MTL - Poison Doctor Demon Consort-Chapter 521 The emperor also made a matchmaker

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Her tears? Is it her tears? The queen stunned for a long time and smiled. She looked at the emperor and remembered that he wanted to get her three tears. She really didn't think that her tears really had such a big effect.

At this time, the emperor broke her into her arms: "No tears! No one can cry!" This girl actually shed tears for the Phoenix bird. Even if he was himself, he would not let her shed a tear.

Xiao Jiuhuang is already a beautiful girl at the moment! She was just a beautiful boy, and after being kicked down, she quickly became a beautiful girl.

"The tears of the Queen are indeed precious, but that must be useful for her true feelings. The Queen is crying for me! So her tears cured my internal injuries. My internal injuries are not for you mortals, only the Queen can Governance." Xiao Jiuhuanger proudly picked up a small mouth and said.

"Small nine said this, as if I am not a mortal?" Linghushuiyue listened, and her heart was very happy. Although she could not speak clearly with a bird, she really doubted that her tears were really useful? why?

She didn't ask, suddenly there was a tornado in front of her! Actually, Xiaobailong was like a piece of autumn wind and rolling leaves. He rushed to the front of Xiaojiu Phoenix. When he saw Xiaojiuhuang, he immediately extended his hands to hug, but Xiaojiu Phoenix immediately went away, and the board came up with a face: "What do you want? Manual hand!"

Xiao Bailong took over his hand and stood still. He asked, "Are you really a little nine phoenix?" The beauty in front of me is really bright! So beautiful! On the little face, the big eyes are screaming, the little mouth is picking up, it is a fourteenth or five-year-old look, but it is the favorite type of Xiao Bailong.

In fact, Xiao Bailong just likes Xiaojiu Phoenix, because it is Xiaojiu Phoenix. As long as it is a mother, it is the type he likes!

Xiao Jiu got a small face and snorted: "I am, what?" She knew that she could not be turned into a mother! Xiao Bailong's idiots, clearly pointed to her long-awaited spring heart, a drooling idiot!

Xiao Bailong and Xiaojiu Phoenix have played very well. He took care of Xiaojiu Phoenix and did his best. Moreover, Xiaojiu Phoenix is ​​also happy to play with him. In fact, Xiao Jiuhuang is like him?

However, if people now recover their skills for five hundred years, they will not be jealous of him? He is sad! However, he is also happy and broken! Xiaojiu Phoenix can turn into an adult again! It is, he turned into a mother! Mother! In the past, even if he was transformed, he became a public.

He reached out and pulled Xiaojiu Phoenix: "Let's play together."

Xiao Jiuhuang’s face was unwilling, but he did not get rid of Xiao Bailong’s hand. Xiao Bailong tightened the hand of Xiaojiu Phoenix, for fear of being opened, pulling her a gust of wind, and the dragon and the phoenix disappeared in front of the emperor and the queen.

The emperor raised his brow and the queen asked: "What? You don't think it's a good thing? If they give birth to some Xiaolong Xiaofeng, it's a good thing. But otherwise, this dragon and phoenix will be extinct." Said that the Queen thought that Long and Feng did not know how long it had disappeared in modern times, and some people worried about Xiaolong and Xiaofeng.

The emperor stretched his brow and said: "Let them go! Today, at the Golden Temple, I also made a matchmaker."

"The emperor has done a matchmaker? Who is the matchmaker?"

"There were two imperial edicts, and the Qiao Lin, the daughter of the syllabus of the Ministry of the House, was referred to the emperor of the emperor, the emperor of the emperor. Also, the seven princesses were referred to your brother's foxfire day."

"Ah! The emperor is wise!" Linghu Shuiyue held the emperor on his face "Hey!"

The emperor was praised, and his face smiled and said: "There is another thing that tells the Queen. Those who used to fight their daughters to the palace are now looking for someone to marry."

"Why? Will this emperor be upset?" asked Linghu Shuiyue.

"Because the left-handed Qianjin Ning Yuanyi was blamed for the blame after the continuous flop, now the queen is a poisonous doctor, and no one dares to send her daughter to the tiger's mouth."

"I am a poisonous doctor? Isn't that medicine you want to do?" The emperor had a powder punch on the chest of the emperor.

The emperor smiled: "We are together. So, from now on, the empress will be responsible for everything. The only harem in the harem is the queen, and the queen can bear more."

How suddenly did the empress think that the narrow and long phoenixes in the emperor seemed to flash a glimmer of calculations? Did she get a thief boat?

"Queen, let's go back. There will be fog after the sun goes down, the weather is cold, and it is warmer to go back to the house." The emperor helped the queen.

The Queen looked up at the horizon and was about to follow the emperor. When a small palace girl came to report, the seven princesses came to the empress and had something to say to the empress.

When the foxes heard the water, the seven princesses came to see her at the moment, what else can they do? Of course, what is the matter with her brother? Does the little girl like her brother? The emperor pointed her to her marriage, which did not just mean her intention?

"The emperor, I am going to talk to the seven princesses."

"Yeah." Although the emperor is reluctant to always have someone wanting to occupy his queen, a pair of desires to hide her in the belt is clearly on the face.

Linghu Shuiyue came out of his arms lightly, followed the little palace girl to the partial hall to see the seven princesses.

The seven princesses were sitting in the partial hall waiting for the queen. When they saw the empress, they immediately went to court and said in a hurry: "Queen, what can I do?"

"What do you do?" Linghu Shuiyue sat down and asked for a drink of tea.

"Of course it is Wei's marriage! The emperor is a mess! Your brother doesn't like Duanmu? He was hand-picked and kissed by the emperor. How can I agree with Wei Wei? This is not a fault for your brother. Is it difficult for Wei?" The seven princesses lowered their heads and their faces were red.

"It turns out that you are worried about this!" Linghu Shuiyue looked down at the seven princesses. Only then did he discover that the little girl was guilty and her face was red. How could she not be willing? I am afraid that she is worried that she will not marry her on Fire Day?

"You are worried about my brother, he doesn't like you, like Duanmu?" asked Linghu.

The seven princesses were said to be wearing things. Although they were blushing, they did not deny it. They said, "Isn't it? Your brother, he originally liked Duanmu. He likes men not?"

"Who said that my brother likes men? He never said that he likes men. Isn't he the first emperor to force Liangshan?" Linghu Shuiyue said with a funny smile.

"But, the fox boy doesn't like Weier." The seven princesses still have some twists and turns.

Linghu Shuiyue saw the seven princesses twisting their clothes with their hands, and they couldn't help but bend their mouths and cover their mouths. Isn't this the look of a girl in love? A pair of sufferings and losses, is it to her to come to verify?