MTL - Quick Transmigration: Fate Trading System-Chapter 2 Days and Nights of Hua Kui 2

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The girl with a low eyebrow and a pleasant eye walked slowly in with the things to wash, waiting for Su Xin to groom.

"What's the matter with my mother looking for me?"

Su Xin asked as she wiped her face.

"I don't know the scroll, but it was good to look at Mom's face at the time."

The book shook his head and answered seriously.

"Things that make mom happy ..."

Su Xin laughed bitterly, frowning.

"Girl is so good, there will be a good home."

The scroll gave a big smile to Su Xin.

"Little girl, her mouth is getting sweeter."

Su Xin reached out and nodded the scroll.

"The scrolls are telling the truth, girl, the scrolls will dress you up."

[The host integrates quickly, and I'm satisfied. 】

Thank you for your compliment.

[Reward the host ‘crocodile ’s tears’ a drop. 】

This doesn't sound like fun.

[You can let the host immediately have the ability to carry pears with rain, and you can choose various crying methods, such as crying, laughing with tears. 】

Yes, very strong.

Su Xin accepted the reward, which sounds quite useful. It can be difficult for her to fight and kill. It makes her cry a bit difficult. Years of training have made her cold-blooded.

The name of this body is Xueyao, it's just a fancy name, its real name has been forgotten by the original owner.

The original owner was kidnapped and trafficked into this youth building by a trafficker. With his good looks, he was watched by the old lady and started to be cultivated.

Because it was November in the day when it came in, it was already snowing heavily in Yucheng. When the name was given, the last old man looked out the window and the snow pressed on the branches was shaken down.

When the original owner was eleven years old, the original old man died of illness. He gave this green building to a girl who had stayed in this building for a long time and was stable. The original owner's life became difficult.

The new and old Yan Tayan is a very utilitarian and intelligent person. I think the original owner is a seedling that can be cultivated. With her demanding training, the original owner's day is not as smooth as before. Every day is exhausting. The old lady also bucked her meal.

"Girl, all right."

The book inserts Su Xin in a mule, and strokes Su Xin's hair.

"Our girl is the most beautiful. What month can't compare to that."

The book looked at Su Xin's face slightly obsessively, and said indignantly.

This face is indeed beautiful, charming and not bad. Standing there, it is a wonderful picture.

But no matter how beautiful, she is a prostitute.

"I always think the girl has changed."

The books murmured, and the sound was not muted.

The book is a girl bought by the original owner, who has been with him for several years. Although they are master servants, they are about the same age, and their feelings are better than their sisters.

"Where has it changed?"

Su Xin hung a faint smile, the person in the brass mirror looked graceful and graceful, and she concealed her sharp and **** breath, just like the original owner.

"Unable to say, maybe the scroll was accidentally caught in the back of the head when I woke up early this morning, and there was an illusion."

The scroll shook his head, watching Su Xin stand up.

"Where is it, let me see, so careless."

Su Xin glanced at the scroll, approached the head of the scroll, looked down, and reached out to touch.

Su Xin was half a head taller than the scroll, and easily lifted it up, leaving the scroll silent, and let Su Xin rub her.

"Don't bulge, pay attention next time."

"Knowing girl, go find your mother."

Su Xin pushed open the door of the room, but did not see the scroll after she left, kneeling on the cushion, her face flushed.

Fourteen saw it, but it didn't think it was relevant to the host's mission, so he didn't notify Su Xin.

Su Xin kept her lady's posture and walked to her mother's stepping yan's door, knocking on the door.

Fourteenth Lord, this is the slowest time I have ever walked.

[Well, it doesn't matter, there will be many times in the future. 】

In modern times, Su Xin has always been fast, and she can run fast on high heels. She has practiced sometimes tasks, but as an ancient trained girl, she must maintain a ladylike and elegant pace. She has very strict requirements, even if she is scared to walk. If she sees Su Xin walking wildly, she must take the ruler lesson. Fortunately, this body has formed a muscle memory, and every step is extremely accurate.

"Mom, I'm Snow Shake."

"Snow shake, come in."

Su Xin pushed open the door and saw the walking geese lying on the beauty couch.

The appearance of this old lady, who used to be a flower queen, is naturally different. Although she is thirty years old and thirty years old, she still has the style of a half-old milf, and she feels soft and flirtatious from the cracks in her bones. live.

"Xue Shao, you are getting old, don't need me to mention too much, you know what I say."

As soon as Ta Yan came up, he opened his door and went straight to the theme, so he didn't delay.


Su Xin nodded smartly.

"I heard that you haven't been in a good mood for the past few days. Don't think about it. When you enter the door the first day, you must prepare for this mentality. You are one of my favorite girls. I hope What you give me is worthy of my cultivation with my mother. "

The mother in Ta Yan's mouth is the last old woman.

Ta Yan's abacus is a good seed. This snow shake is a good seed, which can make her a pot full of money. She is already thinking about the lowest silver price on the day of budding.

"Mom, Xueyao has something to discuss."

Su Xin looked directly at Ta Yan's eyes, raised her eyebrows, raised her hand, and motioned to her.

"I want to attend the banquet of the Four Kingdoms."

Tan Yan's face sank, and she immediately sat up from the beautician's couch and looked at Su Xin with anger.

"Can you say that again."

"I want to attend the banquet of the Four Kingdoms."

"Well, if you want to avoid budding, why use this excuse, the feast of the Four Kingdoms, don't think about it."

Ta Yan sneered.

The feast of the four kingdoms, the elegant meeting of the four kingdoms, when the emperors of the four kingdoms gather, the literati wise men and scholars will go to the show, and the singer performing at the feast of the four kingdoms is the top art selected from the countless green houses prostitute.

This is the best way for a prostitute to climb a branch and gain fame.

The banquet of the Four Kingdoms is held once every five years, and the number of prostitutes in each song and dance performance must be different. There are four people from each country.

This is also the quality of soft competition.

You see, even prostitutes in our country have insightful strategies, their beauty is unparalleled, and our country is amazing.

Prostitutes who can go to the banquet of the Four Kingdoms are of course very powerful. There is also a very important point that they must have virginity.

But how difficult it is for Su Xin to do this, just like a lady in a nightclub in a modern third-tier city has to go to Miss World, which is out of reach.

"I can."

"Who gives you self-confidence? You look good, but how do you compare with the people in the capital. Those who compete for this place have spent a lot of money training. You think you didn't make money for me, I will give you a discount. No? Do n’t know why, just go down. "

Tan Yan's eyes were gloomy, and Su Xin waved back.

Su Xin went out happily, and the moment she went out, her eyes were gloomy.

For many years, no one dared let her go.

Su Xin's eyes turned and she thought of a way to make Tayan promise.