MTL - Raising Evil Spirits-Chapter 8171 :Luck

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Lan Ran looked me up and down, and said, "Immortal Lord Shenri, I haven't heard about it from Lord Jinghong, but you just established the Immortal Realm recently?"

"I was lucky enough to be promoted by the God Lord, so I have today's status." I said.

"Well, God Lord Jinghong is upright. It should be good that you can be promoted. By the way, I heard that you brought the news that God Lord Jinghong sent to me?" Lan Ran laughed.

I handed the fairy order to Lan Cheng, her appearance has not changed much, she is dressed in a purple-blue dress, she looks quite luxurious.

Lan Ran is dressed in azure blue palace attire, with an overpowering air of nobility, a subtle yet condescending demeanor.

But she was the leader of the rebel army before, and her aura has been achieved over the years, so she doesn't need to pretend at all.

But the blue amaranth is still the same.

After receiving the fairy order, Lan Ran frowned first, and after putting down the fairy order, she turned her eyes to me: "I already know what the alliance wants me to do, but God Master Jinghong said that you will stay in our eternal God Realm for a while , and asked me to arrange you by my side, what is the meaning of this?"

The expression of the man beside her changed slightly.

My heart froze, and I could only say: "I am good friends with God Lord Jinghong, I'm afraid it's just a love house, want to introduce me to you?"

"Oh? It seems that you are quite capable to become the friend of God Lord Jinghong. I don't know what you are good at, Xianjun?" Lan Ran asked.

Li Duanyue originally intended to put me next to Lan Ran, but the reason was far-fetched and self-assertive, of course she found it strange.

"I don't know what the Divine Master asked specifically, but if it's fighting, then it can only be said that everyone is good at it." I laughed.

"Good at everything? You can think about it before talking to the divine master." Lan Cheng said dissatisfied.

"Immortal Lanzhu, since it was introduced by God Master Jinghong, he should be very capable. After all, God Master Jinghong's own swordsmanship is superb, isn't it?" the man laughed.

"What theory?" Blue Amaranthus asked back.

"It's only relatively speaking." The man shrugged with a helpless expression.

"Okay, you two don't argue anymore, since it was introduced by God Master Jinghong, it should have her idea." After finishing speaking, Lan Ran looked at me: "God Master Jinghong never said that you want to stay here How long, but since you want to stay, how about Immortal Lord Shenri staying here until you want to leave?"

"Thank you, Lord God." I thanked quickly.

Lan Ran nodded and said, "Do you have any experience in dealing with alien beasts? Recently, the law of alien beasts is rampant. I just received the news that the Wulan Immortal Territory was attacked by the God of Exorcism and asked for more staff. I want to lead A group of fairy families are going to help, are you willing to go with them?"

"You don't have to worry about it, God Mie Rizhu and Feihong Tacui have already been killed by God Master Jinghong." I replied.

"Oh? Killed? She is so powerful now?" Lan Ran was surprised.

Including Blue Amaranthus and Nanxian, they were extremely shocked.

"It's just because the two beasts are fighting." I didn't tell the truth, anyway, I'm going to fool it first, and when she gets the truth, I guess I'm about to leave.

"This is the result of the combination of strength and luck, which makes us envious." The male fairy smiled.

"Yes, only she can do it. Now that the two alien beasts have been killed, the only remaining threat to our eternal sea is the wild hunting of monsters. Lan Cheng, Ye Xuan, pay more attention to it, if it can be attacked Killing it may bring peace for many years," Lan Ran said.

"Please rest assured, Lord God."

The two couldn't agree more.

I took a look at Ye Xuan, and thought that it's okay to be handsome, and the name also has the atmosphere of Long Aotian.

"Shenri Xianjun, you should have never been to our Eternal God's Domain. The scenery here is superb. Although it is not as stunning as the Jinghong God's Domain, like a glimpse of the sky, the God's Domain in the sea still has its own unique charm. Lan Ran made a gesture of invitation, politely wanting to take me on a tour.

I nodded and said with a smile, "Thank you, Lord God, for your invitation."

Ye Xuan glanced at me, then followed behind.

While Lan Ran took me on a tour of God's Domain, she began to introduce Lan Chan and Ye Xuan.

"Immortal Lord Ye Xuan is the number one immortal monarch under my divine domain, with extraordinary strength, and you are the number one immortal monarch under God Lord Jinghong. It's a good time for you to be together." Lan Ran laughed.

"I don't know who is stronger? Sister, how about letting them fight?" Lan Cheng took the opportunity to encourage.

It seems that this little girl doesn't like Ye Xuan very much.

"Blue Amaranthus, what are you talking about? Immortal God Sun is our guest, how can we let guests fight here? Moreover, this place is the sea of ​​eternity, it is not a place where Immortal God Sun is good at. " Lan Ran said.

Lan Qiang murmured: "I'm just talking, but there is no other way, wouldn't it be enough to open a realm without dao foundation? Could it be that Immortal Ye Xuan didn't dare?"

Lan Ran sighed, and said: "Ye Xuan didn't know what provoked you, and made you target everywhere? Well, this matter..."

"This field without dao foundation is quite interesting. I haven't had the opportunity to use my legs and feet during this period of time. The proposal of Immortal Lan Cheng is exactly what I want." Ye Xuan smiled.

"Oh? Does Ye Xuan want to compete with Shenri?" Lan Ran asked in surprise.

Ye Xuan nodded and said, "I don't know if Immortal Lord Shenri can teach me a thing or two?"

I smiled and said, "I don't mind, but I don't participate in competitions that don't have lottery prizes. It's meaningless to win."

"Shenri Xianjun is a man of temperament, so I don't know what kind of prize he wants." Ye Xuan asked.

I looked Ye Xuan up and down, and said: "How about taking the magic weapon as a prize? If I lose, I will give you the misty blue beads on my head. If you lose, just give me your magic weapon."

Ye Xuan didn't frown, and asked, "Shenri Immortal, are you kidding me? The treasure of Wulan Immortal Territory is on your head?"

All three of them looked at the crown on my head. Not only was the evolved Mie Rizhu God swimming on the crown, but they were also playing in a fight for the fog blue beads!

The crown is a small pagoda, if you don't pay attention to it after shrinking, you can't see it clearly, no wonder they haven't found it for so long.

"It's Mie Ri Zhu Shen?! seems not." Lan Cheng was surprised.