MTL - Raising Evil Spirits-Chapter 8132 :loyalty

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"I, Lu Jianchou, naturally want to go with God Xia. Shentian, are you willing to go with me?" Lu Jianchou looked at Goddess Tian, ​​who was watching all this proudly.

Shentian stroked his temples, and said with a smile, "Lu Xian, you and God Xia haven't been together for long, have you? Are you even more radical than his female army?"

"Hehe, can't I like him? Although it hasn't been long, we have won several battles and conquered the city. Even you, the owner of the Heavenly Palace, have been taken down by us. Isn't such a feat enough? Let me show off my relationship with him?" Lu Jianchou said with a smile.

"Hmph, I'm not defeated by your hands, it's just that I feel that there is a reason to advance and retreat with each other!" Shen Tian said happily.

"Then I don't care about you, let's wait for the flag to win, and then talk about the rest, but don't blame me for not reminding, if the Xia God wins, the first supporter will impress him, God, it is already enough for you to join the Xia God One step slower, this time every step is slow, once Mingtian Guzhou changes hands, what will happen in the future, have you ever thought about it?" Lu Jianchou asked back.

Shentian's face changed when he heard this, and he looked at all the Gods behind him, and said, "Is there any God of Heaven in my Heavenly God Palace who is willing to join me in picking up fire for God Xia?!"

"If the gods go to heaven, I am willing to go too!"

"If the Cosmic Demon is willing to go, how can we wait for the Cosmic God to be better than them?"

"Even if picking up the fire destroys the divine body of the universe, the spirit will never die. As a part of the palace of the gods, we should do our best for the sword nest of creation!"

"Pick up fire for the sword nest!"

There are so many core celestial gods under Shentian's hands, even the Sangong is inferior, after all, she is a native powerful celestial god, with hundreds of celestial **** forces under her hands, there are naturally followers like clouds!

"Then hurry up, I, Lu Jianchou, will go first! Sisters, are you ready?" Lu Jianchou looked at his companions, friends, and even the maids behind him.

During this period of time, Lu Jianchou fought south and north, and he had quite a few followers. Apart from the original female servants, there were also some cosmic demon gods, which were not too big or small.

"Yuan went with Lu Xian!"

"Wish to pick up fire for God Xia!"

A group of cosmic demon gods rushed into the nebula with Lu Jianchou. After losing their innate luck, the cosmic gods no longer condensed, as if they had become a part of the constellation!

I got a lot of innate luck from them, which strengthened my original star power!

I don't know what will happen after collecting all the cores of innate luck, but judging from the current strength, it has already surpassed what Xia Ruize has obtained now.

Of course, Su Tian, ​​who has been following Xia Ruize all this time, has not been idle. She is waving flags in their own camp and seeking help from other cosmic demons. , It really limped many cosmic demons, and rushed into the nebula one after another.

So Xia Ruize also ingested the power of weather luck.

Su Tian is the first cosmic demon under Xia Ruize, and she should have been the leader of one of the forces before. She didn't choose to be the first to rush into the nebula, but planned to urge other cosmic demons to go first.

Just as I was watching Shentian leading his army of heavenly gods into the nebula, Su Tian ushered in a spoiler!

Li Guxian seemed to have his eye on her, and with lightning speed, Chuangtian Sword almost cut Su Tian in half!

Su Tian was holding two curved swords, looking at the sharp blade that had just fought, the corner of her mouth had an extra curve: "You don't want to help Xia Shen, what did you come to me for?"

"Most of the little monkeys in my family are dedicated female monkeys, but I am the most different one." Li Guxian giggled, glanced at the cracked Chuangtian Sword, and seemed to feel the strength of his opponent.

Su Tian, ​​who can be recognized by Xia Ruize, is naturally the number one cosmic demon under him, and since just now, she has used her own power to make most of the cosmic demons rush into the nebula one after another!

Xia Ruize was not killed after I absorbed my luck, largely because of her!

If the sister-in-law is a capable person who unifies talents, then Li Guxian is a sharp sword, and wherever she goes, people will know her strength.

She has all the conditions necessary for a strong man!

"Isn't that also a female monkey?" Su Tian laughed sinisterly.

"Hey, why don't you be **** as a female monkey?" Li Guxian was talking, and the Chuangtian Sword in his hand had already collided with Su Tian's sword one after another!

clang! Clank!

The two curved swords in Su Tian's hands are divided into two swords, and when combined they are the sun-shaped sword. It is not a problem for melee and long-distance attacks, but it is evenly matched with Li Guxian!

If Li Guxian is held back, Su Tian can no longer be the lobbyist of the Heavenly Demon. Not to mention, this Su Tian is quite strong, even Li Guxian couldn't take her down within a dozen rounds!

Li Guxian's swordsmanship does not need to be repeated, but Su Tian is also the number one demon under Xia Ruize's subordinates. His swordsmanship is extremely superb. The battle between the two is very eye-catching, making everyone dizzy!

In the shadow of swords and swords, I can see that Li Guxian's swordsmanship is very different from before. It seems that she was not idle when I went to practice, and she probably started to split Xia Ruize's double Absolute Sword Heaven at that time.

It's just that when I came back with the Sword of Innate Good Fortune, she didn't have a chance to fight Xia Ruize.

The sudden attack on Su Tian this time was probably a deliberate act of venting anger. If there is no chance to beat Xia Ruize, it is okay to beat his subordinates, right?

On the other side, Liyun, Zichen, and Rixi also came one after another. During this period of time, they each recruited a lot of core subordinates. At this time, they also brought many celestial gods with them, which added a lot of strength to me. !

Zulong also rushed into the nebula with the Cosmic Demon. Its innate luck content is very pure, probably because of my usual care.

But it's understandable that this guy has so much congenital luck. After all, he is a speculator and has been staring at me from the very beginning. It would be strange if he had less congenital luck.

But anyway, who doesn't care?

At this moment, Zulong fed back these good fortunes, which can be regarded as a sign of loyalty.

Read The Duke's Passion