MTL - Quick Transmigration: Snatching Golden Fingers-Chapter 118 Superstar development system 11

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The wave of resistance to Han Junqing on the Internet did not last long. Less than a day later, another even more explosive news came out.

Share God Lin Tiance recovered his long-lost grandson.

The net worth of hundreds of billions of netizens who have been broken by someone has been succeeded.

Those who knelt and shouted Daddy would follow suit.

After the Lin family's affairs came out, how many people broke the heart for Lin Tiance, so no one in the industry inherited much desolation, and hoped that he was the grandson of Lin Tiance, who had been separated for many years. He dreamed of inheriting Lin's billions of property. Even on the Internet, "I'm ready, I'll wait for Grandpa to pick it up". I never thought that there really is a guy who stepped on the dog's luck and his dream came true. How can other people not envy?

"Grandpa, don't leave, you have a grandson here!"

"I just want to know which **** impersonates my grandpa?"

"Grandpa, please be serious! How can you be determined casually! I have the birthmark of Lin family ancestors!"

"I still have the love of the Lin family ancestors!"


Before Han Junqing ’s name came out, netizens could still ridicule themselves in a relaxed tone. When the next day ’s press conference was held by Lin ’s family, Lin Tiance formally introduced Han Junqing to everyone ’s attention. Appropriate suit, no slackness in pace, elegant and noble gesture, calmly walked out from the background, the lively venue seemed to be suddenly pressed the pause button, and the whole group snorted.

and many more? This person is so familiar.

Lying down! Isn't this Han Junqing who was asked by the netizen Hei Chengxiang to leave the entertainment industry? Went to the wrong set?

Lin Tiance smiled and embraced Han Junqing's shoulders, his face full of love, "Introduce everyone, this is my grandson Lin Junqing, and the only heir of my Lin family!"

The audience is silent!

What is unexpected? What is a great reversal? What are the surprises in life everywhere? This is! This is really a beep! The object that was being condemned by the people the moment before, turned into a grand master who was jealous and jealous of everyone!

Han, no, now his name is Lin Junqing. Before, netizens spurned him, not only because his mother had been a lady, but also because of the numerous trail news that he derived from his superior rules and his private life. Someone took the rhythm to convince netizens that this is okay. Now, what hidden rules are chaotic private life, and what other grandsons do you need? !! No more heaven?

Just ask those sprays, are you surprised? Not surprised? Does the thorn irritate?

"I want to say ... hiss, my face hurts, I still talk."

"So, Han Junqing is the lucky one who stepped on the shit?"

"I told you that when I saw Han Junqing at the first sight, I felt that I was extraordinary. The whole-body spirit was rich or expensive at first sight! Sure enough, let me guess!"

"When you say this upstairs, please change your‘ Han Junqing ’s exit from the entertainment industry ’’s head?”

"Is it too late to take back what I said?"

"Is it too late to take back my fart now?"

"Is it too late to retrieve my lost head?"

"Is it too late to apologize to my brother?"

"Is it too late to hug my thigh?"


Because there is a screen, even if you are beaten and blushed for your behavior, some people can still quickly turn around without changing their face, and change camps. After all, no one knows who they are. He even felt like he was laughing and scolding, with a chic attitude.

Of course, this is only part of it, and part of it is swollen face, I dare not come out in large size, dive in a vest, how arrogant before, now there are many grandchildren!

The other part, I do n’t know if it is because of jealousy, I still want to catch the eyes of people, and I still spray dung.

"Even if we recognize our ancestors, we can't change the fact that the mother is a chicken!"

"The truth is clear, it turned out that the clients were the three youngest members of the Lin family!"

But these words were quickly resisted by "justice netizens."

"It's sour, I can't eat grapes and say grape sour! What does your mother care about what you do? It doesn't matter if you don't steal, grab, or break the law, the country doesn't care what you do!

"Is it already Mrs. Lin's three? Is it okay?"

"Who hasn't been young and frivolous? What's the big deal when I walked a little bit when I was young? Didn't someone turn back after having a child? The prodigal son turned around and didn't change his money. Why do you stare at that past thing all the time?

"Just blind bb across the screen! Someone can speak in front of Lin Tiance himself!"

"Well, let me remind you that this forum platform is a subsidiary of the Linjia Group, and the back office is a real-name system."



