MTL - Raising Evil Spirits-Chapter 2 : Night Road

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The moment I saw the corpse, my face paled in fright. Grandma said that when you encounter a floating corpse, you can’t go down to the river no matter what, but when you encounter this kind of corpse that looks like surrendering in the river, except for staying away immediately By the river, you have to run away!

Zhang Yidan followed my sight and saw the weird corpse that quickly appeared beside Huang Dong at some point, and immediately shouted: "Mom, you are stupid Huang Dong! Come on up! I didn't see it! Is there a dead body nearby!"

The little friends were all frightened, Huang Dong was also pale, but his family lived near this river, and it was not the first time I saw such things as floating corpses floating on the river, because he was the king of children in the class. Huang Dong immediately said with a sullen face and boldly: "Counseling Zhang Yidan, and said that the egg is fat and courageous. Why are you so afraid of death and have never seen a dead body? When will this river float one or two?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he watched as the little friend next to him was torn to the bottom of the water as if disappearing, and a series of bubbles appeared on the water!

Huang Dong was so scared that his face turned green. He opened his mouth wide and just wanted to call for help, but felt that something had caught his foot, and a huge force pulled him into the water! He lives by the river, and the water is not bad. At first he felt that it was just letting the water plants hang, but when he wanted to paddle to escape, he swished down to the bottom.

"Huang Dong!" Zhang Yidan was very loyal. Seeing his little friend being dragged into the water, he couldn't take care of anything instinctively, so he immediately went into the water to save others.

I watched Huang Dong and his little friend pull the weird corpse into the water on the water bank, but there was nothing to do. Except there was no other way, the cold feeling behind it became stronger again, which was almost an alarm.

"Don't die an egg! Run! Go and find an adult!" I pulled up Zhang Yidan and ran, because the black hole of the weird corpse just now seemed to be looking at me. If I continue to stay, it will definitely be. Something unexpected happened to me!

Zhang Yidan was all dragged away by me. The few friends didn't even say to save people. They cried lifelessly and ran with us. Finally, they found the adult on the shore and called the police.

I didn't dare to follow, pointing far away at the place where the water fell into the water, and pulled Zhang Yidan without letting him go.

The next day, the principal informed us in pain that Huang Dong and his little friend were drowned. Then I heard from the adults that both of them had their eyes open when they came up, and the adult who went to fish them was also dead. It was not until the patrol came.

Zhang Yidan and a few friends were glad that they had recovered their lives, and then they obeyed me and didn't dare to swim in the river again.

At that time, I was thinking, could the reflection in the water holding the corner of my clothes be the child bridegroom my grandmother married me?

Isn't she a person, but a ghost?

In order to understand my invisible sister-in-law, at a young age, I became curious about my grandmother’s spells, and in the following years, I studied all her old books and read a lot about exorcising ghosts, recruiting ghosts, and even A new way to raise ghosts.

Although grandma knew that I was studying her things, she didn't stop me for some reason.

But it is a pity that even if I knew these strange techniques, until I went to university and joined a job, I didn't have the opportunity to perform and verify it.

As for why, maybe it was because there was no chance, or maybe it was because I had an omnipotent grandmother in my life before, and now I have the "warning" of my invisible daughter-in-law and sister, and become Furui, so I didn't use them. Chance.

However, the spells that should have been slowly forgotten over time, but with the death of my grandmother, I had to use them, and even caused a catastrophe as a result, slipping to the way of raising ghosts. Grim career.

On July 16th that year, I was in my 20s.

I received a letter from my grandmother, saying that she will not survive July 14th, and she told me not to go to the funeral, not to go back to the village, forget the people and things in the village, and do not come back when I die. In order to be safe and secure for the rest of your life.

The letter was forwarded to me by my mother, based on the date specified in the letter and the current day. If I believe what the letter says, then grandma has passed away for two days.

An ordinary person can only determine the date of death unless it is fixed by someone or commit suicide. Grandma is almost omnipotent in my impression. How can it be possible to set a date for death?

Grandma lives in a remote place and doesn't talk on the phone. My mother lives in the county and often visits her. Only she knows her current situation best.

So instead of believing what the letter said, I dialed my mother's phone with my mobile phone and told her the content of the letter.

I asked my grandmother about her recent situation, such as whether her grandmother had any signs of Alzheimer's disease recently, whether relatives and friends in the village were okay, and whether there were conflicts between her neighbors and her grandmother.

When my mother received my call, she was surprised but disapproved. She said that she had just visited my grandmother a few days ago. She was in good health and asked not to worry. When she came back, she gave her a cage of eggs and two bags of glutinous rice. The neighbor relationship is also good. When bidding farewell, look forward to seeing each other with warmth.

After hearing this, I frowned, and suddenly remembered the dream of my grandma the night before, and I felt uneasy.

In the second half of the night of July 14, I dreamed that my grandmother came to see me. She was pale and sat on her shoulders a little girl in red with the same pale face. She smiled and waved to me but said nothing.

I want to walk over, but my sister-in-law's hand has been holding me, I want to look back at her expression, but I can't turn my head at all.

When I woke up, I was sweaty, but inexplicably sad.

For more than 20 years, every time I encountered danger, it was my sister-in-law who made me suffer from bad luck. What does the dream mean? What happened to grandma?

