MTL - Pokemon Elf Master-Chapter 3 World Power, Reversing Time!

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Bai Yuling immediately put the three elf **** into the belt, the elf ball with a big fist turned into a glass ball, and fell neatly on the three elf positions!

"It is detected that you have an elf ... Elite level of comprehensive strength, and now two options are given. First, suppress the physical quality (depending on the strength of the other side, the highest level is equal to the opponent!) Start from the new trainer! Second, directly promote to Elite trainers, get elite trainer promotion awards. "

Is this still useful? Of course the first one! He values ​​the identity of a newcomer trainer, which means that he can participate in ordinary league competitions to win the championship, as well as the reward for each promotion!

Elf Picture Book exudes a faint light: "Bai Yuling (newcomer trainer), please pay attention to keep the belt full of energy, you can also release the suppression at any time, but all rewards are cancelled, including elite trainer rewards!"

"Welcome you to step into the door of a true trainer, the world will reward you with a hundred points of contribution, I hope you will become a great elf training master in the future!"

"Now randomly choose one of the million sprites for you as the initial sprite ..."

Feeling the sound that sounded in my heart, Bai Yuling quickly said in his heart: Wait, can you directly convert one of my elf into the original elf?

I seemed to be silent for a moment, the next moment, Bai Yuling clearly felt that there was a little more thought in the world's will to pay attention to this, and then a joy in my heart, the secret was true!

"Are you sure? After the transformation, the elves will return to the nascent stage, which is equivalent to restarting!"

Bai Yuling smiled in his heart: OK!

A ray of will shrouded the dragon ball, Bai Yuling clearly felt that the dragon ball in the elven ball was growing backwards under incredible power, and in just three breaths, it became a little dragon born from the elven egg. !!

The blue light flashed, and a small Chenglong appeared in front of Bai Yuling.

Looking at the information of the dragon scanning scanned by the miracle system, Bai Yu Ling smiled with joy!

"You randomly arrived at the dragon? Good luck, this is the King Elf!"

When people around you saw the dragon appearing in front of Bai Yuling, they couldn't help admiring it. Among the millions of elves, 80% were ordinary elves, and the middle elves were close to 20%! One thousandth of the outstanding elves, the quasi-gods are the only ones!

The odds of one in 100,000 of the King King Elf is definitely out of luck!

Bai Yuling just nodded arbitrarily, all the attention is on the status list in my heart!

"Changlong ...

State: Level 5, 1% of growth period, 1% of potential development (After the world ’s will is reversed and grown, the lack of potential is fully replenished, and the growth rate is accelerated tenfold until it returns to its original strength!)

Physical Quality: Early Rookie Level

Trick Mastery: Third Tier Ultimate Trick: ... (under strength seal)

Unblocking tricks: First-order basic tricks ... Main battle tricks (common tricks): water gun, water lasing, boulder, ice cone, electric shock, magnitude change! Special effects trick: defense (shrink the body, condense energy to protect itself, temporarily improve defense!) Gas storage (largely condensed energy, the next move to increase power!)

Has been trained to the basic skills of the two stars, have been suppressed to only the basic power!

"湫" called the little Chenglong, and the immature voice was full of panic!

Oops, forget to do psychological counseling with Chenglong first! Bai Yu Lingdao made a mistake, because she had no previous confidence, so she did not communicate with Chenglong beforehand.

From the 125th-level elite, the sixth-level was reversed to a weak, tens of thousands of times the physical quality gap! From a frozen light frozen ten miles into an icy lake, until now only a weak basic trick can be used. Can such a large drop be able to withstand the big drop?

"Chenglong, don't be afraid. This is a good thing. You can feel it carefully and believe that you can appreciate your changes! Although the strength has returned to ten years ago, you will not exceed one year's strength in less than a year. Big increase! "

Bai Yuling quickly soothed.

Thanks to these five days, Bai Yuling was different from the previous targeted training, so that Chenglong experienced a rapid growth that had never been achieved before, and his trust reached a new level, allowing Chenglong to calm down in this upheaval.

After this detailed experience, Chenglong really found the subtle changes in his body, it became more perfect, the same physical quality, but more energy to mobilize, is this perfect body?

The blood ball winged dragon and the giant gold monster's elf ball trembled and looked very excited. They know how rare this opportunity is!

