MTL - Pursuit of the Truth-~ How many people in a few rounds, how many times in the cycle?

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Su Ming is foggy, not paying attention to the passing of the years, not paying attention to how many times the Cangwu reincarnation, still looking for the faces in memory, belonging to their traces. High quality updates are in

Until he found the second brother, in the flower formed by the mist, he found the second brother who had changed the level of life in it, which is a ghost-like life.

In addition to the flowers formed by the mist, Su Ming found the tiger. He never seemed to be separated from the second brother. The second brother became another ghost of life, and the tiger became the ghost, the endless sky. The wind.

There are also Xu Hui, as well as the ancestors of the fire, and the traces of one face after another. After many years of this, the vortex of the reincarnation of this reincarnation has been tumbled again and again, and Su Ming found it one by one.

Until he found Bai Ling, he found the purple scorpion and found...Agong.

Finally, in the sky, Su Ming found a tree, which is not a sage, but a tree that looks very ordinary. Under the tree, Su Ming found the three wild.

When he found everyone, Su Ming returned to the reincarnation of the sky, where the deepest part of his compass was, where he re-chosened to meditate and finally took a look at the world.

"You... lonely?" Su Ming was silent, for a long time, slowly spread the thoughts of the gods, there is no open words, only the resounding of this god, in this sky for a long time.

This **** can only be heard by one person.

"How many years have you been alone, lonely?"

Su Ming’s thoughts came out again, and when he echoed the sky, he was ahead of him. In the vortex of the sky. There was a cold cry. As the coldness appeared, it was an ancient boat that seemed to tear the sky and walked out of nowhere with endless lightning.

On the boat, the old man was sitting cross-legged. At the moment, with the appearance of the ancient boat, his eyes had slowly opened, and when he looked at Su Ming, Su Ming also looked up. Look at the old man.

"Our way is different... This is the road that the old man chose. This road, I can live alone for the endless years, to sacrifice all... to complete my way!" The old man was silent for a moment, hoarse opening.

"This road, is it lonely?" Su Ming once again heard the thoughts.

"More than useless, from the moment you succeeded in the success of the funeral, the old man has lost half. Today, countless years have passed. You said your request, the old man used up everything. To finish it is." Silence again, this time after a long time, his voice was decisive and spread throughout the sky.

"Help me find... bald crane, it's in a world that may exist, you help me find it... bring it back... no matter what it does in that world, no matter what it becomes Kind of life, bring it back, take it... go home." Su Ming whispered openly, looked up and looked at the distant sky, his eyes revealing thoughts, revealing embarrassment and regret, he found everyone But can't find a bald-headed crane.

Because the bald crane... is not here.

Between the words, when Su Ming’s right hand was lifted up, a bead appeared in his palm. It was the seventh bead of the funeral bracelet, and the original shadow of the crane that existed there has long since dissipated.

"You can't find it, how can the old man find it, why don't you find it yourself." The old man frowned. High quality updates are in

"Following its traces, you can find bald-haired cranes... I can't go looking for it myself." Su Ming whispered, and silenced him. After he looked at Su Ming carefully, he gradually showed a touch in his eyes. complex.

"Is it worth it?" He whispered. When he looked at Su Ming, he had already seen Su Ming's body, slowly becoming rigid. His vitality is slowly decreasing. He has integrated all the vitality into the body. In that world, with his own vitality, let the world exist in life, and use its own vitality to let those traces of life that he found, wake up from the door of the world.

"This is my way... I don't want to... continue to be alone." Su Ming smiled on his face. He did not answer the words of extinction. But when this sentence came out, it was already an answer.

After saying this sentence, Su Ming loosened his right hand, and the beads in his palm turned into a long rainbow. He did not fly to destroy the life, but thought of the emptiness in the distance, such as breaking the boundary of the sky and rushing toward it. I don't know how far it is from here, maybe there is... the world where bald cranes are now.

At the same time, the compass under Su Ming’s body suddenly stopped rotating at this moment, turned into a long rainbow and went straight to the beads, and gradually narrowed down, until after catching the beads, merged with the beads. !

"Perhaps, there will be a person in that world... This life is white." Su Ming whispered openly, and gradually closed his eyes. At the moment when his eyes closed, the beads that merged with the compass became white.

Killing the silence, after a long time, sighed, and the big sleeves slammed, and the lonely boat underneath flew up, facing the direction in which the compass beads broke open, and the world rushed away, until their figure disappeared. The sky, went to the world that may exist, left ... ... belongs to the sky of Su Ming.

"I will bring it back, this is the bet I owe you." Killed, gone.

Su Ming’s eyes have been closed. This will be the last time he closed his eyes in this life. His body has been completely stiff. His vitality has been all restrained and exuded, and it has gradually become a strong dead air.

