MTL - Pokemon Elf Master-Chapter 2817 Miracle secret, mysterious existence

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Remember in one second【】

Then I came to the miniature world in front of me. It goes without saying that the miniature world in front of me contains a miracle mystery. Otherwise, let alone a high-ranking monarch, even a monarch will not be able to accommodate it, and accidentally will cause the world to collapse. destroy.

After scanning carefully, Ling'er discovered the secret hidden inside and couldn't help sighing.

On the surface, there is only a small amount of vitality in the miniature world, and the vital energy and origin belong to the ordinary in the miniature world, but in reality?

The origin of this world is very strong, how strong is it? The degree of closeness to the large world is more than ten thousand times stronger than the standard micro world.

But where did all these original energies go? In a super secret realm linked to this micro world, a super secret realm tens of thousands of times larger than this micro world.

It's incredible, right, but it's a fact, even in the inheritance memory that Linger knows, there is no way to know how this was done.

In particular, this super secret realm is still very secretive. Those who are secretive to the level of non-major monarchs, use their original super powers to conduct a careful and comprehensive inspection, and it is difficult to find the faint trace.

Who could have imagined that a miniature world actually hides countless extraordinary powerhouses who destroy the miniature world like a hand?

At this moment, Bai Yuling and the others reached a consensus, and the primary goal was to figure out the secrets in it, at all costs.

If this secret method can be popularized, it will have a subversive key use to the situation. For those forces in the void, it is the only way to preserve vital power. That is more than 99.999% of vital power. In other words, it is tantamount to missing countless puppet legions.

Needless to say, the effect of this increase or decrease is needless to say. If the time of the battle is prolonged, the effect will become greater and greater. In addition, sneak attacks, defense, mobility, concealment, etc. can be peak strategic priorities and derived Countless tactics...

The more I thought about it, the more excited he would have been, but his reason told Bai Yuling that this miracle secret method would be difficult to popularize at all.

What is the existence of this miracle secret?

Ling'er and others are very, very curious. This mysterious patron saint never shows up, only hears his voice and does not see his shadow, and even his name is not left. If the benefits and power are not in front of them, they are determined. Will not follow in the hands of this patron saint who hides his head and shows his tail.

"Today's Void Realm, there can be this method, I can only think of that one."

After Bai Yuling thought for a while, she had an object of suspicion, but Lu scanned the entire void. The seven most powerful forces, including the fierce demon spirit, did not have this secret method. In addition, there was only that one. This is the most mysterious place, and even the existence of the Seven Stars that was once suspected has this possibility.

Speaking of this existence, Bai Yuling had been curious for a long time and had come into contact with many traces of the past left by the other party, but his real body had never even seen a shadow.

Ice and Snow Dragon God!

When Bai Yuling was so little, Huan Meng and other partners were immediately stunned, and Qi Qi thought of a name.

According to Kelu's assertion, it is currently impossible for the Ice and Snow Dragon God to break through to the Seven Stars.

But it should have been after years of cultivating without gaining anything, knowing that no matter how low-key cultivating continues, it is impossible to break through, and only then did he intend to regain his faith after being born.

"If it is really the Ice Dragon God, then Linger you must have been discovered."

Rock asserted.

"Ice and Snow Dragon God, come out and see you."

Yes or no, you can tell in one sentence, Ling'er used the original super power to send out a targeted transmission. Only the strong at the same level can capture this transmission.

As soon as this transmission came out, the mysterious existence in it was immediately shocked. In this void, no one should know her true strength. It is impossible for an ice and snow dragon **** to endure the miracle monarch to the attention of the strongest.

Wait, I thought of a war more than 2,000 years ago in my mind. The Ice and Snow Dragon God sighed. Sure enough, her temper was too impulsive, and she couldn't do it well. It must have been a survivor who brought the information with you. Going back, trouble, the seven most powerful forces, the most troublesome is the fierce demon spirit.

It seems that the other party's intention is not good, and the origin and the fierce demon spirit are so restrained. If it is a secret ally, it must be the most important ally, and the person who comes is not good.

But if the fierce demon spirit really doesn't give up, why wait two thousand years? Is it because of the current situation? It makes sense, but she doesn't want to get involved, not even a bit.

Alas, it seems that I can only give up the accumulation here, I wonder if the other party is tracking it or just happened to find it? If it is the latter, Wan Nian hides it, and I am afraid that it will fall short.

Is it self-destructive?

His eyes dazzled, the Ice and Snow Dragon God planned to do this, but suddenly he stopped. There was a strong emotional conflict in his eyes. For a while, the killing intent was awe-inspiring, the other was calm as ice, and it lasted for a while, frozen. Calm down.

She seemed to want to miss a little bit. The only one who knew her true strength was not necessarily the fierce demon spirit. When the traces of the elf world were exposed and cleared, she seemed to feel a similar aura. The feeling before the original consciousness finally disappeared, still passed back intact.

The Ice and Snow Dragon God began to remember every detail carefully, and the more he thought about it, the more he was surprised, afraid, and even her incredible fear.

Because she was unable to use the power of the rules at the time, but she could clearly feel that although there were multiple reasons for this possibility, each reason was absolutely impossible.

Either it is the absolute suppression of the rule force, or the rule force is forbidden, or it is the level of rule force suppression. She can only think of these three possibilities, and each of them cannot be done by the strongest. Arrived.

^0^Remember in one second【】

…Is the induction wrong?

The ice and snow dragon **** shook his head in his heart. If the original consciousness with zero error can have perceptual errors, UU reading then the result and the three possibilities will only be worse.

After a clear reflection, the Ice and Snow Dragon God can clearly analyze the differences between the two similar breaths, which may be of the same origin, but the levels and realms are vastly different. Even if the absolute power used by the breath at the beginning is far worse Currently, she doesn't care too much.

This is really luck. At first, for half a second at night, I'm afraid I can't live or die by myself.

Thinking about it this way, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to have something to do with the fierce demon spirit, otherwise, with the consistent style of the fierce demon spirit, he would have dominated this vast void long ago.

Think a lot, but the outside time is only a few seconds.

A few seconds, for the Xeon, is enough to consider all aspects of a decision. It seems that the other party does not intend to show up.

"Master, do you want to force the scan? Even if you can't find it, you may be able to force the opponent out."

Ling'er felt that the other party didn't want to show up, and planned to be tougher, it was great to fight.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

Read The Duke's Passion