MTL - Poisonous Peasant ‘Concubine’-Chapter 706 Wedding Banquet (below) An Eastern Army

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Everyone is happy to eat a wedding banquet. No one has noticed the small commotion inside the Thunder team. When talking about laughing and laughing, almost everyone is full of food and drink, but when everyone is happy, the direction of the city gate A soldier screamed at the tokens, and all of them brushed their faces, and the soldiers quietly let go of a road. The scene suddenly calmed down, and the soldiers unimpededly came to the front of Yan Ruirui and others.

"Reporting to the prince, the generals, the East has come to an army."


When the voice fell, the scene was silent, and General Ye’s slap on the table. The tiger’s domineering stood up and stalked his neck with a sullen roar: “I’m so hard to wait until my daughter’s day, his east. I dare to come to find things, I can't spare them."

After the language was finished, General Ye had stepped on the horse that the bridegroom had rode. When he turned over, he went straight to the gate of the city. Several deputies who were still in the seats got up and chased them up. Everyone’s face was very It’s ugly, they all look at Ye Ruyun’s grown up, and the good old days of the girl’s ambitions, the East Asians who are tempted by the wolf’s ambitions come to the table?

"His grandmother, the old lady is also dare to come to trouble, Jingpeng, you wait, I am going to clean up them."

There is a kind of daughter who has such a sly look. This is not the case. I only saw Ye Ruyun’s beauty, and turned to another horse. All the people were shocked, including the groom’s official Ling Jingpeng, waiting for him to return to God. When I caught up, I saw only a fiery red figure rushing to the city gate. The long wedding dress accompanied her horses and rushed, and handsomely drawn a smashing light tail, where they could catch up. of?

Some people in the place couldn’t help but wait for the black line of the brain. The line of sight looked at the groom’s official who stood there and watched the bride. Ye Ruyun grew up in the army. All the movements were all in one go, handsome and handsome. The muddy water, just bitter the groom, the father was left on the same day, and later feared that he would often stay alone.

"Sorry, let everyone see a joke, Neizi is particularly cute, don't mind Ha!"

After half a ring, Ling Jingpeng, who was sympathetic to everyone, smiled and held his fists at the soldiers. He could not see the disappointment that had been left behind. The commercial seas and ups and downs for many years, the boy who had been swaying with the fists had already become mature and stable. Man, even if his heart is so uncomfortable, he can't show it, not to mention, in his heart, he is more worried than unhappy.

"No, no!"

"Ru Yun’s **** is always in the heart of the city, and we are too happy to be there."

"Yeah yeah."

Zeng Shaorong and several other generals quickly lost their laughs and laughed. The old Ye father and the daughter also did not give the groom's face too much. However, everyone quietly glanced at the prince and husband. It seems that they did not have any dissatisfaction, and the town king next to it. Both the husband and the husband of Wangfufu were sneer at each other. It was obvious that they were not rushing to the old father and the daughter. The people secretly let go of their hearts. However, they thought of the army of the East, and everyone’s dawn could not help but sink.

"Old nine you see"

When Zeng Shaorong just opened his mouth, he was stopped by Yan Ruirui. Next to Ling Jingxuan’s tacit understanding of the soldiers who came to report: “How many people’s army?”

If the East is really a declaration of war, it’s already a long time outside, and will it be so calm? General Ye Ye, they are also anxious, otherwise it is impossible to notice this.

"About hundreds of people."

Sure enough, the number of soldiers reported far exceeds the imagination of many people. When you hear this figure, think about it again. Many people can't help but laugh. After they lost their lives, they all turned into a scared bird. "Yan Yi."


The speculation was confirmed, Yan Yanrui shouted, Yan Yi appeared in front of them instantly, and Yan Yan and Yan Si, who appeared with him, they did not stealth today, they sat on the table next to the soldiers. Eat a meal.

"Open the gate to see what the East is doing, don't slow down."

Otherwise they might not think they are afraid! Yan Ruirui's hard and handsome face is full of Xiaoxie's color. There is a faint disdain in the depths of the tiger's cub. After waiting for three days, Qilian City finally took action. He would like to see what other tricks he has to make.


After understanding what he meant, Yan Yi hugged his fists and exchanged his eyes with Yan Yu Yan, respectively, and his body quickly swept toward the gate. During the meeting, several pro-brothers followed him silently, Zeng Shaoqing looked Look at Yan Xiaohua, and throw a look at Yuan Shaoqi. The latter will stand up and hold the fist: "It’s just a false alarm. Everyone should eat and drink. Don’t be polite. The groom’s official can prepare enough to eat. Don’t give He is left."

"Ha ha?"

The crisis was lifted. Seeing that he was so humorous, the generals could not help but laugh, the atmosphere of the wedding banquet gradually recovered, and the table of the main marriage was a bit dull, but...

"Hey, I like to have a wedding banquet. Will we eat well every day?"

There are small dumplings, and I am afraid that the atmosphere will not heat up? I saw him holding a big chicken leg in one hand, holding a braised pig's trotter in one hand, and opening the bow left and right. Don't pay much attention to it. On the weekdays, the food on their own table is mostly carefully placed. In order to facilitate their feeding, most of the blocks are in order. Smaller, the big piece of meat on the wedding banquet, the whole chicken and duck decisively pleased him.

