MTL - Quick Transmigration: The Green Tea Beauty, She is All Charming and Charming-Chapter 255 Who is not a **** (28)

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   It seems to be saying: Bai Zhiyao, you are a thief in the first place.

  The next morning, self-study and get out of class.

  Bai Zhiyao angrily took the black card in her hand, came to the back, and angrily slapped the card in her hand on Jiaoyang's table.

   Ignoring the shocked expressions of the surrounding people, he looked fearlessly at Jiao Yang's turned expression: "Why did you do that?!"

  Jiaoyang turned his head, the voices of chatting and laughing with several people stopped abruptly, and after seeing her, he smiled and said: "I was just joking with the monitor, monitor, you are the best, you won't bother with me about these things, right?"

   "A joke?"

  Bai Zhiyao sneered, and like going crazy, she swept everything on Sheng Jiaoyang's desk to the ground, just like what Sheng Jiaoyang did to her.

  She stood up from her seat in surprise, and those around her also screamed and gasped in shock.

And Bai Zhiyao clapped her hands on the table, and met her eyes fearlessly for the first time: "Do you know what I went through yesterday? They all thought I was a thief! I ran away in embarrassment under the eyes of so many people." Come out, endure all the humiliation, you tell me that you are joking with me? Are you deliberately trying to make a fool of me? Sheng Jiaoyang, let me tell you, from this moment on I will no longer be afraid of you, I want you to be the one behind my back Calculate everything I have to pay the price!"

  Fantasy stops here.

  Bai Zhiyao shook her head, and looked at Sheng Jiaoyang in front of her. She had already walked to her desk just now.

   "That, that."

  Jiaoyang heard Bai Zhiyao's voice, turned her face around, and the moment she looked at her, there was always a smile on the corner of her mouth, the smile visibly faded, and the next second she smiled brighter.

   "What's the matter?" She raised her eyebrows.

  Bai Zhiyao quickly lowered her head, and took out the card from her pocket in a panic: "Then, that. The card is returned to you."

   "Ah yes."

  Jiaoyang took the card in her hand with a half-smile, and Bai Zhiyao wanted to run in an instant.

  Just took a step, and was stopped by behind.

  Bai Zhiyao only felt a chill down her spine.

   "Did you have fun yesterday?" Jiao Yang tilted her head and asked behind her back with a smile.

   "It must be very happy."

  Bai Zhiyao bit her lip.

   Doesn't she know? How could she not know. This matter was planned by her from the beginning to the end, maybe she was hiding in the dark with the gang of punks around at that time, watching her own good show.

  Then why did she ask herself if she was happy? Are you mocking her secretly, having a dream that doesn't belong to you, absurd and bizarre?

  Bai Zhiyao tightly clasped her palms with her hands.

   Answer: "Hmm"

"That's good."

  She bent her eyes, and those who didn't know it almost doubted that she really wanted to help herself.

   As everyone knows, under the sincere appearance, such a bad mind is buried.

   "Do you still need me to help you?"

  Jiao Yang was playing cards behind her with a smile.

  People around also looked at her.

  Bai Zhiyao loosened her hands.


   The moment she finished speaking, she went back to the table to pick up the collected homework, and walked to the office as if fleeing.

  Jiao Yang always looked at her with the corner of her mouth bent.

  After she left, the people around burst into laughter: "Boss, you haven't seen her like that. She wants money but doesn't dare to ask for it. It's so funny."

  Bai Zhiyao ran to the door of the office in a panic, opened the door, and tried her best not to hear the voices behind her that would bring her negative energy.

  She adjusted her mood, then walked in with her homework book in her hand, and placed it in front of Teacher Bai's desk: "Mr. Bai, this is yesterday's homework."

  Bai Mingjue corrected the homework without raising his head, "Understood, that's right, have you collected everything?"

   "No, no. There are a few people missing. I wrote down the list above."

  Bai Zhiyao handed over the post-it note, and at the same time saw the bruise under Teacher Bai's glasses, she was stunned.

  I don't know why, but she clearly felt that today's Teacher Bai seems to be much more tired than usual.

  It must be very hard. To manage Class A, they are recognized as the most difficult class and the most difficult students throughout the year. And myself, as the squad leader promoted by him personally, failed to share his worries.

  Thinking of this, maybe thinking of her own experience again, she felt sore in her heart, Bai Zhiyao's tears burst, and overflowed violently from her eye sockets.

  She threw the post-it note on the table in a panic.

   "Who are you short of?"

  Bai Mingjue paused with his fingers, but still didn't look up, "Report to me."

  Bai Zhiyao took a deep breath to restrain her emotions, but her tears became more and more uncontrollable.

   Didn't hear her answer, Bai Mingjue frowned, feeling something was wrong, looking at the exercise book in his hand: "Huh? Who's missing?"

   It was Bai Zhiyao's trembling crying that answered him: "Bai, Teacher Bai"

  Bai Mingjue looked up in surprise, and saw her face full of tears.

"What's wrong?"

  Bai Zhiyao panicked and took out a tissue to wipe her tears: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry teacher"

  Bai Mingjue frowned, and said seriously: "What happened? Don't be afraid, tell the teacher everything."

  Hearing him say this, it was as if there was support behind the helpless, and finally someone cared about her, Bai Zhiyao cried even more fiercely.

After she finally calmed down for a while, she began to answer him intermittently: "Mr. Teacher, I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me. I've already gotten used to being bullied by Sheng Jiaoyang and the others, and deliberately isolated me The money she gave me in the card yesterday was also fake. I was laughed at by the clerks in the mall because of this incident, and they mistakenly thought it was a thief.

  Hearing her words, Bai Mingjue unconsciously frowned.

  I don't know why, but I feel a little regretful about what I asked her just now.

  He comforted: "Okay, don't cry, it's over."

As Bai Mingjue said, he took out his card from the drawer and handed it to her: "Is the medical expenses enough? If not, I'll pay you here first, and you don't need to return it to me. Promise the teacher and let this matter go, okay? "In the future... don't mention it again.

  He even looked at her sincerely.

  Bai Zhiyao looked at the card that he took the initiative to hand over to her, she was very moved, but she still pushed it away.

   "No, Mr. Bai, this matter has nothing to do with you from the beginning to the end. I cannot accept your money."

   "No, how come it has nothing to do with the teacher. Teacher, it's your class teacher."

  The man's tone softened, and he put it in her hand again, "Take it, it's important to settle the medical expenses first, and I'm also responsible for this matter."

   "How could you be responsible. It's that Sheng Jiaoyang, and Lu Xishuo behind her."

  Bai Zhiyao said fiercely: "This is not the first time, as long as someone makes Sheng Jiaoyang unhappy, it won't be long before that person will be unlucky. All of this is done behind Lu Xishuo's back."

Read The Duke's Passion