MTL - Quick Transmigration As A Cannon Fodder To Be The Winner In Life-v2 Chapter 97 Insane feminin 5

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It wasn't just Su and the three who were disturbed. Many people around were surrounded by the crowd, and Su and the three also planned to visit. After all, it is quite interesting to watch the protagonist produce sky-high ore from low-priced rough stones.

Su He and the others didn't need to ask at all, just looked at the flow of people and quickly found the place. There were three floors inside and three floors outside. Su He and the others couldn't see the situation inside at all, but don't worry, the surrounding Some people are excited to broadcast live.

"Just now that sub-woman bought a rough stone of several hundred gold coins, several people were not optimistic, and some people laughed at him for misreading, but after opening it, it was Huang Fei the size of a watermelon, look at that The manager's eyes are straight." He said spittle, and there was a side to join in the fun, "Huang Fei's value is not high, right?"

So doubtful.

"Hey, you don't know, then Huang Feili's energy is not high, only third-level energy, but the size of a watermelon, I heard that it is still medium-level energy, so that a third-level male can absorb most of the energy It's been a month, do you know how much it sold for? Thirty-eight." The person who spoke looked as if he had sold the rough stone himself, excited, "Hundreds of gold coins became more than thirty thousand in an instant, you said Isn't that great?"

The people next to him widened their eyes and listened with relish. Su He felt that this person had a talent for storytelling and was more exciting than the scene. Lisa and Yabo also listened with their ears.

"Why not?" A somewhat familiar voice came, Su He looked over, other people were similar to Su He, the scene was quiet, and the people behind only heard the sound from inside , "Someone has already bought this rough stone." This time it was the person in charge.

Joey in the center of the crowd bit his lower lip at this time, stubbornly looked at the steward, looking aggrieved, and many people around looked at the steward full of condemnation, so Bullying a sub-female is still not a male.

This rough stone is sold again. If he does, he won't have to work here, he will be fired in less than an hour, and the reputation of the casino will be lost.

Even if everyone feels sorry for such a strong female being wronged, there is nothing they can do. The stone casino has regulations for stone casinos. If the rules are disordered, who would dare to come here to bet stones.

Joey felt more uncomfortable than anyone else. He finally risked his life to get the big stone from the Blast Lion. As a result, there was no change in the space, and the stone looked like an ordinary stone. , He tried several times, and the stone that originally had a huge attraction to space seemed to have lost that ability to attract space.

I risked my life to get a broken stone, and even the self-defense things I had bought for a long time before were used up, Joey was half-dead with anger, he has never suffered such a Great grievance.

I couldn't help but tell Root. Of course, I didn't mention the explosion lion that I provoked first, but said that when I was collecting things, I was chased by the explosion lion and almost died.

Lute, who was already tempted by Joey, knew the general situation of the Explosive Lion, especially from the 'simple' Joey who knew that the Explosive Lion had just broken through and was at its weakest, and prepared a Fan went to the burrowing lion's cave, and after a fierce battle, killed him.

Joey specifically followed him to take a look. He looked carefully this time, and found something wrong. The place where he collected the big stone was obviously moved before, that is, it is useless if it is not a big stone. , but he was put together, and the big stone that was really useful to space was taken away by others.

Joey figured out what was going on, and almost vomited blood, but he couldn't show it in front of Root. Having experienced betrayal, he clearly knew that it would be worth it to simply take heart and heart to men. It is used, men are cheap bones, you have to hang him, let him think that you are the purest and kindest, and the other party will give up on you.

Joey, who knows a man's real surname, has always been a strong, sensible and simple female in front of Root, just as he thought, Root showed a very good image of him I like it, so even if the hatred in his heart is itchy, Joey can't show anything.

The spring water, the aptitude of the body also improved. According to the situation in the plot, if the mineral crystal is obtained, after a big change in the space, the spiritual spring water will have a greater effect on the human body, and Joey's perception will be stronger.

A lot, but even so he has the aura of the protagonist, just like in the plot, he bought the rough stone that he valued, and issued a high-level energy jade.

Joey is not completely ignorant of the rules of the stone casino, but this rough stone is too attractive to him, and he has an intuition that this rough stone is better than any one he valued before.

There were several rough stones in the past, his perception was not able to detect anything, on the contrary, his intuition told him that there was something in it, so he bought it, and it turned out that the jade was really out of it.

This strong intuition now makes Joey believe that there must be high-grade jade in that rough stone.

