MTL - Pursuit of the Truth-Chapter 6 Enze

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Su Ming rises and falls in this jungle. If the figure is away from the string of arrows, with his familiarity with the place and the flexible body, it will not be long before he sees the Wushan in front.

Through this jungle, you can step into Wushan.

For Su Ming, who has been collecting medicine in this mountain since childhood, almost all the grass and trees here exude a feeling that makes him feel quite comfortable.

"The animal skin has said that the savage savage person, in the case of clotting, because of the blood in the body, promotes the blood to stimulate the body, so that the body continues to be strong and strong, I could not have such experience for this life, but now I am truly feel!

The first layer of the coagulation environment needs to condense the lines of the three blood veins in the body. Now that I have not finished all of them, the speed is already a lot faster, even the power..." Su Ming’s body swayed, and the body jumped up and hanged. Beside a big tree, the right hand clenched a fist and went to the big tree.

With a bang, a faint punch appeared on the big tree, but Su Ming’s right hand was also numb, but his look was excited.

But when he was pleased, a red shadow passed by him, and a series of screams of smugness came out. It was obvious that the monkey had caught up and surpassed Su Ming.

Su Ming smiled slightly and chased the red shadow. Although he was not weak in speed, he could not match the monkey. If he was placed before, he would almost wait for him to go to Wushan. The monkey must be scornful. Impatient, lying there seems to wait a long time.

But now, after more than an hour, when Su Ming climbed up the Wushan Mountain and reached the half-waist of one of the peaks, when he was near the big stone, he saw that the monkey was still a scornful look. However, there is still no sweat left in the forehead, but it is revealed that even if it is, it has not arrived for too long.

Su Ming smiled and touched the top of the monkey's head, took off the braided back, stood on the big stone, looked at the misty mist between the heavens and the earth, and breathed deeply.

He likes to stand here and look at the front, even though the first few steps are the abyss. If there is a mountain breeze, it will make people faltering. It is quite dangerous. Su Ming climbed the mountain from an early age. Here he In terms of the second home.

"Xiaohong, the side of the mountain, what it is like... Have you been there?" Su Ming stood there, his body leather shirt was blown by the wind, making a whistling sound, and his right hand subconsciously touched his chest. Black pieces.

Next to the monkey's eyes turned over and looked at the distant world, ignored Su Ming, but looked down at his own hair, as if to find something from the inside.

Seeing the little monkey self-contained combing hair, did not take care of himself, Su Ming touched his nose, shook his head and smiled, simply sitting cross-legged in place.

"Xiaohong, I am coming out this time. I will not return to the tribe for a short time. I should live here for a while. When you go out to play, remember to help me pick some wild fruits back."

The little monkey on the side immediately looked up and showed a strange color. After carefully watching Su Ming’s eyes, he suddenly opened his eyes and smiled. He nodded again and again. It usually met with Su Ming for three or five days. When Su Ming returned to the Horde. I left it alone in this mountain forest. Now I understand Su Ming’s words and I am extremely pleased.

Su Ming took a deep breath, greeted the mountain wind, and slowly closed his eyes. He was going to practice here until the first layer of the gypsum was completely repaired before leaving the place.

After all, what happened to him, Su Ming did not know how to explain, faint, he wanted to hide the matter, do not want others to know.

In the closed eyes, it didn't take long for a blood line to appear on Su Ming's body. This blood line exudes a weak red awn, but the red awn is not flashing, but rather quite solid.

Even the blood line is no longer half-monthly, but completely revealed.

Su Ming may not have talent, but he has the determination to be tough and not to give up easily. At this moment, the time is slowly passing.

At sunrise and sunset, the fog between the mountains and forests gradually dissipated, and the sound of birds and beasts often echoed, filled with a special kind of calm. Under this calm, Su Ming opened his eyes in the early morning of the next day.

After a moment of activity, I found that the monkeys had disappeared, but there were some wild fruits on the ground, and some fruit kernels that had been eaten out...

Picking up some fruits, Su Ming ate eighteen or nine. With his food intake, these fruits can already be full and full. Although he likes to eat this kind of wild fruit, he does not like to eat too much at a time.

After eating the fruit, Su Ming sat down again and immersed in the condensed blood, but this time, after only a few hours, Su Ming opened his eyes and revealed doubts.

"The first line has been completely coagulate the blood out, but that second blood line, but always feel as if the blood is not like ......" Su Ming himself could not say what it feels like as if it were the first blood line he has sucked the blood of more than half, there is not much blood has been condensed out of the way of Article II.

This contradiction speaking mysterious, difficult to explain, but it is at the moment Su Ming true feelings.

