MTL - Poisonous Peasant ‘Concubine’-Chapter 710 Say goodbye to the East

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Three days passed quickly. On the day of the appointment, the various armies were ready. Only when Yan Ruirui Ling Jingxuan went out of the city, they would open up into the grassland desert and open a field. The prelude of the war, and before that, when the sky was still not bright, except for Yan Shan, who was still recovering from injury, Yan Yi’s mission was to quietly leave the North without a bright day. The savage scouts, as far as possible, level the obstacles for the cavalry.

"Hey, where are we going?"

The weather has warmed up a lot, the little corps is no longer wrapped like a meat dumpling, a thin blue small down jacket with a lining, a modified version of canvas straight pants, and a warm and handsome calf leather on the feet. Boots, a blue cotton scarf that is hand-woven on the neck, and a small golden crown inlaid with a round pearl. The hair is not very long, plus a small bag of the same color. The whole person looks refreshed instantly. A lot, in terms of his winter body shape, it seems to have grown a little longer, thinner, white and tender appearance can not tell the cute.

"Go to people who don't like to play at home."

Ling Jingxuan’s lips, which led him out of the door, hung with a smile. Compared with the dressing of the small dumplings, he was dressed very normal today. The sky blue robes were covered with a same-colored piping yarn, fearing that he would be cold. Yan Ruirui also specially put him a thin dark cloak. Originally, they did not intend to take a small group. Qilian City clearly set up a banquet. Children will only let them get tied, but in order to lower each other's Warned, but also disturbed his mind, Ling Jingxuan decided to take his family's meat dumplings together, Qilian City did not want him? He asked him to see how extravagant it was, and it was his favorite thing to defeat the opponent mentally.

Of course, with the children to go, the tiger brother and the rolling must be followed, and the Thunder team, because Yan Yi they have a task in the body, this time all the Thunder team to pick the beam, remove the already exposed identity of Wang Xinyu, the rest All must be followed as their guards.

"Why? I don't like why I still go to his home?"

The little scorpion is puzzled and looks up. The little Danfeng eyes are full of confusion. He doesn't understand the adults who are winding around. He only knows that if he doesn't like it, he doesn't like it. Why do you want to play with him?

"Oh... because you don't like it, you have to go, or how to deal with him? Our small group is still small, don't need to know so much, just follow the father and the aunt."

Ling Jingxuan heard the words of his head, and Yan Ruirui next to him could not help but smile. Outside the gate, the Thunder team had been waiting at the carriage. This time they were light and simple, at least on the bright side, except for the Thunder team. The tiger brother is rolling, only their family of three, as for Zeng Shaoqing Chu Yunhan and Yan Xiaohua Sikong, when they are not there, they must stay to help them preside over the overall situation.

"Master, don't you swear or go with it, no one can take care of the little king."

Seeing that they came out, Long Zhang didn't worry about getting together. Xiaojun Wang could say that she had a big hand. She basically didn't leave her. This time she had to go to the East with her master. She said that she was not at ease. .

"Without the dragon, the small group will take care of ourselves more than we think. Besides, isn't there a tiger brother and a roll? We will be back in two or three days, and there will be no big troubles."

Ling Jingxuan smiled and refused her kindness. Not only her, but also a few children who accompanied the small group to play, a small group is still okay, too much is tiring, and if they really turn their faces, they can’t protect them. So many people.


Long Zhang’s still does not give up, showing that the main son’s face is not negotiable, and his eyes are red. When he squats down to the small group to tidy up his clothes, he whimps: “The little king, the East is no better than his own family, go there. Run around, don't eat anything, and then you can bear it. When you come back, Long Auntie asks Shui Linger to do a lot of delicious things for you. You can eat enough. Also, remember to listen to Wang Ye and Wang Hao. Do you know?"

I always feel that there are thousands of words to explain, and Long Zhang’s slogan, I don’t know what I’m talking about, although it’s a bit high, but in her mind, I’ve always been treated as a son of a small county. Even she hurts the little king's heart more than the only son, Dashan, even if it is only a few days of separation, she is also worried that she can't do it. "Know, aunt, don't cry, see you crying, you want to cry, people are the father." Wang and He went out to play for a few days and soon returned."

The little genius nodded sensibly, and the little hand of chubby touched the face that she had seen the traces of the years. Don’t look at him, he always had no heart and lungs, and he did some things that he did not pay for his life. In fact, he was very I love the father and they and the aunt who took him from an early age.

"Well, the aunt does not cry, the aunt stays at home waiting for you to come back, the little king remembers to come back early, don't let the aunt wait too long."

Long Zhang’s tears looked at him, so the intimate little king, how can people not hurt?

Make sure she won’t cry any more, the little corps is relieved, and one looks up, his little friends are standing in the distance not far from him, looking at him, the little squad ran over, a few little guys hugged I don’t know what to say together, Yan Ruirui Ling Jingxuan has no time to take care of a group of small farts, because they have to say goodbye to Zeng Shaoqing, although they have a maximum of three or five days, but after all, they are going to the East. It is an invitation from Qilian City. The danger coefficient idiots can peek into one or two. Can they rest assured?

