MTL - Pursuit of the Truth-Chapter 1444 Only kill one sect! (third more)

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Su Ming stood up, here is the second floor, here, even if there is a way to come to the Avenue, but it is impossible to be as unscrupulous as the first layer, there must be interference.

This place will be the beginning of his suicide!

When Su Ming’s eyes were filled with murder, his mind was scattered, and the area where the four white dogs were located, that is, the time of the semi-column incense, immediately came a white mans in the distance, appeared in the side of Su Ming. It is three white.

The other three big white dogs are also in their respective positions, and they are coming to Su Ming here.

Su Ming’s body swayed and immediately ran straight to the upper stone with three whites. After a half-hour, he immediately slammed his eyes. In front of him, he saw the three disciples of the July priest. They are competing with each other for an altar.

On this second floor, there are a total of 10,000 altars. The rules are the same as the first one. In the thirty-sixth hour, the most occupied altars, the giant can get the qualification to enter the third floor first.

The altar looks more primitive. The stone trees on it are more coarse. If the first layer is a ten-year tree, then the century is a hundred-year-old tree.

In the moment of seeing the two monks, Su Ming stepped forward and approached one person. From the time he passed by, his right hand had already caught the neck of the monk. Under the sigh, the monk immediately widened his eyes. When he died, his body was full of vitality and cultivation. He was immediately sucked away by Su Ming’s right hand, and another monk next to him, at this moment, looked stunned. The body was about to retreat, but it was screaming and rumored. It was directly hit by the three whites and bitten and died.

All this happened so quickly that the three July priests were first stunned. When they immediately watched the appearance of Su Ming, they were relieved and bowed to Su Ming. The three immediately turned into Changhong. Here.

Looking at the altar, Su Ming stepped forward and took a full four-time time, which made the altar open, and a lot of sweet and scent filled. Under Su Ming’s suction, his eyes flashed and turned around. Going away again.

Su Ming was galloping all the way, there were three hundred beside him. Even if he met Dao Zun Su Ming, he also had the power of a battle, but this time he continued to go straight to the sky, and he did not encounter the Taoist monk all the way. The monks who have been cultivated have encountered a lot, but as long as they meet a sect, Su Ming will not hesitate to shoot here, killing all the way.

Every time he shot, Su Ming will take away the repair of the other side, making the strongest blow accumulated in his right hand brand has reached a certain level.

Killing is endless, wherever he went, the murderer who witnessed Su Ming’s murder, but it is not enough now... After an hour, on the second layer of the sky, Su Ming will spread out When he swept the eight sides, his eyes flashed and turned to the north, where there were two monks roaring and battling for an altar.

These two people, Su Ming did not know, but from the clothes to see, one is Shuramen. One is a sect, seeing a sect of the sect. This is enough for Su Ming to kill him. The figure roared, three whites were on the side, and the two Taoist gods touched each other. When the body retreated, Su Ming suddenly appeared at the foot of the compass, and the speed suddenly increased. Then he went straight to the sect.

This Taoist priest is a middle-aged man. At this moment, his look is gloomy. He looks at Su Ming violently. The brow is brinkling. Su Ming is already approaching. Three whites are on the side, and the roaring sound suddenly reverberates, making that The Taoist eyes of Shuramen contracted and chose to shoot.

San Bai’s shot, the shot of Shuramen’s Tao, immediately changed the face of this Taoist dynasty, and the body was about to retreat. Su Ming was already indifferent to him, in the moment of Su Ming’s approaching, this In the eyes of a sect of Tao Zun, the murderous flash of a smack, Su Ming’s repair is not in his eyes, and when his right hand is lifted toward the head of Su Ming’s palm, Su Ming also raises his right hand, in a moment of contact with this lord. Su Ming’s body was shocked and spurted out of blood. His right arm seemed to collapse directly, but he was suppressed by his life. The cost of seeing this was that his body was hit hard at this moment.

But his look is even more embarrassing, not only did not avoid, but did not pay attention to the injury, but the right hand branded a sudden suck.

Immediately, the sacred eyes of the sect of the sacred eyes shrank, showing a shock. At the same time, Sanbai turned around violently, staring straight at the Shuramen Taoist who was shocked by Su Ming here.

He saw with his own eyes that the right hand of the sect of the sect was withered, and at the same time, Su Ming’s injury suddenly recovered. All this was the time of a few breaths. The sect of the sect was low and the broken of the right arm. When it broke open, when the body quickly reversed, the look of Su Ming was already frightened.

"What is this technique!!" A sect of Tao, looking at Su Ming's gaze when he regressed, with a sigh.

Su Ming’s eyes flashed, and coldly looked at the Taoist sect. Only a few breaths of breathing had already restored his own injuries. At this moment, Su Ming’s eyes were murderous, and the body swung forward and went straight to the road. The sect of the sect went away.

