MTL - Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow-Chapter 1059 Yuer special article: laughed

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Chapter 1059 Yuer Special: Laughing

Su Xiaoyu is brave, but it is not a reckless courage, but a purposeful and aggressive attack. She is highly toxic, and if she is injured by the poison of poisonous flowers, it is poisonous. Although she is not very clear about the toxicity of each of the poisonous flowers and plants here, she is still sure how long it will last after poisoning her poison!

One month is enough!

I didn't know where Zefeng Cave was, and it took me three months to get around. Today, in the Zefeng Cave, it is less than a month from the Zefeng Cave. If she can get the medicinal herbs smoothly, there is no way to support the ice sea. As soon as she passed the ice sea, she sent the medicinal herbs to the Fengmingshan Palace, and she had a face and the help of the master. Under this day, there is no poison that her master can't solve.

Iron fixed his heart, Su Xiaoyu bleed from his own wounds, striding forward.

As she approached, the flowers and plants that had been twitching around were all excited. If they can reach out the vines, Su Xiaoyu will be bundled into a takraw ball. No, they don't. Su Xiaoyu walked among them. Even if they were silent, the trembling look gave people an unwilling feeling.

Su Xiaoyu didn't look at the flowers on both sides. Her mouth was slightly hooked and she was alert to the vines in front. But for a moment, those vines moved. They seem to feel hostility, and they don’t seem to be rushing to fly out like they are, but sticking to the ground and slowly extending them, the speed is almost the same.

Su Xiaoyu immediately saw that they were preparing to separate her, not exclusive! Her squatting in the cold, suddenly preemptive, flying to the black vines, a sword cut. The black vines were not expected and were cut off. Surprisingly, however, the vines quickly grew out and attacked Su Xiaoyu in an instant. At the same time, other vines around him attacked at the same time.

Su Xiaoyu saw that the vine had such a powerful self-healing function, she did not cut it, only clenched her own weapon, let the vines surround her. As soon as several vines wrap her up, she immediately rushes into her wounds. Her wounds were not big, and when she was squeezed by the vines, she was pulled deeper in an instant. This feeling is like a blood-sucking worm sucking into the wound and sucking it, sucking blood!

It hurts too!

Even Su Xiaoyu, who never feared the pain, couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief and her hair numb. However, even if she gave up her thoughts for a moment, she had never had a belief. She had only one conviction, that is, squatting down and poisoning them!

So bloodthirsty, Su Xiaoyu's face was all white, but soon the pale was replaced by black and purple. Her lips are dark purple, her face is also black and purple, poisonous and poisonous, poisonous!

The vines continue to suck, and the stuns begin to come up! Su Xiaoyu began to struggle, however, she did not want to break free. She exhausted the strength of her body, and broke the vines tied to her hands. A dagger stabbed her shoulder. In a flash, the blood overflowed, and the vines of another wound rushed in and broke into it.


Su Xiaoyu clenched his teeth and thawed the pain. Even if there are no other people here, she does not like to cry. She who is in pain, her life, she is stubborn, she is purely direct, she is in the flowers of the cave, in the vines of the claws, it is so independent, but it is so lonely, but not at all help.

Two wounds were used to feed the vines. After a while, the vines were black, smashed, dried, and dropped. Then another vine has changed from black to falling but not blinking. In this way, the vines successively landed, and the toxicity spread from the vines to the stalks. Su Xiaoyu fell to the ground, and the eater's flowers around him also bowed their heads and withered.

Su Xiaoyu held his hands on the ground and was very weak. Her face was darker and more ugly than the dead. However, she looked at the narcissus around her, but her mouth slowly smirked. This shallow smile is like a glimmer of light, gradually illuminating her little face, illuminating her whole person and letting her live.

Su Xiaoyu slowly slowed down, immediately stopped bleeding, bandaged wounds, and served a poison pill to suppress poison. She did not have the strength to go, dragging her tired body and slowly crawling through the flower path. The flowers and plants around are still shaking, but none of them can hurt her.

As Dan Tong said, this is a gourd hole. Su Xiaoyu climbed to the narrow place and passed through the front hole. She stopped now, unable to kneel on the ground, panting.

She has never laughed for so long, maybe it is so happy for so long. This road climbed up, her mouth was full of smiles, so far, she is still smiling, happy like a child.

Su Xiaoyu didn't know what kind of test the back hole would be waiting for her, but one thing is certain that the test of the back hole must be much harder than the previous hole. Even if it is poisonous and precious, Su Xiaoyu still rests for a long time, and restores physical strength while ensuring that the wound will not deteriorate.

Su Xiaoyu rested enough and finally entered the inner hole. After passing a long and narrow ramp, it was a mirror maze. The narrow passages are mirrored on both sides, and her figure is reflected on both sides. As soon as she walked in, she felt that she had the same feeling on both sides.

This is the mirror hole!

Su Xiaoyu's face is still cold, there is not much expression, but the heart is secretly shocked. She has never walked through the mirror hole, but I have heard of it. Anyone who enters the mirror hole will be killed by himself. But in the end, it was impossible to know how to be killed by myself.

Su Xiaoyu is not afraid of death, but does not want to die!

She thought about it and lost all her weapons and poisons. She took off a small scorpion and held it in her hand, leaning against the palm of her hand. She thought that to kill herself, I must lose myself, but I will lose myself. It is very likely that I can't tell myself and the people in the mirror. She is ready to worry, she wants to remind herself with pain when she is lost.

Su Xiaoyu didn't look at the mirrors on both sides. She took a deep breath and decided to move forward. At the beginning, it was still a straight road, and there was a fork in the road. Su Xiaoyu did not know how to choose, she chose the right side and left the mark. Later, when there was a fork in the road, she all chose the right side. At the intersection of Shuanglu Road and Sancha Road to the back of the road, Su Xiaoyu has always chosen the rightmost intersection. However, walking and walking, did not encounter a dead end, but also has not come to an end.

Su Xiaoyu was upset and speeded up. However, she has been away for a long time, still the same. How can there be no end and no dead end? This cave cannot be that big. Su Xiaoyu’s original road was retired, and he chose the left side. It’s still the same way. She did not believe in evil, and walked the fork in every direction, but the result was the same.

The last time, when she was going back to the original point, she found that she could not go back. I don't know what's going on. She is all in all directions, and she seems to be at the center.

what happened? How to do?

Do you want to go on, or break these mirrors?