MTL - Quick Transmigration As A Cannon Fodder To Be The Winner In Life-v2 Chapter 93 Insane femininity 1

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"Yeah." Allen replied obediently, bought some necessities from Uncle Rum, greeted him, and walked to the Forest of Oz.

Alan is a sub-female of the Orc Continent. In the Orc Continent, people are divided into three types: female, sub-female, and male. Females have strong fertility and spiritual power, which can appease manic orcs, After the age of thirteen, it will remain in human form. Males can be transformed for life, have powerful fighting power, and are the protectors of the Orc Continent.

In addition to these two, it is the sub-female, the sub-female body retains a part of the animal state, has fertility, has perception, and can sense the existence of ore from the original stone.

Ore can improve male combat power and female spiritual power, so powerful female females are also very popular.

The number of sub-females is rare, and the general female-females can help people gamble with their senses, which is enough to support themselves. Alan is an exception, because he had an accident when he was a child, and he took time out of his strength to survive, and when he woke up, he found that he had no perception.

Sub-females without perception are unable to detect the existence of ore. Such sub-females are equivalent to females without fertility, and it is difficult for most people to survive.

Fortunately, Allen has a pair of parents who love him, and a powerful orc brother. Life is not bad, but he is inevitably looked down on outside.

Later, the family worried about Alan's future life, so they found a teacher for him and studied medicine. With medicine, Alan was finally able to live independently.

The Green Forest is the safest forest near the imperial capital. There are many medicinal herbs in it. Allen will go in and find some basic herbs to learn when he has time.

After entering the forest today, Allen found a place where he usually digs herbs, and did not start working as before. At this time, he no longer had the shyness in front of outsiders. completely different.

Su He did not expect to come to such a world, the Orc Continent, and he became a fertile sub-female. He poked the pinched system that didn't dare to move, "How about you roast and eat you?"

Since he came to this world, the host has formed it into a ball of light, pinched him when he was angry, and pinched it when he was unhappy.

"Host, I really didn't do it on purpose." The system continued to murmuring, and was pinched by Su He, and immediately became normal, "Host, I'll give you the plot first."

Joey was an orphan in an orphanage who was betrayed by her boyfriend and Zhuma.

It is legal for men to fall in love in this world, because no matter the female, the female, or the male is the same as the man in his original world, he is very happy to become a good-looking female Joey, In particular, he found that the perception of this body increased after he was reborn.

Joey later bought a tall and handsome slave in a slave farm, but the other party lost his memory and remembered nothing. Joey named him Arthur, and Joey's perception made him more and more The more famous they became, and Arthur had an impression of the emperor, in order to help Arthur find his memory, the two went to the imperial capital.

The two experienced various things here, and Arthur also recovered his memory. It turned out that he was the most powerful orc Root in the empire, and his family was the first family of the imperial capital, the Ethel family.

It was only at this time that the two discovered that Root had a fiancé. After a series of slaps in the face and sweet pet plots, Allen, the cannon fodder fiancé, died in the beast tide, and the family began to fall, but Root and Joey lived happily together.

"So I still have a marriage contract on me?" Su He looked at the system with a smile. The system thought it was over, so he nodded cautiously.

Throwing the system back into the system space, Su He frowned. In his memory, Allen was a well-behaved and obedient female, and the arrogant and domineering Allen in the plot was like two people. .

But now this body is his, he will not take the initiative to provoke the protagonist, if the protagonist wants to provoke him, don't blame him for being cruel.

Su He thought very well, but unfortunately this did not go his way. He learned from the original owner and collected some low-level medicinal herbs, and by the way, he passed the knowledge of medicine in the memory of the original owner and the medical knowledge he learned. .

Su He found that although several worlds are different, the direction of pharmacology is still the same, but the herbs in the orc world are more medicinal.

The most popular occupations in the Orc Continent are spiritual pacifiers, stone gamblers, and pharmacists. Spiritual pacifiers have very strict requirements on spiritual power, and not all female spiritual powers are If you can fit in with your lover, you need to use a pacifier who is compatible with most orcs' spiritual power at this time.

Stone gambler is the most sought after profession. Orcs rely on ores to improve their strength.

In addition to these two professions, the most popular is the pharmacist, a variety of medicines can provide great help to the orcs.