"You can also rest assured that since you are suppressing growth, it is naturally intended to make you more perfect as you make up your potential!"

Bai Yuling smiled and soothed softly.

"It's better to come to the battle!"

A young boy was invited to fight against Bai Yuling. His initial elf was a tadpole sheep. It seems that he has just passed the juvenile stage. The level is only level 2. I am afraid that there will only be two basic tricks. Even the defensive power cannot be used freely. .

Bai Yuling refused directly. Such a battle is really boring. Even if you want to practice your hand, you must find a decent opponent!


Chenglong spoke in agreement, a pair of eyes looked at the outside excitedly, Bai Yuling knew that it was also anxious to fight a battle, see his specific changes, and adapt to the current weak strength as soon as possible!

Tong Bai Yuling smiled apologetically at the boy and walked out the door, but suddenly he almost fell and his face was shocked with surprise!

的 The information of the miracle system emerges in the mind:

‘The first time you log in, you ’ve attracted extra attention from the world ’s will. You ’ve completed a great miracle and rewarded three miracle stars! Trigger Title-Will Follower (It takes three followers to get it formally!) "

How could it have caused miracles? The trigger of a miracle achievement requires a minimum probability of one in 10 billion! And it is a miracle achievement of Samsung scale!

The vastness of the elven world is huge. How big is it? The elven world is divided into the five-party world in the center of east, west, south, and north. Each world has 20 elven domains. Each domain is divided into 100 areas. The area of ​​each area averages 10 billion square kilometers and the population is over 10 billion! And here is just one of the 100 districts in one of the twenty domains of the Eastern World!

In such a vast world, under the pity of the world's will, anyone who is 15 years old can go to the World Alliance Center to receive an initial elf for free to become a trainer! Therefore, there are hundreds of billions of less to enter the door of the trainer every year. That is to say, in the past ten years, plus him, at most only dozens of people get the extra attention of the world will when they log in for the first time!

This is really luck! Bai Yuling was extremely ecstatic, only he knew how much he had gained this time, far more than how many times the potential of Chenglong's reversal was unknown!

Even if you saw the powerful heart of the end of the world war with Bai Yuling, it is difficult to calm down at this time!

After a long time, Bai Yuling calmed down, the miracle star was too precious, and he would not use it unless he had to! As for the hidden title will followers, who knows how long it will take to really get it? Don't think too much! At present, we are moving forward step by step according to the plan!

"God, what kind of bad luck is this by Kira! The only quasi-god race elf in the million elves, the odds are one in a million, I rely on it, why do I have no such luck ! "

Suddenly a loud noise came, and UU reading made Bai Yuling frown.

Randomly arrived by Kira? This luck is indeed against the sky! Bai Yuling turned his head and happened to see a young man with a twisted expression of envy and hatred! Looking at the little Rada in front of him, and then looking at the other person's Youkila, this psychological gap is estimated that most people are difficult to accept!

"Haha! Master Ben knew that my initial elf must be the strongest! You're so good to me, Kira!"

"That is, the master's luck has always been very good. The cruelty of Kira and the domineering of the master are really perfect!"

The wanton laughter didn't converge at all, and a group of dog legs were also desperately complimenting, regardless of how sacred this place is!

Only when everyone looked angrily in the past, it was suddenly dumb, and did not dare to speak out!

The arrogant master was in gorgeous clothes, with extremely fine silk threads, and a brave fire-breathing dragon embroidered on his chest!

Turned out to be a member of the King's family, no wonder dare to be so presumptuous in the World Alliance Center!

Regardless of the name, the King's Family was established by a King-level training master, ranking first in the world in terms of strength! Only under those champions and Uranus! And if you win the final of the Kings League and defeat the title of King of the Kings, the status is higher than that of the ordinary King!

"Huh, my dear, I've got Kira this time, it's a complete turn over, those **** wait and see!"

Tong Yuan Holly snorted coldly, ruthlessly in her heart! But before that, you have to make a few credits and stand firm!

Tong Yuan Holly pondered in her heart, her eyes glanced casually through the crowd, and she suddenly paused. This is ... the family emblem of the Baiyu family? Yuan Dongqing's gaze moved like Baiyun's on the shoulder of Bai Yuling!

Read The Duke's Passion