MTL - Poisoning the World: The Secret Service Mysterious Doctor is a Young Beastly Wife-Chapter 3079 You ... you are not suitable ... for ... for ...

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As soon as Rongyue Tianlan's eyes darkened, she grabbed her wrist directly, and rolled her down underneath: "Shenyue, today ... it's our candle in the cave!"

Ji Shenyue is confused. Although she often walks on rivers and lakes, although she knows what should happen between men and women, he also knows that men like to go to the green house, and then they will enjoy the joy of fish and water.

But after all, she has n’t seen it, and she ’s not interested in knowing the specific process, so she ’s actually a real baby in this respect. She knows that she has taken aphrodisiac, knows that she should find a man to help her detoxify, and even knows that it is necessary to intercourse. She didn't understand the steps ...

Therefore, although she was uncomfortable and wanted to detoxify her body, she didn't know what to do.

I had been drilling into Rong Yuetian's arms just now, and I felt instinctively that the uncomfortable feeling that got closer to him would alleviate a little, so she entangled him like a snake and tried to stick to him as much as possible.

But the closer he was, the heavier the sense of emptiness, and the closer he wanted to be, the closer he was. But she had already stuck to him like a plaster, but she still couldn't get rid of the uncomfortable almost itching into her bones, which made her a little irritable and didn't know what to do to get closer.

The aphrodisiac in her is extremely potent, which makes the virgin become ****. When the true nature of the aphrodisiac occurs, her mind is completely controlled by desire, and she has no idea who is holding her ...

When Rong Yuetian Lang pressed her directly to the bed, his hot body hugged her, making her hotter.

She immediately became dissatisfied. The reason why she was desperately trying to drill into his arms just now covets the cool feeling of him, and now she feels as hot as her!

She stumbled to remember that she broke into Xiaoyu, as if there were many men in it ...

She started pushing him: "You ... you're not suitable ... for ... for someone ..."

Actually was abandoned!

He didn't even have time to do anything ...

Rong Yuetian's heartburn suppressed the incinerator's body, his eyes narrowed dangerously: "Why change? What's wrong with me?"

"Hot ... hot ... hot on you ... hot ..."

At this time, if he is not hot, he will have a problem!

"Shenyue, men are hot ... at this time ..." Rongyue Tianlan began to kiss her.

Now that he had already done something good with her, he naturally wouldn't have to work hard to suppress the physical response, and let go.

Of course, it makes her even more uncomfortable. She can't help but stand up. She feels what she wants, but she doesn't know what she wants ...

Fortunately, he knew it!

Not only did he know that the means in this regard were not low. When his hot fingers reached into her clothes and walked around, she shivered and wanted to grab his hands subconsciously, but her hands and feet were soft. , Even if she held his hand, she couldn't help her ...

It felt weird. I wanted to touch him but didn't want him to touch him. I was so anxious that my heart seemed to pop out of my chest.

Rongyue Tianlan also has an unstable breath and heavy breathing. Her body language pleases him and wants her thoughts to spread.

But he knew that this was her first time, and even if she was intoxicated, he must not be rude, so as not to cause any shadow to her, and he was disgusted with this kind of thing, and his future life would be at stake!