MTL - Raising Evil Spirits-Chapter 8125 : ask for hammer

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I watched the invisible sword in my hand continuously eliminate the power of the Dao around me, and I felt a little more real in my heart.

In fact, even I can't feel its existence itself, it doesn't have any weight, and it doesn't even have the slightest attribute, and it doesn't even feel warm or hot.

It doesn't seem to exist, but it's really there. This is the sword of good fortune.

It is the eternal sword of good fortune. It can be seen that all things come out of good fortune, and it can also destroy everything by the power of good fortune.

"What a sword of good fortune!" Seeing her way collapsed, the old grandmother dissipated the sword energy in her hand.

"It's time for me to try." Grandma rolled up her sleeves, and a dragon knife appeared in the sky, and fell down instantly!

I immediately condensed the sword of fortune with my luck, and moved towards the dragon knife to block it!

Chi Chi Chi!

I only heard the dragon knife touching the sword of good fortune, as if they were wrestling fiercely with each other, a gap of golden light appeared, and finally broke into two at the point of contact!

It was crisp and sharp, as if what it cut was not the air, but the terrifying metal that was a hundred times stronger than it!

I was also very surprised, I didn't expect that this sword of good fortune could not be touched or seen, but it could actually cause the world's visible laws to interact and destroy!

"It's very difficult to capture, but as long as there are laws of power around, there is room for use." Grandma said.

"How about not attacking with the power of law, but bypassing the sword of good fortune, and then attacking with sword energy?" the old grandmother asked.

"Haha... Do you really dare to think, do you think Ah Tian can defend with a sword? If you don't defend, you will attack what you defend, so there is no difference between this flaw and its non-existence." Grandma laughed.

"That's right, since even the Sword of Creation has been created, is it possible that the Underworld Ancient Eternal is invincible?" The old grandma sighed.

Grandma nodded and looked at me, and asked, "How much courage has grown?"

"Grandma, the first battle is over. What I lack is not courage, but the weight to bear in this battle." I said. .

"When the universe was wiped out, you didn't retreat half a step. What about the ancient universe of Mingtian? It's just that you shoulder three thousand universes." Grandma smiled.

"That's right, life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky, and you don't need to carry anyone's life and death, have you ever thought of it? When you were going through life and death outside, your grandmother and I were bickering and making bets here, and we still So, what about the creatures in the world? They are also doing their own thing, you think for them, who will think for you?" the old grandmother asked.

"They failed to go to the ancient universe of Hades. They are different from you. All life and death are borne by individuals, but they have nothing to do with you. Choice is a double-edged sword. Absolute correctness cannot exist, so no matter which side you choose, it means If you want to lose the other party, if so, what is there to regret?"

"Well... I'm actually not afraid of the past and the future, I will fight Xia Ruize to decide the world... It's just..."

"Afraid of losing? If we lose, we don't even have time to blame you. I'm afraid it will be wiped out long ago. Only when we win, can we have time to complain. So even if we are worried, we only worry about winning. If we lose, we don't need to worry at all. Yes." The old grandma laughed.

"The old grandma's words are interesting." I knew in my heart that the two old people thought clearly and were more open-minded than many people.

Grandma and grandma looked at each other and nodded, they probably knew that I had figured it out.

I bid farewell to grandma and grandma, and stepped out of the threshold of the hall.

Standing in the position of the temple, overlooking the galaxy below, the sky and the earth are vast, and life is full of ups and downs. After all, it will come to an end!

I took a deep breath, shot straight into the sky in an instant, and disappeared into the universe of enlightenment after a while.

Sword Qi, rolling around me, Thunder, raging around me!

The scorching fire splashing down from the sky swishes down from the sky and the earth, and the sparks all over the sky are scrolling the ancient universe of the underworld!

"At the peak of prosperity, the way of heaven must be broken, otherwise it will become a disaster at the extreme!"

"It will take rain to kill the severe frost, and spring will be enough to burn the wildfire!"

The sword song, like a shooting star chasing the moon, turned to my ears, the sword energy criss-crossed the sky and the earth, and I, at this moment, seemed to be in a small boat in the turbulent waves, ferrying like a green leaf!

There was a lot of exclamation around me, I felt that my clothes were ragged, and the ninety-nine and eighty-one Celestial Demon Sword in my hand was still resisting the enemy's wrath!

"When the sword is opened, the clouds chase the hills and valleys, so the heart of the sword can't bear to show itself!"

In my ears, my sword songs lingered in my ears, as if they were still lingering after I left for so long.

In fact, it took me less than a second to leave!

However, at this critical moment, I am no longer the original me, but the me who has traveled through several worlds without knowing it!

All kinds of exclamations came from around, some were pessimistic, some were anxious, some shouted, and some covered their mouths and couldn't even make a sound!

"One day! Wake up!" The voice of the daughter-in-law's sister came from a distance.

"Husband! Cheer up! You are the strongest! You don't have to leave us!" Xue Qingcheng shouted.

"Brother Tian! Come back soon!" Zhao Qian's voice also sounded from the left.

"Little monkey! Come back quickly!" Li Guxian also shouted angrily.

"Brother! Don't close your eyes! There's no time!" was Xi Jun's voice.

When I left, I closed my eyes and felt the call of everyone. I am so excited at this moment that I need not repeat it.

My hands and feet were affected and destroyed. At this moment, my body is full of sword wounds. It is only natural that everyone's mood will fall to the bottom!

Because I have never lost so badly, in their hearts, I should be the undefeated **** of war.

"It's useless. Although I don't want to hit you again before he is about to lose, my brother is different from what you think. This time he escaped shamefully after all, and his spirit sneaked into the Daoist Heaven. It is the only means of escape he can do, escape mentally, haha, how ironic... But I won't stop the final blow because of this, brothers and sisters, let's go to the return of the gods together..." Xia Ruize smiled lightly, with both hands As soon as it unfolded, my sword realm began to be plundered on a large scale!

All the celestial gods present are all desperate!

There is grief, there is misery, there is sadness, there is depression!

Bang bang bang!

The eighty-one Celestial Demon Swords began to explode one by one, and within a short while, there was not a single one left!

"Jie Jie... It seems that before the elder brother's sword song is completed, you have not broken your heart. If so, then I will be sorry." Xia Ruize waved his two swords, ready to complete the double sword sky!

However, just as his sword realm devoured my sword realm greedily, a burst of ripples rippled out with a "boo", shocking Xia Ruize's sword realm back a bit!

"Xia Ruize, do you want to ask for a hammer..." I slowly opened my eyes, raised my broken hand, and when the other good hand wiped it, it had already recovered.