MTL - Quick Transmigration: The Green Tea Beauty, She is All Charming and Charming-Chapter 4 Young Master Gu's Fairy Fairy (4)

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  Chapter 4 Young Master Gu's Playful Fairy (4)

   "Shut up, you." Jiao Yang held the book, curled her lips, and replied impatiently.

  This system used to be fine, why is it becoming more and more annoying now?

   At this moment, Gu Zixuan opened the door of the bookstore and came in, picked out a few books, walked towards her when he exited, and said as if by chance, "What a coincidence, Miss Bella."

  Jiao Yang raised her head, tilted her head pretending to be surprised, and smiled back at him.

   "Gu Zixuan."

  The man curled his pale lips. If he didn't know that he was a **** by nature, and looked at his appearance, he would have thought he was an ascetic president.

   He really can't be judged by his appearance, just like his thunderous and sinister elder brother, whoever sees him in the business world will be a little bit afraid. But judging by his appearance, he looks like a refined intellectual. Who knows his identity and means, he kills people secretly without blood.

  The smile on the corner of Jiaoyang's mouth became brighter.

   It should be said. Are you worthy of the Gu family?

   "I'm flattered that Miss Bella remembers my name."

  The man pulled away the chair opposite her and sat down, his eyes fell on the small cake on her table.

   When a man chases a woman, the first thing necessary is to match what he likes.

   "Like to eat small cakes?" Gu Zixuan smiled softly, and said casually, "Girls seem to like eating these desserts, and Miss Bella is no exception."

  After hearing this, Jiao Yang put down the book in her hand, picked up a small spoon, and took a mouthful of the cake in front of her. The silky texture that melted in her mouth made her squint her eyes happily.

   "Well, I like it." She answered simply.

  Like a proud and expensive white cat.

  Gu Zixuan bent his eyes, looked at her for a while, and continued the conversation: "What flavor do you like best?"


   "Oh" Gu Zixuan nodded understandingly, "Then please ask Miss Bella to allow me to be a man who can give you strawberry-flavored cakes every day, is that okay?"

  Jiaoyang glanced at him, did not answer his question, lowered her head and continued to take a spoonful, and said with a smile: "Every day, you will soon get tired of eating."

   "Huh?" Gu Zixuan grinned, "Don't you like strawberry flavor the most? Since it's your favorite, it won't be so easy to get tired of it."

   "Even if it is my favorite, if I eat it every day, I will get tired of it soon."

  Jiaoyang grinned like him.

   "I am anyway."

  Gu Zixuan smiled and leaned back, with his legs folded and his arms spread out.

  Why do you always feel that there is something wrong with the conversation just now?

   "Does Miss Bella have anything that you won't get tired of?"

  Jiao Yang thought for a while, then said with an unclear smile: "Money, I like money."

   So far, apart from her "prey", she is really only interested in the Gu family's money.

   Although she is not short of money.

   But who made the Gu family not short of money when they annexed the Lu family?

   "Money?" Gu Zixuan raised his eyebrows, holding back the strange emotions in his heart, so as not to look too smug.

  No way, who let people like them have the congenital conditions enough to run the dead.

   "How should I put it, I'm poor and only have money left. I can give you whatever you want."

  Then what if I want the entire Gu family’s money?

   "But I'm a greedy woman," Jiao Yang slowly sipped half of the coffee in the cup, and then said, "What I like is the money I get."

   No matter what the method is, it’s fine to cheat or **** it, as long as you get it yourself.

"my own?"

  Gu Zixuan was taken aback for a moment, the enthusiasm that he thought he was about to get his hand cooled down in an instant, and the contempt that arose because he thought the woman in front of him was already at his fingertips.

  Jiao Yang nodded.

   Spending the money of a high-ranking man and being blessed by a man's power is equivalent to being his little pet, which has been unequal from the beginning. No matter how much the man loves and cares for her later, pets are still pets.

   Such an identity, Jiao Yang once did it on a whim. Facts have proved that she doesn't like the way men get along as they should.

   "Then Shengmingri." Gu Zixuan couldn't help asking.

"So it can't be seen that I have already rejected him?" Jiao Yang sipped his coffee, shrugged, and jokingly said, "Otherwise, I should take the card he gave me now and act like an upstart in a luxury store It’s the same big buys, how can anyone come here to read books in a leisurely way.”

   "It seems that what you say makes sense."

  Gu Zixuan laughed.

   Is she actually a woman that even Sheng Mingri can't handle?

   "But that Sheng Mingri is said to have a very weird temper. If you offended him this time, it is inevitable that he will do something behind the scenes and use his relationship to prevent you from finding a good job here." The man pretended to be concerned.

   Really speak nonsense with your eyes open. If something like this happened to her, this man probably did it, and then blamed Sheng Mingri in front of her, right? She has seen a lot of things like forcing girls into prostitution.

  Jiao Yang followed his words, with worry in her eyes: "Yes, let alone Sheng Mingri who caused trouble, even without him, I don't know how I will gain a foothold in this city."

  Gu Zixuan took her hand that was put aside at this time, and pity and worry flashed in his jet-black eyes: "Let me help you, Miss Bella."

   "You?" Jiao Yang looked up in surprise.

The man was upright at the moment, and his eyes seemed to be shining with pity: "I don't need you to pay me anything, I just want to help you. From the conversation just now, I have already seen that you and other people I have met Women are different, so I want to help you, from my heart."

  Seeing his completely different changes, the corners of Jiao Yang's mouth twitched secretly.

   "I have given you the contact information before, if you figure it out, come to me."

   Really will retreat to advance.

  Jiao Yang thought about the appearance of the man just now, the corners of his mouth raised.

   This is not an old novel about a domineering president falling in love with a little white flower. If she hadn't seen the scene in the original plot where Gu Zixuan used the original owner's innocence and kindness to defeat the Sheng family without any guilt afterwards, she would have almost believed it.

  That man, on the surface, there are many people who are harmless to animals, but behind his back, he has such a bad heart.

   Even though he was thinking this way, Jiao Yang took out his mobile phone, and added the man's WeChat to the contact information left on the business card.

   "Can you really help me?"

   On the other side, Gu Zixuan had just returned home when his phone vibrated suddenly.

  Seeing the above information, the man felt that the prey was falling into his trap step by step, clenched his fists excitedly, jumped up the stairs triumphantly, and replied happily—

   "Of course, I will do what I say."

   For a moment, I got carried away, didn't pay attention to the steps under my feet, and almost made a joke.

  (end of this chapter)