MTL - Pursuit of the Truth-Chapter 1433 I am not you (fourth more)

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"Break this door!" When Su Ming faintly opened, the five big white dogs behind him! The eyes showed the fineness. These five white dogs are the five Taoist strongmen of Shubo and Shuramen, and any one is equivalent. The degree of Xu Zhongfan is placed in any sect. Each of these five is a great elder.

If the five people are united, then to a certain extent, they can even change the trajectory of a sect. Now they have to follow Su Ming here. This is the anger of a stomach, but they dare not reveal it. Now with Su Ming’s words came out, and the five big white dogs immediately screamed, even though they were the body of the animals, but when they left, their cultivation was completely restored, except that Su Ming mastered the life and death, and the body changed. Their repairs have not changed with the slightest.

The full-strike of these five big white dogs is equivalent to the full force of the five Taoist strongmen. The sound of roaring echoes the entire cave at this moment, resulting in an endless echo vibration. It sounds like someone outside the mountain. In the roar.

The ice door immediately appeared in the sound of the years. The sound appeared at the moment, Su Ming’s eyes were stunned. I saw the fragmentation of this door, almost just appeared, and immediately recovered as usual, as if these five Dao Zun’s shots are also unable to break the door.

But... but on this ice door, there is a line of quaint writing.

"When you come to our door, you will be able to enter the three-day ceremony."

Su Ming looked at the line himself. He understood how the stars came into here, but Su Ming would never do this. He can go to worship Gu Hong, because the other party is really sincere to him. If you go to worship the funeral, Su Mingzhen can do it.

His eyes were indifferent, and the step came to the front of the door. When he raised his left hand, he pressed the door. The right hand waved backwards. When the palms were up, the five big white dogs immediately approached one by one, one by one with Su Ming’s right hand. Touching, accurately speaking, is to touch the moon mark in Su Ming's right hand palm.

Immediately from the five big white dogs, the majestic repairs, and then suddenly into the body of Su Ming's right hand into the body, at the same time, Su Ming eyes revealing the secluded, in the left hand holding the ice door moment, a touch Opening.

"The years are reversed!" He was eager to repair, to reverse the years of the formation of the ice gate and return it to countless years ago, when it was not formed!

How many years can be reversed, Su Ming does not know but this is the only way he can break this door now!

As time passed, Su Ming’s surroundings were as if they were distorted. It was the trace of the reversal of the years. Soon, there was a reflection on the ice door. The reflection was not Su Ming, but the star.

It can be seen from this reflection that the Stars of the Stars had been screaming at this place many years ago, and then when the figure of the Stars disappeared, the five whites of the five white dogs behind Su Ming fell, and the body trembled down. All his repairs were sucked away, and now he went down to work and repaired for the fastest recovery.

After all, the repairs taken here are not left in the body, nor are they going to destroy the foundation of the five whites. Only by destroying the foundation, can the other party be transformed into its own things, so this way of borrowing will not There are too many impressions.

Time flies again, when several big white dogs behind Su Ming fall one after another

Suddenly, the ice door in front of Su Ming began to thin, until after a while, the ice door was left with only one layer of skin, and when it disappeared instantly, Su Ming’s eyes flashed, he saw a scene, outsiders watched Not enough pictures.

In that picture, Su Ming saw a back in a black robe. The back was in front of Su Ming, and the right hand was lifted up. The place where the empty ice door exists is like lifting the sleeves. This back, Su Ming will not Forget, it is... mystery!

There was not much change in looks. Even Su Ming only took a look at this picture. He immediately stepped forward and walked into the cave.

At the moment when his body stepped in, the ice door behind him instantly appeared again, as usual, and the coldness was pressing, but in any case, Su Ming was already standing in the cave.

His eyes swept over the four weeks. The first thing he saw was a huge ancient mirror in front of the cave. There was a futon opposite the mirror.

As for the surrounding area, there are six secret rooms, and now three are opened and the remaining three are closed.

When the eyes were retracted, Su Ming came to the first closed secret room. When he was slightly sinking, his right hand was lifted and pressed against the stone wall, but when his right hand touched the stone wall, a piece appeared on the stone wall. Corrugated, this ripple reverberates, making the stone wall gradually transparent.

At this moment, Su Ming made his eyes penetrate the stone wall and saw a skeleton sitting in the chamber, sitting cross-legged. The opposite side of the cheekbone is a huge Dan furnace, as if the person was dying before Alchemy.

In this secret room, there are some shelves with a lot of Dan bottles on them, but most of them are tripped. There are many pieces of Dan bottles on the ground. There are many medicinal herbs scattered around the ground.

There are some that can be complete, although not many, but through the shining light of those Dan bottles, you can also see the good things of those medicines.