After reading the letter repeatedly, I considered for a long time and decided to go back to my grandmother's house. I haven't gone back for nearly a year. Even if it's dangerous, I can't care about so much.

Moreover, the words in the letter were very scribbled, and were unique to my grandmother's handwriting. There was an old yellow paper talisman hidden in it with brown and yellow writing on it.

I have seen this kind of paper talisman, written in human blood, and changed color over time.

In the early years, I used to play the tricks of ghost drawing amulets with my grandma's paper talisman books, so I was very sensitive and familiar with these things.

After careful study, I even saw the function of this paper talisman. It was something I had read from my grandmother's book before. It was called ‘Tong Yin Talisman’. It evades demons and communicates with ghosts and gods.

The important thing is that it is written with the essence and blood of a person's middle finger, so it is classified as a more overbearing talisman. As a last resort, no one will paint or play with such things.

Perhaps it was my grandmother's meaning to avoid evil spirits, not to moths into the fire, or just to protect the safety of the letter, but in any case, this abnormal behavior made me worry.

In addition, where I work now is a gallery in a shopping mall, the business is not booming, and my boss often threatens to fire me because of my taciturn.

This incident gave me an opportunity, so I didn't explain anything, and didn't receive the remaining salary. When I returned to the rental house from work, I packed and saluted and got on the express bus back to my grandmother's house.

My mother lived in a different direction from the village where my grandmother lived, so I didn't notify her about going back. In fact, I was afraid that she was worried because my hunch was not good this time.

Premonition can be attributed to the sixth sense, but it is unexplainable. It is often foresight in the dark.

My grandmother’s village has only 20 households, which is what I call Xiaoyitun. It is located in the deep mountains and old forests, and it is difficult to reach by transportation.

If you want to enter the village, you have to walk several kilometers of dirt roads from Ganlong Village, so when it rains, it will be difficult to walk.

When I switched to a van and came to Qianlong Village, the wind went smoothly and did not hit a rainy day. It was just that the fog was a bit heavy and the visibility was not high in the hazy fog.

Looking at the electronic watch in hand, it was not particularly ugly at 6 o'clock in the afternoon. It was late in the south, and it was dark after 8 o'clock. So according to the time period, if you enter the small village of grandma, it may happen to be dark.

If grandma is fine, then I can still have a bite of hot rice.

Thinking of this, I carried a simple package and headed towards the small road to return to Xiaoyitun.

"Young man, it's so late, are you going to Xiaoyitun?"

Watching me walking along the remote path of the village, the old man who got down in the van asked me kindly.

"I'm visiting relatives."

"It's late. Why don't you stay in the village for one night? This road is not easy to walk at night." The old man reminded me, hesitating in his face.

I know what he wants to say. Xiaoyitun is inconvenient for transportation. It is the last village on this land. People outside will not go in unless they walk with relatives. Coupled with the grandmother’s reputation, some people say Xiaoyitun is gloomy over time. There are unclean things, so at night, no matter how hurry or urgent things, no one dares to walk the night road of Xiaoyitun.

But that was because they didn’t know the situation in Xiaoyitun. After all, I lived there for most of my life, and there were no people I didn’t know. When I remembered studying in the town before, it was usually five or six o’clock when I came back. In Yitun, eight or nine o'clock is normal.

At a young age, I have never seen a real mandrill ghost, so I am very courageous. The key is that my grandma doesn't say anything when I walk the night, and I am used to it.

Seeing that I insisted on leaving, the old man didn't dare to say anything. No one likes to control others in this land, especially those who are going to Xiaoyitun.

What is Xiaoyitun? Legend has it that before the founding of the People’s Republic of China, there was a small town in Xiaoyitun. A plague took away all the living people, but Xiaoyitun could not even be called, but a corpse outside the town. The Yizhuang was abandoned for many years, and it was not until my grandmother got there that Xiaoyitun, a place dissatisfied with twenty families, was built.

Of course, I also heard the old man Zhang from my neighbor talk about ancient times, and didn't take this matter seriously.

The night is as cold as water, and the path is narrow and difficult to navigate.

The bushes and woods are as dense as before. When the night wind blows, they rattle, and occasionally night birds croak, which is inexplicable gloomy.

On the foggy mountain road, you can't see anything from six or seven meters away. Even if an acquaintance comes on the front, if there are no footsteps, you will see a shadow.

Sand, sand, sand.

I don’t know how long I have been walking. It sounded like footsteps or the sound of animals crossing the bushes. I don’t know when it has been around. I am not a good man, and I stopped when I heard this sound. In the footsteps, for fear that the mountain and grass snake borrowed the way from the side, he broke a branch in his hand.

But when I stopped, my voice stopped. This surprised me. I remembered that when I came back, there were often friends who teased me like this. I felt a little bit of playfulness in my heart and continued to take my steps.

After I walked around, my voice continued to rang. I thought it might be Zhang Yidan. This guy used to come out at night to catch voles when he was a child, and he didn’t forget to make fun of him when he met acquaintances walking at night. He has married a daughter-in-law now, shouldn't he start a small stove for the daughter-in-law today and come out to catch mice?

Walking through the fog, a black figure stopped in the middle of the road. I saw his back from a distance, and my face sank. Isn't this Zhang Yidan, who played well when he was a child?