Just in this Taoist sect, the moment of the body retreats, suddenly, there is a white light flashing behind him. It is the approach of the four whites, and the roaring reverberation, while Su Ming’s foot is swaying, when it appears, On the side of the Taoist, the right hand lifted a hand on his shoulder, and under the suction, the Taoist priest turned and was about to shoot, immediately rushing, entangled, Su Ming Has already retired.

In this way, in this entanglement between the four whites and this sect, Su Ming has been approaching six times, and each time absorbs the vitality and cultivation of each other, until the seventh Su Ming is approaching, she does not care. The resistance of this sect of Tao Zong, directly raised by the right hand, pressed against the other's eyebrows. Under the suction, the Taoist sect of this sect screamed and screamed and became a corpse.

This scene was completely seen by the Taoist of the Shuramen. His face was extremely ugly, and he looked at Su Ming’s eyes with strong taboos.

"I only kill one of the sects." Su Ming looked at the Taoist statue of Shuramen. When he slowly opened his mouth, the two white dogs around him stared fiercely at Shuramen's Tao.

After a few steps back from this respect, he looked at Su Ming deeply and turned and hurried away. Even the altar of this place was ignored. Obviously, the scene before, Su Ming’s ambiguity and the right hand’s difference have already been made. This person is shocked.

Opened the altar and absorbed the breath, Su Ming looked down at the mark of his right hand. At this moment, the brand has accumulated a full blow of the Tao. His eyes flashed and he turned with two big white dogs and went straight to the top. And, after an hour, another big white dog came, with three big dogs, Su Ming's speed is fast, and it is far away.

On the way, as long as he met a monk, no matter what the person is, Su Ming will immediately launch the killing, especially when he encounters a sect of Tao, Su Ming’s shot is regardless of his own injuries, as long as Give him the opportunity to let him breathe in the other side's vitality. All his injuries will be recovered immediately. On this road, he not only absorbed the cultivation and vitality of many monks, but also behind Su Ming, a **** month. appear!

This **** month is the sacred method of the July sect. At this moment, if Su Ming is in the blood, until half an hour has passed, Su Ming will hear a roar in the distance. In the roaring, with Su Ming's approaching, he saw the upper part of a large stone with several tens of thousands of feet. At this moment, tens of thousands of monks are killing each other!

This big stone has more than 20 altars. This is the reason why this place has become a small battlefield. The two monks, Su Ming, saw Xu Zhongfan and Daohan in July, and seven The battle of the moon is a sect!

The appearance of Su Ming, the bright color of the **** moon, immediately let the two sides of this place fight, suddenly noticed, especially the **** moon, Su Ming's appearance, in this instant ... was immediately recognized by many people Identity.

When Xu Zhongfan’s look changed, it was at this time that a sect of a sect suddenly burst into laughter and turned into a rainbow that was separated from Xu Zhongfan and went straight to Su Ming. At the same time, there were hundreds more behind him. A monk, Qi Qihuan as Changhong rushed to Su Ming here.

"Other roads, you don't go, but you have come here, killing you, the old man has made great contributions and won the air!" The sect of the sect is a bald man, wearing an orange robes, laughing at the moment. Immediately near Su Ming, the three big white dogs around Su Ming’s eyes flashed fiercely, and when they were about to rush out, Su Ming’s eyes were murderous. In the moment when tens of thousands of people seemed to be in the meantime, Xu Zhongfan had already stepped forward. At the moment, Su Ming’s body swayed forward and appeared directly in front of the bald man.

The right hand was lifted up, and the branded mans in his hand turned into a glaring sacred man. This light filled the moment, Su Ming’s right hand fell, and the bald man, in this midair, touched each other. together.

Su Ming did not continue to absorb, he wants to kill the prestige, to kill the momentum, especially the tens of thousands of people in this place, but also the need for an imposing rise, so ..... he did not absorb, but released !

Unleashed this road, the hundreds of people absorbed by Su Ming's cultivation, there are two Taoist repairs, and at this moment, directly from the right hand of Su Ming.

The earth-shattering roar, which caused the sky to change in this moment, caused the illusion of the bottom to be distorted. It caused the surrounding gravel to collapse and formed a strong impact. It directly swept tens of thousands of people and made these tens of thousands. The look of the people has changed.

At the same time, the bald man's look was unbelievable. He didn't even have time to make a scream. Just outside Su Ming's right hand, the whole person was instantly twisted, the body suddenly dissipated, and even the soul was directly wiped. Go, shape and destroy!

Instant kill!

There is one more, the headache is splitting, and the heart is saying, I have never thought that the continuous outbreak can persist until today, I will write the fourth, will be later, we should not complain that I am updating late, I have done my best.