When Allen's perception was destroyed, for his future life, his family hired a pharmacist for him, and now Allen is a junior pharmacist.

With a strong family background and a self-reliant personality, Alan should be able to live well even without perception, provided he is not cannon fodder.

"Run, there's a flaming fox behind." Su He noticed the movement, looked up and saw a figure running over, shouting.

Frowned her brows and Su He didn't drop anything and run away. The flaming fox is a fourth-level beast, and it usually lives in the depths of the Green Forest. It is one of the tyrants. Rarely appear on the periphery, why would it run out now.

The figure was very fast. When passing by Su He, he saw that Su He was motionless, as if frightened, he hesitated and pulled Su He and ran out together.

Su He, who was grabbed suddenly, staggered twice before he realized that he wanted to shake off the other party, but unfortunately the other party's strength was much stronger than him, and Su He couldn't shake it at all. At this time, he didn't realize how delicate Ya female's body was.

No wonder that every time he wants to go out to collect medicine, he will be watched worriedly by his family. Su He was dragged and ran for a while, and they were about to run out of the forest of Oz.

His appearance is different from Allen's beauty, he can only be called handsome, he looks young, at this time, he looks like he is dead and stands in front of Allen.

Su He was finally able to stop and rest, her heart felt a little bit of pain from the violent running just now, Su He frowned and pulled out a bottle of medicine from the storage utensil around her waist and drank it. The pain in his chest finally subsided.

There was a slight blush on the originally pale face. He didn't look at the female who was standing in front of him, and his eyes fell on the fiery fox who was attacking furiously. The flaming fox has a cunning personality and rarely takes the initiative to attack orcs, unless it is….

"What did you take, give it back." Su He stared at the female in front of him and said sharply.

A look of consternation appeared on Ya Fei's delicate face. He opened his mouth and did not answer Su He's question. Instead, he urged, "Go away, I will stop him, you don't have to worry."

Fireballs rained from the flaming fox's mouth, and came towards Su He and Yashe, wearing a delicate body, Su He could already feel the temperature of the fireball almost burning people.

When I heard the words of the female, I had the urge to scold others, who cares if you can stop it, if it is not for the female who took something that should not be taken, living in the central field The flaming fox won't give up at all.

For the cunning and powerful flamingo fox, the only reason that can make it desperately pursue it is the cub. For orcs and beasts, cubs are the most precious, and moving their cubs will cause the beasts to pursue and kill them recklessly.

Su He has just seen that there is no flaming fox cub on this sub-hen, so he is a little unsure of what is going on, but it must be something that the sub-hen took to cause such an attack Things that shouldn't be taken.

"Worry? The Forest of Oz has not had a beast riot for nearly ten years. The guards have found that the beasts in the forest are not very calm recently. Outbreak, I will tell the escort, you wait to be sent to the military court." Su He looked at Yaheng coldly.

There was a trace of panic in the eyes of the female female, he bit his lower lip, a little unwilling, and finally caught the cub of the flaming fox, the cub of the fierce beast is very difficult to catch, he The strength is too weak. If the cub is cultivated, he can follow Arthur without worrying about causing trouble to him. Now he is not willing to let him give up the cub he has obtained.

The body was swiped by the fireball. As far as the eyes of the female, she saw that the female, who kindly saved the other party, stood there still, with a protective shield on his body to protect him firmly, flashing in his eyes With a touch of resentment, he was the one who saved him, so why did this Asian woman force him so much.

"Roar." The flaming fox saw that the two orcs in front of him were still fine, but its cub didn't know where it was, and its anger made it start attacking desperately.

The flames spread rapidly from the flaming fox, and the flames devoured everything around, surrounding Xiang Su He and the sub-hen. Seeing this situation, Su He was really annoyed. He had a protective cover on his body and was naturally not worried, but if there was a forest fire, I don't know how many creatures would be killed or injured.

I grabbed the subwoman who was still dodging in a hurry, "Are you waiting to be burned to death or take something out?" He decided that he wouldn't mind if the subwoman still didn't want to take it out. Send it to the beast's mouth.

Once there is a beast tide in the Forest of Green Fields this time, it will definitely be a medium and large beast tide. Now the guards and mercenary unions are not ready at all. Once the beast tide occurs, the loss will be immeasurable.

