MTL - Pursuit of the Truth-Chapter 1468 A piece of ancestors!

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"I, come back." Su Ming calmly opened. !

At the moment when his words came out, the coffin where the road was cold, cracks appeared in the moment, and the cracks were more and more broken. After a moment, the cracks broke directly, and the road inside was cold and stepped out.

His face is still pale, but his eyes are a touch of madness and excitement. This kind of excitement is extremely rare in him. He looks at Su Ming with a sigh of relief. For a long time, he laughs.

"It’s good to come back, just come back..." Laughing and laughing, the road is cold, this is a cold-minded monk to Su Ming, and even Su Ming itself is also indifferent to the relative strong, at the moment when he speaks such words, his The bitterness was revealed in the smile.

"Dead, all died, Xu Zhongfan fell, one big and one elder was fallen, only me and the other two elders, only three of us.

July, at this moment, the elders, only the three of us... My injury seems to be very heavy, but it is lighter than the two of them. The two of them are destroyed only by the gods, and the other gods have Most of the broken, I do not know if there are people who wake up in this life. "A few steps after the cold retreat, the bitter eyes in the bitterness show the hatred of the sky."

"A sect?" Su Ming silenced Shaoqing, slowly opening.

"It is a sect. When the space where the sect tree was located was shattered, there were many monks in the seventeen thirteen gates who died. After a hundred years, a sect of Bailu and Chiyang came to the seventh month. A killing.

In the end, if the ancient Tai Taizong did not hesitate to fall, he gave up the possibility of becoming a avenue, launched a self-destruction, and descended to the ancestral ancestral spirit in July, which made Bailu and Chiyang temporarily retreat, and because of the many years of friends who came to help out, There are Shuramen's cold fairy to stop this, otherwise the words you see now will be in ruins.

It’s all dead...······” The cold laughter is fierce, and the voice is reverberating, as if the soul of the killing death of the seventh layer of the sky is set off in the middle of the day. In the reverberation of the sounds around here, if there is a burst of sound Roundabout.

"Three princes, you······" The sound of the road between the cold, Su Ming has turned around and stepped forward to the distance, look like it, like to leave this seventh layer of heaven, this move In the cold and bitterness, when I look at the back of Su Ming, even the words can't be said.

He understands that the other party can help the July sect. But if the enemy is a sect, then even if he becomes a boulevard, he would like to come back with some scruples. He can come back to the July sect and look at it just to do some friendship. Excessive demands will not be mentioned in the cold and bitterness. What he hopes only is that the July Zong can be under the protection of the other party and there will be a brilliant day.

This is the wish of Gutai before the fall, but also the wish of Xu Zhongfan. At this moment, it has become the wish of the road.

"The ancient country of burial, I can't stay for a long time... but a sect, I will let them **** blood, this is my repayment for the July sect." When he walked out of the seventh layer of heaven, Su Ming stepped into a word. When he came out, he had already stepped out of the seventh layer of heaven.

His words reverberated, fell into the cold ears, let the cold silence, watching Su Mingyuan's figure, blood debts pay for these four words, has expressed Su Ming's thoughts, revealing a **** atmosphere In front of his eyes, he appeared in the past, when he first saw Su Ming in his memory.

Su Ming left, left the July sect, left the land of this area, walked in the sky, silently step by step, came to a jungle, next to the small village in the memory of Su Ming.

Looking at it in the distance, Su Ming’s eyes appeared in the eyes. The mountain villages here are no longer there, and even the ruins have not been left, and they have become part of the jungle.

Over the course of more than two thousand years, many stories can be changed. The story of things that are incomprehensible will always happen in any corner of the world. There are no traces in the mountain villages here. The sound of chopping wood that has always echoed has become a thing of the past. Whispered.

Su Ming watched it for a long time in the air, for a long time, until his figure fell. In this jungle, in this former mountain village, he walked through a place with his impression.

I walked past the blacksmith's shop, walked past the village house selling wine, and went outside the house belonging to the old man. Looking at the trees around, Su Ming sat there silently, like he was sitting in the old man. Inside the yard, chopping firewood and listening to the uncoordinated voice of the old man.

Sitting silently here, from sunset to sunrise, from sunrise to dusk, there is no chopping wood, there are no followers of the big white dogs, and there is no old man’s words.

Here, only Su Ming was left alone, sitting silently until the snow fell, falling on his body and falling on top of his head.

A night of snow, the next morning, Su Ming opened his eyes, looked up and looked back, looked around, silently walked in the jungle, and went to the distance.

His back is very bleak, with loneliness, with a stranger, the sun can not shine on him, only the wind and snow are still there, it seems that he can go along with him, just the piece of snow, looks the same But in fact, after going far, you will find that the snow around you is no longer the same.