Su Ming blinked and frowned. When the right hand was lifted, the stone door corrugated in the chamber was solidified, and the stone door was re-created.

"It's a pity that the power of reversal of the years can't continue with my current cultivation. ·················································································· Outside the secret room, the right hand was also raised. At the moment of touching the stone door, the stone door ripples reverberated and became transparent.

So that Su Ming saw the secret room at a glance, there was also a skeleton. This cheekbone was obviously a woman. She sat there with her knees and a compass in front of her. This compass lacked a horn, like this woman was dying. At the time, I am going to use the last strength to repair this compass.

Su Ming stared at the compass and looked at it. His eyes showed a faint gaze. If the compass looks like a magnified countless times, it is the memory of Su Ming’s memory, the place where the Xuan burial is lying!

In the silence, Su Ming raised his right hand and walked to the last closed secret room. When his right hand touched the secret room, his eyes narrowed, and in his heart, it seemed to be a roundabout. Amazing roar.

This roar is extremely real. When the stone door ripples open and becomes transparent, Su Ming finally sees this roaring in his heart, who is it!

That is a black python, the tail of this python, has a fascinating faucet, and now in this secret room, whether it is a python or a faucet, it is snarling toward Su Ming outside Shimen.

As it roared, an invisible shock seemed to penetrate Shimen, and fell on Su Ming’s body. His memory immediately shocked him, even at the time of the impact, in Su Ming’s mind. Being torn open, forcibly showing a starry sky.

There are countless stars in this starry sky. These stars are rapidly arranging at this moment, and they have become a huge whip!

"Into the government gate, when there is a fate, three doors can be opened, three doors are not open to the Lord, give you a star projection, find the Lord!!"

The voice was vicissitudes, but it was like a thunder, and it was echoed in Su Ming’s mind. It shocked Su Ming’s body, causing him to raise his right hand. The body stepped back three steps, and the corner of his mouth suddenly overflowed with blood. When he looked up, he looked up. He stared at the stone door that was no longer transparent at the moment. At this point of view, he saw not the python and the faucet. He saw a black floating rope bracelet in the secret room. !

This thing, it is Su Ming’s memory, the mysterious burial on the right hand is a string of nine anti-spirit beads!

Su Ming wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. The purpose of his coming here was for this star whip. Under the eyes, when Su Ming’s right hand was lifted up, the power of the years condensed, pointing to the stone gate where the star whip was.

But at the moment when Su Ming pointed to it, immediately this stone door slammed into a shock, and a huge anti-seismic force suddenly came out and went straight to Su Ming here. It seemed to bounce back the power of this years. When Su Ming was drowned, Su Ming’s big sleeves slammed, and the force of this reversal dissipated.

He looked gloomy and stared at the stone door for a long time.

"The years have reversed, there is no effect on this door..." Su Ming frowned, and his eyes swept in the cave, and fell on the ancient mirror. At the moment of seeing this ancient mirror, Su Ming felt a move, slowly When I was close, I looked at myself in the ancient mirror. He saw Wang Tao’s face.

Silently looking at the ancient mirror, Su Ming slightly sinking, slowly sitting cross-legged on the futon opposite the ancient mirror, at the moment of sitting, he looked up and looked at the ancient mirror, his eyes revealed a fine mans .

"Sure enough!" Su Ming whispered, his eyes in the ancient mirror, seeing ... is no longer Wang Tao, nor his Su Ming, but a face that Su Ming will not forget, wearing a black robe Meditating... mystery!

"Since this..." Su Ming sighed, and when his right hand lifted, he scratched his fingertips. When it was fresh, Su Ming’s right hand slammed, and immediately three drops of blood flew out and fell into the closed three. Door

At the moment when the three drops of blood fell on the three sides of the stone gate, immediately the three sides of the stone door immediately roared, and instantly turned into a blood color, and then spread like a melt around, so that Shimen····· was opened!

In the moment when the stone door opened, the head was a python, and the tail was the star-shaped whip of the dragon's head. It flew out in an instant, and went straight to Su Ming. The whistling came here. Su Ming was silent, there was no dodging, but the eyes were decisive and flashing. The right hand lifted up toward the coming python, but saw the moment the python approached, the snake disappeared, and it turned into a black rope chain, which was directly placed on Su Ming’s right wrist.

At the same time, the compass in the woman's sacral chamber was also screaming at this moment. When it was near Su Ming, it merged with the futon under Su Ming, which made Su Ming's body directly appear a huge compass. !

Su Ming silently lifted up, and in this entire Dongfu and this moment of roaring sounds, as if shaking the mountain, he once again looked at the ancient mirror.

"I am not you." Su Ming faintly opened.

Fourth more!

Read The Duke's Passion