MTL - Quick Transmigration: Snatching Golden Fingers-Chapter 102 The heroine has a black bag group 2

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Seeing this message, Qiu Yan thought it was a prank and didn't take it seriously until Bai Yan called him.

"Did you see that message?"


"The news of the **** of death in the group." Bai Yan's voice was a little dumb, and he passed the phone into Qiu's ears, with a hint of coolness, cold to the bottom of his heart, giving him an ominous premonition instantly. .

"It looks like you haven't watched it yet. You see it first. After reading it, go to the old place to meet. I inform them both."

Qiu Yan hung up the phone in a fog, turned on the phone, I don't know when there will be an additional WeChat group in the group. There are only five people in the group. He and Bai Yan, Xiyue, Anhe, and a stranger named Death. people. The chat interface has a message sent by death—

"Do you want to live? Do you want to know the meaning of life? Congratulations, you are the lucky ones chosen by the **** of death! This is a game and a big bet. The bet is-your life! It is easy to live. Do as I say, kill other people, four of you, and eventually only one can live. For those who live, death will give you eternal life.

Tip: This game has no rules, you can do everything.

The first game: the way to make money. "

In this way, if the secondary 2 is nervous, anyone who reads it will probably swear a neurosis. Qiu Ai was also thundered by the first sentence at first, and he didn't even watch it. But since Bai Yan called to remind him, this text message may be strange.

Can't it be true?

Qiu Yun flashed this thought in his mind, but did not think deeply, took the coat and went out. What are weird? It will become clear when they see Bai Yan.

The old place that Bai Yan said was a leisure estate under his name. When he was fifteen years old, he designed and built a site to integrate various leisure and entertainment. It was originally intended to serve as a gathering place for several of them. Later, it became known in the high society. More and more people entertained him here. Bai Yan was not short of money, so she was pure, and she did not take a single business for ten and a half months. The more difficult it is to get the results, the more they are eager. The business has become even more prosperous.

When Qiu Yan arrived, the other three had already arrived. After the waiter gave him a cup of tea, he quit. There were only four of them left in the room. Bai Yan looked around and said, "You see them all?"

An He was an acute child, and immediately took the conversation. "See, Yan Zi, wouldn't you take it seriously? You hurriedly called us all out, do you believe this kind of ghost talk?"

Xi Yue Lao God was on Erlang's legs, and the smile on his face was a little funny. "Isn't Yan Zi so impatient, did you find out?"

Bai Yan nodded and held up the golden glasses on the bridge of his nose. "Nothing was found, but something interesting was found."

"The message sent by the **** of death, the word" how to make money "goes in. There is an explanation in it, that each one gives us a million, and who sees more money in three months. If only that is the case, it is a coincidence Yes, I do have a million more on my account. You should have received it, too? "

The three men Qiu Xuan quickly flipped over the cell phone and saw a transfer reminder. I didn't notice it before, because several people are rich and wealthy, and one million won't be put in my mind at all. The pocket money every month is more than that. I don't care if I see it.

Bai Yan was a careful person. After receiving the news of death, he looked at it from beginning to end, and also found the mystery behind the four words of making money. After receiving the reminder of the transfer, I paid attention to it, which led to a few people coming to discuss it.

Xi Yue sneered. "So, this person is still real. He used four million to play such a game with us? Why does he think we will play with him?"

Bai Yanxian laughed, "If only that was the case, I heard my mother casually mentioned before coming here. The company's account was inexplicably less than one million, so I couldn't find out where it went, as if the world had evaporated. "

The three of them heard what he said, and they called to ask one after another. It turned out that their companies were also one million fewer each.

Qiu Yan chuckled, "Fun, took our company's money, and then transferred it to us, let us play such a boring game with him, I'm afraid not to be a fool!"

"Perhaps he wanted to tell us in this way that he was very patient and let us not underestimate him?"

Xiyue's words made several people laugh and didn't take this matter to heart. Although this person was mysterious and quite a few brushes, they moved their company's account and did not alarm anyone, but still They can't let a few condescending and noble accompany him to play such a ridiculous game, and even a little bit angry.

They were born the pride of heaven, they always dominated the destiny of others, looked down at others with cold eyes, and no one could control them. Even saying such words made them feel offended.

