MTL - Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love-Chapter 2262 Self-reliance

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What's more, he did fight just now.

He actually took the danger and kissed the girl.

Moreover, if this girl had not slapped him just now, he would surely be uncontrollable, know the taste, and kiss deeper and deeper.

At that time, the young girl will inevitably wake up. When that time, watching him actually secretly kiss her, what will the young girl think! ?

The thought of the girl's shocked anger or shame turned into anger, and she never wanted to see him again.

Because, he knew that in the mind of this girl, only her brother Xuan ...

The thought of the little boy could not help but hesitated, and a sudden loss of heart and a strong unwillingness made him quickly rise to his heart.

He hates!

Hate that **** man who stole this girl's heart!


When Ye Mengmeno woke up slowly, looking around except herself, she was empty.

Seeing this, Ye Mengmeng could not help but feel a sense of loss.

I thought that the little boy was just grumpy and would return soon, but she was wrong.

Yeah, that little boy is an arrogant master who is treated as a substitute for someone else, how can he not be angry! ?

But she was also wrong.

At first, when I saw the face of the little boy again, she did regard the little boy as a substitute for her brother Xuan.

Only later, she gradually realized that the little boy was different from her brother Xuan.

But now, no matter how she explains it, it's useless.

The little boy was so angry with her that he didn't want to see her forever! ?

Thinking of this, Ye Mengmeng was lost in heart, sad, and her red lips opened, she could not help but sigh.

Just as Ye Mengmeng bowed her head and was sad and sad, there was a sound of "Guru Guru" in her belly.

Hearing that, Ye Mengmeng's face was stunned first.

Thinking that she hasn't eaten anything since yesterday, it's no wonder her stomach will be so powerful.

Now, the little boy is no longer here, everything depends on herself.

So now, it's not time for her to feel self-pity, but it's time to get up and look for food to worship her internal organs.

Thinking of this, Ye Mengmeng immediately stood up from the ground, and then went straight to the lake.

At this moment, it's time to hit the ground.

The blue sky and white clouds, the bright sun hangs high, and the warm sunlight drips straight down, making the lake glitter, so eye-catching!

After coming to the lake, Ye Mengmeng simply refreshed and drank a few mouthfuls of lake water.

Although the water has not been boiled, the lake water is clear and sweet.

Now, Ye Mengmeng is hungry and has nothing to eat. Take a few sips of water for a while and pad your belly.

After a brief grooming, Ye Mengmeng began to prepare for food.

This is a deep mountain forest, and there are countless strange animals in it.

From time to time, there are pheasants and hares.

Helpless, she used to respect her superiority in the past. In terms of speed, what is comparable to those pheasant hares who have been living in the woods! ?

My heart was annoyed, and the next moment, Ye Mengmei's beautiful eyes swept the lake in front of her.

The lake is huge and the water is crystal clear.

At this moment she squatted by the lake, looked down into the water, and saw that schools of fish were swimming in front of her freely.

Looking at the fish swimming in front of herself, Ye Mengmeng's eyes suddenly turned on!

Got it!

She can catch fish and eat!

Do it when you think!

Ye Mengmeng first got up from the ground, and then Mei Mei swept around.

After seeing the thick grass not far away, I immediately took a step and hurried over.

Although now she knows what to capture, she also has to use a tool to capture prey.

Otherwise, she can't jump into the water to chase the school of fish.

Although her water solubility is excellent, she still knows herself.

No matter how good your water is, you can't compare it to fish living in water.

Besides, she is starving to death now, and it's not suitable for people who are fasting to swim.

What if she had a cramp like yesterday? ?

By that time, no one was there to save her.

When thinking of this, Ye Mengmeng couldn't help remembering the little boy.

How good it would have been if the little boy was alive.

At least, she didn't have to worry about the two meals.

I don't know where the little boy is now! ?

But she's still angry! ?

Isn't he going to see her all his life! ?

Also, the identity of the little boy is a mystery. If he is alone, what if he meets the killers who assassinate him again! ?

Although, the little boy's martial arts is strong, but his fists are hard to beat the four hands. If the little boy is injured, or ...

When thinking of this, Ye Mengmeng didn't dare to continue thinking down.

Hey, now, let's hurry up for food!

Otherwise, she thinks it is useless, but there will be one more starving ghost here.

Thinking about this in the heart, Ye Mengmeng shook the cute little head of melon fiercely first, shaking all the messy things in his head.

After that, I picked a long and slender branch in the dense grass, and then sharpened it with a dagger.

After cutting one of the branches sharply, Ye Mengmeng contentedly picked up the cut branch and returned to the lake again.

The lake is large and the middle water is deep.

However, the closer the water is to the shore, the shallower it is.

Therefore, after coming to the lake, Ye Mengmeng first reached out and pulled up all of his trousers and sleeves. Then, he picked up the cut tree branch and walked carefully towards the lake.

The lake was clear and cold. When I walked into the water, I felt the coldness in the water. The comfortable sigh was just enough to make Ye Mengmeng sigh comfortable.

However, Ye Mengmeng did not dare to make a little noise, and walked in the water with care, lest he walk too much, which would make the lake turbid, and he was worried that the fish in the water would scare away.

When Yemeng Meng walked into the lake, Yemeng Meng stood there quietly, without moving.

Because she just arrived, even if she was careful, the fish were scared away.

So now, all she can do is wait!

With this in mind, Ye Mengmeng was holding the cut tree branch in one hand, and the whole body seemed to be clicked into a hole, and stood there without moving.

I don't know how long she waited. The fish that had been scared away by her launching water slowly swam towards her again.

Ye Mengmeng felt a joy when she watched the swarms of excellent swimmers swimming towards her.

The eyes of the school of fish that had fallen underwater were almost exhausted.

The fish here is so plump, if caught, it will be grilled and eaten later! ? Still find a lotus leaf wrapped around and eat it! ?