MTL - Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love-Chapter 2304 Nightmare

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Suddenly, there was only a man in the large military camp.

Lying quietly on the big bed, looking at the familiar environment around him, the bottom of the man's heart seemed to be pressed against a big rock, and he was breathless.

Meng Meng, you, now, how good! ?

Can blame me! ?

Still, I have long forgotten! ?

"Brother Xuan, Brother Xuan, ah ..."

With a sound of exclamation, Ye Mengmeng made a sound of 噌 噌, and sat up from the bed.

Big mouth and big mouth panted, Ye Mengmeng's eyes were even bigger, and in his eyes, it was hard to hide the panic.

I don't know how long it took, as if it was a century, Ye Mengmeng slowly returned to God.

Even so, Ye Mengmeng still feels that his heartbeat is accelerating now.

The banging heartbeat sounded fast, fast, fast, as if it was about to pop out of her chest the next moment.

Panic, accompanied by a deep sense of uneasiness, permeated the mind even more.

Good-bye to the strange surroundings, Ye Mengmeng's face was stunned first, and then slowly returned to God.

"It turned out that I was just dreaming ..."

Ye Mengmeng opened his mouth, and when he said this, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, just now, she dreamed, dreaming of the forest she had been with the little boy before.

At that time, violent storms, thunder and lightning, those in black, constantly besieging towards them.

The little boy kept fighting and fighting with those in black, but in the end, she was held hostage. In order not to let the little boy lose her life for her, she had to jump into the rapids by herself.

But after she jumped into the rapids, the picture turned again.

I saw that the little boy jumped desperately after seeing her fall into the rapids.

But it is strange that the little boy who jumped off the rapids was obviously the little boy. Just blinking his eyes, the little boy became a young man.

Although she couldn't see the face of the man, she knew that that person was her brother Xuan ...

Ye Mengmeng wondered about the dream just now.

With a frown, the delicate and sweaty face was full of doubts.

What a strange dream in the end! ?

Why, in the dream, that little boy would become her brother Xuan! ?

Is it because that little boy looks exactly like Brother Xuan when he was a kid, so will she have such an illusion! ?

But how could her brother Xuan be the little boy! ?

After all, her brother Xuan is four years older than her. Now, her brother Xuan must be a handsome man, not just a ten-year-old boy ...

Maybe recently, too many things have happened, so that will cause her to think day and night and dream! ?

Ye Mengmeng thought so much in her heart that she didn't wait for her to think about the others, and the sound of footsteps suddenly sounded from outside the camp account.

Along with it, there was an anxious familiar voice.

"Little Six, what's wrong with you !? Little Six !?"

With this anxious and deliberately lowered voice, Ye Mengmeng's face was first frowning.

Just waiting for Mengmeng to respond, a thin cyan figure hurried in from outside the camp.

At this moment, the night was deep, and there was no lamp in the camp.

However, this is a military camp, and many torches are placed outside, so even if there is no palm lamp in the camp and the fire is shining, the camp can still be clear.

When she saw the cyan figure that suddenly came in, Ye Mengmeng's face was stunned first.

The next moment, I didn't even think about it. When the red lips opened, he exclaimed immediately--

"Yeah! What are you doing here !?"

Ye Mengmeng said, while talking, it was also subconsciously reaching out to pull the quilt under him, and then wrapped his body tightly, lest his body would be seen.

The eyes that fell on the visitors were even more difficult to hide from panic and annoyance.

You know, she is a woman. Although this man saved her, he can't come in at will!

Just when Ye Mengmeng was panicked and annoyed, Qing Yu, who had originally entered in a hurry, looked anxious and worried, and heard Ye Mengmeng's exclaimed voice, and the anxious and annoying voice that fell on him, that handsome His face couldn't help but be stunned.

After all, this boy's reaction was really weird.

All of them are men, how the boy reacted like a little girl! ?

Confused and annoyed, Qingyu never thought about the other.

Just opened her lips and said truthfully.

"Kee, Xiao Liu, I'm sorry, I just passed by. I heard your camp account seemed to be exclaimed. I was worried that something would happen to you, so I entered without your permission ..."

Qingyu spoke, and when she said that, she felt a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

Although this boy reacted strangely, only Qingyu didn't think too much.

I just feel that everyone's temperament is different.

Coupled with this boy, at a glance, I know that he is the son of a rich man, unlike these rough people.

Or he broke in suddenly and scared him ...

Thinking of this, Qing Yu's eyes fell on Ye Mengmeng, could not help but get a little cozy.

Compared to Qingyu's embarrassed and comfortable face, Ye Mengmeng, who was originally panicked and annoyed, heard Qingyu's words, and her face was stunned, and she immediately understood something.

Want to come, just woke up, the mind is not very clear, forget, now in the eyes of others, he is just a man!

Now, her panic-like look is very strange in the eyes of this teenager! ?

If he was discovered by this boy, what would he notice ...

Thinking of this, Ye Mengmeng panicked.

In order to cover up the disorder, Ye Mengmeng first stretched out his hand and covered his mouth, coughed slightly, and then said.

"Ahem, Brother Qing don't say that, just now, it was because I had too much tone. Just because I had a nightmare just now, Brother Qing came in suddenly and scared me.

Ye Mengmeng said here, and did not know how to continue.

After all, Ye Mengmeng felt that he had reacted too much just now.

Plus, this camp was originally the boy's. The young man kindly asked her to stay here, otherwise, if she could stay in the barracks, she would only be crowded with a bunch of men.

I think her little princess of the magnificent Xuanyuan Empire, if crowded with a lot of men, if known, her innocence ...

Thinking of this, Ye Mengmeng frowned.

Where does Qingyu know about Ye Mengmeng's thoughts! ?

At this moment, when he heard Ye Mengmeng's words, his lips opened and he asked immediately.

"Nightmare !? Little Six, it turned out that you had a nightmare just now."

Read The Duke's Passion