All the way to follow, seems to be destined to look the same, but different snowflakes, only the wind, perhaps will be around, eternal.

Walking, walking, until I walked out of the jungle, walked in the morning, went to the sky, went all the way... Finally, one day, Su Ming came to the temple. !

This temple looks very broken, as if the wind can collapse, as if the snow can be crushed, but it still stands here, the sense of vicissitudes of life, witnessed the existence of this temple for countless years.

There are three statues in the temple. These three statues can't see the face. The only thing that can be seen is the ubiquitous cracks in the three statues. These cracks are dense and full of statues.

The temple was very quiet. Only when the outside wind blew, it made a whimpering sound. Besides, there was no other sound. Su Ming stood calmly in the temple, his eyes were cold, and he glanced at the three statues. .

With Su Ming’s cultivation at this moment, it is not difficult for him to find a sect.

"A sect..." Su Ming faintly opened his mouth, and his right hand raised a wave in front. Under this wave, the sky outside the sky was normal and the wind was still there, but in this temple, it was set off. A storm, this storm with a terrifying roar, instantly swept the entire temple from the cracks in the three statues, and instantly there was a light, which seemed to form a network-like array.

Su Ming looked calm, and in the moment when the mesh formation appeared, he lifted his foot and stepped forward. The roaring sound, those mesh formations seemed to be unable to withstand the approach of Su Ming, and immediately shattered, that is, breathing. In the meantime, it collapsed directly, making Su Ming’s body unobstructed and stepping on the past.

One step is like a virtual one. Su Ming’s surroundings are like time and space. When everything is clear, he appears in a piece of heaven and earth. The sky here is filled with dark clouds. The earth here is dark, and there are countless volcanoes in the distance. In this four weeks, there are three huge statues.

Only two of the statues are broken!

Almost at the moment when Su Ming stepped in, the sky here suddenly turned into a huge whirlpool, and the sharp voices swirled, which seemed to warn the monks of this place to have strong enemy invasion.

"A sect..." Since this person always likes to use the cult of the avenue, forcibly stepping into other sects, to repair it as a suppression, then Suo Su also tried it." When the opening is faint, its voice is spread throughout the world of this sect.

With the spread of his voice, a large number of volcanoes in the distance collapsed at this moment, and it seemed that they could not bear the pressure contained in Su Ming’s voice, even the earth, and they were all shocked at this moment. During the roundabout of the sound of the call, Su Ming saw a number of positions in the land, and there was a piece of the attic that flew out of the monk.

"A big courage, dare to force a sect!" Almost at the same time as these figures flew out, there was a scream of screaming. This voice was almost instinctively shouted out, even if it was shouted, it was immediately Regret, because of the roar of the surrounding volcano, has revealed the repair of Su Ming.

Su Ming looked cold and indifferent. He didn't look at the flying figures. He walked forward and walked to one of the three statues in the distance. Almost as he walked out, there were several long rainbows flying in front of him. At the time of Su Ming, the power of the magical technique suddenly changed, and Su Ming looked calm and snorted.

A cold voice, immediately roaring in the sky, with Su Ming as the center, a ripple of light spread, the coming monks changed their looks one by one, and even the sound of screams did not come out, immediately one body was directly distorted under this ripple, Suddenly collapsed and became a **** rain.

"Sue for a long time, there is no such killing, a sect..." "Su Ming faintly opened, the eyes flashed a strong murderous, when the right hand was lifted, squatting toward the ground below.

Under this press, the earth roared immediately. After the collapse of the volcano, it was followed by the fragmentation of the whole earth. A huge pressure from Su Ming’s body suddenly came to the whole world, and it was the third in Su Ming’s eyebrows. In the eyes of the day, it clearly reveals the inside, and emits the endless black mang...

"Let the darkness come to the earth, let the night sky replace the dawn, let the killing become a seal...······························································································· The introduction of each of the monks within the mind of each monk.


"He is the avenue!" The array of excitement suddenly whirls, at this moment, a cold sigh of relief from Su Ming’s statue, the resounding of the cold voice immediately caused the earth to collapse. At the same time, a Changhong is like a meteor, and goes straight to Su Ming. In this Changhong, the same exudes...the repair of the avenue.

I will go out to attend the annual meeting tomorrow, because there is a press conference on the copyright of the new book on the way, so it is 2 days in advance.

The location of the annual meeting is in Guangzhou. If you want to see the weight loss effect of the ear roots in Guangzhou, you can come to the gathering. The specific hotel location and other annual meeting details, please pay attention to the public prestige of the ear root, I will Where to publish it at any time, where to go, where to send it, maybe you will find it when you see it, hey, the fat man who is playing with the phone in the distance, seems to be the root of the ear?

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