The rising flame almost touched the face of the female female, he screamed, "Let me go, let me go, I didn't take anything." He waved and tried to break free from Su He 's bondage.

Su He hesitated for a moment. He wondered if he had made a mistake, but the target of the flaming fox was indeed the female female in front of her. There were other people who were thrown with the female female just now. , Huo Liehu didn't even look at it, just ran after the Asian female.

When he hesitated, the system quickly said, "Host, the host is Joey, he has a space." Su He did not expect such a coincidence, he met the protagonist on the first day he came out by.

Since it was confirmed that it was the protagonist Shou, Su He was more certain of his own judgment, he barely controlled Joey's struggle, looked at the fear in his eyes as the fire approached, and said coldly, " Since you don't want to take it out, just throw you there, anyway, the target of the flaming fox is you, as long as it kills you, it will leave."

Su He acted like he wanted to throw Joey into the sea of ​​fire, Joey screamed and couldn't care about anything else, "I give it, I give it back, don't throw me go in."

Su He didn't intend to kill the protagonist Shou directly, he just wanted to force the other party to take out the flaming fox cub. You know, even if he wanted to, with his current strength, he couldn't throw it at all Move Joey.

Joey is full of resentment in his heart, knowing that he should not save this female, let him be eaten by beasts, if it is not for the other party, he only needs to hide in the space when no one is there , the immediate salvation will not happen. A red shadow was thrown into the sea of ​​​​fire, and Huo Liehu saw that it was his own cub with sharp eyes, and immediately rushed to it.

Joey took the opportunity to break free from Su He's restraint and left quickly. Before leaving, he couldn't help but glanced at the Asian woman in front of him with resentment. He obviously saved him by himself, but he actually wanted to repay his kindness and vengeance. Pushing the sea of ​​fire, he remembered this hatred.

Su He's face is very ugly, even the cubs of the flaming fox can't bear the flame of the fourth-level flaming fox. The flaming fox whose cub died in front of him would definitely go mad.

"Aren't you leaving yet?" Fiery Fox protected the cub, his eyes fell on Su He, two emotions of anger and excitement flashed in his eyes, aware of Fiery Fox's intention , Su He used mental power to pass this sentence into Huo Liehu's mind.

Huo Liehu tilted his head, and when Su He released his mental power to oppress him, he hesitated and left quickly.

Withdrawing his mental power, Su He looked at the mess in front of him, the fire was still burning, and at this rate, even if the beast tide didn't come, the forest fire would definitely be enough to hurt everyone.

A few crystal ball-like things were pulled out from the storage box at the waist. This thing is a portable daily necessities. It is used for bathing in the wild, and is often used by people Used for pranks.

These were prepared by Allen before. He squeezed the crystal ball and threw it into the air. The next second, water began to flow in the crystal ball, like a shower in modern society. General head.

Tossed out a few crystal **** one by one, fortunately they didn't delay for a long time, these few water **** are enough, sure there will be no accident, Su He took his own something left.

, until the water in the water polo runs out, it will be almost the same. They looked at each other, didn't they say that the flaming fox ran out? How could it be like this?

Su He didn't take what happened that day to his heart. When he knew that the man was Joey, he was relieved, because he remembered that in the plot, Joey came to the emperor. How long ago, there was a large and medium-sized beast tide in the imperial capital. Because of the sudden arrival of the beast tide, the guards were not prepared at all, and many people died in the outer city.

When Joey appeared later, he was accompanied by a cub of flamingo fox, which was fed by Joey with spiritual spring water since he was a child. Beast, because of this cub, Allen was jealous of Joey and wanted to grab it for himself.

Now that I think about it, it should have happened today. If Joey really hides in the space, the flaming fox who has lost its cubs and enemy traces will definitely go crazy, and it is not enough for the beast tide to come early. scared.

Since the matter was resolved, Su He ignored it. After he entered this body, he found that although his spiritual power was still there, he was as insensitive as the original owner, even because he was a child Accidentally, Alan's body has not been very strong.

And Su He's spiritual power is different from the female spiritual power of this world, and it can't appease the manic ferocity. Increase the success rate of the potion.

