MTL - Public Executions From King Duma-Chapter 6 The impact of public executions

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"Uh, this is... the end?"

"W-what? You just picked up people's interest, but it's over!?"

"Okay, it seems... Damn it! I still want to look behind!"

"What the **** is going on here? It appeared out of nowhere, and some images were released out of nowhere. Could it be someone's prank?"

"The truth! We demand to know the truth! We have the freedom to know the truth! Officials must tell us the truth!"

"Fake news, next!"

"Explode! Reality! Collapse! Everyday life! Appear through the wheel of inhibition! The guardian of the balance! ... Um, why can't I summon a servant? It's not fair!"

People were disturbing, and the relevant departments of various countries immediately took action.

As for those who appeared in the light curtain images, they had to face countless questions and their inner stunned compulsion.

For example, Artoria, at this time, was pestered by a group of people and kept on chatting and asking questions—although she was also very confused and couldn’t understand the situation at all.

However, a classmate who had a good relationship with Artoria soon stood up and helped Artoria.

Among them was Su Yun, who was the initiator. This fellow showed that he was very concerned about Arturia and didn't want the other party to be troubled, but he didn't feel any guilt in his heart.

After all, this is a necessary sacrifice!

Of course, this is only a part of it. The biggest reason is that according to Su Yun's plan, Arturia will get huge benefits from these light curtain images.

Now it's just a trivial price that must be paid before getting the benefits - the left and right is just the death of the society, as long as you face it bravely, you will have nothing to fear!

At the same time, looking at the fantasy index on the system panel, which has exceeded 10,000, and the four-digit number after the decimal point continues to rise, Su Yun is in a happy mood.

It's been back! Next is pure profit!

In this way, the length of the second video can be lengthened a lot, and more private goods can be added to achieve the goal of fantasy power collection.

Yes, the just-concluded light curtain image was not so short and weak on purpose by Su Yun, but only so much fanciful.

It takes a lot of fantasy power to broadcast globally and achieve complete uninterruption, and to subtly instill in all viewers the idea of ​​'the content of the video is real'.

Ryosuke had 9725.2379 points of fantasy power at the beginning, but after using all of them, he created a light curtain image that was as long as before.

In desperation, I could only make the story into a series.

However, this can be regarded as a long-term catching big fish and maximizing the benefits. After all, just like watching a drama, all the content is released in one go, although it can make the audience watch it, but the benefits are far less than 1.1 Release it slowly.

Moreover, in addition to this fantasy harvest, the characters who are the 'leading actors' have also gained.

Although I didn't feel it at all, in the eyes of Su Yun, the authority dog, there was a strong fantasy power emerging in Arturia, and it was naturally absorbed into the body from the outside world.

This magical effect is brought about by light curtain images. In the comprehensive world, the world's luck is concentrated in the Yingzhou area, and the core is those characters who have important roles in various two-dimensional works.

In fact, not only girls, but also men, through the light curtain images, people all over the world have the impression of 'this person is an extraordinary person' to those characters, and the performance in the images makes people have 'extraordinary understanding'.

Combined with Su Yun's system functions, it can "resonate" with the corresponding characters, giving these people extraordinary opportunities.

Of course, this kind of opportunity is always just an opportunity. If you want to turn the opportunity into reality, you have to use Su Yun's fantasy force as a thrust to achieve the miracle of modifying reality and realizing fantasy!


Soon, Arturia was taken away.

After all, it was impossible for Arturia, who was the party involved, to continue to stay in the classroom after the light curtain image appeared. In fact, everyone was not in the mood for the class.

Under the order of the superiors, the school left Artoria to stay, and then temporarily canceled today's classes, so that the entire school's teachers and students were dismissed from get off work.

Su Yun naturally had to go back, but he was not worried that Yingzhou would be disadvantaged to Arturia, after all, the latter was a member of the Holy British Royal Family with an extraordinary identity.

Although Artoria concealed it well, how could such a thing be concealed from the Yan Kingdom official?

Without the nod from the top executives of the Yan Kingdom, it is impossible for a noble person like Artoria to be treated unfairly, and with the manners of the Yan Kingdom since ancient times, she would not bother to do such a thing.

So, taking Arturia away now is actually to protect this girl who is suspected to be King Arthur.

In fact, an ocean-going phone call had come from New Camelot, the capital of the Holy British Empire, and had a conversation with Arturia, asking Arturia to cooperate with the local officials, and a special officer had already arrived.

