MTL - Plundering the Heavens-Chapter 4 Refining the first aura

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In the horror of the little freckles and the hanged ghosts, the chewing grass was chewed and stalked down the neck.

"Nothing, don't bother me!"

The square eyes were a little red, and the command was made, and a mouth was sneaked into the wooden house. Little freckles and hanged ghosts, he was scared by the light, looked at each other, they felt that the line was crazy, but the house is treasure, it is a grown-up, and can only eat a small leaf at a time. This is enough to fight all night, your ten-year-old baby, who ate three at a time...

Is this special day?

Fang Xing came to the wooden house, and immediately followed the blue cloud forging articles, sitting cross-legged, five hearts.

The grass has been working very quickly. It didn't take long for the party to feel a violent heat rising from the lower abdomen, and the trousers immediately felt the bulging. Fang Xing took a deep breath and began to follow the mouth of the Qingyun forging article, running the mysterious method and carrying the blood. At this time, the running mystery is just a kind of ethereal mind, because there is no aura in his body. Running.

The effect is very fierce, and even the eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes, and the lips are soaked.

The violent heat ran rampage in his body, making him feel uncomfortable with his body bulging.

"Must be..."

The party can't bear the discomfort of the body, maintain the ethereal state of the mind, without a trace, no effort.

Gradually, a column of incense time passed, and half an hour passed.

Even when the delicate skin began to swell in the red and purple, the body appeared in the body, and suddenly there was a slight abnormality.

When he kept thinking in his mind that there was a flow of air running with his own mind, the heat that was already almost violent in the body suddenly shared something and turned into a cool and tidy stream. If there is nothing, with his own heart running, at the same time, the violent heat in the body has slowed down, but the meridians are extremely painful.

"It became..."

Fang Xing’s heart was overjoyed, but he immediately kept his mind, resisting the pain of the meridians, and carefully maintaining the silky breath.

This is a small adventure. I didn't expect it to be a success. I was naturally excited.

When he saw the chemical grass, he accidentally thought of a description of the Qingyun forging article revealed on the Yin and Yang gods. This can be used to repair itself, to be qualified, to be suitable, to be refined. Gas, make up for the lack.

Combining the text of the book, together with the sentiments gained from studying the Qingyun forging articles in the past few days, Fang Xing has already understood one thing. The first step in practicing is to temper and adjust itself. Aura.

It’s just this step, not everyone in the world can do it. Some people’s physique is close to the heavens and the earth, and it’s natural to do more with less. Many people, such as themselves, and even Wang Zhi’s several Taoist children are Taoist. It is difficult to understand the existence of the aura.

It has not been uncommon for Wang Zhi to have practiced for seven years. It is not uncommon. In fact, most people do not say that they have been practicing for seven years. Even if they have cultivated for a lifetime, they do not realize that there is much more aura.

But is it the only way to condense the aura?

Obviously not all, even if it is a flesh, it is hopeful to step into the path of practice, that is, refining the gas.

It is not difficult to understand that it is the essence of the human body. Think about how you came.

The refining of liquefied gas is to turn its own essence into the aura of practice, to break through the first step.

Fang Xing thought of this point, only to see a glimmer of light, but ordinary people simply can not feel the existence of their own essence, which also requires years of experience to understand, but the way is different, he is a Bold, the mind is far more flexible than others. When he saw the grass, he thought of a method, and decided to do it only after considering the two interest rates.

Since you can't feel it at ordinary times, let the spirits flourish!

The three strains of grass are under the belly, and the real line of insights has realized this exuberant spirit.

The violent heat is the most direct manifestation of the essence. At this time, Fangxing used the method of agglutinating in the Qingyun forging article to carry the violent spirit, and surely extracted a faint aura from it. .

Although not much, it is almost better than nothing, but it is finally a big step.

Now I am going to repeat it, but when I was in the mind of Fang Xing, it was just a flash of thought, and I was immediately implemented by him.

Fang Xing did not know how much danger he had experienced.

Using this method to condense the aura is actually a dangerous method. If you play with fire, if you are not careful, you will want to burn yourself, and you will be sorrowful. In this practice, you will be called a fire.

