MTL - Qiang Jin Jiu-Chapter 13 Small cicada

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Xiao Chiye did not look at Li Jianheng, and slowly set the tea lid with his fingers. He said: "Shao An is restless."

Li Jianheng sat back in the chair without a body, and then heard the queen mother asked, "The holy car is here, and the patrol is rigorous. How can you drown someone well?"

Ji Lei said, "After returning to the queen mother, Wei Chen has sent someone to take the body to be examined by the elder, and I will know the details later."

"How do you say this?" Emperor Xiande's illness remained unhealed, and there was a gloomy atmosphere in his eyebrows. He said, "Is there something strange about his death?"

Ji Lei said, "The emperor, when he was picked up, was covered with bruises and clearly suffered fists. Although Xiaofuzi was an internal concubine in the palace, he did not have the important position in the twenty-four concubines. He was only the emperor's close eunuch. If he had been abused | beaten before his death, I'm afraid the murderer's plot was not small. "

Emperor Xiande stood up while holding up the desk case, and said in a cold voice, "Someone can't wait to be out of the palace."

"The Emperor." Hai Liangyi knelt out of the queue, saying, "Jin Yiwei and the Eight Camps exchange patrols today. If the murderer really has a plan, how dare he act like that? Xiao Fuzi usually takes the position of palace procurement, causing personal resentment. It's not impossible. "

Hua Ge Lao Hua Siqian sat still, but said: "Benevolence of those words, those who dare to start in front of the emperor, have clearly put the emperor and the present ministers in the eyes. Ordinary people outside the palace, who has this courage ? "

Xiao Chiye was sitting still, and his heart was moving a hundred times.

At three o'clock in the morning, Xiao Fuzi was dragged into the forest. As long as the incense sticks were in the air, the eight camps for dinner and food delivery and the inspection and defense inspection could pass by. All the present are present today. Those who leave the table to change clothes, have tea, and go to the room of Christ are unable to remember. Not only that, the accompanying sergeant and nephew both have the right to walk in the garden. As long as someone gently gives Xiao Fuzi a kick in the gap between the incense sticks, he can drown in the pond.

Looking at the situation right now, it is not how to explain that Xiao Fuzi has bruises, but that Ji Lei has taken the wind and turned this murder case into a suspected case.

Xiao Chiye's fingertips clasped on the tea lid.

This fire must not burn to King Chu.

Now that the emperor is seriously ill, the Taiji Hospital is at a loss, and no one can predict when the Long Bintian will be controlled. However, Emperor Xiande had no children under his knees. Once the incident suddenly occurred, Li Jianheng inherited in order.

Today's events are all his thoughts. Li Jianheng left the table too blatantly and decided not to persevere.

Xiao Jiaru was on thin ice. If he was suspiciously implicated in the throne of the throne, 120,000 soldiers and soldiers from the north would be Xiao Jieming's neck.

The matter was fierce and imminent and could not be reignited.

Xiao Chiye suddenly smashed the tea cup, and "Ding Dang" made a crisp sound, attracting people's eyes.

Li Jianheng looked at him uneasily, and said, "Ce, Ce An ..."

Xiao Chiye stood up, hurriedly walked towards the front of the palace, and knelt down. He said loudly: "Emperor, Wei Chen didn't dare to deceive, I was called by someone."

Emperor Xiande stared at him and said, "He's in a palace. What's the holiday with you?

Ji Lei also looked sideways, saying, "Master Xiao, this matter is of great importance, and you must not take advantage of it for others."

"What a big deal." Xiao Chiye said lightly, "What's more, Weichen didn't think he was guilty. What about a low-minded man who was killed? Is it that I am the second-ranking banned governor, and he has to swallow his jealous dog slave? . "

"The second son is so angry," said Hua Siqian, "I'm afraid it's not ordinary hatred. It's just that Xiao Fuzi has no relationship with you on weekdays. Why is he so angry?"

"I don't know the old man," Xiao Chiye said. "In the early months, I rushed to the school yard. This dog thing's sedan blocked my way. I think he's so powerful. If he doesn't lift the curtain, I think it's Gong Pan. I rebuked him for a few words, but he uttered mad words. The man ’s husband actually called a trivial person to shame on the street. In this tone, it would be unbearable for others.

Pan Rugui also served on the outside, listening to him with a sip of "stubborn man", all wiped his sweat.

When Emperor Xiande thought about it, the queen mother first said: "Even so, it is not a gentleman's act to kill people at will."

Pan Rugui seemed to have been hurt, but kneeled with tears in his white hair, and said, "The slaves are all low-hands. Where can you compare with the second son? The queen mother's kindness is already a godsend. Xiao Fuzi is usually a pet. It is unethical to meet the military attaché in the North and Central China without knowing the courtesy. He received the second son's teaching and did not know the repentance.

He talked so hard to get everything right, but the insider met the Minister of North Korea and the law stipulated that he had to dismount and step back to meet him.

