MTL - Pursuit of the Truth-Chapter 1464 Kind of next commitment

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"Perhaps, this answer, when I returned to the ancient funeral country one day, under the city gate, when he saw the master, he would tell me." Su Ming murmured, he thought of the agreement with the evil spirits.

"Under the city gate, when we meet again, I will give you the last confession." Su Ming closed his eyes, and the words of the evil spirits appeared in his ears, accompanied him, walked and walked.

After a hundred years, after two hundred years, until the end of the ninth continent, Su Ming once again saw the desert of the basin that was originally ocean.

This desert is vast, there is no end, just like the road under your feet, as long as you walk on it, you must walk away, even if you don't know where the end is, even if you don't know the direction of the future, even if you are afraid of it, can... · Since you have chosen this path, don't look back.

Looking at the boundless desert, when Su Ming looked away, the little boy beside him, took Su Ming's clothes corner and whispered.

"When you arrive, it is in the center of this sea. There is a vast home..." The sound of Haohao is still young, with the company of 900 years, Su Ming and Hao Hao are in this once brilliant world. Inside, I saw the broken mountain, saw the dry river, saw a corpse wreck, and now here, Su Ming sees the desert, perhaps in the eyes of the vast, seeing the sea.

Su Ming looked down at Hao Hao, and did not speak in silence. Instead, he took Hao Hao and went to the desert, going further and further.

There is wind in the desert, this wind whirls, like a sigh with a bleak sigh, drifting around, rolling up the wind and sand, covering the eight sides, but also covering the vastness of the past, just looking at the wind and sand, It also seems to be very similar to the sea... If the years are determined to be so, then it is a unique choice to simply wind into the sea.

In the wind and sand, Su Ming took the vastness and walked step by step until he was in front of him. In the sand of the sea, an ancient boat appeared. The boat sailed in the sand of the wind and the boat was on the knees. The figure of meditation was blurred when Su Ming looked.

"It should also be here, see him." Su Ming looked at the boat and sailed in the sea of ​​sand, and whispered.

"Who is it?" Hao Hao looked up at Su Ming.

"An old man." Su Ming smiled slightly, touched the head of Haohao, and took him to the depths of the sand.

"What happened to him?" Hao Hao said again.

"He lost his way." Su Ming shook his head, his eyes falling on the shadow of the boat that was far away from the fog. When he regained his gaze, he continued to walk with Hao Hao.

Time passes, every few months. In this sea of ​​sand, Su Ming can see that the ancient boat wanders around, as if lost in the direction, constantly looking for the already lost road.

That was the feeling of trying to keep on the road, but... but never found it.

"He is very poor." Hao Hao said softly.


"Because he is not trying to get lost, he can have his own happiness, but his heart is unwilling, but on this road, he lost his way and can't come back." Hao Hao thought, if Say.

"However, he is so stupid. He will get lost." Hao Hao laughed, and the laughter was very crisp, such as the water drops on the bluestone.

Su Ming also smiled. Looking at the boat that sailed again in the distance, this smile was filled with emotion and with a slight sigh.

The old man is ruined and lost his way. He has been walking on his road for the rest of his life. With his dreams, he walks step by step with the entanglement between him and Su Ming. There is no right or wrong. There is only...···· · This road, I can go, and you... can't be in front of me!

This is the feeling of Su Ming, and his sigh, he did not know, whether one day he has become like this, in the persistence, but lost his way.

Because, once you get lost, you will be lost for a lifetime.

Perhaps there is another option...

Su Ming was silent, kneeling down and looking at Hao Hao.

"There should be another choice... Hao Hao, waiting for me here." Su Ming whispered openly, Hao Hao looked at Su Ming and nodded.

"What alternative? Is it going to show him the way?"

"Other people's roads, others can't point." Su Ming shook his head. When he turned, he walked toward the place where the boat disappeared. His figure gradually disappeared into the sand, until he disappeared.

Boats, facing the sand, marching in this sand sea, the old man wearing the long shirt in Su Ming’s memory, sitting there silently, seems to have never changed, whether it is the world of Sanxiang or here, This is the case.

Until Su Ming’s figure appeared on this lonely boat, the eyes of the old man’s eyes opened up, and the eyes showed his attachment. When he looked at Su Ming, his face did not show any slightest accident, as if I have known for a long time that I can see Su Ming here.

