MTL - Quick Transmigration: Snatching Golden Fingers-Chapter 71 Urban Power 3

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Tang Nian was brought into a stone factory by Wen Qing, and the stones all over the floor were ashy. From time to time someone was calcite, so that the whole stone factory was always dusty, and he could not help frowning.

"Qing Qing, you want to buy jade stone in the store, buy the cleaned, beautiful and clean, that lined you. These rough stones are dirty and ugly, and they may not be out of stock. Why do you buy it? Tang Nianxu murmured, "Don't save me money, I can raise you!"

"Shut up!" Wen Qing glared at him, Tang Nian immediately shut up obediently. After a while, she saw that Wen Qing's face eased, and then she came together, "Qing Qing, which one do you like, I will move it for you, don't hurt Your hand. "

Wen Qing politely reached out a bit, "This one, this one, and these ..." She ordered nine pieces in a row, and she successfully broke Tang Nian's face. "Qing Qing, I can't move ..."

"What's the use of you then?" Wen Qing turned him away in disgust, calling the boss to find someone to move her to the car.

The boss smiled very kindly, "Miss, we can calcite for free, you don't need to get started, this calcite worker ..."

"No, I'll take it back to solve it slowly." Wen Qing refused to think about it, she must not solve it here! It's too eye-catching. What kind of emperor green violet pigeon blood has not been able to produce a piece of fine jade for decades has been touched by the protagonist! And it is also waste that others don't want, and he bought it at a very low price! When buying, a bunch of people looked at him like a fool, but they were smashed into the face when they were calcite! Li Haotian was so popular that she was noticed by the big boss who came to buy jade ...

Anyway, the writing in the original book was so cool, but it couldn't stand it.

Wen Qing bought these fine jade materials ahead of time, and Li Haotian lost these jade materials to accumulate capital and see how he flew up.

On the way back, Wen Qing told Tang Nian, "You solved these stones and put them for auction, and the auction money was used for charity."

Tang Nian is a bit unhappy. He is a rich second generation who eats and waits for death. Why does he always let him do things? It ’s all good things. Is n’t this a good match for his identity?

Wen Qing saw his reluctance at a glance, so he solemnly said, "If these things are shot, hundreds of millions of dollars can still be sold. I can't rest assured that so much money is given to others. I can only believe you , Tang Xiaonian, won't you let me down? "

As she said this, Tang Nian suddenly became so arrogant and patted her **** to guarantee, "Qing Qing, rest assured, I promise you that you will be beautiful!"

Wen Qing laughed, this child ... how coquettish.

Li Haotian suddenly remembered a way to make money. When he was a sophomore, he went to a seed plant in this city. The gray stones were wrapped in beautiful emeralds, but no one was able to determine the situation before they opened. So there is a gambling stone to say.

Nobody else can, but he can! He now has perspective eyes! I just don't know if I can see through the skin of those stones? No, this is a huge asset, he must try it!

So Li Haotian went straight to the seed plant with all his net worth—a thousand dollars.

In the original book, Li Haotian went to the seed plant after winning five million. This time, five million is gone, only one thousand, and many stones can't be bought.

Those corner scraps with a price of 500 yuan can buy two, but those stones with white flowers are nothing! And he saw a few pieces of jade, which are priced at several million, even tens of millions. And those jadeite, he checked the value online, absolutely no high price! He'll be stupid before buying!

It seems that it is not so easy to pick up the cheap. Li Haotian returned without power. When he went out, he accidentally bumped into a beautiful woman. He accidentally pressed his hand on the chest and squeezed it. The soft touch in his hand made Li Haotian's heart ape, and looked subconsciously, God! Another superb!

Han Feiya's face was iron-blue, and she didn't open three auras of superb emeralds. Li Haotian was just an ordinary youth in her eyes. If you must add any modifiers, it would be a wretched savage wolf!

So Li Haotian was tragedy. He was thrown out by Han Feiya's bodyguards. When he fell to the ground, the dust shook.

Li Haotian got up with his teeth grinning and muttered, "Don't you just pinch it? Beautiful women are so careful not to marry!" He has always been tolerant of beautiful women. If he had been ordered to throw him a man, he would have been greeted for ten. Eight generations of ancestors!

Li Haotian limped back to school, feeling quite frustrated, and the perspective did not seem to be as useful as he imagined! Apart from being able to look at beautiful women, nothing else can be done. There is no capital to buy seed material, and those emeralds can only make limited profits. Are there no low-cost, high-income earning channels?

Now that he has graduated and left school, he is heading for the workplace. Most of his classmates are not at school. He is the only one in the school dormitory. He has not found a job and has no money to rent a house. It's pleasing to the eye and always wants to kick him out.

Oh shit! Dog eyes see the guy who is low, so sooner or later, I will fly into the sky and blind your dog eyes!

