MTL - Professional Accomplishment Of A White Lotus-Chapter 119

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Luo Xi was so scolded that he stood stupidly, waiting for people to run out of sight before they reacted. Aggrieved and angry, his eyes were red, and he turned and chased in the direction of the two.

She was thinking, this pair of dogs and women, Ning An's **** really dare to hook up with her man, she would not let her go!

She was still a little slower. When she ran to the village, the tractor had already driven away. The person who drove the tractor saw Ning An's face and did not dare to delay it. It was earlier than before.

After Qin Zhixun got into the car, although his heart was still tense, there was nothing he could do. He looked around anxiously, and when he looked back, he saw Luoxi panting to the old locust tree in the village, frowning, and didn't look any more.

Soon after arriving in the town, Qin Zhixuan and the uncle who drove said thank you, and ran to the medical room with Ning Anzhen. In the medical room, today Huizhi was on duty, seeing the appearance of the two, frowning forward, letting people Put Ning Anxuan on a cart to the ward.

Qin Zhixuan was relieved at this time. Although it was a cold day, he also ran out of sweat. He raised his hand and just wanted to wipe the sweat. Yu Guang glanced at the traces on his hands, his eyes were frozen, his fingers were trembling, watching One hand was red, and he suddenly felt a little pale.

Luo Xi did not catch up with Qin Zhixuan, and walked angrily towards the Luo family. Suddenly a flash of conjecture flashed through her mind, and she paused, squinting her eyes and turning her head.

She calculated that the deadline of the system space was approaching, and she could ask for something from the system space again.

Here, Luo Ran and Lu Yiyan returned to the Luo family together. Today, the two went to the town together. They just came back with some things in their hands. Zhang Yulan asked Lu Yiyan not to rush away and stay at home for a meal.

Recently, the Luo family was beaming, not only because Luoran was settled, but also because Luohu was coming back soon.

Luo Ran held a bag of biscuits in his hand, ate a piece of it, and handed it to Lu Yiyan. Lu Yiyan didn't pick it up. He smiled and opened his mouth. Luo Ran blushed and fed him. When the two whispered, Luo Xi just left. Come in.

After a meal between them, Lu Yiyan took a look at her, and then looked away, took the biscuit from Luo Ran, fed her, and asked her softly, "Do you like this?"

Pulling her attention back, Luo Ran sat close to him and said quietly, "It's delicious."

Lu Yiyan glanced at the packaging bag and smiled softly with her: "Buy it next time."

In fact, at this time, it's all after eating. Few people would waste money to buy some snacks. Luo Ran bent his eyes when he heard what he said.

Luo Xi happened to pass by them, and heard their conversation, and gave a light sigh. For the unseen look of Luo Ran, they were very inconspicuous, but they were not happy to see their happy appearance, their eyes flashed, Suddenly a smile, turned into the room and said nothing.

She didn't speak, and everyone else felt like she hadn't seen her.

When eating, Zhang Yulan shouted her, she said not to eat, Zhang Yulan no longer shouted, and greeted everyone to eat.

At night, Luo Ran sat at the table for dinner and heard Zhang Yulan's gossip: "I heard that today Qin Zhiqing was holding Ning Zhiqing and ran to the infirmary in the town. Whoops, I heard that Ning Zhiqing was very complex It's pale. "

Luo Yuan and Luo Ran looked at each other, and Luo Yuan shrugged and listened to her continue to say.

Zhang Yulan's voice was a bit lower: "Listening to others, Ning Zhiqing looks particularly like ..." She paused, glanced at Luo Ran, and didn't want to tell her this, hesitated before she said: " Yes, just like Xiao Chan, Qin Zhiqing was so anxious that his eyes were red. "

Luo Guodong gave her a bad look: "Well, every day I know gossip, and in front of the child, I can say everything."

Zhang Yulan poked her mouth and ate a steamed bun, Yu Guang glanced into Luoxi's room, and suddenly felt that the white-faced steamed bun in her mouth was not so delicious, sighed, and said lowly:

"I don't know that there is no break between Xiaoxi and that Qin Zhiqing."

Luo Ran lowered her head and hadn't talked before. At this time, she looked up and whispered: "The eldest sister who came home with us today should have met Qin Zhiqing. When she came back, her face was not ugly. "

Zhang Yulan raised her eyes and didn't ask Luo Ran more. She also knew that there was a gap between the two girls. She thought, since their faces are not ugly, should they have broken?

