MTL - Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love-Chapter 4 Cold ice

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However, no matter how hard she struggles, this man is not letting go.

Instead, the more she struggled, the man seemed to be subconsciously afraid that she would leave, and the more tight she was.

Being held tightly by the man, he couldn’t get rid of it. Su wine only felt like crying.

Although she can be held by such a beautiful and beautiful man, it is something she has always dreamed of.

The premise is that this man, don't be so cold...

If she is held by this man again, will she become a popsicle! ? ?

I knew this, she didn’t jump on this car when she killed it...

But now, even if she regrets that the intestines are green, it is useless.

Just as the wine, wine, and wine are crying, I don’t know if it’s too cold, or what’s wrong. A subtle sleepy attack, finally, Su wine can’t help but fall asleep...


Su wine does not know how long he has been in a coma. He only feels that the carriage that was driving fast ahead has stopped.

Outside the carriage, there was a whistling whistle -

"Mr. Lin, are you there?? Dr. Lin..."

"What is Lu Weiwei!? The old man is here!"

"Lin Dafu, when we went to the Black Wind Village to annihilate the cottage, this time, the four kings were accidentally killed in the cold ice. You can save our four kings..."

"What!? Cold ice poison!? That cold ice poison, extremely poisonous, the people who are cold and poisonous, if not detoxification in time, no time, no doubt! How long has the four kings been poisoned..."

"This... our four princes have been in the cold ice for two full hours..."

In the end, the tone is full of fear.

Su wine was originally sluggish, and when he heard the noise outside the carriage, he could not help but slowly wake up.

Slowly open the sloppy eyes, Su wine can not help but look up.

At this time, the squatting on the carriage was now opened by a pair of big hands.

Time, a glare of the sun, even from the outside shot directly.

I used to get used to the dark environment. Su wine was not able to adapt to this dazzling sunshine for a time. I couldn’t help but stick my claws and hold my eyes.

Even so, Su wine can feel it, as if someone came in, and then lifted the whole man under her body and then carried it out.

Su wine is held in the arms of the man. The man's sleeves are wide, but the whole body of Su wine is covered.

Therefore, no one else noticed the soda wine held by the man in his arms.

Su wine was held in his arms by the man. After slowly adapting to the glare of the outside, he could not help but slowly turn his eyes and look around.

I saw it here, it should be halfway up the mountain.

Surrounded by mountains, the centuries are towering.

In front of her, there is also a simple huts.

In front of the huts, surrounded by a fence, there are still many unknown flowers and plants.

A group of ducks, scattered by people who were suddenly surprised, and constantly screaming ducks and ducks.

Although it is very simple here, it is a good place for a good show!

The air here is fresh, the birds and flowers are the best place for the world to live in seclusion!

Just as Su wine was slowly observed around, in less than a moment, she and her handsome man under her body had been carefully carried into the huts.

"First put the four kings here, let the old man take the pulse for the four kings."

When I heard this, Su wine was shocked.

Thinking that she was just anxious to avoid the hunters, she jumped into the carriage, I can't think of it, this handsome man is a prince! ?

I was shocked, but Su wine and I looked down and held my man tightly.

Although the man is still in a coma, just, between the eyebrows, that noble temperament is even more innate.

It turned out that he is the four kings...

Just as I was thinking about it in the heart of Su wine, there was a low-pitched voice full of doubts in my ear.

"Oh, it’s really weird..."

"Lin Dafu, what a quirk!!"

When I heard Dr. Lin’s words, a man with a big knife standing beside Lin Dafu asked anxiously.

Upon hearing this, Su wine did not look up and looked forward.

I saw that at the bedside, I was standing with a grandfather who was over 50 years old. I wanted to come to him and he was Lin Dafu in the mouth of other people.

Standing next to Lin Dafu, stood one of the men who had just opened the road in front of the team.

Look at the dress of this man, obviously the guards in the palace...

Just as the sake of the wine was carefully looked at in front of him, I saw Lin Dafu immediately speaking when he heard the man’s words.

"Accordingly, the people who are in the cold and ice, if they don't detoxify in time, they will not die for an hour. But the four kings have already had two hours of cold ice. He has no poison, and his poison is like It was moderated, and there was no further deterioration. It was strange..."

Lin Dafu said as he spoke, while applying a needle to the man on the bed, his face was a doubt.

However, when Dr. Lin gently flattened the man’s hand and saw the wine on the man’s body, the whole person immediately stunned.

It’s full of shocks!

"Heaven! This is..."

"Hey!? Four kings in the arms, how to hold a little fox!?"

Relative to Lin Dafu's full face shock, standing on the bedside of the land show, immediately began to exclaim, full of doubts.

Immediately, he intended to reach out and throw away the soda wine lying on the man.

After all, this is the noble four kings of his family, how can you let other small animals scatter wild! ?

However, Lu Zhan’s hand just reached out and was immediately stopped by Lin Dafu.

"Lu Weiwei, and slow!!!"

"Well!? Dr. Lin!?"

When I heard Dr. Lin’s words, I saw him full of shocked look. Lu Zhan’s face was full of doubts and full of doubts.

It’s just an ordinary little fox. Although this little fox looks very cute, Lin Dafu doesn’t need such a big fuss! ?

Perhaps it was the perception of Lu Zhan, Lin Dafu immediately said.

"You don't know what Lu Weiwei is. You are not an ordinary little fox in front of you. If the old man is not mistaken, this is a long-established firefox!"


When I heard Dr. Lin’s words, Lu Zhan’s face was a glimpse first, and then he thought of something like it.

"Mr. Lin, you are talking about Firefox!?"

Dr. Lin spoke and vaguely told the origin of Firefox.

"The old man was still strange. The four princes should be poisoned and killed. Why are they still alive? Moreover, the poison on the body will not deteriorate any more. It turns out that it is because of this fire fox..."