Li Haotian scolded and entered the school. He took a short-distance entry from Ximen. This is the teacher's apartment, and there are fewer people. He was afraid to go back late, and the uncle of the housekeeper really shut him out.

Li Haotian was walking in a hurry. An unconscious woman was thrown into his arms by a woman full of alcohol. He saw the appearance of the person in his arms by the street lamp.

Wen Qing sent Tang Nian to do things, and she was thinking about what she would do in this world. The original owner just graduated, but did not find a job because she took Diao Kaizi as a career. Tang Nian was unsuccessful, she went to find another rich man, anyway, relying on the young and beautiful blind, but only in the end was ruined by Li Haotian's reputation, nothing was caught.

Now that Wen Qing is changed, naturally she will not be like her, always looking for something to do to pass the time in this life. Otherwise, light scum is too boring.

Wen Qing browsed the information online, and finally decided to do holographic online games. One is that the world of holographic online games has not been developed yet, and it is easy for her to make some achievements. The second is that she has just experienced the online game world. It is time to be impressed with these and it doesn't cost much. It can be said that leisure, work, and abuse are all right.

After making up his mind, Wen Qing began to prepare.

Li Haotian took Mr. Murong home with a half-carrying hug. Murong Yanyun had no one at home, only she lived by herself. Li Haotian instantly had such a bit of evil thought. Hehe, lonely boys and widows, deeper in the middle of the night, it is easy to burn firewood!

Murong Yanyun used alcohol to paralyze, and no matter who the other party was, he vomited bitterly. "For two years of marriage, I don't have any personal freedom. He rules me like a pervert. He is not allowed to wear skirts and short sleeves. It must not be shorter than five minutes, the clothes cannot be tight-fitting, and the distance from the opposite **** cannot be less than one meter ... I am not a prisoner! Why do you care about me like this? "

Li Haotian, who is fragrant and jealous, hugged her, but he also understood the mind of Teacher Murong's husband. If he had such a beautiful wife, he would not be willing to let others see it! Understand, men are the same.

They hugged and rolled onto the bed. Murong Yanyun tore off his clothes, revealing his good figure. "He can't stand this to me! I want to get revenge on him!" Then he went to Li Haotian. , Li Haotian has no sense at all.

That ’s right, even if it ’s Marvin, most of the male leaders stand at the moral high ground. Women are tempted by him. He ca n’t hold it. In fact, what he did n’t want was actually a woman ...

However, Li Haotian hurriedly stripped himself away, when he wanted to bring his gun into battle ... Hey? What about guns? The younger brother who is always brave and powerful, why is he so weak today? Not enough prelude? Li Haotian was busy working for a long time, and found that he still couldn't stand up, sweating anxiously.

Murong Yanyun also slowly regained his sense of mind at this time. Sometimes people are like this. When the brain is impulsive, they do not care about things, but once that point is passed, reason will gradually return to the cage, will look forward and look back, and will slowly shrink back ...

Murong Yanyun is like this. If there was a relationship between Li Haotian and Li Haotian just now, there is no room for her to regret it, but now she hasn't done the last step. The coolness in the air makes her gradually sober and makes her realize that she is doing what.

Derailed within marriage, or with her students, is she a model for this? Even if she can't bear the blame of her husband, then she should divorce and say anything else, but what is she now?

Murong Yanyun quickly put on his clothes and pushed Li Haotian away. "Sorry, sorry, the teacher was drunk just now, we didn't happen anything. You forget what happened ..."

Li Haotian was in a terrible inhuman scare, and he couldn't care about the nagging just now. He quickly put on his clothes and hurried to the hospital.

Damn it, little brother, that's a big deal!

However, in the hospital, a number was registered, and various examinations were done. The doctor said that he was healthy and there were no problems there. As for his failure to raise, it may also be a psychological reason, he is recommended to see a psychologist.

No problem! Scared him, thought it was broken! As for psychological issues? how is this possible? He thinks about this time. He sees the beauty more, the little brother has been in a state of excitement, a little tired?

It should be over for a while.

Wen Qing soon knew that Li Haotian had gone to the hospital, could not help laughing, and slowly, this was just the beginning, and he would become a regular visitor to the hospital in the future.

"What are you laughing at?" Tang Nian asked.

"It's nothing."

Tang Nian was dissatisfied. "You perfunctory me again. I haven't seen you for half a month. I have been busy with the auction. Those jadeite sold for more than 700 million. I helped you set up a charity foundation. It's all thin, don't you say you want to reward me ... "

Wen Yan, Wen Qing laughed, "Thank you, I know I read the right person."

Tang Nian immediately waved his hands indifferently, "It's a trivial matter, who do we both talk to?"

"Don't you ask me what's laughing?" Wen Qing smiled and said, "I helped you get revenge. Li Haotian said that you were short and I let him stop."

Tang Nian subconsciously covered her underneath, and her mother helped!

Read The Duke's Passion