Holy Britannia doesn't want to ask Yingzhou to send Arturia back, and they don't have the ability. After all, the world's number one superpower is the Yan Kingdom, not the Holy Britannia.

The former Holy Britain was indeed the number one in the world, but that was the last century.

Now that this matter has happened, Holy Britain can only choose to cooperate with the Yan Kingdom to jointly study the light curtain image and the various characters in it.

In fact, all the people who appeared in the light curtain have been found by official personnel and sent to Tokyo for resettlement together.

Until all the dust settles, these people can only stay in Tokyo. Although it won't do anything to them, the freedom of life must be limited.

Although many of them are dissatisfied, but the matter involves transcendence and mystery, so they can only be obedient.

Su Yun returned to her current home.

In fact, it is a high-end single apartment. It is also a benefit of time travel, which was given to him by the world consciousness - even the property rights of the entire building are actually his. In other words, he directly realized financial freedom and became a landlord.

I have to say, world consciousness is really YYDS!

Even if you complete the mission of saving the world, you still have to stay here.

This world is beautiful and beautiful, and everyone in it is talented and speaks nicely. Su Yunchao likes it here.

Therefore, in order to protect this beautiful world, after Su Yun returned home, he immediately started a new round of video editing. The fantasy power he had just acquired was also poured into it, and he strived to be able to execute a new round of 'public execution' tomorrow. 'The video is sent out.


At the same time, guests from all over the country were also brought to the headquarters of the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Room on the other side of the city.

The so-called guests are naturally the characters who have appeared in the light curtain image.

Although the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasure Room is nominally funded and established by the Yingzhou side, it is actually directly controlled by the Yan Kingdom. It is a special department dedicated to mysterious phenomena and is responsible for dealing with supernatural events in the entire Yingzhou region.

Therefore, the supernatural disaster countermeasure room has the highest authority in the matter of the people related to the light curtain images, and they were all brought to the countermeasure room headquarters.

Of course, although they were all brought, the treatment was different.

Among them, the one who received the highest treatment was undoubtedly Arturia.

As a member of the Holy British Royal Family, who was clearly the heroine in the light curtain image, Artoria was treated the best, followed by the others.

Among them, Emiya Kiritsugu's family and Kuu Maiya received the best treatment. After all, they are their own people in the countermeasure room, so they are naturally better.

These people all have separate residences, either as a family or alone, and they all have their own private space with their families.

At the same time, a huge reception room and rest and entertainment room were also arranged for everyone, so that these people could communicate and relax without being so stressed.

Obviously, the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasure Room—or the official government did not treat Arturia and others as prisoners. Although freedom was restricted, the treatment they gave was the best possible treatment, which was more similar to temporary house arrest.

When I confirm what I want to know, or if there is a new incident, I might put everyone back.

Of course, if it is really confirmed that everyone has extraordinary power, it will be another scene.

In this war against the mysterious, human beings are at an absolute disadvantage, UU reading www. The survival of has been threatened. In this case, if there are people who really have extraordinary power, it will undoubtedly become the miracle that mankind has been searching for!

The miracle of saving mankind!

It's just that the results of the inquiry disappointed the people in the paranormal disaster response room. Everyone said that there was absolutely no such thing as in the light curtain image, not even memory, let alone supernatural power.

At the same time, everyone's net worth and background are not secret in front of the power of the state apparatus. The results of the investigation are also clean, as if the stories in the light curtain image are all fictional.

But is this possible?

The world is broadcast synchronously, and the world record, plus the subtle instillation of the consciousness of 'images are real' to everyone.

Even if there is doubt, it is a seven-point letter, at most three-point doubt.

Then, what is the truth?

After watching the recorded images repeatedly, everyone found the 'truth' from the first content in the light curtain image.

History erased!

This should not be an erasure after destroying books, records and related personnel in the sense that people understand, but a higher-level erasure.

for example…

Literally erase history.

Mass modification of memory.

Or even...change the timeline.

Although every kind of thing is incredible, but now mysteries are rampant, and that mystery is something that can't be understood, and it's not surprising that there are some things that human science can't explain.

The so-called existence means rationality. This has already appeared. What else is reasonable?

Rather than worrying about those things, let's first figure out how to obtain the extraordinary power in the light curtain image!