Pharmacists are divided into apprentices, junior pharmacists, intermediate pharmacists, senior pharmacists, master pharmacists, master pharmacists, and god-level pharmacists. At present, the highest known pharmacist in the Orc Continent is the master pharmacist. The master-level pharmacist has not appeared for a long time. As for the god-level pharmacist, it is a legendary existence.

Allen is now a junior pharmacist, and his teacher is a senior pharmacist. In fact, for the Abel family, even if Allen does nothing, he can live well Yes, the Albert family is one of the top ten families in the imperial capital. The beast type of their family is a leopard. Although it is not as powerful as the lion, tiger, and mammoth family, it is not bad.

However, Allen has been extraordinarily sensible since he was a child. After knowing that his most important perception as a female is gone, he looked at his family with caution, afraid of hurting him, so Allen proposed Study medicine.

He also knows that as a sub-female, he has no perception and cannot help his future husband improve his strength, and it is difficult to get the other side's attention.

The Orc Continent follows the habits of beasts in some respects, so far there are many males, or many males, even if the Albert family is behind them, and the young It is difficult for Paulette not to marry other females, so Allen hopes to become an excellent pharmacist.

Even if there is no perception, a powerful pharmacist will be the target of everyone. Although the family loves him, they also understand that this is the best for him.

Putting the bottle of primary potion in his hand aside, Su He's expression was a lot more serious. He planned to try to make intermediate potion. The required materials were already prepared. The medicinal materials were processed and extracted little by little, and the powerful mental power helped a lot in the process.

When Yabo came to find his brother Alan, he saw his always obedient brother, looking at the medicine in his hand with a serious face, holding his breath, secretly in his heart Cheers to my brother.

Junior pharmacists are not uncommon, as long as there are enough medicinal materials, even if the talent is average, you can become a junior pharmacist, but the intermediate pharmacist is different. Without enough talent, it is difficult to achieve.

It has only been six or seven years since Ellen came into contact with potions, and it is amazing to be able to learn to make intermediate potions. Yabo never thought that his younger brother would be so powerful now.

The boy who was happy because he made the primary healing potion not long ago, has now begun to contact the intermediate potion, and Yabo thinks of his talented younger brother.

If that accident hadn't happened, maybe now my younger brother is a stone gambler sought after by everyone in the imperial capital.

The extracts of various colors were finally processed and fused by special techniques to become a dark green potion, with a little fluorescent flashing in the potion, Su He felt joy in his heart, he succeeded.

Without waiting for Su Hehuan for a few seconds, Yabo, who had been waiting for a long time, exclaimed, "Success, great, I knew Allen was the best."

Su He looked over helplessly, he knew that Yabo was here just now, just because the medicine was at an important juncture, so he didn't care, he didn't expect the other party to be happier than him.

"Brother, I'll give it to you." Su He handed the potion to Yabo. This is the first intermediate potion he made by himself. Naturally, it must be given to those close to him.

Abo cherished and patted his chest, "If Ellen needs anything, just tell my brother that he will do it for you." Su He raised his eyebrows, "Anything?" "Yes, anything."

Seeing the silly brother go into the trap without even looking at it, Su He felt that it would be a pity that he didn't teach the other party a lesson, so he became serious, "Take you to take me to meet Root? "

"Ah." Yabo is stupid there, although Root and Alan have a marriage contract, the relationship between the two families is not particularly close, especially since many people know that Root does not like Alan, but instead It was Ellen who liked Root.

If Allen hadn't wanted to marry Root, and with Root's attitude towards Allen, the Albert family would have withdrawn the marriage. Anyway, the original thing was because of Root Caused, to be honest, Root is sorry for Alan.

Everyone with a head and face knows that Allen likes Root, and the family knows this better, but Root's attitude makes the Albert family rarely mention each other, and even hope that Allen can change one day Mind.

Now that Allen proposed to see Root, Yabo was very upset, but no matter how upset he was, as long as his brother wanted, he would do it, so Yabo nodded seriously, "I will tomorrow Just go to Root."

Su He was silent for a while, watched Yabo leave, and didn't say that Root was not at home. Although it is not clear why the Ethel family wanted to conceal this matter, it would be difficult for others to talk about the marriage contract between the two families in the future. It was proposed by the Ethel family, and it became a post by the Albert family. Make trouble.

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