MTL - Professional Accomplishment Of A White Lotus-Chapter 58

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Luo Ran and Yan Lou did not go far, over the clear water forest, Yan Lou stood against his hands, frost raged in his eyes, raised his eyes and looked up, leaving only a trace God was on Luo Ran, and after a meal, he looked back.

Several overwhelming coercions swept over. The lower realm seemed to be unable to withstand this coercion. The sky was full of dark clouds, lightning flashed, and Luo Ran seemed to feel the atmosphere was wrong. Her original swaying left and right sides were slightly curled up, her eyes covered Some looked around uneasily, sitting on the back of the sword spirit tiger, the jade hand unconsciously clenched the floor of Yan Lou, and never saw the trouble in the past.

In the end, Yan Lou had a small amount of mind on her. Seeing this, she was light-hearted and used to being a bully. With a sneer in her heart, the spiritual power around her took her seriously.

At this time, the source of coercion also showed people, wrapped in white clothes, wrapped in hair bands, and at the first glance at Yan Lou, they barely concealed their ecstasy. They were nothing in the Upper Three Realms. The Lord of Yan Feng, they did n’t even have a chance to talk to them. But in the lower three realms, they are all robberies and repairs. Even if Yan Lou is fierce, they rely on many people and are not afraid.

Several people looked at each other, looking at Yan Lou's eyes like a lamb to be slaughtered, and one said, "Yan Lou, I'll be ordered to take your life!"

Yan Lou was still in front of her, but her face was still unchanged, her eyebrows narrowed, and she said indifferently, "Is your master afraid to speak like this in front of me?

A few people looked slightly changed, knowing that he was not false, and one sneered: "In the Upper Three Realms, I am naturally not your opponent, but here we are all through the robbery period. Five people are against you. It is already Respect for 'Sura Lord'. "

Lord Yan Feng, Shura Realm, Shura Master.

Yan Lou slightly raised his eyes and looked at them as if they were looking at ants. One had a bad heart and interrupted his companion: "Stop talking nonsense, kill him, go back and get a reward!"

The five men came to Yan Lou with spiritual power, Yan Lou slightly looked at him and said to Luo Ran, "Stay still."

As soon as the words fell, he stepped forward in the volley, his hands falsified, and a long blade appeared in his hand. The long blade made a crisp sound, seeming to be happy for the world, shouting to drink blood and return.

The eyes of the five people were slightly scared. They naturally heard about Shura ’s companion weapon, but they did not expect to be used on them.

Yan Lou didn't even move, the long blade swept open from left to right, and an astonishing spiritual force swept away like mountains and rivers, one person to five people, staying in the upper hand.

The sword spirit tiger was a little irritable, and from time to time he uttered a roar, which seemed to be trembling, but also seemed to be full of warfare. Luo Ran leaned against the back of the tiger with the head of the jade hand. Photographed the top of Sword Spirit Tiger, Sword Spirit Tiger suddenly silenced and calmed down.

These five were originally crickets, who were thrown down by their masters to test the water. They naturally lost to Yan Lou, but they did not come empty-handed, involuntarily carrying the erosives of the gods, and blew up when they were not. Destroyed by the spiritual power, the clear water forest seemed to be razed to the ground instantly.

Yan Lou's figure flashed, and Luo Roan covered Luo Ran, protecting him. I don't know how long it took, Luo Ran felt the spiritual power wave dispersed, but at this time heard a humming noise from above, Luo Ran's eyes were slightly surprised Knowing that he was seriously injured, otherwise, he would not be half vulnerable.

Luo Ran's eyes were panicked, and he looked up at him dumbly. For the first time, his face was pale, his eyes were red, his fingertips slightly flustered his stiff side, and he cried with dissatisfaction. Angrily:

"Who asked you to help me block!"

As she complained, the large drops of raindrops fell in a string, and the worry at the bottom of her eyes was not concealed. Yan Lou frowned, but did not feel unhappy because of her words. :

"Let's go."

Luo Ran took his sleeves to his feet, rubbed his tears with his hands, opened his reddish eyes, and with a thin anger, his face flushed with redness: "Where? Where to go?"

She glanced anxiously around him, but found nothing, grievances reddened, her throat seemed to be blocked, and she cried bitterly, "Where did you get hurt? You speak!"

