MTL - Quick Transmigration: The Green Tea Beauty, She is All Charming and Charming-Chapter 230 Who is not a **** (4)

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   "Sheng Jiaoyang, are you very majestic today? When did you learn it, and you started to know how to act. If you change your face, you will change your face. I slept in class today, so I don't bother to expose you."

  The boy looked playfully, put his hands in his pockets, raised the corners of his mouth, and approached her step by step.

   "Why, you have been a quail for a long time, are you finally planning to give it a go and resist?"

  He walked over, pushed her, and smiled: "But we are different from those useless women. If you plan to do the same to us in your heart, I will not let you go."

  A group of male high school students or social youths behind them roared with laughter.

   "Brother Lu is right!"

   "Let's show this little girl today how good we are!"

   "What are you talking about, what is not great."

  Amidst the laughter and laughter, Jiao Yang suddenly raised his head and met the eyes of the boy in front of him.

  The young man froze for a moment, then raised the corners of his mouth viciously again in the next second, before he could say anything, he saw Jiao Yang sweeping his body in school uniform even more playfully than himself.

   Then hooked the corners of his mouth, touched his lips with his fingers, raised his head again, and looked at him with a smile: "Don't let me go?"

   "Hmm." He raised his eyebrows.

   "How can you not let it go?"

  The little girl clasped her hands together with crooked eyes, looking very much looking forward to it.


  The air seemed to pause for a second, the boy opened his eyes wide and looked at her in a little astonishment.

   At this moment, Jiao Yang hooked his thin chin flirtatiously, caressed his lips, and at the same time, moved her fingers down his chest.

   "Is that so?"

  Lu Ran's eyes widened instantly, and his face turned into a liver color. Then he watched Jiao Yang retract the ambiguous smile on his face, glanced at him with contempt in his eyes, turned and left.

   What a shame!

  The air seemed to freeze for a moment. By the time he realized it, a large group of unscrupulous teenagers behind him had already started booing like crazy.

   "Brother Lu, did that woman touch you? Did she touch you?"

"shut up!"

  Lu Ran blushed, and slapped away the face that was dancing in front of him, looking at Sheng Jiaoyang's back.

  Let's wait and see!

  The middle-aged bald head teacher didn't come to school the next day. Jiao Yang was not used to the early life, so he slept on the desk in the classroom the next day, and no one dared to say anything.

  Feeling the hot eyes in the last row of the classroom as if quenched by poison, Jiao Yang got up while yawning, and turned to look at him.

  After seeing that it was Lu Ran, he fell asleep again.


  Lu Ran had his hands folded in front of his chest, and when he saw Sheng Jiaoyang turned his head to look at him, he wanted to give her a hard look, scaring her half to death.

   Unexpectedly, she could still sleep peacefully, and she became more and more annoyed.

  The boy next to the last row who is also a delinquent boy came over with a smile, with a gossip look on his face: "Brother Lu, she was yesterday."

"Shut up."

  Lu Ran turned his head instantly and directed his anger at him, "Say one more word and I'll kill you!"

   "Brother Lu. If it really doesn't work, why don't you ask your brother to deal with her?"

   "No need." The boy paused, then continued, "I can handle it myself."

   Fatty and his little followers also looked at Jiao Yang with bad eyes, but Jiao Yang ignored them so much that he didn't even bother to turn his head.

   "This Sheng Jiaoyang is really lucky. She didn't die at the hands of those gangsters yesterday." The fat man said bitterly.

"Yeah, she doesn't know how she's planning to take revenge on us now," the little follower looked at Jiao Yang's back sleeping on the table, "But tell me, why is Sheng Jiao Yang okay? Could it be that she was trying to save her life yesterday? Did you really sleep with those guys? Look at Lu Ran, didn't he keep staring at her?"

  Fatty followed the words of his servant and looked to the side, and found that Lu Ran was staring straight at Sheng Jiaoyang!

   Grinding a row of silver teeth angrily: "Little vixen knows how to rely on men. I despise such women who rely on men the most."

   "But. Boss, what if Sheng Jiaoyang climbs up to this high branch instead and joins forces with those men to mess with us?"

The fat man stared at the two of them: "Sheng Jiaoyang shouldn't really sleep with them, and Lu Ran probably doesn't like her. If he really likes a good girl like Sheng Jiaoyang, he probably would have known her as early as in class." Let's do it."

  The follower nodded, and looked at Jiao Yang's lying back: "It makes sense. But what's going on with Sheng Jiaoyang, she's been abnormal since yesterday. She's been a good student for a long time, is she planning to be a poor student?"

   "It doesn't matter what her reason is, if she dares to provoke me, there is only one dead end."

   The fat man's eyes were filled with cruelty: "Since she can't be touched in the school, let her die quietly outside the school."

  The school bell rang again, and Jiao Yang, who was bound to stay in the classroom to write more questions in the past, was the first to stand up. Ignoring the stunned expression of the teacher who was still lecturing on the podium, he walked directly outside the classroom.

  Lu Ran is still catching up on the sleep he had when he stayed up late last night, so he probably won't wake up for a while. Jiao Yang left at this time to avoid trouble. It's not that I'm really afraid of him, it's that

  In fact, Jiao Yang knew why Lu Ran targeted her.

  Lu Ran is a well-known male gangster in this area. He was born in a wealthy and noble family. As a rich young man who could have inherited hundreds of millions of property, he did not follow the path paved for him by his parents.

  No one dared to take care of the troubles when they were small, and they could be settled with money when they became big. This also fueled his arrogance since childhood.

  However, Lu Ran is playing around and playing around, and has never taken the initiative to bully a female classmate before. Originally, Sheng Jiaoyang had an incompatible relationship with him. The reason why it was involved was the boy who was accidentally stabbed to death by the original owner in order to save Bai Zhiyao.

  Although that boy gangster had met Lu Ran face to face at most, the group of boy gangsters who bullied Bai Zhiyao were not the same group as Lu Ran. However, the relationship between gangsters in society is complicated, and they are also divided into high and low.

  Even if it is an irreconcilable relationship, everyone will respectfully address Lu Ran as the boss when they see Lu Ran. In this way, the person who was stabbed to death can be regarded as Lu Ran's subordinate.

  Something happened on his own territory, and he entered the police station and came out without damaging a single hair. In order to maintain his image as a leader, Lu Ran is of course responsible for expressing his anger on behalf of his brother.

  Jiao Yang was thinking about how to deal with the next thing when she suddenly stopped in her footsteps.

  She saw a group of delinquent teenagers wearing black and white school uniforms, but with different styles, walking towards her.

  She blinked and looked at the leading boy: "Senior?"

  A face that was almost the same as Lu Ran came into her eyes, but it was more refined and mature, with clear and straight outlines, and a little less of Lu Ran's childishness. Maybe it's because he is tall, and with his black body, his figure seems to be thinner.

   Also wearing silver earrings, red phoenix eyes, and a bad school bully look, but it seems that the hair has not been dyed, or dyed black. The bangs are long and cover the eyebrows.

  Compared with his temperament, what should Lu Ran say?

  Jiao Yang hooked her chin and thought: Probably the younger brother of the bad school bully?

  Two heads taller than her, a man between the maturity of a man and the childishness of a boy stood in front of her, looking down at her.

  The dark eyes were like ink welling up, as if there was no reflection of light, nor did it reflect her shadow, and no emotion could be seen in the eyes.

   "You are Sheng Jiaoyang, right?"

Read The Duke's Passion