"Jingxuan, you said it yourself, it is not appropriate to confront the East China now. After going to the East, as long as the city is not too much, you can bear it, don't follow it in Beijing, and clean up people. If you don't think for yourself, do you want to know for the little group?"

Chu Yunhan was never afraid of others bullying him. He was afraid that he would bully others. When he went to other people’s sites and bullied others, they would not be able to get out.

"Oh... I look like a person who is not measured. Don't worry, Qiliancheng or his people don't take the initiative to provoke me, I won't be too busy to find them trouble."

Fear of fear, people will take the initiative to provoke him! This is what Ling Jingxuan did not say. It is also known at the venue. Some people in the East China Border Town are assassinated. Qilian City still has the mood to invite them. It is obvious that there is nothing to look for, or he wants to use this three kings to gather together. Looking for a sufficient reason to launch a war, the difference between the Three Kingdoms and the Northern Man is that they are a country with their own heritage and cultural connotation. It is impossible to fight like a madman, and they all need a suitable Excuse, size!



Chu Yunhan Sikongting said in unison, Ling Jingxuan’s brain is black, he is not worth trusting? "Well, don't worry about it, don't you still have the old nine?"

Zeng Shaoqing raised his hand and held the shoulders of his wife-in-law. The rare one did not sneak into the stone. On the other side, Yan Xiaohua also took Sikong and said: "Ten Qilian City is not an opponent of the Nine Emperor and the Nine Emperor. You Just rest assured."

To say something that should not be said, he would rather hope that the Nine Emperor’s trip will make something happen, saving Qilian City from doing some tricks behind it.

"It’s just that there are old nine who are more worried about me."

Chu Yunhan muttered uncomfortable spit, who did not know that the old nine are listening to Jing Xuan? Jing Xuan told him to go east, he would never go west, but he was worse.

"Oh, a prince, if you don't say anything again, they are afraid to go with us."

It’s hard to suppress the helplessness. Ling Jingxuan smiled and leaned on his lord. They are all good. Every time he wants to leave alone, they are all different from life. It’s not about going to the East. ? Qilian City has set up a banquet, and they are not vegetarian. Okay? Moreover, there is no enchanting queen of the martial arts in the West. Who can hurt them? "I can't keep up with them. I don't know the most. Isn't it better to worry about them than to worry about them?"

After the completion of the speech, Yan Ruirui turned to the side of the buns, and this is the most difficult to deal with.

Ling Jingxuan, who originally wanted to ignore them as much as possible, glanced at him with a sigh of relief. He lifted his foot and walked toward his little buns: "Don't worry, I am not going to play in the East China. How can I drag my family?"

He also wants to take them around to see, the problem is not allowed now, Xiaowen Xiaowu, including the iron baby Xiao Shangqing, they all have their own things to do, take them to delay the things that are getting started, not to mention It’s not very convenient to score a force to protect them.

"I know, hey, father, you are all careful."

Ling Wen’s sullen nod, he grew up, not to stick to the child, but as long as he thought that they should be alone, he could not stop worrying.

"If even Qilian City doesn't provoke you, forget it. If you want him to be in chaos, hey, you will abolish him. If you are a big fight, we will not be afraid!"

In the army for a long time, Ling Wu's temper more and more arrogant.

"Father, dry, I don't worry about you, I am worried about the small group, you don't want to hurt him."

Iron doll is the most normal one, but his eyes are not as red as rabbits, it is more convincing.

"Son brother, are you calling me?"

Yan Shangqing hasn't had time to open his mouth. The small group that has already bid farewell to the little friends has gotten into them. The white and tender little face is full of innocent smiles. I don't feel the dignity of the atmosphere. Live his little ears: "You can listen to the small dumplings. You are not allowed to run around and eat. You are not allowed to talk to people you don't know. The most important thing is, don't let the father and the donkey know the trouble?" ”

There were a few inaccuracies, which showed how worried he was. But the small group was waving his hand and **** his ear. When he ran to his house, he stalked his head and said: "Don't listen, The third brother is the worst, and people don’t want to listen to the third brother, hehe!"

Afterwards, I also offered a series of ghost faces for free. The little buns were tempered. I wanted to roll up my sleeves and let him come out and take a meal. But it was stopped by Ling Jingxuan. Yan Ruirui also hugged his most precious little son in his arms. .

"Well, know that you are worried about him, you can't use a slightly normal way?"

Helpless shaking his head, Ling Jingxuan back two steps with Yan Ruirui standing side by side, sight - after sweeping someone at the venue, smiled: "We will go first, no city will be handed over to you."

After reading the words, I took a deep look at them. Ling Jingxuan turned and walked with the Yan Xiaorui, who was holding a small group, to the carriage at the door. The tiger brother and the roller automatically followed the car, and the black and round were also sad. In the past, the two have been choked in the carriage, as if they were careful, under the watchful eyes of the people, the three carriages slowly left, all the way to the direction of the city gate.