Fortunately, although the age of the party is small, the strength is amazing, it is embarrassing to others, and it is also awkward for itself.


In this silky aura stabilized, spilled into his own meridians, and the violent heat gradually went.

At this time, I felt a strong sense of hunger, and even some dizziness, like three days without eating. This is also inevitable. Fangxing uses the grass to destroy the essence, and refines the essence into aura. Where does this essence come from? Naturally, the blood of one's own body has been transformed. Although it has only been cultivated so much, the body has already lost money.

The most direct manifestation of this is that you are dizzy and hungry, and you need to make up for it.

"His grandmother, eat something whole..."

Fang Xingqiang stood up with the weak body, and the hand just pressed on the yin and yang gods, and at this moment, suddenly a strange scene appeared. After the book received the palm of the square, suddenly the room The lingering spirit in the meridian was a bit pneumatic, and then there was a strange power in the book, which was accompanied by the aura of the party.


Fang Xing subconsciously, suddenly saw an amazing scene, the book was gone.

At the same time, he felt his mind cool slightly, like something went in.

"Where is the book?"

Fang Xing was shocked. He hadn't thought of a book that would enter his mind. He rushed to the top of the Qingyun forging. When he was ready to throw aside, a message appeared in his mind.

"Qingyun forging articles, condensing the atmosphere to practice the law, adjusting the interest and breathing, can become a supernatural power..."


The party was stunned. After a while, he confirmed that the book had entered his mind.

He stood still for a long while, until his stomach screamed again and again, and he woke up.

"What the hell? So a big book in my mind won't squash my mind?"

While squatting, he walked outside with his stomach.

At this time, the night was approaching. Wang Zhi and others outside the door were drinking and eating meat while watching the wooden house carefully.

They were afraid of going crazy, suddenly suddenly smashing people out of the wooden house, so they deliberately left the wooden house far away.

"Does he really eat three strains of grass?"

Wang Zhi took a sip of wine and asked for a low voice.

He has already asked it three times, but he still can't believe it.

"No, just like cows grazing, chewing and chewing all over..."

The little freckles replied with horror, and also looked at the direction of the wooden house, seemingly afraid of rushing out.

"Oh, don't say three, even if it's a strain, it's not something that one can afford. I said, this guy won't be a good one. He has eaten so much at once, and he will definitely find someone to lie." Fire, hanged the ghost, I will give it to you..."

Wang Zhi said with a hanged ghost, and he said with a heart.

The hanged ghost is the whitest face of this group of Taoist children. When he listens to Wang Zhi’s words, he just bite half of the pig's head meat in his mouth, and he is crying and sorrowful. “You can't do it, you are afraid of pain, or... ...or let the little freckles come on..."

"How about that?"

The little freckles jumped up in shock: "Your face is the whitest, the legendary little white face is you, this rabbit is yours..."

"What rabbit?"

Suddenly, a hoarse voice sounded, and the five children suddenly stunned and jumped out.

I don't know when, the party went over. Seeing that he was in the shadow of the fire, his face was pale and pale, but the spirit was not bad. He came to the fire, just asked casually, did not wait for this guy’s answer, sat down on his knees and grabbed a large pig. When the meat comes, the white teeth are torn apart, and the mouth is full of oil. It seems to be hungry.

In fact, the party at this time is really hungry.

The body is so bad that I feel that I don’t eat enough.

After a moment of gorging, all the meat was eaten in, and two drinks of moisturizing scorpion were stopped. The side stopped and snorted. He didn't feel enough, but his stomach was too swollen.

"I announced something to you, and I will take three plants every day... Oh, no, it’s enough to get one. I will give me a chemical grass every day. I don’t care where you go, I can’t do it every day. Less, who will give me the earliest, who can not work this day... Well, there is still life to improve and improve, this is enough pig head meat, double in the future, no, triple!"

After listening to the words, several Taoist children stayed and did not understand what he was doing.

After a long while, Wang Zhicai trembled: "This...this is five pounds of pig's head meat...and three times more?"

"Yes!" Fang nodded: "First, if not enough, add it!"

"But our money is not enough..." Wang Zhi bitterly.

"That's good to sell ass..."

If the party does nothing, "You are just rushing to be a rabbit!"

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