The Queen Mother ritual Buddha was very displeased with the killing, so he said to Emperor Xiande: "Since ancient times, the emperor has violated the law with the people. Xiao Chiye's wild waves, in terms of reason, can not spare him. Moreover, The Xiao family was loyal and loyal all the time. The king from the north sent his son to the emperor and raised him in front of the emperor. If he was accustomed to knowing the heights and heights of the earth, he would be ashamed of his commitment to the king from the north. "

Ji Lei was a little hesitant and refused to turn the matter over easily, so he said, "The second son has always been good with His Royal Highness Chu, and has done such a thing, Your Highness—"

"Wei Chen still has something to say. I hit someone, but I didn't kill him. Emperor, Wei Chen originally wanted to kill him to calm his anger, but His Royal Highness Chu learned this and advised Wei Chen not to kill. Today Dragging people to beat him, that was also done by Wei Chen calling the guards quietly, but it was expected that His Royal Highness Chu saw the clue halfway through, and personally left the table to save Xiao Fuzi's life. His Highness was on the side to teach, Wei Chen was bold again, He couldn't wipe out his highness, so he put Xiaofuzi as a horse. As for how people drowned, Wei Chen was also curious. Who wanted to blame me for doing such insignificant things? Master Ji. " Xiao Chiye turned to Ji Lei, with joy in his eyes. "Jin Yiwei is usually rigorous. Today, he is lying on the side of the road, but he can escape the inspection and fall into the pool ... Maybe he is himself, covering his head. Can't figure out where to go, let's go down. "

Hai Liangyi said: "It's the same. Such a large individual fell into the pool, Jin Yiwei came and went to inspect, but he didn't notice it at all. If any assassins were mixed in Xiyuan today, Jin Yiwei might not notice it!"

Ji Lei dared to stir the muddy water again, and froze a few heads in panic, and said, "Emperor! Jin Yiwei is helpless. Today, he and the eight major camps are inspected alternately, and the defense must always be arranged carefully, and they dare not neglect half a minute!"

The leaders of the eight major camps instructed Gu Gu'an to kneel and said, "This is the rule, the eight major camps don't dare to neglect. Alternate inspections are performed at regular intervals, and they are remembered by those who are interested. It is also possible to kill Xiaofuzi while taking the opportunity. Possibly. Among them is the internal vengeance, which should be scrutinized to see how many individuals this little blessing has had grudges against. "

"Check." Emperor Xiande sneered, suddenly throwing tea cups on Lu Gu'an, irritated, "People died under your eyelids, don't want to introspect, but just shirk responsibility! I actually put security and danger at stake. You ... you ...

Emperor Xiande's throat was hoarse, and he covered his lips and coughed again. He seemed to be angry, holding the table and leaning back.


The surrounding families exclaimed in a shout, and the table was completely chaotic.

"Quickly pass the doctor!" The queen mother scolded.


Li Jianheng saw Xiao Chiye again, like his mother-in-law, and said, "Brother! It scared me!"

Xiao Chiye said, "Kneeling for too long, I was so hungry that I used snacks."

Li Jianheng waved people to hurry, and Xiao Chiye stood under the corridor of Xiyuan to see the bright lights in that hall.

"If the emperor wakes up, he will have to pass you on," said Li Jianheng. "Why did this person die? I'm really out of luck!"

Xiao Chiye ate snacks with herbal tea.

It's hard to say.

Xiao Fuzi has always been favored by Pan Rugui. If anyone intentionally asks Xiao Fuzi's life, how can he hit Li Jianheng so cleverly. Had it not been for the fate of Xiao Fuzi, he had killed him temporarily, but it would be far more profitable to kill him than to untie the rope.

It was just that Pan Rugui and Ji Lei reacted too quickly. Since people are dead, they simply use it to the end. If it could be planted to King Chu, it would be two birds with one stone.

"Is the emperor still spreading bed?" Xiao Chiye asked casually.

"Pass it." Li Jianheng replied, "The most favored daughter is the Wei family daughter recently, and the queen mother also likes it."

Xiao Chiye thoughtfully.

At this moment it was dark, but no one dared to leave, all standing in groups of three or five under the corridor, waiting for Emperor Xiande to wake up.

Lu Gu'an left the garden on the way, and when she returned, she got the order of the queen mother, and went straight into the house waiting. After another half an hour, Xiao Chiye suddenly saw the Eighth Battalion guards leading a clean commoner from the side door.

"Who is that?" Xiao Chiye asked.

Li Jianheng probed and said, "Miscellaneous service, Xiyuan miscellaneous service is not much. But what do they bring a mixed service to do?"

Xiao Chiye was dimmed by the lantern, and he saw sharply the ugly face with burn marks. He did not know why, and his heart leaped abruptly, and a kind of unpredictable speculation persisted.

"Xiyuan's miscellaneous service." Xiao Chiye said, "Xiyuan is an expensive place, and everyone who serves it requires a good-looking person, such a person."

After a long while, seeing Pan Rugui stepping out, he said loudly, "Come to the eighth son of the Shen family. Come and see!"

The ministers burst into enthusiasm.

Shen Wei did not condemn the treason, but Shen Wei's name has spread throughout the river. The creation of Zhongbo has not been healed yet, and the responsibility for military defeat still exists. Shen's Yu Guigou's life has caused his dissatisfaction, how can he let him out now?

"What's going on?" Said Li Jianheng, the six gods, and said, "Did you find out again? Ce An, he has enmity with you, and you're jealous when you meet. For Xiao's face, you shouldn't let him out what!"

Xiao Chiye didn't speak, only moved his eyes to the door and stared tightly.

Less than half of Ayaka's time, the guards stepped in and followed the individual not far behind.

After a lapse of five years, this person's hair has been drooping, tied with thick wood, and not wearing a crown. The old cardigans covered the wrists, and the color extended like white porcelain. The lantern blocked Xiao Chiye's eyes. When this man came out, Li Jianheng's tea cup rolled out first.

Li Jianheng kept thinking, "You haven't told me, he looks like this ..."

Xiao Chiye's thumb slightly buckled.

When Shen Zechuan passed by the corridor, the moment the two were staggered, Xiao Chiye looked at the person indifferently, and in the electric light flint, he met a pair of eyes with deep memory.

This eye is long and narrow, and the end of the eye is raised, making a slight arc. Containing divine light, it is also a hidden star in the dim light of the lantern.

In the rush, Shen Zechuan smiled at Xiao Chiye. But it was so light. After passing by, it was like the wind that was nowhere to be found at night, thin and cold. 2k novel reading network

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