Yan Lou looked at the person who was crying out of breath before his eyes, and his deep eyes swelled for a moment, ephemeral. Don't look away, calmly said, "Nothing."

The voice fell, and Yan Lou no longer gave her a chance to speak. She took her jade hand, and disappeared in the same place instantly, appearing near the lake. He sat on the branch, and when Luo Ran was not found, he moaned. With a sound, his eyes were dim, and the erosive consciousness did not miss any chance. At this time, he was injured, no spiritual obstacles, and the black matter spread out instantly. Yan Lou swallowed the fishy sweetness in his mouth, slightly white. Face leaned against the trunk.

The people around were quiet for a while, and seemed to inhale his nose, Yan Lou frowned slightly. As soon as he opened his eyes to look at her, he felt a soft covering on his forehead, and his hands in Yan Lou's sleeves tightened tightly, and then loosened.

A gentle spiritual force came from his forehead, which alleviated his pain instantly. Yan Lou's unconsciously closed lips slightly relaxed. He opened his dark eyes to look at the person in front of him, and his pale face was hanging on his face. A trace of dry tears, red eyes, but persistently staring at the hand on his forehead, biting his lips, it seemed a bit laborious, a thin layer of fragrant sweat spilled from his forehead.

Yan Lou's eyes flickered slightly, and his heart seemed to move. He looked away slightly, his voice was not mild: "Enough is enough."

He didn't ask her why he used such a method. He had seen with her own eyes the mystery of "renewal", and now it is not surprising.

Luo Ran ignored him, and seemed to be angry, but instead increased the output of spiritual power. His smart eyes glared at him, clenched his teeth, and looked at her expressionlessly until she felt her fingertips. She trembled slightly, her pink cheeks were pale, Yan Lou closed her eyes, covered the rising emotions in her heart, and touched her jade hands with her big palm, she spoke lowly:


As soon as his words fell, Luo Ran's body was soft, Yan Lou's eyes quickly stretched out his hands, Luo Ran instantly collapsed into his arms, and the two fit tightly together, but Luo Ran did not feel wrong and leaned on He bit his lips tightly on his arm and looked at him silently.

Yan Lou's eyes were dark, and she clasped her hands on her weak, waistless limbs and looked at her silently. Luo Ran burst into tears momentarily, with a fearful fear: "No stubbornness!"

Yan Lou's eyes glanced deeply across her cheeks, and the tears dripped, suddenly her eyebrows narrowed and laughed, with some mellow dullness, Luo Ran instantly reddened her cheeks, and furiously took the powder fist. Go to her, dissatisfied:

"What are you laughing at! Do you hear me?"

As soon as Yan Lou grasped her jade hand, she whispered "Yes", and there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, and her stiff face seemed to be softer. With him, when he returned to his senses, his face was blushing, and he stood up from his arms, concealing and exasperated: "It is ugly to laugh!"

Yan Lou bent her knees on one leg, and put her palm on her knee, and her hand dropped naturally, raising her eyes slightly to see her. The smile that had just disappeared disappeared. Luo Ran secretly glanced at him, his white fingertips twisted his sleeves, And speak awkwardly:

"It's not that ugly."

Yan Lou didn't pay attention to her words, calmly narrowed her eyes, and said with a deep voice, "Come here."

Luo Ran stunned, and said, "Why, what?" While he was puzzled, he obediently walked to him and sat down. Yan Lou raised his hand and held her fragrant body in his arms. After pinching her white jade hands, Luo Ran shook her eyelashes and allowed him to move, but from the corner of her eyes to her neck, she looked red with concealment.

Yan Lou's eyes flashed a smile without a trace, but there was no trace of emotion on his face: "Look at me."

Luo Ran pursed his lips, some grievances, and Moist eyes looked at him, whispering dissatisfied: "What are you doing!"

Yan Lou looked at her petals of red lips, her eyes were dark, her index finger and thumb pinched her jaw, forcing her to raise her head slightly, she trembled her eyelashes, and she felt nervous and nervous under her eyes. He has high toes and looks at him timidly.

Yan Lou narrowed her eyebrows, lowered her head to move closer to her, and saw her eyes closed tightly. With a nervous expression on her face, her smile floated to the bottom of her eyes, before she disappeared, she covered her delicate lips.

