xuanxianjun!"

"Maybe even stronger than Immortal Lord Ye Xuan!"

"Hey, that's also powerful in the big formation, but I, Tiantong Xianjun, really deserve that Ye Xuan!" I hummed.

The gods praised it again, and I looked like I was enjoying it.

But at this moment, the Dao Foundation energy mobilized in the entire sea area suddenly began to drop rapidly!

My face changed, and I hurriedly asked, "What's going on?!"

The gods immediately became serious, some swam around, some hurriedly checked the situation of the formation, and some even sent their men to check the surrounding situation!

"Not good! It may be that other fairylands have fallen!"

"Some of the array eyes must have been destroyed! Otherwise, the power of the Dao Foundation would not have dropped so much!"

I thought to myself that the other two fairylands were led by Lan Cheng and Ye Xuan, how could they lose so quickly?

"Stay here, if you can't hold it, give up this fairyland, and hurry to the next level to help defend the formation! I'm going to help my **** master!" I roared loudly.

"Since Tiantong Shenjun has made a decision, let's go!"

"I'm here waiting for you! The gods rush to help the blue amaranth gods!"

"If I can't catch it, I will go to the next layer of formation eyes, and the gods are relieved!"

A group of gods immediately showed understanding. After all, I am the **** of Lancang God Realm of Lancang, and it is my duty to protect the master at critical moments.

I immediately flew towards the blue amaranth at a very high speed. At this time, I couldn't care about hiding my strength. I met the Dao Proving Demon along the way, and immediately shot mercilessly, killing the wandering demon fairy without even a chance to fight back!

After a while, I came to the fairyland that Lanzhu was responsible for guarding. However, the scene in front of me was shocking. The fairyland for tens of miles was riddled with holes. Even the area of ​​the formation eye, there was only a huge hole left. Such as sinkhole!

This should be a blow to shatter the eyes of the formation. Possessing such power, maybe only a beast or a god-level power can do it!

Unexpectedly, Lan Amaranth encountered a strong enemy!

I didn't dare to think further, and immediately turned to swim towards the next layer of defense area. There were not many Dao demons along the way, and all of them were big and small beasts who were not under command!

I didn't pay attention to it, I was afraid that something bad happened to the blue amaranth!

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