"The road is wrong." Su Ming calmly opened.

"What is wrong." The old man was silent for a moment, said lightly.

Su Ming smiled and did not continue to speak.

"In the old man's view, there is nothing wrong with the road. The only mistake is people, and my mistake is that in the sang Dynasty, it is in your hands." Such as 掀! From the ripples of memory. !

"This is the first mistake of the old man. The second one is in the world of the ancient funeral country. It was defeated for the second time." The appearance of the dead is as usual, but only a regret is revealed in the eyes.

"I didn't win."

"Then why do you say that the road is wrong."

"Your way, it must be right? You see my way is wrong, I am not looking at your way, have gone on the wrong road, who is right and who is wrong, you are good, I am not, no Qualified to say.

Look at the results, this road, the road you choose, is the same, you have to resurrect all the familiar faces and do whatever it takes, and I want to be the endless, let the years go back, go back to the past, return to the funeral Time.

At that time, to kill the funeral, and do whatever it takes, even if I lost everything! "The old man's eyes are murderous, and he looks at Su Ming coldly."

"Your way, if you go on, the whole sky will eventually be, you are the only one in your world." Su Ming is silent, and he only has a slow opening for a long time.

The old man was silenced for a long time, and his complexity gradually revealed complexity. When he looked at Su Ming, the complexity was more intense until it opened.

"Then your way, go on, and finally, in the whole sky, only you will disappear!"

Su Ming was silent, and the old man also chose silence. The two were on the boat, one stood, one meditation, the boat did not stop, no matter whether the road ahead was wrong or right, it was moving forever. Will not stop.

"So, this is between you and me, the third battle!" For a long time, Su Ming smiled and looked at the old man.

"This should be the words you choose to come to the old man here, to say something." The old man's eyes are so close, and slowly open.

"You have been waiting for Su for so long, not to wait for Su to say this sentence." Su Ming smiled.

"It is so!" In the eyes of the old man, the light is made into a war. This war is not the magical shot, not the killing of the technique, but a way of mutual understanding. Completed, the last battle!

"If you lose, you can bury my way in your world. Because of the sky I am in, I can't see your existence." The old man's mouth was word-opening, and his voice was smashed.

"If I win, you owe me a promise." When Su Ming’s calm words came out, there was no passionate war like the old man, and there was no slightest temper, and no more to see the old man. It turned and turned toward the sky outside the boat, and walked away, and gradually disappeared into the sand.

The old man looked at the figure of Su Mingyuan, his eyes flashed and whispered.

"There is no right or wrong, but you insist on doing this... The third battle? ····· I am not willing to fail twice, so...···· Better!” For a long time, the old man is gradually closed. I looked up, re-immersed in meditation, sitting in the lonely boat belonging to him, and went away.

In the wind and sand, Su Ming walked silently. He never looked back. In his eyes, he flashed a faint color, but it was fleeting.

In the sea of ​​sand, Su Ming went to the side of the waiting for Hao Hao, when Hao Hao saw Su Ming, he immediately showed a smile with a tender meaning.

"Hao Hao thought of it, you said it wrong, he did not get lost."


"Because there is no road, the road is at the foot, the place to go is the road, whether it is the end, or the way, if you are obsessed with the right or wrong of the road, then it is the wrong way.

Am I right? Hao Hao took Su Ming’s clothes and said with a smile. There was some smugness in the look. It seemed very happy that I wanted to understand what this seems to be that Su Ming did not understand.

Su Ming smiled and touched the head of Hao Hao again, with a soft look and nodded.

"You are right, this world has no way for everyone, and there is no right or wrong. You should not care about these. Otherwise, you will be right or wrong." Su Ming smiled and took Haohao. Going to the distance.

In the wind and sand, they gradually drifted away, and the voice was a little fuzzy, but it was still faint.

"Then why do you say that he has gone the wrong way?"

"Because I want him to go wrong."

"Oh.·····You left before, just tell him that the road is wrong?"

"There is no right or wrong, but I said, so there is right or wrong. This is the other choice. In the mistake, go on until I owe me a promise.

In the wind and sand, the figure of the two disappeared, and even the sound could not be heard clearly. It was slowly covered up by the wind.

Some people leave a recommendation ticket every day.

Some people think of it on this road and will leave a recommendation ticket.

Some people, he never voted for a recommendation... All the friends, recommended tickets left.

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