His vitality is integrated into the world of the body, and it is integrated into the life mark of the traces. Only in this way can the brand of these lives be opened in his world.

The imprint of these lifes, when it was integrated into Su Ming’s vitality, in Yu Yu, Yu Lan, Xu Hui, Su Ming’s heart began to waver.

"I couldn't bring you anything before... Only now to you... a child condensed by my life, to continue the story between us..." Su Ming's heart, echoing his whisper, this voice is integrated into the rain In the imprint of the three people's life, and in that imprint, it is integrated with Su Mingsheng's life, the cohesion of his life.

Time passed slowly, Su Ming in the sky, there was no compass under his body, and he sat in the whirlpool of the sky in his knees, gradually sinking, and gradually covered up by the vortex. Gradually immersed in the reincarnation. Outsiders... can't find it.

A sigh. Resounding in this sky, the figure of the evil spirits condensed from the vagueness, and emerged from the void, watching Su Ming dissipated in the vortex, his face showing sadness.

"But, Master respects ... with you." In the whisper, the evil spirits turned to the vortex that Su Ming disappeared. Stepping away, together with Su Ming, disappeared. High quality updates are in


With Su Ming's closed eyes, in Su Ming's body, the already full world, the sky is blue, the earth is green, the sea is majestic in the distance, the mountains are undulating, and the mountain is named Jiufeng...

Followed by. A door appeared on the sky.

It was a purple door, and the door slowly opened. The whole world became purple at this moment.

This purple light lasted for a long time, and when it dissipated, the door disappeared as if it had never appeared before.

On Jiufeng, the tiger was the first to open his eyes. He looked at the sky with a sigh of relief, shook his head hard, and raised his hand to the side with his right hand, but he did not touch the jar.

"His grandmother, how do you feel like you have slept, sleep for a long time?" The tiger scratched his head in a strange way, and saw the two brothers who were not far away, and opened their eyes from the closed knees.

The second division looked silently at the distant land, and there was some sorrow in the eyes, but soon he seemed to think of something, slammed his head and looked at the sky, watching him, his eyes were wet.

The footsteps came, and the master stepped over here. He had his head. At this moment, his strong body was trembling as if he had walked to the second brother and the tiger.

"Little teacher..." His voice was a little hoarse, muttering, but he could not find the answer...

"Little teacher..." The second brother looked at the sky. He bit his lip and his face was bitter.

"Don't hide, little brother, the tiger is in a hurry, you are coming out." The tiger squinted and quickly stood up and shouted to the surrounding.

Echo echoes...

"Haha, the tiger knows, the younger brother you must have been hiding in the Dongfu. Hey, the tiger can be sure to find you." The voice of the tiger seems to have come from far away and echoed on the ninth peak. When it was not long, at the foot of the mountain, the car looked at the woman around, it was a child, it was his sister.

In the distance... Bai often looked around in the air, muttering, seemingly unable to remember what happened.

Further afield, on a plain, the river awoke and opened his eyes. He felt that his hand seemed to hold a person. When he subconsciously turned his head, his whole body roared, and when he saw tears in his eyes, he looked at it. I woke up at the moment, his wife in memory.

Under the Wushan Mountain, the Agong sat silently, watching the sunset in the distance. He was surrounded by the Northern Tomb. There were dusty hearts. Except for Su Ming and Lei Chen, there was a lot of people in the Wushan Department.

However, they are all looking around in the air, for the strange world with a familiar world, as if they do not know where they are.

Su Xuanyi, sitting silently on the side of a lake, watching the lake, muttering a whisper that outsiders don't understand, the complexion is sometimes complicated, sometimes low, sometimes mad.

In the distance, in the snow, Bai Ling is walking alone on the snow, and gradually goes away...

Only with a sigh of sorrow, seems to reverberate in this snow, reflecting the red figure on the Wushan Mountain.

On the coast, Fang Lanlan looked at the ups and downs of the sea, sitting on the beach, silently picking up the sand of a palm, and gently holding it, the soft sand could not stop flowing, it seems... can’t hold too much .

A drop of tears ran down her eyes, across her cheeks, and dripped into the sand. Perhaps the next time the tides began, the tears that fell into the sand would be taken away by the sea and become part of the sea.

The scenes of all beings, the scenes of the scene, in this world, appear together...

Yu Yu hugged his knees, sat on a cliff, buried his head on his knees, and covered his face with his hair, but he couldn’t cover the gap. The crystal on her face, the sky was dusk. The rest of the light fell on her body, pulling her figure for a long time... very long.

Xu Hui’s gown danced in the wind. She stood at the top of a mountain, where it was the closest to the sky. Standing there, Xu Hui stared into the distance until the evening dissipated, turning away from her, along with Waving, a tear left his cheek, I don’t know where to fly.