At this time, Luo Ran suddenly opened his eyes wide and stared at him. There was a little brilliance and blankness in his eyes, and he clung to his plaque with anxiety. Her fingertips trembled slightly, as if through her clothes. At the apex of her heart, she looked at him helplessly, and Yan Lou let go of her, looking at her cheeks flushed.

Yan Lou's forefinger was bent, and she gently touched the corner of her mouth. Luo Ran was at a loss, but she could only pretend to calm her face, but didn't want Yan Lou's palm to block her, so that she could only look at him. With a touch of astringency and confusion, Yan Lou stroked her cheek with one hand, his eyes focused on him, and he asked lightly:

"Why not hide?"

Luo Ran bit her lip, raised her eyebrows slightly, and said bluntly, "Because you are so good, I can't resist!" A straightforward look, if not for her eyes flickering, Yan Lou would have to believe Got her gibberish.

Luo Ran glared at him with a little annoyance. I had a forced expression on his face. Yan Lou glanced at her, and no longer said, his eyes moved slightly, and he looked up and asked her, "When can you get in and out of the trick?"

He changed the subject, and Luo Ran was relieved, seemingly afraid that he would ask the previous question again, and quickly returned to him with a full face: "It's coming."

Yan Lou nodded inconceivably, Luo Ran secretly glanced at his eyes, and touched his lips with his tender white fingertips. There was a little embarrassment in his eyes. I wanted to ask him why he kissed himself, but he was embarrassed to say, I want to get more angry, snorted slightly, suddenly summoned the sword spirit tiger, jumped on the tiger's back, just wanted to let the sword spirit tiger leave, another meal, turned around unnaturally, and left a sentence:

"I'll go around!"

Yan Lou leaned against the tree, her eyes staring at her deeply. After her figure disappeared, he converged, expressionless, and his voice equal: "Come out."

Suddenly a man in a white robe appeared in mid-air, with a smile on his mouth, his eyebrows calmly looking at Yan Lou in front of him. Wenrunruyu, he chuckled and said, "Everyone in the Upper Three Realms guesses where Shura is Office, but don't want to be in the gentle village of the Lower Three Realms. "

Don't look at the gentle and non-smooth look of the man in white. In fact, his heart was shocked. He couldn't think of Yan Lou, where no one could approach him in the past. He would be as gentle as a man to a woman. However, he could see clearly that the gentleness in Yan Lou's eyes, the man in white raised his eyebrows slightly, and seemed to think of something fun, and his smile deepened.

Yan Lou's face was cold and cold: "Qin Yin, when I return to the Three Realms, I will repay the grace of the five people."

Qin Yin's smile remained the same. He never thought that the five people could hurt him, but he did not think he would protect a woman. He chuckled: "Yan Master has been in the lower three realms for so long. It must be boring, but no People can solve your boredom and don't need to be attentive. "

Yan Lou looked at him indifferently, "What are you doing?"

Qin Yin stood in the air, lifted his hands, and a piano fell beside him. He seemed to be chatting with his friends: "While you are weak, it is natural to see if you can kill you."

The smile in his eyes was still soft, but the sound of his piano was murderous, and the unstoppable spiritual power went to Yan Lou.


The long blade appeared in front of the eyes, and Yan Lou rose into the air, holding the long blade with both hands, his eyes were slightly dimmed, and he seemed to be breaking the wind. This was the first time he had used all his strength and sharp sword strength after reaching the lower realm. They split to the sound of the piano, but were blocked by the sound of the piano. The two made hundreds of moves back and forth.

In the air, Yan Lou stood with his hands up, black hair light, looking at the **** piano sounds in the corners of his mouth, his complexion remained unchanged, but the long blade held in his hand was covered with a sense of coldness, and the spiritual power went with the long blade. There were several broken sounds in the air, and the spiritual power came to Qin Yin, but when the Qin Yin figure disappeared, only one sound in the air remained:

"Yan Lou, since I can't kill you, see you in the Three Realms."

Hearing this voice, Yan Lou's eyes were slackened, and he fell slightly by the lake, leaning on the trunk, and the long blade disappeared, only to see the dark red blood on his palm and tiger's mouth.