The steward originally admired Joey's succession of high-priced jadeite from low-priced rough stones. Even a female with such a strong strength would have a good relationship even in a stone casino, but the other party insisted on buying someone else's The rough stone he bought made him unhappy.

"I'm sorry, this rough stone has really been bought, and it will be sent to the cutting quarry in a while." The steward was still smiling gently on the surface, but he had scolded the other party several times in his heart. This is relying on the identity of the Asian female to find fault.

No matter how much Joey wants that rough stone, everyone understands that the stone casino can't do this kind of thing, and they persuade Joey to change a rough stone. "Can you tell me who bought the rough stone? I'm willing to pay more to buy it." Joey saw the impatience in the manager's eyes and knew that the other party would not agree to sell it to him, so he decided to find the person who bought the rough stone himself.

Management..., he couldn't help but take a second look at the rough stone. This rough stone is different from what Joey had opened before, and the price itself is not low, at least for Joey That's right, the others haven't really seen it yet.

Seeing Joey stubbornly wanting this rough stone at this time, the manager also has a bottom line in his heart. It seems that the quality of this rough stone is really good, but if others have paid, he will not envy him What will be done, and directly refused Joey's request.

Joey was a little disappointed, Root on the side looked sharp, looked at the steward coldly, and looked like he was about to kill, the steward was nervous, secretly guarded, and decided that if the two were really making trouble, He immediately called the police and arrested him.

Fortunately, Joey didn't plan to make trouble, he pulled La Rutte's sleeve and looked at the rough stone beside him. Some people followed, and some people stayed to see what kind of rough stone they liked for the highly talented Asian female.

The rough stone got to the cutting place?" He was really afraid that someone would insist on buying this rough stone.

Su He had no opinion on this, nodded, and the steward was relieved. It was at this time that Su He knew that Joey valued a rough stone he had chosen before. It was a coincidence that Su He All feel incredible.

Although no high-quality jade came out, Lisa was still very happy, especially after knowing that the rough stone belonged to Su He, he was eager to go to the calcification with Su He and the two.

Su He stopped him. He felt that he might have a bad relationship with the protagonist, especially the protagonist, who seemed to have been tricked by him several times. Speaking of which, Su He felt a little sympathetic to each other.

But because he didn't do it on purpose, and the maliciousness exuded from the other party when they first met him, that sympathy was quickly thrown away by Su He.

In the time after that, Su He and the three followed the crowd. When he said that he had a bad relationship with the protagonist, Su He just thought about it casually, but the time after that made him fully realize the world malicious.

Joey's vision is indeed very good, and Su He's strength is not bad, which has caused many of the rough stones that Joey values ​​to be bought by Su He.

Su He only thought it was a bit of a coincidence, and also thought it was boring, after discussing with Lisa and the two, he planned to go to the calcification. But Joey was about to be blown away. The rough stone he didn't buy just now was like a fuse, and the few pieces he valued later were either the average energy inside, or they were bought by others.

Joey has never held his breath so much since crossing the road. He even began to wonder if it was someone in the casino who was cheating. Seeing his outstanding ability, he deliberately said that the rough stones he valued were sold. go out.

Thinking this way, when he valued a rough stone, Joey also said it, he couldn't bear it, on the one hand because he had been angry a few times before, on the other hand, this The rough stone felt so good to him, much better than the one he had wanted before.

Joey's perception feels as if he is surrounded by a huge mass of energy now, as if placed in warm water in winter, he will groan when he is comfortable.

This kind of rough stone is something Joey has never encountered before. His heart is pounding, and his intuition is clamoring to buy it, but just like the few pieces he valued before, it is a pity to manage told him that the rough stone had been bought and was about to be delivered.

One and two pieces are like this, this is the fifth piece, Joey has anger in his eyes, "Why do you all say that the rough stone I value has been sold?" At this time, many people also I think Joey's luck is not very good.

Especially, except for two of them that have been collected and have not been shipped, the remaining three rough stones, including the one that Joey must buy now, have not been collected yet. Someone I feel that Joey's luck is not good, and some people think that there is a famous stone gambler who has already passed by, otherwise this situation is impossible.

The large and small shops in the stone casino are generally gambling stone shops. Even if there are private ones, they only earn a middle price, and the managers of two of them are greedy. , Those two rough stones were not particularly valued, but when they bought it, they heard what the other party's partner said about the pattern and the direction of the touch. After listening a few more words, they took it to heart.

I tried to open a rough stone that was not too big, and after I actually found a power stone, I used that rough stone to compare it with other rough stones.

