MTL - Raising Evil Spirits-Chapter 12 : Dead Door

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"Qian! He borrowed the ghost! You are going to drive away the ghost!" Zhao He desperately hit the female ghost with the chopping board, and did not forget to wake up his sister Zhao Qian.

Zhao Qian came to her senses, panicking and rummaging through her bag for household items! Don't say she's never seen the Li Gui borrowed by the day, she has never heard of it! This kind of grievance can only be borrowed in the daytime, and she can only drive away things like Li Gui, but can't destroy it.

Zhao He grabbed Zhang Kaifu's arms, his fingers were sunken into his muscles, blood was dripping.

"Brother... Qian can't do anything, Qian can't do anything... I'm sorry, sorry... ooh." Zhao Qian whispered, and turned to the peach wood sword, and found it impossible, and then found out an old and shabby book. The book was thrown aside.

After a long while, Zhao Qian, who was looking for something but couldn't find it, cried, tears and nose running all over her face. She didn't find it, but she didn't find any effective props!

I sighed, Zhao Qian is just a Feng Shui master, who is not good at exorcising ghosts. That is no way. Let her make an incense case and use Feng Shui to deceive ghosts and gods. You Zhao He thinks she is omnipotent? Asking her to drive away evil spirits, isn't it difficult for a strong man, besides, she is only a girl.

It is conceivable that Zhao Qian was trying to force herself at home, and the pressure she was under was quite huge, otherwise she would not collapse like she does now.

"Quickly unlock!"

At the critical moment when the female ghost entangled Zhao He, I immediately ran towards Huo Dadong and stretched out my hands to let him unlock.

"You!" Huo Dadong, who was covering his neck to stop the bleeding, was taken aback, thinking that I was going to take advantage of the chaos, and his eyes showed contempt.

"What are you doing in a daze! If you don't want to die, let me go!" I yelled at him, scared Huo Dadong took out the key, trembling to open the lock, and the key fell to the ground once.

Letting go of my hands and feet, I immediately took out the soul urn, bit my finger, and stuck it into the urn: "Come out, swallow blood!"

The little Ligui immediately got his head out, his dark eyes were full of greed.

Yu Xiaoxue saw that it was a little girl ghost, and fainted with a scream.

It seems that the previous scene of the little girl ghost crawling out of the coffin gave her too much shock.

"Get rid of her!" I didn't care about Yu Xiaoxue, I fed the blood, and I ordered the little ghost girl to deal with Zhang Kaifu.

Huo Dadong's eyes widened, and he didn't understand why I was muttering to a broken urn, and even bluntly said to kill Zhang Kaifu's horrible ‘thing’. After all, he couldn’t see the way in the urn.

Little Ligui's whole body came out. For a while, the wind was horrible in the day, and her sharp teeth creaked. She twisted her lower limbs, and suddenly a gust of wind rushed towards Zhang Kaifu!

Huo Dadong felt a chill in his body, but didn't see anything.

But then, a strange scene appeared. Zhang Kaifu seemed to have pinched his neck for something, his body lifted up in the air, and finally he fell to the ground as if his whole strength had been taken away.

Although Zhao Qian and Zhao He didn't really practice yin and yang eyes, they could still see very clearly the ghosts who were so strong in their spirits. From the time I recruited such a ghost, they were frightened. Up.

After the white-eyed Li ghost was pulled out, he continued to struggle in fear, but the little Li ghost didn't intend to let her go, grabbing her hair, opening a big mouth full of sharp teeth, and directly biting!

The white-eyed and red ghost screamed, half of his face was gnawed away, and he was about to die.

I don't know the hierarchical relationship between them, but when I saw the little ghost is like an eagle catching a chicken, he caught the white-eyed ghost and can guess how powerful the dark-eyed ghost is.

But when I think about it, I'll understand, can the blood-eaters that my grandmother has raised for decades be ordinary goods?

As he ate, the little Li Gui ate up half of the red Li Gui, and the white-eyed Li Gui couldn't even make a sound now, and stopped struggling.

"Raise... Raise ghosts... Tao." Zhao Qian looked at ghosts eating ghosts, turning her head to look at me, saying nothing.

I turned my head and looked at Zhao Qian, Zhao Qian thought I stared at her, and was so scared.

Zhao He opened his mouth so that he could squeeze the big fist of the claypot, and he was more afraid of me.

"Go back!" Seeing the little Ligui finished the big meal, I immediately yelled. Who knows if this Ligui will produce some moths, but you can't just leave it outside, Yu Xiaoxue is still lying not far away.

Little Ligui reluctantly returned to the soul urn, I quickly closed the lid, put a seal on it, and put it back in my trouser pocket.

The woods that had originally called for the killing fell into a moment of silence.

I breathed a sigh of relief and stretched out my hands: "Come on, Team Huo, should we copy it again?"

Huo Dadong was taken aback, looked at Zhang Kaifu, who fell to the ground and died, and immediately looked at Zhao Qian and Zhao He, and immediately got a bitter face: "How can you show this hand, it must be Zhou Xian." My grandson is my grandson, I don’t think it’s like you did it in Tunkou. No matter how dazzling we are, we can’t torture Zhou Xianpo’s grandson, right? , Brother one day?"

I smiled, but I sighed in my heart. Just now, Zhang Kaifu didn’t even eat the ghost charms. He was bound to die, but Huo Dadong and Zhao He were injured. To a large extent, it was my cause, although they were killed in time. The white-eyed female ghost, but with this lesson, next time I will see a fierce ghost, a fierce ghost, I dare to underestimate the enemy so much, I am afraid I will not know how to die.