Luo Ran was on the other side of the clear water forest, and Shen Shi saw the fight in her eyes. The bottom of her eyes was light and cool. A white figure suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. He floated in the air and looked at her with a gentle smile. Asking her, she seemed to be talking to herself:

"If I caught you, would Yan Lou escape?"

He looked at Luo Ran's eyes very softly, although he had just been injured in the fight with Yan Lou, but a Yuan Ying hadn't seen in his eyes, his palms were raised slightly, and the spiritual power moved along, but he didn't see Luo. There was a hint of coolness in the corner of the dyed mouth.

The spiritual power had not yet come to Luo Ran, and she didn't know what was being corroded and disappeared. Luo Ran raised her eyes. The pair of eyes with shame in front of Yan Lou had looked at him at this moment, and she had no trace of it. Action, the corrosive force went towards the piano sound.

Qin Yin's face changed slightly, and he could naturally feel how terrible the unknown energy was. He had time to move, and the corrosive power had contaminated him. His eyes were shocked, his spiritual power was gradually disappearing, and he kept not He lived calmly and looked at Luo Ran with horror. He seemed to say something, but he still had time to speak. The corrosive force entangled in him instantly, eroding him a little, leaving no trace in the air.

Luo Ran shook his eyelashes, and the coolness in his eyes disappeared. He patted the sword and tiger's head with his hands and returned towards the lake.

Yan Lou leaned on the trunk and had already taken the elixir, but there was nothing he could do with the erosives of the gods. At this moment, a voice of worry suddenly appeared in the air: "Yan Lou!"

Yan Lou opened his eyes, Luo Ran looked nervous and anxious, and flew from the sword Linghu to Yan Lou, watching the small drop of blood on the ground, her face changed and changed, some blame, some fear, unscrupulous Raising Yan Lou, the consciousness swept away. The next moment, the two appeared in a cave. The spirit beast inside had not yet reacted, and was killed by Luo Ran.

Luo Ransu flipped his hand, and a bed appeared in the cave. Luo Ran asked Yan Lou to sit on the bed, standing anxiously, frowning together: "Yan Lou, what happened to you?"

Yan Lou shook his head: "Nothing."

Luo Ran suddenly bit her lip, her eyes became red, and she said, "You just promised me, you won't be stubborn."

Yan Lou's deep eyes looked at her, and he said quietly, "The injuries on the consciousness are getting worse."

Luo Ran's face changed slightly, and she didn't hide her worrying thoughts. She turned her hands over and Yan Lou only felt that the temperature in the cave had risen sharply. As if thinking of something, she raised her eyes and looked at her. Shrinking, the emotions in my heart keep flowing, the mellow and dark voice sounds:

"Aren't you willing to give it to me?"

What Luo Ran held was Yan Louxin's long-cherished fire lotus. She frowned, opened her eyes, and glared at Yanlou with dissatisfaction: "When did I say I won't give it to you!"

Susu raised her hand gently, and Huo Lian placed it in front of Yan Lou. Yan Lou did not move for a long time. She was a little puzzled, worried about his injury, and said impatiently, "Hold it!"

Yan Lou was silent for a long while, then said silently: "If you want to refine the elixir, I will go back to the Three Realms."

Luo Ran looked for a moment, and there was a moment of confusion in her eyes, her eyes fluttered, and she suddenly asked, "You, are you leaving?" Her voice paused, obviously she did not want to accept the result.

Yan Lou had not spoken yet, and Luo Ran's eyes became red instantly. She threw Fire Lotus on Yan Lou and burst into tears:

"Yan Lou, you big liar! What would you say would protect me for three years!"

Yan Lou's eyebrows were slightly frowning, looking at her extremely easy to blast, he had not spoken yet, but she seemed to have suffered so much, fingertips twisted the fire lotus thrown by her, listening to her pass She vented, and suddenly, she stopped, and when Yan Lou's eyes moved, she saw that she was sitting casually in the cave, a spot of dirt stained on the plain white dress, and looked at him with her big white jade face.

Luo Ran bit his lip, wiped his tears indiscriminately, and cast a pair of water-filled eyes on him, apparently grieving, but pretending that he didn't care, and said, "Let's go!"

