MTL - Quick Transmigration: The Green Tea Beauty, She is All Charming and Charming-Chapter 237 Who is not a **** (10)

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   "And it's not just me, they all think so, don't they, Zhiyao?"

  Jiao Yang tilted her head with a smile, and looked at Bai Zhiyao at the side.

   Seeing her dark gaze, the blood in Bai Zhiyao's body seemed to freeze instantly, and she nodded stiffly.

   "Look, Teacher Bai."

   She smiled and turned her head to the man again.

   "My classmates value me very much."

  She calls this attention?

  Bai Mingjue ignored her, but looked towards the back: "Who are you, Bai Zhiyao?"

  Bai Zhiyao was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect to have her own business, so she hurriedly walked up with her head down, facing everyone's gaze: "Teacher, it's me."

  Jiao Yang turned to look at her, squinting her eyes.

  Under her gaze, Bai Zhiyao lowered her head subconsciously, and her body began to tremble slightly.

  No one can't notice such details, but Bai Mingjue doesn't seem to notice it: "Bai Zhiyao, last month's mock exam took the first place in the whole year, right?"

   "Yes, it's me." She still lowered her head.

   "In this case, I will accept your appointment as the interim squad leader. Do you have any objections?"

  Everyone was stunned.

  Bai Zhiyao raised her head in surprise, her voice trembling: "No, no."

   "Okay, that's it."

  Private aristocratic schools, the monitor can join the student union, which has a lot of power. Applications for various funds in the class, as well as various affairs, big and small, all have to go through her nod. It is a position that can win over others very well. Even if you don't win over, it is a master who must not be offended, otherwise you will wear little shoes behind your back, and there is nowhere to cry.

  However, in private aristocratic schools, positions such as class monitors are generally occupied by some foresighted noble children, especially children of parents with donations from their families who have contributed to the school, and rarely fall into the hands of commoner children.

  Private aristocratic college, that is, a paradise for noble children. It can be seen that Bai Mingjue made such an earth-shattering decision as soon as he came, how determined he is to reform.

  Bai Mingjue adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

  As a class teacher, if you want to manage the class well, the first thing you must do is not let your students work together, form small groups, and gather to fight against your teacher. If you want to change the status quo of Class A, what you have to do is to disintegrate this phenomenon, and the most serious one is the person at the center of the group. But at present, it seems that she cannot be allowed to make changes for a while. Then what he has to do is not to let her take the center position, try to marginalize her as much as possible.

  After all, when a class is controlled by poor students who are not doing their jobs properly, the atmosphere in the class will completely change. What he has to do is bring the dead back to life. Just like fighting a war, the most taboo thing is to put yourself in a situation of isolation and helplessness. Since there is no way to disintegrate this group of rebels, what he has to do is to form a new group standing by his side to contend with it.

  Of course, he is still the same as he insisted before, and he will never give up any of the children under his command. Marginalizing her is only the first step. Only by suppressing her arrogance and seeing herself clearly can she be educated slowly and change her step by step.

  Bai Mingjue still believes that there are no born bad species in this world, they are all influenced and changed by the environment. Especially for a child like Sheng Jiaoyang who was well educated, gentle and kind at the beginning.

  It was the environment here that made her like this, she should be a victim of the environment. Those who attribute all evil results to her are shameful.


   This is just Bai Mingjue's unilateral thoughts so far.

  At least for Jiao Yang who has absolute dominance in the class in the current state, this is a threat, and it is a declaration of war.

   "This is the test paper for the mock exam last month. You fill in the score on the report card and hand it to me when you're done."

  Bai Mingjue handed over the stack of test papers and grade sheets in the file bag to Bai Zhiyao, it seemed that he wasn't overheated, let alone joking.


  Bai Mingjue glanced at the Jiaoyang behind Bai Zhiyao who had been looking at her with a half-smile.

   "If anyone in the class bullies you, remember to tell me."

  Bai Zhiyao stepped forward, resisting the urge to cry.


   Taking the paper, it seems that there is still warmth from his fingers on it. The heartbeat in the chest accelerated slightly uncontrollably, and the thoughts began to wander along with it

  No one has ever cared so much about her or treated her so well.

   "Boss, this"

  The little follower couldn't see Bai Zhiyao's complacent look, so he signaled to Jiaoyang with his eyes.

  Lu Ran stood on the side with his arms crossed, not intending to help out righteously, but he didn't mean to add insult to injury, and his state was more inclined to gloat over her misfortune.

  Jiao Yang hooked the corners of her mouth, the arc lowered a little, and soon raised again brilliantly.

She stepped forward, suddenly pulled Bai Zhiyao who was about to return to her seat, looked at Bai Mingjue, and said with a smile: "Mr. Bai, I only asked Zhiyao if she had any objections. It seems that she hasn't asked anything else yet. Does the classmate have any objections? Teacher, you can't be biased just because you both have the surname Bai."

  Bai Zhiyao froze and struggled for a while, but she grabbed her even harder in front of the teacher.

   I dare not move at all.

  Jiao Yang raised her head with a smile, and looked at him. When he smiled, the corners of his mouth curled up, and there was no smile in his eyes.

  Bai Mingjue looked at her again, lowering his head.

   Did not speak, silent for a while.

   Watching the smile on Jiaoyang's mouth gradually fade, he let go of Bai Zhiyao from his hand, and then he said.

  “If you have time, spend more energy on studying instead of these boring and meaningless pranks.”

  The corners of Jiaoyang's mouth completely dropped, and the corners of his mouth were pulled coldly.

And Bai Mingjue turned around at this moment, and explained to Bai Zhiyao who was afraid to speak next to him: "Please fill it out and hand it over to my office. For the rest of you, you'd better clean up the classroom before the next class, otherwise you don't want to get a grade in the final grade." A."

   This is related to graduation.

  Many students panicked all of a sudden. Even if they don't care about their grades, it's impossible not to care about their family. If the family knows that they are fooling around in the school and openly confronts the teacher, they will not be mad. What's more, Bai Mingjue's family background is something most people can't afford to offend.

   It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, the students discussed for a while, and then they all took the broom and rag and started cleaning.

   Perhaps, the class, or even the whole school. It's really going to change.

  Bai Mingjue walked out of the classroom, next to Lu Ran looked at her gloatingly, even Jiaoyang's little follower who usually flattered her the most, was now pretending to be behind with a broom and started to behave.

Read The Duke's Passion