Unlike others' guesses, Ning Anzhen didn't have a small birth. Although it hurt all the way, he finally saved it.

After staying in the hospital for a day, the two returned to the educated youth compound. Both were silent. After all, they did not expect that she would become pregnant.

Especially Ning Anzhe, she lowered her eyebrows, and hesitated a little bit in her heart, bitterly bitter. She just wanted to stay away from Qin Zhixuan, who knew this child would come.

Qin Zhixuan put his hands in his pockets. In the past, the steps of hanging children were also heavy. At the educated youth courtyard, he held Ning Anzhen and looked up and asked: "What are you going to do, this child?"

He was a little flustered, he had never thought of having a child.

Ning Anzhen broke free of his hand, don't start, and said coldly, "I will consider it myself."

Qin Zhixian frowned: "That's my child!"

Ning Anzhe was a little tired, and she looked at Qin Zhixuan weakly: "Please let me be quiet for a while, I will tell you when I think about it."

Qin Zhixuan looked at her pale white face, momentarily dumb, speechless, had to let her go, and when she entered the room, kicked the stones under her feet a little irritably.

Just then, Lu Yiyan had just returned, Qin Zhixuan saw him, narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly thought of Luo Ran, and what Luo Ran had said to him before, his eyes were cold.

After a few days, Luo Ran heard that Zhang Yulan was going to deliver something to Lu Yiyan, but met Qin Zhixuan on the road. When she had a meal, she wanted to turn around and go a different way.

"What did Luo Ran see when I hid? Is it because of a guilty conscience?"

Luo Ran froze her lips, stood still and did not move, and bit her lower lip slightly before shouting softly, "Qin Zhiqing."

Qin Zhixu opened his mouth slightly with a smile, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes, with a sense of ridicule: "Qin Zhiqing, oh, Luo Ran, I don't know if you are still such a person, and while telling me, if I can When I returned to the city, I meant to be with me, and when I turned, I got married to Lu Yiyan. "

Luo Ran shivered a little, but Qin Zhizheng didn't mean to be fragrant and cherish, but he still frowned lightly and continued to say, "Why? No meaning of explanation?"

He couldn't tell what was in his heart, sad? That's not true, at most it is the anger of being deceived.

Luo Ran squeezed her fingers tightly, and she was silent for a while before she said, "I'm sorry, but he came first."

Qin Zhixu shook the corner of his mouth lightly, and saw her look like a poor girl, standing there motionless, and the emotions in her heart could not be sent to her. He squeezed his eyebrows and said in a deep voice:

"I tried to take you back to the city."

Luo Ran said gently: "The older sister said, you are with her."

Qin Zhi's frowns were cold, and it was Luoxi again? He opened his mouth and said, "I want an opportunity to get back to the city from her."

He looked at the top of her head, his eyes were obscure, and he didn't explain what Ning Anyu said, but at the moment he said it because he couldn't speak to Ning Anyu, he did something to her, but he wanted to bring The other woman left, and he knew that he was a **** to Ning Anzhen.

Qin Zhi pursed his lips, and finally sighed: "Forget it."

Luo Ran bit her lip and said softly, "I'm sorry."

Qin Zhizheng suddenly gave a soft whisper: "Sure enough, Lu Yiyan is right, you should stay away from me."

He looked down, and seemed to want to say something, but in the end he just said, "Forget it, go to Lu Yiyan."

Before leaving, she finally lifted her eyes and looked at him, and saw that his ever-open eyes had a little frustration, whether it was because of her, or because of Ning'an.

She stepped over, stepping on the ground very small, but very firm. Qin Zhixuan looked at her back, and suddenly remembered that when he first arrived in this village, she led him to the compound, her skin was as white as porcelain, a pair of apricots There was a little smile on his eyes, and it seemed to be glowing, and his mind was everywhere, he thought, he should like such a woman.

He suddenly felt that his eyes were a little wet. He should like such a woman, but he was still with Ning An, and he couldn't open the corners of his mouth, so ah, don't say he likes her anymore.

When Qin Zhizhi returned to the educated youth courtyard, he found that Luoxi was also here today. When he saw Luoxi standing in front of Ning'anxi, he changed his face instantly, walked quickly, and subconsciously protected Ning'an. Behind me, with some caution:

"What are you doing?"