In this way, the original stone was left in place, and it was not put away, and Joey took a look at it, resulting in the current situation. It's not like Joey didn't buy a single piece. Some small rough stone shops can open directly. Joey opened three pieces during the period, one piece of glutinous seed, one piece of ice glutinous rice, and one piece although only approximate, but the weight is very large. Great, they all sold for a good price.

Yes, the power stones of the third and fourth levels were sold for a dozen times as high as the previous ones. The gap was too large, which made Joey's mentality unbalanced.

Joey was aggrieved, and the people in charge were also wronged. He was a man, and he immediately heard the hidden meaning of Joey's words, and quickly explained, "This rough stone was sold more than an hour ago. It's just that the other party asked to send it to the place where the stone was cut in an hour and a half, so we didn't put it away."

Unfortunately, Joey doesn't believe it anymore. He believes that the other party knows that he is good at gambling, and deliberately hides the original stone that he values. His eyes were a little red with anger, "I don't believe it, since it's a stone casino, what about your reputation, how can you 'sell' all the rough stones I value because I can produce good power stones."

The words have already come to this point, even a fool knows that Joey is accusing the casino of black box operation, the manager who just had a friendly face, immediately turned cold, "This gentleman , our Tulip Casino has always been fair and just, if you have any questions about this, you can directly ask the law enforcement team to intervene."

At this time, some people who were chasing Joey's stone bet said, "This rough stone was indeed sold before, I saw it here before."

"Yes, there are three people, one male, one female, and one sub-female. It should be a family. They bought a lot of rough stones." There were also people who saw Su and the three buying rough stones, but they didn't see it together. This would be heard by others, and naturally attentive people would find out who they might be talking about.

When Su and the three bought rough stones before, they didn't hide them. Some people even paid more attention to them because they bought a lot of rough stones. Buy the original stone eye without blinking.

The words of these people can prove the innocence of the store to some extent. He is not afraid to investigate this kind of thing, but it will affect the business of his shop to some extent. It is best to solve it on the spot now.

Joey still didn't believe it in his heart. He had already thought of the conspiracy theory that this was deliberately done behind the stone casino. The opponent can only swallow this breath.

He didn't want to, just as he thought, there are so many good goods out of the casino every day, how could he do this because he bet on a few high-quality rough stones, if In this way, the stone casino has long been closed.

Joey was not convinced but knew that he must be the one who would suffer in this way, and he didn't want to do it anymore, he said, "I know you guys are very good at gambling, but I've met your attention five times. The original stone was bought by someone." Joey deliberately aggravated the word "buy", just to let the manager know that he already understood their inside story and wanted the other party to do something good.

The person in charge just wanted to laugh, but he also knew that he couldn't really make a fuss.

The stewards have been in the stone casino for a long time and have encountered a lot of various things. After listening to Joey, I understand that their stone casino may have an outstanding person today. Ya female, but this kind of thing is useless to people who think that they are intentional. The person in charge is thinking about making money with peace and anger, and said, "Well, you can choose a rough stone in my shop, and I will give you 10% off. , even if we make a friend today."

Joey was not very satisfied. What he thought was that the other party gave him a good rough stone, but he heard the inhalation of the people around him, and knew that this was the final limit.

This shop is not large in the entire stone casino. The owner has some relationship with the people behind the stone casino. He has put several treasures of the town shop here. If Joey chooses Yes, his flesh hurts a lot.

Under the eyes of everyone, Joey reluctantly chose a rough stone that felt okay to him, and didn't plan to cut it here, he paid the bill and left.

Buy anything.

Most of these people are males, and a few are females. They don’t know that Joey can’t afford those rough stones and doesn’t want to buy them. In his opinion, he can go through rebirth and have the gold of space. Finger is destined to be the protagonist of this world.

The best way.

Several rough stones that you valued in the past have been bought, and it should have been picked out by a powerful stone gambler ahead of you."

His words made a lot of people who were still wondering what was going on suddenly become enlightened. This kind of thing is not uncommon. Sometimes two talented stone gamblers will gamble in public when they get angry. .

It's just that Joey is a newcomer, and he used to open a good power stone from an unremarkable rough stone, which made everyone look thrilling and forget this appearance. Now the manager pointed out that they Immediately thought of what happened.

Immediately someone advised Joey to hurry up, lest the original stone in the picture be robbed by others again, Joey paused, although he still suspected that he was in charge, but he did not delay any more.

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