"Your way, if you go on, the whole sky will eventually. You are the only one in your world."

"Then your way. Go on. In the end of the whole sky, only you can disappear!" The words between Su Ming and the extinction seemed to reverberate in this world and reverberate in this world. Every one thinks of the ear of Su Ming’s person.

Years have changed, and in a few rounds, there is one person who is eternal. This little person is Su Ming.

In thirty-three days, Su Ming did not choose to destroy the past, to smash the past and choose the future. He chose to marry the future and retain the goodness of the past.

Like his road, walking is the pursuit, twists and turns, as his pursuit of life, lonely and persistent. Or... this is the devil. A way to seek magic.

The same as before the devil, the only way to see the sang dish.

A sigh for the magic for thousands of years, several rounds of ancient burial.


As time goes by, in addition to the life resurrected by Su Ming, this continent has gradually emerged as a sentient being belonging to this world. There has been a city, and there has been a ancestral gate. The time of the year has gone, the reincarnation of a field, It seems that all the stories that have been buried can be buried.

Only... In the mountain gate called Jiufeng, there is a legend about the world that has been eternal. In the legend, this world is a Jiufeng ancestor named Su Ming. Whenever the night falls, it is him. ... watching the teacher's door and watching the beings.

In the Wushan on this continent, the same legend is also circulated. Some of the things that come and go are that the world here has the daytime. It is the legendary Su Ming, who can’t forget the night, and the reason why there is night is flashing. The starlight can make his moving eyes brighter and can look at his hometown.

In this world, a piece of land belonging to the barbarian, there are legends about the gods, and the legend gradually changed, gradually calling the world a barbaric world.


The wind is fluttering and the snow is far away.

I don’t know how old I am in my dreams.

Nightingale, smoke.

Whether it is a bridge or not, there are a lot of reincarnations and fewer people.

A few years later, a rainy night at dusk, in the rain curtain, under the rain pavilion, a woman holding a paper umbrella, her hair shawl, can only see the beautiful back, can not see the look.

By her side, she stood a six- or seven-year-old child. It was a girl with two little scorpions. While holding a woman's hand and holding a doll, the pink face seemed to be unhappy at the moment.

"Mother... I dreamt again last night, Pippi dreamed too, where is it? This time you must tell me..."

The woman bowed her head and seemed to show a kind smile to the little girl, touching the little girl's hair, and the soft voice echoed in the rainy evening.

"Close your eyes, he is beside you, you can feel ... he will always be." The woman said, her face also smiled and looked into the distance.

The little girl seemed to understand and understand, listening to her mother's words, and slowly closed her eyes.

When the afterglow of the evening was scattered through the rain, it was faintly on the right side of the little girl. It seemed that there was a more man figure. The figure gradually became blurred, straight and straight, with a purple hair and a friendly breath.

When he looked down, he looked at the little girl, revealing his side face, and the soft smile on his face.

From afar, in the rain screen, under the rain pavilion, this scene is like a family of three, full of warmth, full of good...

"Mother, I feel it." The little girl opened her eyes and looked at the right side with a surprise...


"Big brother, you have to come back... I will tell you a secret when you come back..."

"Big brother, this secret is fun, I dreamt last night, many years later, you became my embarrassed..."

(End of the book)

Postscript, Xian counter.

"Hey, the road to repairing immortals will never end, there must be a fifth step, a sixth step or even a seventh step..."

"So, I am with you, we can go through a lifetime of reincarnation even if we can't finish the monasticism."

On the mainland of Xianxian, Wang Lin looked at Li Muzhen gently, took her hand, and walked toward the distant starry sky, going further and further... until in the endless starry sky, he saw a floating in the starry sky. Ancient boat.

The boat was sitting on the knees with an old man. The old man smiled and looked at Wang Lin at the moment. Wang Lin was also watching him. This old man is the one who played chess with Wang Lin.

"In this world, I met you, there is no regret, you have surpassed me, the old man's way... After all, there is no complete failure... Wang Lin, your road is still long, go on..."

Wang Lin looked at the old man on the boat and smiled. He didn't open his mouth. Instead, he took Li Mu's hand and went further and further...

For a long time, the old man on the boat regained his gaze and looked at the mainland.

"Looking for your endless years, I finally waited for your awakening, bald cranes, old man to kill, owe a promise to Su Ming, take you... go home!"

"My hometown...Dawn morning..." A whisper of whisper, when echoing from the emptiness of the mainland of the fairy, a black crane... suddenly flew out of the void, its eyes showed excitement, it In the eyes of the eyes, after losing countless reincarnations, one finally appeared... In the depths of its memory, no matter how many years have passed, no matter what it has become, it will never be forgotten.

It was a smiling man, a man who reached out to it.

He is called Su Ming.

"Go home..." (to be continued.)

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