"Why do you say that everyone will eat a wedding party every day? You think it is pretty good."

Ling Jingxuan didn't take a good look at the handkerchief that he carried with him to help him wipe the mouthful of oil and water. Others couldn't help but laugh. The small dumplings were small dumplings. They had everything to eat. It is estimated that he did not find that the most important brides have disappeared. Alright?

"Oh No?"

The little corps was disappointed and took another big chicken leg. The movement and expression were completely extreme. The other side of Chu Yunhan also joined the ranks to help him wipe, when they took the chicken legs and halogen on his hand. At the time of the pig's trotters, the small group had a bad mouth and wanted to protest, but after seeing the warning eyes, he decisively recognized it, and the complaints of the full stomach could only swallow in the stomach.

"No one will not let you eat, you can't be a little bit of Sven? Are we missing you or are you wearing it on weekdays?" Can't stand the little eyes of his son's grievances, Ling Jingxuan helped him wipe his hands and pick him up again. Half of the chicken legs were stuffed with him, and the small group suddenly showed a satisfying smile: "People just like to eat chicken legs, um--" To prove what he said, the small group opened his mouth and licked a chicken, another Only the free hands still don’t forget to give a thumbs up: “Have a good time, good times.”

"Ha ha?"

Well, the food is obsessed with eating, they can't understand, everyone is amused by his stupid and cute look, a smile is more brilliant than a bright, sitting on his sides, Ling Jingxuan Chu Yunhan look at each other, both helpless Laughter, they also have no trouble with this child.

After the previous trouble, the scene of the wedding banquet was still lively, but it was a bit colder than the previous voices. Seeing that General Ye and others had not returned for a long time, the soldiers were not in the mood to wait any longer. After eating almost, they would After returning to the army, they waited for Ye’s father and daughter and Yan Yi to return. At the scene of the wedding banquet, only the gangs were packed, and Ling Jingxuan and others returned to the house.

"Jing Peng, I am sorry for me"

Ye Ruyun, who was the first to rush into the house, walked over to Ling Jingpeng’s face in front of Ling Jingpeng. She grew up in the army all the year round. She has developed the impetuous temperament because of the war, and today she is married. When I heard the army of the East, she rushed out with a decisive brain. When she calmed down, she was already standing on the tower, and she had smacked her when she saw her. I also realized that I had done something, and I couldn’t tell what was wrong.

"I know, take a break in the house, and give it to your eldest brother."

But her apology was not interrupted, Ling Jingpeng, who was stood up, interrupted, and she turned around and nodded with Yan Ruirui Ling Jingxuan and others. She refused to refuse to turn into the backyard. Ye General looked worried at them. Unsuccessful sigh, he does not worry that the woman blames her daughter, she is afraid that her daughter will mix, the young couple will be awkward on the same day. "General Ye please sit down, don't worry, Jingpeng has a sense of proportion."

Upon seeing it, Ling Jingxuan pointed to the position of their next head. Ling Jingpeng’s heart was a little unpleasant, but he was not so awkward with Ye Ruyun for this matter. At most, he took the opportunity to follow her three chapters, constraining her impulsiveness. The temper, he personally feels that this is necessary. After all, after she has not beaten in the future, she still has to return to the family, to be the master of his Ling family and to deal with others. Too impulsive is not a good thing.

"Thank you, Wang Hao."

General Ye held his fist and walked over to sit down. This gratitude contained a lot of things. Some people knew it at the place, but no one went to name it without interest. Ling Jingxuan nodded and Yan Yan sent a bright yellow at the right time. Sealing, seeing that color, everyone knows, who sent it, under the universal sky, only the emperor can use the bright yellow, which is sent by the Eastern Army, it must be Qilian City, including Zeng Shaorong Everyone else knows that Qilian City has come to the border, but what is the meaning of sending a post at this sensitive moment? Do you still want to ask them to eat alcohol?

Yan Ruirui took the post and looked at it. There was also the seal paint of Qilian City. When he opened his mouth and opened his post, Yan Yi held a fist and said: "The army is still waiting outside the city, saying that it was ordered to bring back to the prince. The message, originally they wanted to come in, was stopped by the subordinates."

Although there were only a few hundred people in the Eastern Army, they all had the same look of nostrils, as if they were too much, and Yan Yi almost did not let the soldiers directly destroy them, standing on their land. I practiced the same as 2,580,000. I really thought that their youth is a good bully? As long as they think of the smoky appearance of being refused to enter the city, he can't help but want to laugh. The visitor is a guest. The guest should have a guest look. He can't let them come to smear the eyes of the masters. .

"What? It has to be escorted by a army of hundreds of people. It’s a big deal."

Zeng Shaoqing grinned to see Yan Ruirui, Qilian City loved to engage in these things, and everywhere they showed their big country's style, but in the back of the ground they did all the painful and ruined stoves, and his mother's heart was disgusting! "you want to see?"

Yan Haorui, who has read the content of the post, raised the post, and the next second was directly thrown at him. Zeng Shaoqing reached out and grabbed it. After a post, the face of the enchanting and beautiful face appeared strangely, and Qilian City was a dream. What about it? Really when they are stupid?