"Fuck! I forgot this! Fortunately, I didn't say anything that shouldn't be said! Take care of a few scolds!"

"233333, you can imagine the faces of those dear ones!"

"Haha! I thought I would spray faeces casually across the Internet, and now I am being revenge!"


The incident ended in such a weird way. The keyboard fighters who had scolded Zhenghuan disappeared instantly, and a unified and harmonious, unprecedented praise on the Internet was achieved.

As for the few scolding scouts, let alone say that they were really found by the Lin family. The Lin family did not report the police with much fanfare, because the police's punishment for such a thing was too small. With the methods of the Lin family, there are many ways to calmly make the other party pay.

This incident was explained by Lin Tiance himself, dare to vilify his grandson behind, huh! What to do without paying a price!

Regardless of the Internet, Han Junqing's recognition of his ancestors' return has become a matter of course. Although he tried his best to keep calm, he was still dizzy for a few days, and it was really difficult to adapt to his current status.

Lin Tianze had promised him not to coax him to play. After everything was done, Lin Tianze really let him go to film.

The "Tianzi" crew has been filming for more than half a year and is nearing its end. Han Junqing is running out of film, which means that there are still a few films to be filmed. However, because of the sudden explosion, he was recognized by the Lin family as the heir, and the entire crew was aggressive. The director had some worries in addition to the uncle. The starring star went home and inherited the family business. Was the scene filmed or not? The remaining few scenes are quite important dramas. If you ca n’t edit it, you ca n’t edit it. Do you have to change the lead role and overthrow it?

Just as the director was unable to perform, Han Junqing returned to the set, er, with a bodyguard to strengthen the company.

No way, Lin Tiance couldn't wait for the sole grandson to protect him as an eyeball, so he was afraid of something unexpected and lost the only seedling in the Lin family.

In this regard, Han Junqing had no choice but to accept. While enjoying the asylum given by the Lin family, there must be some last resort to give up. It's a bit plausible to say so, but he is indeed not as free as he used to be.

When Han Junqing came back to film, the crew was happy and muttered: I really don't understand the ideas of these rich people. They have billions of properties. What are they still doing?

It can only be said that people have their own aspirations, and each person's pursuit is different, and the choice is naturally different.

While Han Junqing was busy filming, the Gu family finally made the final decision after careful consideration: they wanted to recognize Han Junqing!

In other words, he accepted his mother completely and took him home.

So, just a few days after the Internet was calm, another news surprised everyone.

"Let me go! There are follow-ups!"

"True cow fork! It turns out that people are not only the only heirs of the Lin family, but also the uncle's grandson of the Gu family!"

"Isn't it Niucha's mother, Han Wenqing? He came from a wealthy family, but stayed out, but even if they were born, they still entered the door of the super-luxury family! The only heir to the Lin family was born!"

"Great! This is where the missing girl accidentally fell into the dust? It is obviously the way of a generation of legendary women!"

"Just I want to know how Han Wenqing's good and powerful gold fell into the dust? Hold the wrong child? Life is not a TV drama, Gu family is a wealthy family, can their children hold the wrong?"

"Although Han Wenqing was born Niucha, it is an indisputable fact that she did not have a good day when she was alive. The Gu family did nothing to the fake Qianjin who occupied her identity?"

"I'm going! Gu's family is also wonderful. My biological son married a fake daughter, and he really became a family! Even if he has no blood relationship, he is also an adoptive daughter! Not to mention that he has been raised as a biological daughter for more than 20 years. What do you think of when you are brothers and sisters together? "

"Isn't that fake guilty a little guilty? Take someone's life and let others suffer for her. If the two families are pretty good, the key is one heaven and one bottom! Why? If I were Han Wenqing , I will definitely get out of the ground angrily! "

"Suddenly distressed Han Wenqing, originally a good lady, and finally fell to that point! If she knew it, she should not be reconciled, right?"

"Nonsense, who can be willing! If it is accidentally held wrong, it is okay, after all, it is an accident, there is no way to be reconciled, but if it is intentionally wrong, it is really shameless!"

"Will it be Han Wenqing's adoptive mother who envied Gu family's prosperity and wealth and wanted to let her biological daughter live such a life, so they secretly replaced their children?"

"In this case, Han Wenqing's mother and son are too pitiful?"


Read The Duke's Passion