Luo Xi watched him look like he was protecting Ning Anzhen, his face changed slightly, and he couldn't hold back and shouted, "Don't you say that you have nothing to do with her!"

Qin Zhihuan had his hands around his chest, and he was a little impatient: "Whatever I say, you believe in it, are you stupid?"

There were many people in the educated youth compound, and they were all around at this time, whispering something.

Luoxi's complexion turned white and red for a while, and she finally could not help but curse: "Qin Zhixuan, you bastard!"

For Qin Zhixun, it didn't hurt or hurt. He didn't even bother to look at him. He glanced at Ning Anxuan, but found that she was crying, and his eyes sank for a moment. He looked at Luoxi with a cool voice. :

"What did you do to her?"

Luo Xi sneered: "What can I do to her? Oh, now that I know how to protect her? When I lied to me, I never saw her in your eyes."

Ning An trembled a little, suddenly felt a little embarrassed, especially when someone pointed her finger, and she remembered that the same happened in the previous life. No matter what Luo Xi did, she always blame all the mistakes on others, To despise others, but it seems that I can't see my own mistakes.

Qin Zhizheng also saw this kind of person for the first time and said her private affairs without any fear. Does she feel that if she said this, would others think she was a victim?

Qin Zhixu was originally guilty of her, but disappeared because of her actions. He was too lazy to care about her again, and wanted to pull Ning Anxuan away. He heard Luo Xi suddenly say:

"I'm pregnant!"

Qin Zhixuan looked at Ning Anxun subconsciously, seeing that she was about to break away from her hand, and frowned quickly, holding her tightly, he looked at Luoxi with a subtle glance:

"Are you all right?" Said everything.

Luo Xi put his hand on the lower abdomen and looked up at him gently: "I found out in the town yesterday, Qin Zhixuan, you are responsible to me!"

Qin Zhi angrily retorted and said, "You are pregnant, you are responsible for me? Who knows who your child is!"

Luo Xi opened his eyes wide, and did not expect that he would not confess his account, angrily: "Qin Zhihuan, do you still have a conscience!"

Her eyes were a bit red. She did not expect that Qin Zhizheng would choose to protect Ning Anzheng with a little hesitation. She did not expect that she was pregnant and Qin Zhizheng would not confess her account. She cried a little more:

"Who's the child, don't you know? You said you would go to my house to raise a relative soon, and I gave myself to you, Qin Zhixuan, don't you admit it?"

Qin Zhixun was impatient to see others crying, but he was also vaguely aware that this child was indeed his. He looked down at Ning Anxuan, but saw that she was looking up at him slightly, his eyes were embarrassed and sad, for a while A bunch of teardrops rolled down the corners of his eyes.

He closed his eyes with a headache, then opened his eyes again, and his eyes were a little cooler. He took Ning An's hand and tightened tightly, and asked Luoxi coldly:

"What do you want?"

"Marry me!"

"Impossible!" Qin Zhihuan didn't hesitate. He said coldly, "Go to the hospital to destroy it, and I will pay for it."

Luo Xi opened his eyes in disbelief, and seemed to have heard it wrong, shaking his voice: "What do you mean?"

Qin Zhi pursed his lips, looked away, and stopped looking at her. To say it again, it was much simpler: "I can't marry you, go and kill the child, I will pay for it."

As soon as his words fell, Luo Xi suddenly slaps him forward with all his strength, and even her palms are a little numb. She clenches her lips and bears tears and asks him again:

"what did you say!"

Qin Zhi scratched his head slightly, his cheeks became red and swollen, and the tip of his tongue reached the cheek. His eyes instantly cooled, his thumb rubbed the corner of his mouth, glanced at the trace of blood on it, and he pulled the corner of his mouth lightly, mockingly:

"I said, I can't marry you!"

"I don't know who the child is. You say it's mine, so I have to recognize it?"

Luo Xi was so angry that she couldn't stop tears. She raised her hand and wanted to hit him again, but was caught by Qin Zhixuan. He looked at her coolly:

"I don't have the habit of not hitting women."

Luo Xi was angry at this moment, and she cried and said, "Qin Zhixuan, you bastard, if you said you would marry me, how could I be so easy, so easy ... Now you don't even admit it?"