Therefore, the purpose of their meeting was to discuss how to find this foolish dumb, and let him pay the price for his stupid behavior.

However, no matter how many people searched, this person could not be found, and finally had to give up.

Life is calm, what should a few people do, and leave this thing behind. Time passed, and three months later, another text message appeared on their phones.

"The March period has come. It seems that you did not believe what I said, and did not do what I said. The so-called law does not blame the public-this is not feasible for me, and everyone must be contended for your contempt. punishment.

Punishment: Nightmare.

Time: three days. "

Neurosis! There are even follow-ups!

The four were very happy and teased directly in the group, but there was no response from the **** of death, and a few people were consciously uninterested and left it alone. The reason why they did not leave the group was because they found that the group had no option to leave the group at last! Combining this person's hacker identity, several people spontaneously regarded him as a computer master, thinking that he might have done something in this group, otherwise how to explain the situation that there is no withdrawal option?

However, when four people were awakened by nightmares repeatedly at night, they finally felt uneasy. When they had three nightmares for three days in a row, several people completely believed that this person was serious.

However, at this time, they thought that the other party was a human. After all, people could have nightmares or other drugs through drugs. What they feared was the other party's unpredictable methods. They did not know when they were hit. Even if it is a colorless and odorless medicine, you need to touch them to get down on them. No matter if you touch them or the people around them, you must leave something. But this person didn't have any clues left.

Several people were investigating suspiciously, but found nothing. Even their respective families used relationships to investigate, and still did.

The four of them faced with two dark circles under their eyes, and gathered together in a weak spirit.

"What to do?" An He asked with a sad expression. "Can't find anyone, can we just do what he says?"

Bai Yan said in a deep voice, "This is the last choice."

It is not necessary for him to say that a few people also understand that in the case of being unable to find anyone behind the scenes, they have no choice but to obey his words.

Unless they want to experience these three days of nightmares.

Xi Yue murmured inexplicably, "If he does what he says, it forces us ..."

At this point, he paused, four people looked at each other, and a few words appeared in his heart at the same time--

from! phase! Disabled! kill!

Although the task now is to make them money, but don't forget, the other side said at the beginning that only one of them can survive. There is only one meaning to survive, isn't it to let them kill each other? As for the person who survives, he will get eternal life, which no one believes.

Several people were a little silent for a while, both faintly fearful and ridiculous. They were probably crazy before they really believed that anyone could do anything to the heirs of the four families.

"Cough." Qiu Yan coughed and broke the silence in the room. "The task hasn't changed, but the way to make money. It seems we can't get rid of it if we don't do what he said."

Several people were a little bit aggrieved, and they were pecked by geese all day long. They used to set the rules of the game to play others, but now they have been played by others. The change from master to participant is not a big difference.

But what can be done, the people who can't be found in the four big families, what can they do?

Because I didn't want to suffer another nightmare again and again, because I was planning to count the money and catch the people behind the scenes, several people took the one million to do the task of making money.

And Wen Qing, who planned all this, enjoyed his leisure time in a beautiful resort. Not far away, a good-looking muscular sportsman, after sneaking a glance at her three times, finally came over to chat, "Hey, beauty, can you make friends?"

Sun, beach, beautiful boy, Wen Qing took a sip of juice, and sighed, this task is really beautiful.

In stark contrast to her, the four enemies who work hard to make money. Although you are ready to take the plan behind the scenes, no one can guarantee the success of the plan. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare with both hands, in case of failure, it is better to be prepared. Brothers are not brothers and brothers, because family interests play together, it is related to their own interests, and no one talks about brotherhood. It's harmless to have a nightmare for a few days, and a few people think so.

Three months later, the four got together again. This time, the expressions on everyone's faces were not relaxed for the first time, and they were very dignified.

They all know the basics. Whoever earns more and who earns less knows each other. When it comes to earning money, several people are Bai Yan, Qiu Ji is second, and An He is the worst. This time is no exception. The heart that earns a little is a little lighter, and the heart that earns a little is worried, waiting anxiously for the final judgment.


A clear and pleasant message reminded the sound that several people rushed to see it.

"Arranged in order from high to low, Anhe, Bai Yan, Qiu Yan, Xiyue. So, Xiyue is out."