Yan Lou's fingertips pinched his eyebrows weakly: "When did I say I'm leaving?" His voice seemed flat, but there was a hint of helplessness.

However, Luo Ran's look remained unchanged, and her eyes were still wet. She clenched her lips tightly, and Yan Lou later realized that she was not aware of it. He removed his finger and looked at her condensingly. , Pouting, said uncomfortably with a hint of silk:

"You go, you're hurt! I'm not ignorant, you hurt so much, don't you say, how can I know? I know, how can I want you to stay."

At the bottom of Yan Lou's eyes, he looked like the bottomless lake. He looked at Luo Ran and said, "Nothing."

Luo Ran closed her eyes suddenly, crying with a shout, and shouted, "I don't want you anymore! You are all injured, how could you protect me? I'm about to break out of the trick, I can do well without you. ! "

Knowing that she wasn't telling the truth, Yan Lou's heart rose a little bit of anger suddenly, and he looked cold, his voice sounding like scum: "Don't make trouble, come here."

Luo Ran shook his eyebrows, but ignored him at all, as if she didn't want to stay any longer and turned to leave, but she opened her eyes and looked at the spiritual power bound to her, glaring at Yan Lou, Yan Lou There was a hint of coldness in his eyes, and spiritual power raged back and forth, Luo Ran suddenly fell on the bed behind Yan Lou, Yan Lou pressed on her, and asked her coldly:

"Where are you going?"

Luo Ran saw that he seemed to be angry, subconsciously moved his body, and there was a hint of cowardice in his eyes, and when Yu Guang glanced at the fire lotus, he turned into a look of fearlessness. Humming:

"What do you do? Wherever I want to go!"

Yan Lou held her white wrist tightly in one hand, with a chill on her face: "You say it again."

Luo Ran's wrist was a little painful, and she could not help raising her eyebrows. Her eyes were grieved, but she still said, "I don't want to see you anymore. I want to find someone to protect me again."

Yan Lou smiled angrily: "Do you think anyone can protect you besides me?"

Luo Ran trembled weakly, and retorted in a low voice: "Then I will cultivate by myself, because I don't want you anyway!"

Yan Lou's expression calmed down, but it was even more frightening. Luo Ran swallowed a little nervously and wanted to say:

"You let go ... 唔 ..."

Luo Ran opened her eyes and looked at the person kissing her. She frowned and tried to avoid him, but suddenly she couldn't move. She opened her eyes and didn't expect Yan Lou to be so despicable. She Anxious to speak and scold him, he suddenly felt that he was bitten heavily on the lip, without mercy, and her tears fell instantly, and he sucked gently with that lip, which made her angry. It wasn't just staring at him weakly.

It took a long time for Yan Lou to leave from her lips, and her eyes were dark. One hand pinned the hair from her horns behind her ears. Luo Ran also ignored the previous matter and yelled angrily: "Yan Lou, You asshole! "

Yan Lou's expression remained unchanged, and he calmly responded: "Um."

Luo Ran's face was flushed with redness, her body was unable to move, and her lips were tingling with pain, which made her eyes very red, and Yan Lou was very close to her. Luo Ran wanted to retaliate against him, and opened his mouth to him, Biting his chin, Yan Lou snorted suddenly, as if in pain and joy, and scared Luo Ran, and quickly released, looking at him worriedly and helplessly, forgetting for a moment, just asking him :

"What happened to you? Where does it hurt?"

Yan Lou watched her subconscious reaction, and her anger that had just risen disappeared instantly because of her rising anger. She clasped her waist with one hand and looked at her eyes more and more dim. Luo Ran only felt caught by his palm. The place was so hot that it softened her body.

The author has something to say: when I get up early in the morning, I see a negative score, saying that the grade of the essay is brushed, I read a chapter, and I feel bad for an instant. Taste represents the masses, wait for Jinjiang to judge, then come back to lose, really, early in the morning, no mood

The five thousand collected text was actually said to be scored, I really ...

Male lead: Write down! !! I want to eat meat! !! !!

Female lead: Beautiful job!

Wuliang author crossed Erlang's legs: eat meat? Ha ha, call dad

Male lead: ... Hello dad

Unscrupulous authors: good, the next chapter let you eat ~

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