Qin Zhixuan shook her hand impatiently: "You said everything, in a word, you can accompany someone to sleep. My **** recognizes this child, and the ghost knows how many layers of green will be on my head in the future!"

The eyes of the people around finally stabbed Luoxi a little bit embarrassingly. She pushed Qin Zhixuan and beat him constantly: "Qin Zhixuan, you bastard! Is it the only **** person you are, you really don't know? You touch your conscience and say What makes me sleep easily? How can you let me be a man in the future! "

Qin Zhixuan was justified, knowing that she had just been too poisonous, and let her beat it casually, but she took care of Ning Anzhen behind her, and saw that she seemed endless, so she said anxiously, "Are you still embarrassed? Me and him Mom thought you were shameless! "

Luo Xi knew that his reputation in the village was stinky today, and he did not care about it. He saw Ning Anyu guarding him, his eyes were sharp, and he suddenly rushed to beat Ning Anyu:

"Fox! It's Qin Zhixuan you seduce, I'll kill you!"

Ning Anzhen's hair was dragged by her, and she went to pull Qin Zhixuan in pain and fear, crying more and more: "Qin Zhixuan, you pull her away!"

Qin Zhixun was a little bit more guilty about Ning Anzhen. Seeing this, the guilt left over from Luoxi has also disappeared, pushing Luoxi aside, protecting Ning Anzhen, frowning and asking her, "Is everything right? "

Ning Anzhen burst into tears crying in his arms.

However, Luo Xi was pushed by him and hit the table in the yard. As soon as his stomach hurt, she fell to the ground. Her face turned pale instantly, and she cried in panic and helplessly:

"It hurts! My stomach hurts! Help me!"

Qin Zhixuan heard her words, and looked frantic, and frowned and released Ning Anxuan. He just stepped forward and stopped. He stood there, seemingly hesitant.

Luo Xi didn't expect that he was really so cruel, and he couldn't tell what he felt, whether it was because of pain in his body or because of his attitude, he couldn't stop crying.

Ning Anzhen, who was standing behind Qin Zhimin, looked at Luo Xi's misery, and suddenly his eyes blinked, thinking of his previous life, his hands tightened.

The educated youth on the side can't stand it anymore, and they are afraid of killing them: "Comrade Qin, you should send Comrade Luoxi to the hospital, in case of death, it will be bad."

Qin Zhizheng also responded, but Ning Anzheng suddenly pulled his sleeves and squatted down, painfully covering his lower abdomen, her face pale, without a trace of blood, shouting weakly:

"Qin Zhixuan, I ... it hurts ..."

Qin Zhimao frowned slightly, and looked back at Ning Anjiu with a deep look. He squatted down and supported her, but his voice was a little cold: "Do you really hurt?"

Suddenly her pain was so timely that he was not a fool!

Ning An's body was stiff, and her heart was a little cold. Qin Zhilian felt her change instantly, and suddenly felt that her throat was a bit dry, her eyes closed, and he was speechless.

Luo Ran, who had been staying in Lu Yiyan's house, ran out at this time. When he saw Luo Xi lying on the ground, he looked anxious and anxious, ran over, wanted to help her, but did not dare to move easily. Asked helplessly:

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Yiyan also came out, frowning. I didn't think it would be like this outside. I frowned at Luoxi, but couldn't sympathize, and even wanted to pull Luo Ran over.

Luo Ran looked at Lu Yiyan helplessly: "Yi Yan, older sister ..."

Lu Yiyan stepped forward and saw the worries in Luo Ran's eyes, and then pursed his lips to hold Luo Xi.

Qin Zhixuan on the one side suddenly cursed lowly: "Oh!" He released Ning Anxuan, turned around and quickly picked Luoxi, and ran outside, but when he turned around, he took a deep look at Luo Ran.

He knows what Luo Xi thinks about Lu Yiyan, and also knows that Luo Ran is in conflict with Lu Yiyan and Luo Xi. If Ning Anzhen is really in trouble, he may still hesitate, but Ning Anzhen is okay, then he ca n’t see it. Embarrassing her.

There were many, many people he was sorry for, and the few softhearted ones gave her, it seemed that she faintly owed her.

Ning Anzhen squatted on the ground, buried his head, and wet his palms with tears.