Later, I learned that this kind of white-eyed female ghost was actually a kind of fierce ghost called a "resentful ghost". She was extremely kind during her lifetime, but she was tortured to death. After she became a ghost, she would be able to borrow for nothing if she met someone with evil thoughts. Behind the upper body, people are bloodthirsty and endless. People around them will only self-mutilate after they die, until they have no skin.

"Xue, get up." I patted Yu Xiaoxue's face, but did not wake her up after calling for a while.

I had to carry my backpack to the front and her back.

She has a light figure and may be a little malnourished. After all, she doesn’t eat very well in the mountains. She grows cassava at home. I remember she told me that when she was a child she was hungry and secretly digging others’ sweet potatoes, but she accidentally dug their ancestral grave. , Let the ancestors pinch their buttocks purple in the middle of the night.

Of course, I just listen to it as a joke.

The ghost hit the wall and disappeared. Zhao Qian helped Huo Dadong and Zhao He stop the bleeding, and then we left the body of Zhang Kaifu and continued to walk outside the village.

Before long, there was a cliff road more than 30 meters high in front of us. When we arrived here, we could see the Long Village under the mountain. We were all excited, and even Yu Xiaoxue woke up.

Zhao He and Huo Dadong opened the way, Zhao Qian still holding the Feng Shui compass, and Yu Xiaoxue and I followed closely behind. After walking up the cliff, we saw a troop in front of us from a distance, ready to go.

We all felt that the town or county knew that something was wrong with Xiaoyitun, so they sent troops.

"Fortunately, I finally got my head. The army is in front of me. Don't worry, I and Political Commissar Li who are stationed in the border town are friends with each other. I will first go and see what is going on and why there are so many people." Huo Dadong whispered. After a sigh of relief, he was able to let out the suffocation.

Zhao Qian and Zhao He both looked at each other and smiled, obviously also very excited.

"Brother Tian, ​​Brother Egg still can't tell, isn't this going out?" Yu Xiaoxue blinked and said.

Huo Dadong can see it. It seems that there is absolutely no problem this time. I followed them, but as I walked, I couldn’t walk anymore. My sister-in-law suddenly grabbed the corner of my clothes, and I almost felt If you take another step, your clothes will definitely be torn.

"Stop! Don't go there!" I suddenly shouted, reaching out and pulling Yu Xiaoxue back.

"What's wrong? Brother Tian?" Yu Xiaoxue looked at me in shock.

At this time, the troops in front had finished their outfits and started to take their steps, and jogging towards us chanting the slogan of'one, two, three, four' rhythmically.

I really don't see any problem, but my sister-in-law just dragged me.

I don't see any ghosts on the cliff road at all, I am suspicious, but still vigilant: "Zhao Qian, can you see if there is something wrong in front?"

"No, there can be anything, the compass hasn't suggested anything." Zhao Qian couldn't help me, thinking I was suspicious of ghosts.

I shook my head, thinking that the nine princesses were arrogant again, but I could take a step forward and scoff! The clothes are torn!

"Snow! Run!"

Without even thinking about it, I immediately pulled Yu Xiaoxue and ran back!

Zhao Qian was stunned. Zhao He thought I was a lunatic, and Huo Dadong was even more anxious: "Little brother, don't run! They will think you are a fugitive after you run! They will shoot! They will shoot! ?"

"Hey! What are you running! My sister hasn't seen anything yet!" Zhao He was also anxious, looking at Zhao Qian.

Zhao Qian looked at the calm feng shui compass, but was a little stunned: Did this guy also lend to ghosts?

Seeing that they don't move, I don't care about three, seven, twenty one, I don't look back, pulling Yu Xiaoxue to run faster than the rabbit!

After running far, seeing that the Zhao brothers and sisters were still stupid, I immediately yelled and said: "Mom, you are all stupid! Yin soldiers are crossing the border! Yin soldiers are crossing the border, understand! Idiot Zhao Qian! Why don't you run away! If you don't run, you will die!"

Being scolded by me as an idiot, Zhao Qian's face turned red in an instant, and her mouth murmured aggrievedly, but because she was a little afraid of me, she glanced back at the unit that was approaching: No problem, Team Huo has no yin and yang eyes, not all See it? Why are you scolding me!

She carefully looked at the feng shui compass again, and at the top and bottom of the compass, she realized it instantly.

The feng shui compass doesn't turn, but the small pillar supporting the pointer is broken, and it can't turn at all!

At this time, Zhao Qianluo was lost in fright, and she ran with her lifelessly.

But the result is: her **** is a bit big, and she twists and turns when she runs. Although she looks good, she can't escape so quickly.

"Yin soldiers crossing the border? Yin soldiers crossing the border!!" Zhao He's face turned white, and Sa Yazi ran up, and he carried Zhao Qian up later.

Huo Dadong stayed for a while, and as a result he ran a step slower and immediately detained the Yin Bing!

When I looked back, I saw Huo Dadong's visionless eyes, looking forward idiotically, and finally walked towards the cliff. After a few circles, he rolled down the edge of the cliff. When I reached the bottom of the river, there was already a pool of blood.

Yu Xiaoxue and I didn't know how long they ran, and their calves were shaking when they stopped.

And Zhao He was also panting, watching the Yin Soldiers disappear before putting down Zhao Qian.

I looked up and looked forward, feeling cold, thinking about the bridge, and back to thinking about the bridge. Today's tossing of the day, let's turn back.

"I can't get out..." I sighed, and the Yin Soldiers gathered to cross the border to confine their souls. People who are not ignorant will be stupid without their souls.

So accidentally ran into the Yin Soldier, but it was easy to escape.

No wonder, there are Yin soldiers guarding the section of the road carrying Long Village into Xiaoyitun. Ghosts can't get in, and people can't get out. It's dead.

Read The Duke's Passion