"The blood is not enough..." Su Ming scratched his head and sank. He does not know that the barbarians, especially in the early stage, need a strong body to maintain their practice, but also need to take a large number of drugs. The role of these drugs is to quickly create new blood to promote Practice, condense a line of blood.

Therefore, the barbarians in the coagulation environment, the more advanced the person, the more powerful the blood and blood in the body will be. Once it breaks out, the strength of the body alone can tear the powerful beast, so it is called !

These things belong to the secrets of the tribe, and only those who have the savage body can know.

"If someone is injured in the tribe on weekdays, it will lose a lot of blood, and it will be pale and weak. This time, you need to take some herbs that supplement your blood..." Su Ming’s eyes lit up, and after thinking about it, immediately He got up and edited and jumped to the side of the mountain. This time he was extremely fast, and he hurried back after about half an hour.

When he came back, he had some herbs with mud in his compilation. After finishing the herbs, Su Ming took out a stone bowl from the braid and crushed the herbs with some dew. The gongs and drums together form a dark green sap that gives off a strange taste.

But he had long been accustomed to the smell. After smelling a few mouthfuls, he added some herbs. After all, he finished the whole process. He took a deep breath and did not hesitate to drink all the stone bowls.

It’s hard to drink, Su Ming frowned, and he didn’t have enough to drink, and then meditated again and again.

Until late at night, when Su Ming opened his eyes, he looked at the darkness in front and started to stay.

"Some functions...but it's small...the method should be right, but there are still some places where I got it wrong..." Su Ming frowned. These things he couldn't ask Agong, he could only ponder.

"No!!" Su Ming blinked. As a doctor in the tribe, he was responsible for picking herbs, faintly remembering the drugs that were collected every time. The grandfather would choose some from the inside and the rest would be sent to the patriarch. Store it as required, and take out the refining pharmacy to treat the wound when needed.

Among these herbs, which were taken away by the Agong, included the oolong scorpion, but later these oolongs did not have any effect on the Agong, and they all left Su Ming to nourish the body.

"The last time I took Wulong gave it to Lei Chen, there was still some." Su Ming immediately turned up the compilation, and found the small earth bottle from the inside. After opening it, a familiar aroma was blown up, slightly left, and there was still left. The next half.

Without hesitation, Su Ming put a small bottle on his mouth and drank it all in one bite.

Immediately after the knees, immersed in the blood of the condensate, Wu Long Su Ming has eaten a lot since childhood, every time after drinking, there is a feeling of dizziness, like to sleep, like drunk.

But this time, it was the first time he practiced the savage method after drinking the oolong scorpion. As the blood in his body worked, he clearly felt that there was a cold flow filled with coolness growing in the body. , quickly spread to all parts of the body.

In this spread, gradually integrated into the blood of the body, so that its blood running speed immediately increased a lot, but it is more faint.

"Sure enough!" Su Ming was excited, and when he was about to continue to operate, he suddenly felt a whole body, his eyes opened fiercely, revealing incredible and embarrassing meaning.

"How could this be... is Agong..."

In his body, Su Ming clearly felt that with the absorption of the coolness, from the various positions of his body, there appeared more cold currents. These cold flows seem to exist for many years and have been silently stored. After waiting for the blood to run, the day of the outbreak appeared.

The oolong gong that Su Ming had previously drank was the opportunity for this outbreak!

Nowadays, as many countless turbulences come together from all directions, they merge into the sea.

This is a great gift he has prepared from childhood to grandfather. A grand priest who often nourishes his body with oolong ,, if Su Ming Xiu, then this force will greatly help his early practice. If he does not have a good life in his life, he can also keep his health.

Su Mingzhong seems to have seen the gaze of the public and the aging face and the expectation that he has high hopes for these years, and the bleakness of the half a month ago.

"Agong..." Su Ming murmured, he had a muffled voice in his body, and a lot of oysters accumulated for years, pushing his blood, so that the second blood line on his body appeared immediately, and quickly condensed. real.

Even after the second bloodline came out, the third bloodline followed! !

Even the fourth bloodline is faintly looming!

Then, Su Ming’s body gradually became thicker at a speed visible to the naked eye. The operation and strength of the blood and blood drove his body to grow. If he continued, he would not be thin, but with other barbarians. Like a person, it has a strong body.

But at this moment, the dark piece of the chest at Su Ming’s chest was suddenly, and once again exudes the glare of the sensation as if it were in the body!

The light flashed and the change suddenly started!

Thanks to the Taoist reminder, joined the volume name, this is the first volume of life if only first seen;