Luo Yanla landed on Yiyan's sleeves, and looked vaguely outside. There was a worry in her eyes, and Lu Yiyan comforted her softly.

Luo Ran bit her lip. "I'm going back and talking to Mom."

"I'll go with you." This should indeed inform Uncle Luo of them, after all, it's not a trivial matter.

Luoxi nodded, pulled the landing and turned around, Yu Guang glanced at Ning Anzhen, his eyes flashed a little emotion, but quickly faded away.

After the Luo family heard Luo Ran go home and talk about the situation, Zhang Yulan was paralyzed on the sofa, but couldn't help crying. Luo Guodong's face was slightly black. However, everyone hurried to the town. .

In the end, Luo Xi's child was not saved. In the end, the delay was too long. Outside the ward, Lu Yiyan patted Luo Ran's back and comforted her silently.

The Luo family did not have a good face at Qin Zhixuan. Luo Yuan even punched him up. Qin Zhixuan took it. The tip of his tongue reached the root of the tooth that was loosened by Luo Yuan's punch. He said nothing and heard. As a result, after paying the medical bill, he turned away and didn't even visit Luoxi in the ward.

When Luo Xi woke up, she knew the result, and just lay on the pillow and wept. She said nothing to Zhang Yulan, and her emotions were squeezed to a certain degree, and she cried in disintegration:

"I know it's wrong! I have suffered the consequences too! What do you want from me? Can you stop talking!"

Zhang Yulan was so upset by her attitude, Luo Yuan frowned, turned to find Hui Zhi, and didn't want to stay in the ward.

No matter how cold the heart is, at night, Zhang Yulan still stayed, Luo Xi just gave birth, she couldn't rest assured.

Lu Yiyan sent Luo Ran back, Luo Ran leaned in his arms, twitching his eyes, and asked him lowly, "Will I be like the older sister?"

Lu Yiyan stared straight at her: "I'm not Qin Zhixuan, and you're not Luoxi."

"I'll be nice to you, you won't be like her."

Luo Ran only went to see Luoxi once, and Luoxi was discharged from the hospital. She faced every day until Luohu came back. After Luohu returned, she heard what happened at home, but didn't say much. He finished the New Year. , And left in a few days, but just told Zhang Yulan, let her take care of herself, other people's affairs, since they can not control, then do not control.

Although not explicitly stated, he was also implicitly pointing at Luoxi.

The days passed, and soon after the Chinese New Year, the weather gradually warmed up, Luo Xi's expression became more gloomy, she looked at the direction of the educated youth compound, she seemed to be planning something, her eyes flashed with unknown light.

Lu Yiyan only saw her twice before wrinkling and said to Luo Ran, "I will be a little farther away from your elder sister in the future. I always think she is a bit wrong."

Luo Ran just looked at him puzzledly, but responded obediently, basically not talking to Luo Xi.

Until one time, when Luo Ran was eating, she found that there was something that should not be in the meal, and glanced at Luo Xi without a trace to know that she was about to act.

The author has something to say: it is still added today, it should not be changed tomorrow

Because ... there will be so many days of uncomfortable and a little bit weak every month

Yesterday I helped someone tweet. I felt that it was not good. The other party was very cold. I felt that I was posting backwards and felt wronged. I will not help strangers in the future.

By the way, little angels, this world is over, there is no next world

Then I will explain the relationship between Qi'er and Luoran

This book has been written for a long time.

I am very happy to meet you. This book is tired of writing. I want to give up many times in the middle. I asked the editor for a few times and thought about it.

Still a little guilty, there are little angels who want to see the last days, but I ca n’t write them, one is because I ca n’t write that (I rarely read it, and I ’m a little scared), the other is a bit tired, sorry

I think after the book is finished, rest for a week or so (don't be too lazy), then I will open the book "dress as a male lead aunt", if you like, you can add a collection to me and support I'm a bit (a bit shameless.jpg), and that "Scum Girl", originally intended to be double-opened in the summer, but I do not have that ability

Hey, I do n’t know what I want to say, do n’t bother me, I ’ll tell you what I want to say sometimes (star cards sell cute.jpg)

Then ... Then, I do n’t know what to say, that is, ah, you accompany me through a book again, and suddenly there is a little emotional, thank you, the real name confess to the little angels, what? div>

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