MTL - Pokemon Elf Master-Chapter 2804 The real home background (on)

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The return of Yan Tianlan and Ling'er made the excitement of Xiuqier and Ke Qiu gloomy again, and at most one minute, they would have the opportunity to destroy them. Make sure that one move will make the league feel pain.

"One hundred thousand monarchs, no, the total loss of nearly two hundred thousand monarchs. With you and me on the go, such an achievement is no different from a fiasco. There is also the loss of the Nine Life Profound Flower, Ke Qiu, it is time to take it out. Your courage is gone."

The more Xiuqier thought about it, the more unwilling he was, and he looked down at Ke Qiu.

"I see, let's go straight to the full-scale war, and strive to win the transcendental world of reincarnation in one breath within three hours."

Ke Qiu also made up his mind. When he made the decision, he hesitated and the loss would only increase.

Ke Qiu used the sovereignty of the world to communicate the will of the world.

The huge world origin forcefully accelerates the spatial links with an arrogant posture, and even allows those linked secret realms to be connected in pairs. At the same time, almost all aspects of the world origin begin to invade to offset, swallow, and erode.

In an instant, the flow of the origin of the reincarnation world was more than several times faster.

Bai Yuling immediately sensed these changes, his expression condensed slightly, and transmitted instructions again and again.

Jia Xueqin and the others did not hesitate to retreat even if they were puzzled after receiving the order to retreat. The strict discipline can be seen.

It is still the extraordinary combat power that consumes the origin of the world and responds to them.

It then moves in large quantities to a safe location by teleporting.

"It's okay, Huang Xi, who hasn't adjusted it yet, leaving the maximum original clone instead of driving, and the real body returns to assist with the evacuation, and activate the final defense line."

Bai Yuling said in a deep voice.


One second later, based on the hundreds of thousands of miles in the Sanlong District, suddenly there was an unknown number of spatial fluctuations, a looming secret world, three circles inside and three circles guarding the Sanlong District inside, no Leave a little gap.

What is peculiar is that these secret realms are completely different from the normal secret realms. They contain extremely terrifying source power, not the world source, but the source power with obvious personal nature.

These original powers almost divide the secret world into two distinct parts, one part has nothing but the original power, the other part, only one-tenth of the area is full of vitality and can be multiplied, and the rest are all Desolate.

That's because all the energy has been absorbed by those original forces.

Miracle Profound meaning has the ability to absorb natural energy from the outside world, even if it is a purely offensive miracle Profound meaning, as long as it is properly arranged, it is naturally no exception.

The existence of a monarch who masters the profound meaning of miracles has a life span of thousands of years. When the original power is overflowing, he will use it to build his own home. After as little as a hundred years, as many as thousands of years of accumulation, construction It is conceivable how terrifying the home court advantage came out.

Reincarnation 30 realms, the strength is weak and inheritance is not good, very few masters the profound meaning of miracles, other camps have at least tens of thousands of years of development, the background of the home secret realm can be imagined, otherwise they are not even a great monarch The combat power, how to hold on under the invasion of the fierce demon spirit's extraordinary world, has not lost a few areas until now.

As for the transcendental world of reincarnation, it is now also preserved in the Sanlong District, and all other areas have been abandoned.

Bai Yuling scanned these home secret realms, but was not very satisfied. It was only more than a year before most monarchs were first-order, that is, they built a thousand strands of defense of their original strength, and few reached the upper limit of the secret realm.

As long as you rely on it, the home secret realm that the inner circle has already started to build has basically reached the upper limit of the secret realm, and it can contain ten thousand roots, which is extremely terrifying.

Ignoring the load, the casting speed is extremely fast. With these two points alone, there is absolutely no problem with resisting the existence of the same level a hundred times below the great monarch!

"Comprehensive contraction."

Bai Yuling gave the last order.

The puppet elves, who were still ten billion or so short, could not be transported away, but it didn't matter.

All extraordinary powerhouses began to shrink and retreat, returning to the Sanlong District in less than a minute.

"Withdraw so simply?"

Ke Qiu was taken aback, suspecting any conspiracy, and decisively used Chaos Superpower to scan a wave. In an instant, all the home secret realms in the space were scanned again.

"It turns out that the background is so bad, it's more than ten times worse than the extraordinary world."

Ke Qiu immediately no longer doubted it. How many areas can he defend in this secret home field? Distracting Jane would be death.

"Worry, I knew that the reincarnation region was so bad. It's better to consume it directly from the beginning. Let's go to the other six extraordinary worlds to do damage, maybe we can win two extraordinary worlds without much battle damage."

Huqier said to his chagrin, but who knows the most unfathomable reincarnation region, but in fact the background is so bad.

Alas, it seems that the calculation is wrong, and the true background of reincarnation does not share much in this extraordinary world, and it supports the top extraordinary combat power.

"Oh, the strategy is wrong. This is tricky. The other party has the power to kill our great monarch, but we don't have the power to kill their great monarch. Sending them here is to die. The same is true for sending a large number of monarchs to consume the world's heritage. The three of them joined forces to slaughter.

Isn't it still only consumption? "

Ke Qiu sighed again, if all other areas were eroded and occupied first, it would be easy to defeat this last line of defense, but now, the situation is not the same as before, and even if it is to be attacked, the loss will be tragic and several times!

"Kill them, don't let them behead the lord of the secret realm or destroy the mysterious structure of the miracle."

Bai Yuling said in his heart.

Lan Hai Linger teamed up, UU Reading easily suppressed Ke Qiu and Xiuqier, forced them out of the transcendental world of reincarnation, and rushed all the way to the transcendental world of Ke Qiu.

"Simply fucked"

Ke Qiu looked at the huge world above, and felt an unprecedented aggrieved feeling. He had never suffered such aggrieved before...

Lan Hai sits in Sanlong District and takes care of it by the way, while Ling'er explodes on the edge of Ke Qiu's world to absorb energy, weaken the enemy and strengthen himself.

Yan Tianlan returns to the Holy Land, extracting a large amount of the original power stored in the artifacts or treasures to replenish itself. It is a homogenous body. At most, it transforms to supplement its own growth gap. Within two minutes, Yan Tianlan will He returned to prosperity again.

It can be seen that the foundation of the Holy Land, the six-star treasures such as the boundless sea, can also store the original power of 10,000 monarch peaks. When converted into the original power of Yantianlan, it is estimated that it is less than one-tenth or even impossible. It's not always necessary to bear it.

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